• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 1,053 Views, 16 Comments

The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth - Vishanti

Enter an adventure of the sorcerer supreme of Earth and his adventures across dimensions with ponies

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Chapter 6: Outnumbered, Yet Not Outmatched

Chapter 6: Outnumbered, Yet Not Outmatched
Doctor Strange was currently having lunch as he was eating a homemade grotesque sandwich. A combination of comic sludge, sliced alien-ish mushrooms, extradimensional tentacles, demonic fingers and blue cheese between two normal bread.

He hated it, but it is a diet required, sort of like recharging his magic batteries.

Suddenly, a swirling, sparking portal formed outside of his kitchen. Sighing, knowing it was someone about to attack him in his own home, or someone calling for help. He stuffed his mouth with the last remains of his sandwich before pushing back his chair and standing up.

He brushed off some crumbs on his shirt before using a spell for an instant switch of clothes to his sorcerer garments. With a whistle, his cloak of levitation flew in and placed itself to its master’s shoulders.

He stood in front, or back, of the portal. There really is no front or back either way. He looks through the portal and sees a familiar place; the Canterlot throne room.

Deciding it was a call for help, he steps into the throne room. He turned to see the two sisters sitting on their thrones.

“Anyone called a doctor?” he joked.

Both the princesses were happy to see their friend. “Greetings, doctor. Unfortunately, we do not have time for formalities. Time is of the essence.” Celestia said.

Doctor Strange walked closer to their thrones. “So, what is the problem?” He inquired. “An intruder has broken into our castle, murdered my little ponies, and escaped stealing a forbidden relic. We have summoned you to investigate in search of the creature.” Celestia explained.

The sorcerer blinked. “So you summoned me for some detective work?” he quipped. Before the princesses would take offense, he explains. “Look, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I gave you the card for world ending situations, not so I can be in your service.” He stated.

Even when he explained himself, the princesses didn’t take offense. “We understand, Doctor Strange. If it was any creature we were familiar with, we would not have summoned thee. But this creature resembles thee, if not to thy kind.” Luna said.

The sorcerer raised his brow in confusion. “My kind…?” He asked.

“The creature we confronted bears similarities to you; walks on two legs, only has facial hair, and a very short snout. It has as white mustache, wears purple clothing, and carries an arsenal of daggers.” Celestia described.

Doctor Strange pinched his chin in thought, thinking very deeply of what or who it could be. Although, the description does warely remind him of- “No, impossible. He should be dead, no way he could still be alive.” He thought, being reminded of an old foe.

He dropped his hand to his side, already accepting the job. “Alright, I will assist in this investigation. lead me to where the scene of the crime started.” He requested.

Both the princesses and the female guard led him to the library, where already he noticed a trail of blood within the corridors. As he enters the library, he is met with the aftermath of a massacre, a bloodbath.

His expression grimaces at the sight, it immensely disturbs him at the sight of crimson fluid spilled everywhere. Just seeing the bodies of fallen Royal Guards sends goosebumps crawling on his skin.

They all made their way through the maze-like library as they stopped at the front of the vault door. Celestia made her way to the front of the group.

“This is where the murderer seeked for, he came looking for a relic of dark power.” She said, as she opens the vault door, Doctor Strange can feel a breeze of dark magic and a sinister aura coming off of what lays within.

He also noticed something missing, a wooden pedestal stand that seemed empty.

“I’m guessing something from there was taken?” He asked, pointing to the pedestal where the book of dark power was taken. Luna nodded. “That is correct, Doctor Strange. The intruder broke in and has stolen a forbidden book that should not be in the hooves of any creature.”

Doctor Strange hums as he steps forward. “Perhaps my enchanted amulet will help.” He said as he places his index fingers and thumbs on the sides of the amulet, closing his eyes to concentrate on awakening his eye for a specific purpose.

“By the Eye of Agamotto, reveal to me what steps have been taken.” The eye opened from its slumber, producing a soft beam of light as it formed a light silhouette of a man. Although the silhouette of the man was present, its features were not. Only showing a silhouette that can be moved frame by frame. Sort of like a stop-motion.

The audiences, that is the princesses and royal guard watched the scene with awe of the power of the enchanted amulet.

Doctor Strange gazes on as he sees the silhouette steal a silhouette of the book and run out of the eye’s light, causing the silhouette to disappear. This made Doctor Strange move, tilting his body so the eye may continue to generate the cause of the scene.

As the silhouette moved down the halls, Doctor Strange followed. He watched as the silhouette performed acrobatic combat as it slaughtered silhouettes of ponies.

He kept on following as he continued to watch the silhouette run, until it jumped out of a broken window.

Doctor Strange flies down as he sees a stretched out cut on a cloth banner. He flew down onto a garden, followed by the princesses while the female royal guard was left behind.

Doctor Strange looks around and sees the beauty that is the garden, decorated with multiple marble statues of ponies holding an instrument, or a weapon, or a scroll. But one stands out from the rest. One that reminds the sorcerer of a few mythical stories from earth, a draconequus.

It stands with a body made of a lion's paw, a griffin's talon, a lizard tail, a reptile's leg, and a goat's leg. With the face of a horse that has two different horns, one is a deer antler and the other is something he doesn't recognise. It also has two wings of a different design, one a bat and the other a bird.

While it is an extraordinary piece of art, for some reason, he feels a strange feeling from it, almost as if it was alive somehow. He felt a sense of chaotic power from it.

His thoughts were interrupted as Princess Luna came into his field of vision. “Is there something wrong, Doctor Strange.” The blue alicron asked in worry and concern.

Doctor Strange shook it off. “Yes, I’m quite fine… just. It’s nothing.” He said, hinting that he doesn’t want to go further.

Luna nodded, stepping back to respect his space. Princess Celestia coughed. “Shall we continue on?” She asked. Doctor Strange nodded, pointing his light from the Eye of Agamotto to project the scene.

The silhouette was again running as it went into another corridor of the castle. The silhouette led the group as it jumped down from another window onto a hay roof of a house then hid into an alley behind some barrels and boxes. Coincidentally, they were also rejoined by the same female royal guard, who took the long route to get to them.

As the group watched the silhouette crouched to hide, it suddenly vanished. With that done, the eye closed to be back to it’s slumber.

“Is that it?” Luna asked. Doctor Strange nodded. “Yes, it seems that the Eye of Agamotto has come to a dead end. The murderer seems to have used some sort of teleportation spell to return where they came from, leaving me unable to trace them anymore.” He concluded.

“So, is there nothing you can do?” Celestia asked, a bit displeased and yet understanding. Doctor Strange felt a bit angry, feeling that Celestia was underestimating him. “Perhaps so, or perhaps not.”

Doctor Strange stretched out his hands, moving his fingers in hand signs as he chanted a spell incantation. “Mighty Oshtur, tower of towers! Without limit are thy powers! To yon fiendish ones, reveal them! From one location now, find them!”

As he spoke out these words, the sky darkens with clouds that threaten to rain. A lightning strike hits the ground in front of Doctor Strange, creating a spark of light, to which that light forms into a vortex, a gateway to where the murderer resides.

Doctor Strange turns to his crowd. “We must stay vigilant because we are about to enter enemy territory, who knows what danger we might run into.” He warns. The princesses nodded, acknowledging his warning for their safety.

“Then we must prepare.” Luna said, turning to the Royal Guard. “Guard, gather a battalion for us, for we may be in need of assistance.” She ordered. The Royal Guard bowed. “Of course, Princess Luna.” She says as she clops away to do as she was told.

Doctor Strange grumbles as he waits impatiently, evident of his foot tapping against the ground. “We do not have time! Perhaps I should scout ahead to check if there are any threats.” He suggested as he was about to go in. But he was stopped as Celestia placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“Don’t do this, you mustn't go in alone. You must wait so we can prepare for any potential attack from the murderer.” She wisely said. “While I do believe you have the capabilities, proven by your actions against Dormammu and saving my little sister, I do not want you to risk yourself.” She said worriedly.

Doctor Strange ignored her words, shaking her hoof off him. “Don’t worry about me, I can handle this all on my own. In fact, I’ll take on this murderer myself.” He declared with a smirk. “I’ll be back before you know it!” He shouts as he flies into the vortex, completely oblivious of what lies ahead.

Celestia sighs in defeat. Luna stands next to her sister to be by her side. They both are worried about their alley, their new friend.

Meanwhile back on Earth at Pennsylvania, at the location where the dark castle is. The master mind, that is the cloaked stranger, raises his head as he senses something. “Someone dare approach my sanctum!” He shouts, catching the attention of Silver Dagger. “Who approaches? He asks.

“Doctor Strange! The fool has found our location! I am not strong enough to face him in this condition, we must prepare ourselves with an army!” He said.

The cloaked stranger went out the door of his chamber, stretching his hand out. “By the Vapors of Valtorr, let you stand from your post no more! Rise and awaken!”

A green vapor spread itself across the halls of the dark castle and possessed the many armor knight suits that were once a decoration of the castle, now animated to become a defensive army that stands ready and on guard.

Silver Dagger hides within the shadows as he watches the walking suits, armed with swords, shields, maces, crossbows and arrows.

They marched in formation in every perimeter of the castle, their master made sure they covered all ground to give his foe no room to breathe the moment Doctor Strange entered.

A moment of silence passes by until a vortex forms in the center of the castle’s courtyard.

The knights with crossbows aimed at the ready for the designated enemy their master has awakened them for.

As Doctor Strange exits the portal, flying into his deathtrap, the knights fire. Doctor Strange was prepared for this sort of outcome. Hr brought out his palm up front.

“By the Shield of the Seraphim, protect me from them!” He shouted as a large round barrier with a mandala design formed in a flash of light as it bounced off or broke the arrows.

As the launch of arrows finally stopped, Doctor Strange dropped his shield. “Is that all?” He asked with a smug look.

Knights with maces took action as they swung in his direction. Doctor Strange swiftly dodges, reliant on his cloak of levitation to pull his body as he focuses on spells to cast.

“By the Winds of Watoomb, ascend unto them to their doom!” A pressure of wind smashed the knights to the point they’re flat as a coin.

Next were the knights with swords as they attacked him in all directions. “By the Ruby Rings of Raggadorr, block their edges forever more!” Two miniature shields of the seraphim were forged from air above the fists of Doctor Strange as he used them to block their attacks, almost overwhelmed by the many swords attempting to strike him.

Doctor Strange swiftly changes one of his shields into the Sacred Sword of the Vishanti and blocks another sword with it before pushing it back.

He stabs into the knight suit, causing the green vapors to pour from the cut, leaving the armor alive no more as it collapses into nothing but pieces of armor.

Doctor Strange blocks another sword before disarming them with a flick of a wrist before cutting through the chained armor around the supposed neck, making the helm and the entire suit fall.

One knight tried to impale the sorcerer with a spear, but the spear was taken away by the cloak and instead used it to stab the knight itself.

Doctor Strange quickly fades away his weapons for he conjures another weapon he had in mind. “By Cyttorak’s Seventh Crimson Band, let this flaming whip ensnare their hand!” He chants as pulled out a whip made of Cyttorak’s crimson magic energy from his fingertips.

He pulled it back before whipping it fourth as it wrapped around a knight’s hand. He swung around and around until he threw it to a group like a bowling alley. He repeated this move again and again.

The fight stretched out long as the possessed knights tried but failed to take the sorcerer down, for Doctor Strange was a formidable foe against these low rank mindless minions.

As Doctor Strange quickly finishes off the last of the possessed knights, freeing the suits from the vapor spell.

“Now, where is the murder-!” He was caught off as he was almost struck with a dagger to the face, courtesy of his cloak, only being grazed by the side of his cheek. His eyes widened the moment his eyes lay upon the person he never thought he’d see.

Silver Dagger smirks as he spots the shock of fear on Doctor Strange’s expression. But his smirk falls as he notices Doctor Strange’s appearance. “Who are you?” He demanded.

“I’m Doctor Strange.” The sorcerer answered. “And you must be the murderer. But how can that be? I thought you were gone, either locked away in Agamotto’s weird realm of unreality, or at the very least, died of old age. How can you be here?” He asks as he stares amazed by Silver Dagger’s appearance, he even thought it was an illusion.

“Silence!” Silver Dagger growled out. “I do not need to explain myself. And enough with your lies, you are not who you say you are! The cloaked stranger was right about you!” He shouts, not realizing he called out his accomplice.

“Cloaked stranger? He’s not the mastermind here? So there is someone at play here.” Doctor Strange thought.

“I will wipe you away from existence, rid the world of all evil, in the name of the lord!” Silver Dagger decrees as brought out his daggers.

“I forgot, you were a delusional priest. A broken man that couldn’t accept the fact that someone took his role of being the head priest, a pope or something. Am I right?” Doctor Strange jabbed.

“Silence!” Silver Dagger screamed, now provoked as he lunged toward Doctor Strange, who quickly threw out a barrier to protect him. But the barrier didn’t last long as it began to have cracks from the dagger until it finally pierced through, causing the sorcerer to back away as it sliced through his tunic in a diagonal cut.

“Touched a nerve, did I?” Doctor Strange quipped, uncaring of the more danger he added himself in. Silver Dagger made many attempts to attack him but Doctor Strange dodges with only a few cuts on his tunic.

Doctor Strange knew from history that Silver Dagger’s weapon can counter magic, he levitated a sword and shield to his hands, guarding himself to at least defend and wait for the backup battalion to arrive.

Silver Dagger went for a strike, Doctor Strange managed to block it

Both pushed against each other in their sword lock, one trying to disarm the other. The sorcerer jumps back and strikes from above, the ex-priest blocks it and moves it aside to go for a stab, the sorcerer blocks and tries to swing for the arm. Again, the ex-priest blocks the attempt.

Silver Dagger brings out another dagger and goes for the jugular, but Doctor Strange immediately drops his shield and holds firm on the hand. Silver Dagger headbutts Doctor Strange, staggering him for a moment as Silver Dagger quickly unequips his dagger and shoots a blast of magic from his hand to disarm Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange jumps back to give himself space before aiming his hand at Silver Dagger with his thumb, index, and pinky out with middle fingers down. “By the Bolts of Bedevilment!”

A beam of mystic energy, fueled by anger, reached to it’s intended target, but Silver Dagger manages to deflect it off, causing it to destroy some parts of the ceiling as stone bricks tumble down in Doctor Strange’s direction.

Doctor Strange tried to fly away to safety, but wasn’t too quick on his feet as the stone bricks collapsed on him.

Doctor Strange groans from the pain of the sudden weight on his back almost crushing him. He tried to pull himself out of the pile of stone bricks but was unable to. He was about to use a spell when all of a sudden, Silver Dagger stabs his hand into the floor.

The sorcerer screamed in agony as tears threatened to fall. Silver Dagger laughs, full of enjoyment at his pain.

“You are truly foolish, “Doctor Strange”. I had hoped to see the real doctor one last time. But I will at least have the pleasure of ending his lineage.” He raises another dagger, aimed in Doctor Strange direction, and as he was about to plunge the blade a beam of yellow light hit away the dagger, causing Silver Dagger to grip his wrist in pain.

Silver Dagger turns to face the one who disarmed him. “Who dares?” He shouts for a demand of a name, but the answer was replied with a blue beam that hit Silver Dagger’s chest, blasting him away as his body hit against a stone wall, collapsing to the ground, seemingly knocked out.

Doctor Strange raises his head to see his savior, he was surprised and happy to see his new friends; Celestia and Luna, alongside the female royal guard and the battalion that was promised to come.

Celestia immediately removes the debris with her magic and teleports the blade out of Doctor Strange’s hand. “We need a medic!” She shouts. One royal guard heard and was on their way to get a medical team.

Celestia moves to Doctor Strange’s side, crouching. “Doctor, are you alright?” Celestia asked worryingly in a motherly tone. Doctor Strange smiled. “I’m doing fine and dandy,” he replied. He looked around the area as the battalion of royal guards surrounded the perimeter, he looked back up to the princess. “A bit late to the party, aren’t you?” He asked jokingly.

“Thy should have listened to my sister, Doctor Strange. She told you it was too dangerous to go in alone.” Luna scolds. It reminded him of his teachers scolding him. He always had a sense of ignoring any warnings.

“You’re right, sorry to disappoint you.” Doctor Strange said with a whole hearty chuckle, still holding his bleeding hand that coats his cut tunic and gloves in blood.

A Royal Guard steps up to Princess Luna to inform her. “Princess Luna, we have safely secured the perimeter.” He said. Luna nodded. “Excellent, have thy yet arrested the murderer?” She asked.

The Royal Guard shook his head. “Uh, no ma’am. We didn’t find the murderer, I am sorry to inform you.”

Doctor Strange heard their conversation, his eyes widened as he gasped. “No, no!” He tried to get up, but the pain on his back immediately pinned him down, discouraging him from trying. “It can’t be! I saw you two beat him, he should’ve been on that wall.” He pointed to where Silver Dagger lays.

Or used to lay as the spot Doctor Strange was pointing to, there was nobody there.

“No… no…” Doctor Strange said defeatedly, unable to comprehend that Silver Dagger somehow escaped.

“Don’t worry, Doctor. We will find him.” Celestia promised. Soon, a pair of medics with a stretcher came in to place Doctor Strange on. He tried to persist. “No, he’s not alone!” He warns.

“Silver Dagger is not working alone!” He shouts as he was taken back through the portal. He wished he could stay, but the pain from the bleeding made it kind of hard for him to concentrate.

And as the princesses and the Royal Guards investigate through the corridors of the castle, Silver Dagger hides among the trees outside the castle, along with the cloaked stranger, who observes the sight of his home being taken over.

He hated how weak he was in his condition, but soon he will find a way to gain back his power with the help of the book he got his hands on.

“So, what now?” Asked Silver Dagger. The cloaked strange mearley walks away before saying. “Now, we should rebuild your long lost team.”

Silver Dagger smirks at the mention of his team. “I will lead the Sword of the Lord, once again!”

(To Be Continued.)

Author's Note:

Sorry if it seems rushed, I really wanted to post this chapter at the end of the month, and my bad for the short fights, I'm not really good at describing or imagining a fight scene (or is it fight page?).