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The Rider & The Sword

Every banquet guest was just sitting down for dinner when Quarian walked into the grand dining room, followed by the guards and the girls as his prisoners. (Applejack Perception roll 12 and Rarity Perception roll 17) The first thing Rarity and Applejack noticed immediately upon their arrival was that Lord and Lady Shadowmend had left. But at the moment, they were more concerned as Queen Ilanis immediately stood up as they were dragged into the dining hall. “What is the meaning of this, Quarian?” she asked quickly.

“Forgive the intrusion, cousin, but I have just discovered something rather unsettling,” Quarian reported. “These women here – whom I welcomed into my home as guests just this morning – are in fact assassins, in league with the orc tribe outside our walls intent to kill our good King Evendur.”

“He’s lying.” Sunset insisted. “He’s the one in league with the orcs! Him, the guards, your Grand Duke, and who knows who else! We’re trying to protect you all; please believe us!” (Sunset Shimmer Persuasion roll [Dis. due to circumstances] 12 or 8) She tried her best to be convincing, but her talk sounded more like a conspiracy theory than anything.

“What factual proof can you offer that what you say is true?” the king asked.

“Your own laws, for a start.” Twilight insisted. “I’ve searched the library and I found an old statute; if the declared heir is too young to assume the throne, then in the event of the king’s death, the throne goes to the Grand Duke. And if the heir should disappear…”

“Then the Grand Duke is granted supreme power over the realm.” Evendur nodded. “I know the law well. But I trust Lucilius implicitly.”

“Do you trust your guards as well as him?” Rainbow pointed out. “I told one of them the orcs were about to make a move, but I can’t help but notice that there are probably more guards here now than when we first got here. Like some of them were taken off the north wall by one of the higher-ups.”

“These are bold accusations for one so new to my kingdom,” Evendur said sternly.

“Well, ya know what they say, sire; truth is stranger than fiction.” Applejack pointed out.

“Perhaps. But conspiracies such as these are far better-suited to fiction.” Evendur rebuked.

Sunset scowled for a moment at the people’s stubbornness, but it faded when Duke Donaghy returned. “Forgive my absence, Your Majesty. I was just-” He froze when he saw Rainbow and appeared astounded. “Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow was surprised by this reaction (Rainbow Dash History roll [Dis.] 13 or 11), especially as she didn’t seem as familiar with him as he clearly was with her. “Do I know you?”

“Well, I should certainly hope so. You saved my life at the Battle of the Gilligorn Valley.” Donaghy remarked, quickly turning to the king. “King Evendur, I hope you are not accusing one of the finest of all the Riders of Achtia of being a common criminal.”

The girls were surprised; they had no idea what the duke was talking about… until they remembered what Rainbow had chosen as the heroic deed to go with her character’s Folk Hero background; an honored and commended champion in a lord’s army. Unfortunately, Quarian stepped on the moment. “Hardly common, Duke Donaghy. This woman and her compatriots are assassins, plotting to overthrow the king.”

“No, not Rainbow. She’s loyal to a fault.” Donaghy assured. “Her heart and actions always lay in accordance with the laws of Actia and the wishes of my brother King Roland.” He turned to Rainbow quickly. “Do you not still have the medal he gave you in honor of your actions in saving me?”

“Uh… well, I don’t have it on me at the moment-”

“Because she is an imposter,” Quarian assured firmly. “She is a criminal and a killer, and I demand she and her co-conspirators be executed.”

“Stay your concerns, Lord Amakiir.” Planeseer Brightwood insisted as he stood from his chair. “Such accusations cannot be made without just proof.”

“Nor can claims of one’s identity,” Quarian argued.

“Then let me prove it.” Rainbow interrupted. “I left my armor and most of my equipment back at Lord Amakiir’s mansion. If my medal is there too, then I am who Duke Donaghy says I am and my friends and I get a chance to make our own case known. Somewhere just.” (Rainbow Dash Persuasion roll Dirty 20)

She made a very compelling case as the king appeared to have a look of mercy on his face. “Very well. If you truly are a Rider of Achtia, then you will be allowed a chance to speak your own side of the story,” he said.

Sunset could see Quarian and Day appear to squirm at that plan, and Day stepped forward. “May it please Your Majesty, I will ride to Lord Amakiir’s manor at once and locate this equipment. If it does indeed exist.” he offered.

“No,” Donaghy argued. “I will. And Rainbow Dash will accompany me.”

“Surely you jest, Sire,” Quarian said sternly. “She is a criminal.”

Accused criminal.” Donaghy specified. “I do not believe it for a second. And even so, her loyalty to myself and my brother’s lands has not been in doubt in all these years. Even if she does run, she will not run far.”

“Not really helping my case,” Rainbow muttered quickly.

“Can you guarantee, Duke Donaghy, that you both will return?” Evendur asked.

“If she does not return with me, then you may take my head in place of hers.” Donaghy offered, his gesture surprising the girls and most of the court along with them. (Duke Donaghy Persuasion roll [Adv.] Nat 20 or 8)

That seemed to be enough for the king though. “Very well. We will await your return. Relieve the lady Rainbow Dash of her shackles.” A few of the guards appeared unsure, but one of the others did as he was ordered and unchained Rainbow’s wrists.

Rainbow groaned as she rubbed her wrists. “You couldn’t pad those things or at least make them a little looser?” she asked.

“Don’t push your luck.” the guard warned.

“All the same to you, I’m sure.” Donaghy countered. “Now fetch us some horses and we’ll be on our way.”

“Yes, Your Grace.” the guard nodded and walked to the door, Donaghy and Rainbow quickly following him.

“We really gonna let this play out?” Applejack whispered.

“It’s our best chance.” Twilight returned. “If Rainbow really is a friend of the duke, then that gives us leverage and a chance to get our story out.”

“Agreed. For now, we play it by ear. If they get the proof they’re after, then we can get out of this.” Sunset agreed.

Outside, Rainbow and Donaghy saw two horses set for them to ride. “Fine as you look in that dress, Rainbow, do you think you can ride in it?” Donaghy asked as he pulled himself into his horse’s saddle.

(Rainbow Dash Acrobatics roll 19) Rainbow smirked and vaulted over her horse’s haunches to land perfectly in the saddle. “Better than anyone you’ve ever seen,” she smirked as she grabbed the reins.

Donaghy just smiled and chuckled at her. “I always said that arrogance of yours would get you killed someday.”

“Hasn’t happened yet.” Rainbow countered as the two goaded their horses into a gallop toward Quarian’s mansion. As they rode, Rainbow couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of nostalgia as she rode with the duke at her side, as if she’d done it before. “Can I ask you something?”

“Name it.” Donaghy smiled.

“The Battle of the Gilligorn Valley. What happened? My memory’s been… playing tricks on me lately.” Rainbow shrugged. (Rainbow Dash Deception roll 13 vs. Duke Donaghy Insight roll 11)

Donaghy appeared a bit confused but shrugged. “Don’t blame you. It was some time ago,” he said (Duke Donaghy History roll 18) but smiled all the same. “But I still remember it vividly. Our company – we eighty, all honored Riders of Achtia – rode hard to defend our lands from the legions of the hobgoblin warlord Zekvar the Butcher.” As Donaghy described it, Rainbow felt an odd sense of déjà vu, as if she could remember the war cry as cavalrymen charged across the valley, horses whinnying, worgs snarling, lances and spears splintering against shields, and swords singing and sparking with every swing. “Even with their great tactical minds, the hobgoblins were nothing against the mightiest cavalry in all Emacula. But I grew arrogant in the face of battle; my horse was felled by one of Zekvar’s archers and I was sent sprawling near a large stone. One of his captains – Drokor – raised her sword to strike me down, but then you rode over and leaped from your mount with reckless abandon – sliced her head clean off with one stroke of your sword. You helped me to my feet and we fought valiantly onward, turning the tide of battle in favor of Achtia. Zekvar had lost too many men to continue the fight so he ran from the field like a coward, but not before I took his eye with a well-placed dagger.”

“Ew,” Rainbow remarked.

“Yes, it was a bit gruesome. But damn, did it feel good.” Donaghy smiled as the two riders slowed near Quarian’s mansion. “For your deeds in saving me, you were awarded the Achtian Medal of Valor and Loyalty by my brother the king himself. Your name is hailed throughout all of Achtia as that of a hero.”

Rainbow smiled a bit, glad to hear she was considered a hero in this world… even if she had written her character that way. Either way, they eventually reached the mansion. “Whoa.” she smiled and tugged the reins to stop her horse near the door.

Once there, the two dismounted and walked through the door into the manor. “Let’s see, I put my stuff…” Rainbow said as she looked slowly around. “Over there.” She pointed to a small closet near the door and indeed found her equipment.

Donaghy smiled as he looked at the chainmail Rainbow retrieved. “Ah, Achtian chain. I always found the coloring you chose for it when you left odd.”

“Eh, what can I say? Everyone’s got their own tastes.” Rainbow shrugged. “Long as we’re here, mind if I go change?”

“Be my guest. I’ll stay and see about finding your medal.” Donaghy nodded as he looked through her backpack. Rainbow smiled and dipped into a corner to change from her dress into her armor. (Rainbow Dash dons Chain Mail – regains full AC) Once again garbed in chain mail after ten minutes of finagling, Rainbow strode out feeling powerful. “Ah, as magnificent as I remember. Though I do think you look better in scale.”

“C'mon Donaghy, you’re gonna make me blush.” Rainbow smiled as she walked over. “Any luck?”

“Substantial. Bit hard to find given how cluttered your pack is, but I found it all the same.” The duke smiled retrieving a small golden cross-style medal on a red ribbon and brass pin… and a familiar blue gemstone engraved with a lightning bolt at its center. “Here you are, old friend: your Achtian Medal of Valor and Loyalty. May you continue to wear it with pride.”

“Oh, I definitely will.” Rainbow smiled as she took the medal and pinned it to her shoulder. Almost immediately, she could feel the magic of her geode flowing into her body once again. “Think this’ll be enough to convince a few people?”

“More than.” Donaghy smiled as he checked the closet and found the other girls’ gear and outfits. “Shall we bring your friends’ kits back with us as well?”

“Might as well. We may need ‘em when we’re done at the castle.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Very well.” Donaghy smiled as he grabbed the bags and led Rainbow back out to the horses. “Well, you’ve shown me you can ride in a dress…” he smiled as he mounted his horse, strapping the girls’ kits to his saddle. “Now let’s see if you’re still as good in armor as I remember.”

“Just try to keep up.” Rainbow smiled as she hopped up onto her horse, her chainmail clinking as she mounted up. “Hyah!” she yelled, goading her horse with the wings on her boots like spurs as the two rode back to the castle. Rainbow wouldn’t lie; aside from the obvious joy of having her Geode back, she also felt wearing it in a medal like this made her even more powerful… and strangely distinguished.

As the two rode back to the castle, the servants stepped back from Rainbow Dash giving her the room seemingly deserving of a distinguished person such as her. And when she and Donaghy marched back into the grand hall, all there were greatly surprised… (Rainbow Dash Insight roll 14) though Rainbow could clearly see fear present in Quarian and Day’s eyes. “Behold here now, friends; Rainbow Dash, honored Rider of Achtia.” the duke announced as Rainbow stood honorably forward.

Just as her friends’ eyes locked onto the geode in its center, the king’s eyes were fixed on the medal on Rainbow’s chest and smiled. “Well, you clearly are who Duke Donaghy says you are. I shall hear you out as equals. Release her friends.” he ordered.

“As you wish, Your Majesty.” The guards conceded and unchained the girls, letting them all step forward.

“And my familiar?” Twilight requested. The guard holding Spike’s cage conceded and opened it, allowing Spike to skitter back up her arm and onto her shoulders, coiling around her neck.

“Now what have you to say to this chamber?” Ilanis asked.

“First I have a request.” Twilight prompted. “In the spirit of fairness and justice, may I humbly request that someone set a Zone of Truth?”

“I suppose that would be for the best in these circumstances. Who here knows the spell?” the queen asked.

“I do.” Rathkran nodded as he stood, clutching one hand to his badge and reaching the other forward, a white light glowing from his palm. (Rathkran Mohradyllion casts Zone of Truth: 2nd Level) “Hwim op se sheshe shim sooth cot so hwiack.” he chanted, a small ball of light falling where the girls were standing and surrounding them in a small dome of light 30 feet across the center. “Now speak.”

(Full party Charisma Save – DC 16 – Sunset Shimmer 14, Twilight Sparkle 14, Spike 11, Rarity 7, Pinkie Pie 9, Fluttershy 10, Applejack [Dis. due to natural Honesty] 17 or 12, Rainbow Dash 8) Sunset spoke first. “When we first entered Bagnon two days ago, I noticed an orcish cleaver and a bottle of poison known as Midnight Tears had been snuck into our wagon by the guards at the western gate,” she explained, the light of the spell tingling against her skin as she spoke the truth. “We assumed – obviously quite correctly – that they were to be used in an attempt on King Evendur’s life.”

“Our investigations have yielded that Lord Quarian Amakiir and his attendant Dayereth Liadon may have paid off the captain and some of his guards to do so, poisoning the king’s food and allowing an orc party to ravage the rest of the royal family, thus leaving the throne empty and without an heir for Grand Duke Anthon to seize control of Bagnon,” Twilight said simply.

“This is nonsense. I’ll hear no more of these lies.” Quarian said simply as he stood.

“They are no lies, Lord Amakiir. No one can lie in a Zone of Truth.” Rathkran pointed out.

“You must’ve cast the spell wrong then, for they obviously lie. I’ll take my leave now.” Quarian said bluntly.

“Not before you take your turn in here.” Rainbow pointed out.

“Indeed. If you claim these are falsehoods, then say so from within the bounds of Captain Mohradyllion’s spell.” Paela agreed.

“You as well, Captain Mordekai,” Evendur ordered.

The captain of the guard appeared surprised but nodded. “As you wish, my lord,” he said as he stepped into the spell (Captain Mordekai Charisma Save 11 – DC 16), feeling no change.

Quarian nearly stepped away but was met by a steely gaze from both Donaghy blocking his path out and the queen’s steely glare. (Quarian Amakiir Constitution roll 7 vs. Queen Ilanis Intimidation roll 21 and Duke Donaghy Intimidation roll 17) Relenting to their glares, Quarian also stepped into the sphere (Quarian Amakiir Charisma Save [Dis.] 15 or 10 – DC 16), the magic stinging his brain.

“Tell us, cousin; is there truth to what these girls say? Do you plan to give Bagnon to the orcs outside our walls?” Ilanis asked.

Quarian strained to fight the magic, but eventually conceded its futility. “Yes,” he said in what was clearly pain. “But only because I would see this land under the rule I believe it should be.”

“Elven rule, you mean.” Chancellor Ostoroth noted brusquely as he stood up. “You forget, Lord Amakiir, we High Elves ceded these lands to humans generations ago.” That really meant something to Twilight as she knew generations could last up to 200 years for elves. “The only claim our people have to these lands is whatever claim your cousin the queen says.”

“My cousin the queen… is a fool,” Quarian said brusquely. “She would bend the knee to a human – one who saw our people as nothing but impudent prudes, when all of elven blood in this chamber know full well that we are the true rulers of all these lands. Not these hasty foolish humans or stubborn imbecilic dwarves.”

“It appears I didn’t judge you harshly enough earlier this evening.” Morgran Holderhek snarled as he stood up. “My king could never have called you friend, even if you were not an elf.”

“I can’t but agree.” Mordekai scowled as he grabbed the elven lord by his wrists. “I think we’ve heard enough.”

“Indeed.” Rathkran nodded as he dispelled the orb with a wave of his hand (Rathkran Mohradyllion dispels Zone on Truth).

“Guards, round up the traitors and bring them to the dungeons,” Mordekai ordered as he chained Quarian’s wrists, guards quickly restraining each other in much the same way.

“I don’t think we have time for that.” Rainbow pointed out. “The orcs are probably planning to attack by midnight when they think the king is dead.”

“And since we can only assume that most of the guards at the north gate were pulled off, we’ll need everyone we can get defending it.” Sunset agreed.

“My tolerance for those who would attempt to topple my family from the throne has run thin already,” Evendur said bluntly as he stood up. “I’ll not allow those who fought against me in shadow to defend my lands.”

“That leaves your lands at a severe disadvantage, Your Majesty.” Senator Evenwood pointed out.

“We could call the Riders; a little cavalry charge for backup,” Rainbow suggested.

“Achtia is miles from here; even full tilt, the fastest messenger in Bagnon would never make it in time, much less would the Riders make it back.” Donaghy countered.

“I doubt any forces from the rest of our lands could make it any sooner.” Prince Qusay sighed in annoyance.

“Then we send what loyal men we do have out to defend us.” Grand Duke Anthon nodded.

“Before we all make plans for more bloodshed, maybe we should try diplomacy,” Twilight suggested.

“Diplomacy? With orcs?” Ilanis asked in disbelief.

“Why not? We must have something they want.” Sunset suggested.

“Ah think we know at least one feller who does.” Applejack pointed out, her eyes drifting back to Quarian.

“Right then.” Morgran nodded as he stood from his chair and stomped over to the dishonored elven lord. “What did you offer that’s brought this tribe of orcs down upon us?”

“I’d answer the dwarf if I were you,” Mordekai warned.

“The cleaver I had hidden under your bed, Captain.” Quarian capitulated. “It’s an ancient orc blade known as Grangokk, which once belonged to an orc champion known as Ungarth the Behemoth decades ago. The blade was thought lost forever, but I found it on an ancient battlefield in the Lily Hills; I promised it to them if they ravaged the castle.”

“You’re lucky they didn’t butcher you on the spot.” Sunset pointed out. “I hear orcs are no friend of elves.”

“Indeed not. But the offer of the blade was too good for them to give up.” Quarian scowled.

“Is the offer still open to negotiation?” asked Twilight.

“How do you mean?” asked Evendur.

“If the sword was returned by hand without the need for them to attack, the orcs might leave without any need to draw blood,” Twilight explained.

“It’s certainly worth a try.” Kethra pointed out.

“It’s folly,” Quarian argued.

“It’s nothing you need to be concerned about.” Mordekai pointed out as he shoved the elf into the hands of two of his loyal men.

“Wait,” Morgran said quickly before the elf could be dragged off. “First, I believe he has something that belongs best in dwarven hands.”

“Of course, Lord Holderhek.” one of the guards nodded and quickly plucked the dwarven ring from Quarian’s finger, placing it in the dwarf’s hand.

The princess stepped toward the girls, bowing nobly. “May I be allowed to accompany you on this endeavor?” she asked.

“Are you sure, Princess? I don’t want to put you in danger.” Twilight shrugged.

“You won’t have to worry about that.” Sunset smiled. “From what I’ve overheard, Kethra’s a fighter.”

“Indeed I am. Fair hand with a spear, to be specific.” Kethra smiled.

“Well, hopefully, my dear, you won’t have to prove it,” Evendur noted. “This is a mission of peace and mercy, nothing more.”

“Yes, Father.” Kethra nodded.

“Well, while they’re off doin’ that, perhaps we might get back to dinner.” Morgran smiled as he moved back to his seat at the table, placing the ring in his pocket.

Fluttershy quickly remembered what she’d seen in the kitchen and stepped forward. “Um, before you do…” she said quietly. “Um… if I may…?”

Evendur was a bit confused, but he saw her gesture to his steak and quickly realized what she meant. “Ah yes, of course. By all means,” he said.

Fluttershy nodded and stepped next to the king, waving her hands as her holly crown glowed. (Fluttershy casts Purify Food and Drink) “Unarli Tel’ meleto teague bren klatha diskalia.” she chanted, a sweet smell of flowers and freshwater springs drifting from her hands over every piece of food and drink within five feet of where Fluttershy was standing, cleansing the king’s meal and all those others around her.

Chieftain Sylvaranth raised an eyebrow seemingly impressed by this act. “You are strong for one so young, little doe,” he said. “Should you ever find your way to Selran Serine, I have no doubt that the Circle of the Sage Tree Branches would be pleased to teach you in their ways.”

“Thank you, sire.” Fluttershy bowed honorably before moving back to Twilight’s side.

“A wizard of great wisdom, a kind-hearted druid, and my own royal daughter.” Evendur smiled at the trio assembled before the table. “Will you be the three to take this sword to those who have a claim to it?”

Fluttershy was more than a bit frightened by the suggestion, but Twilight set her hand on her friend’s shoulder to comfort her. “With great pleasure, Your Majesty.” she smiled.

“We’ll gather our equipment and leave immediately.” Kethra agreed, quickly walking out of the dining room.

“The rest of your kits are out with our horses. Allow me.” Donaghy smiled as he stepped back out to the horses. He returned swiftly with the girls’ equipment as the guards returned their weapons.

After a few minutes for them all to redress themselves in their armor (All those with armor don it – regain max AC), Kethra returned in a suit of ornate padded armor with a silver spear on her back and a small coronet on her head. “All is ready, Father.” she smiled.

“All we need now is the sword.” Twilight agreed.

“And here it is.” Mordekai smiled as he walked forward, holding the blade itself. It was a jagged cleaver-like weapon made from black steel, tarnished bronze inlay on the handle, and wrapped in tattered red leather.

“I’d hardly call that a sword.” Rarity remarked as Twilight took the blade from the captain.

“Aye, you’ll find no master smiths among orcs. But though it pains many to say it, you’ll not find better warriors.” Morgran noted.

“Hopefully we won’t have to test that.” Twilight smiled as she held her staff at the ready. “We’ll need transport to the north gate.”

“Well, since I doubt that he’ll be having any further use of it, you may take my cousin’s carriage.” Queen Ilanis smiled.

“Thank you, Mother.” Kethra nodded.

“I’m drivin’.” Rainbow offered as she walked back out to the wagons.

“Do be careful out there, darlings.” Rarity insisted. “I would prefer to continue our journey with all my friends alive.”

“Just as I would prefer my daughter return alive, Lady Rarity.” the king agreed.

“We will do so, Father. I promise you that.” Kethra smiled as she led Twilight and Fluttershy out of the castle to find Rainbow at the reins of Quarian’s carriage.

“If we get to keep this when we’re done, we’re gonna need to talk about getting it a new paintjob.” the paladin smiled.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet, Rainbow.” Twilight smiled. “We haven’t saved the kingdom yet.”

“And we won’t do it standing around.” Kethra agreed as she quickly climbed into the carriage.

“You heard the princess. All aboard!” Rainbow smiled. Twilight and Fluttershy just grinned as they climbed into the carriage while Rainbow chuckled to herself. “Always wanted to say that.” With a smile on her face, she goaded the horse onward, driving the carriage out of the castle courtyard before they all returned to dinner.

As the carriage rolled, Rainbow couldn’t help but admire the city of Bagnon in the dark; nowhere near as lively as it had been in the daylight – obviously – but she knew at least the Singing Princess would be rumbling with life at this hour, and something about quiet empty streets had a certain charm to her. It reminded her of how she always went for jogs in Canterlot in the wee small hours of the night – she loved the cool air.

But unfortunately, it was cut by the loud drumming beyond the walls as they approached the gate. “Whoa,” Rainbow ordered, slowing the horses to a halt before the gate… where only a few guards were stationed. Narrowing her eyes, Rainbow knocked on the wall of the carriage behind her. “Here’s your stop.”

The carriage opened and the princess emerged along with Twilight and Fluttershy, the sword strapped to the druid’s back. “Little far, don’t you think?” Twilight asked sarcastically.

“We dare not take the carriage beyond the city walls, for fear of losing it altogether,” Kethra said simply. “We’ll have to walk to the camp from here.”

“Doesn’t sound like it’ll be much of a walk,” Rainbow remarked. “I’ll wait here for when you’re done.”

“Thanks, Dash. This’ll only take a minute.” Twilight smiled.

“Sure. But if you need me sooner, send up a spell and I’ll come runnin’.” Rainbow smirked.

Twilight knew full well she meant that literally but hoped it wouldn’t have to come to that as the three women marched to the gate. Kethra stood first and addressed the guards. “In the name of your king Evendur, open these gates,” she ordered nobly.

The guards gladly nodded and wrenched the heavy wooden doors open. As they opened, the girls saw the fires of the orc camp at the top of a hill not far from the city. As the fires burned and the drums beat in the distance, Fluttershy could feel herself shaking behind her shield as she fumbled for the small unicorn totem she’d found in the barrow, clutching it for nothing more than an attempt at strength.

The three women hiked beyond the safety of the walls of Bagnon toward the hill, finally reaching the borders of the camp as the two cruel-looking guards of the camp with scowls on their brutal faces held their massive double-ended greataxes forward. “Who dares intrude upon our camp?” one of them bellowed.

Kethra stepped forward nobly, holding her spear at her side. “I am Kethra; daughter of Evendur, king of Bagnon,” she announced. “And with me are the wizard Twilight Sparkle and the druid Fluttershy. We would have words with your war chief.”

“And what words would those be?” asked the other guard.

“You would be welcome to hear them if you take us to your master,” Kethra said simply. (Princess Kethra Persuasion roll 24)

The orcs snarled but relented, lowering their axes. “Fine. We will take you to him. If for no other reason than to watch him gut you all.” the first guard snarled. They both laughed as they stomped through the gates into camp, the girls following them.

“Are you sure this will work?” Twilight asked Kethra nervously as they marched through the camp, surrounded by orcs all eyeing them with vicious hunger in their eyes.

“Either they will accept the sword or you will get a chance to prove how mighty you are,” Kethra answered simply.

“Let’s hope it’s Option 1.” Fluttershy shuddered as they walked onward to a large tent in the center of the camp.

The guards gestured to it simply, prompting the heroes to walk in, seeing a large brutally scarred orc in rusty chainmail, who looked at them angrily with one milky blind eye. “Why do my foolish guards dare allow a human whelp and two she-elves to stand before Uraugh Skull-Render?” he snarled.

“Because we know of your arrangement with the elf Quarian Amakiir, and it has failed,” Kethra explained simply.

Uraugh snarled as he stood up, raising a vicious-looking sword. “So you come to court war.” he assumed.

“No, we come to make peace,” Twilight assured quickly, gesturing for Fluttershy to step forward. She almost didn’t want to, but Fluttershy did as she was instructed and took the sword from her back, holding it forward with shaky hands.

“As Lord Amakiir promised, the sword Grangokk. And without the need for bloodshed.” Kethra said cordially.

The orc took up the sword and examined it before he scowled. “You think you can buy my mercy with a sword from a bygone era?” he snarled, frightening the heroes a bit. “I would’ve gladly taken Amakiir’s head with this blade as soon as he offered it to me. Give me one good reason why I should not do the same to you.”

“Because we want to end the bloodshed between your tribe and the kingdom. Please, just call off your attack and we will ensure that whatever else you demand will be given to you.” Twilight promised.

“Within reason, of course.” Kethra specified. (Twilight Sparkle Persuasion roll [Dis. due to Kethra’s remark] 14 or 2 vs. Uraugh Skull-Render Insight roll 9)

The orc snarled as he looked at the three women, sniffing at them like he was trying to smell if they were lying. “I detest elves.” he scowled. “All orcs do. And we’re not overly fond of humans either – both are judgmental, weak races. But one thing I hate more; letting my tribe go without food or slaughter.”

“Food, we can arrange,” Kethra noted. “Slaughter will require further negotiation.”

Spike suddenly had an idea and telepathically conveyed it to Twilight, who looked at him somewhat surprised, but he told her to roll with it. “Um… are you at all… selective about targets for your slaughter?” she asked, earning surprised looks from Kethra and Fluttershy.

Uraugh simply raised his eyebrow. “Why?” he asked.

“Well… surely there must be someplace else in the area which the kingdom would benefit from its destruction,” Twilight said, simply repeating what Spike thought to her.

“Even if there were such places, why should my pack destroy them for you?” Uraugh snarled.

Twilight gestured to Kethra for her to offer something, and she quickly got the message. “Because if you do, I will ensure that your pack is greatly rewarded. Gold, food, whatever you wish.” she offered simply.

Uraugh narrowed his eyes at the princess. “Know you of such a place?” he asked.

“As a matter of fact, there is an abandoned silver mine a few miles north of here,” Kethra remembered. “A gang of bandits have taken the place as their own headquarters and have been plundering travelers to the city. Dispose of them and your pack will be rewarded, upon my word of honor as princess of Bagnon.” (Princess Kethra Persuasion roll 7)

Uraugh snarled as he looked at the princess, leveling Grangokk at her neck threateningly. “Your word means little to me, human whelp. I require something more material.”

“Such as?” asked Twilight.

“The elf Amakiir stole Grangokk from us.” the orc explained, though it wasn’t much of a surprise for the girls. “I will do as you request and dispose of these bandits, but in exchange, I would request something for myself and my pack.”

“Let me guess; Amakiir’s head?” Kethra asked.

“Allow me the honor of cleaving it from his shoulders personally and the pack will leave, but that is all.” Uraugh insisted.

“I’ll see what my father has to say on the matter.” Kethra shrugged.

“I look forward to his response.” Uraugh snarled. “Now begone from my camp.”

“Gladly,” Kethra muttered as she walked out of the tent, the two other girls quickly following as they left the camp.

“Well, that certainly could’ve gone worse,” Twilight remarked.

“Do you think your father will really give Quarian to them?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Conspiracies against the crown like this are punishable by death,” Kethra answered simply. “From my perspective, I don’t think it’ll matter who does it – us or them.”

“Huh. Okay, that got dark pretty quickly.” Twilight remarked as they returned to the gate, which opened and let them pass through to find Rainbow still waiting with the carriage.

“So how’d it go?” the paladin asked.

“Well, I think we just offered the orcs a chance to conduct Quarian’s execution in addition to the sword. But it means they’ll leave the city alone, so I wanna say… mixed bag, really.” Twilight shrugged.

“Mm, whatever works.” Rainbow shrugged in return as she grabbed the reins. “C’mon, let’s get back to the castle.”

No one could argue with that, so they quickly mounted up in the carriage and rode back to the castle, where the others were all waiting at the dinner table. The king was first to stand and smile at his daughter. “I take it all went well?”

“Took a bit of negotiation, including a promise of a certain elven traitor’s head, but yes; the orcs have agreed to leave the city in peace,” Kethra answered.

“Excellent. Easily arrangeable.” Evendur smiled, looking at the girls. “You have my thanks, ladies. Tell me, what is the name of the party that has saved my family and kingdom?”

Sunset looked at her friends and smiled. “We’re the Warriors of Harmony.” she introduced.

Evendur smiled. “Then, noble Warriors of Harmony, you may consider yourselves as friends of Bagnon and all those assembled here,” he said. “In fact, given your actions, I would go so far as to name you as Protectors of the Realm.”

Sunset was somewhat surprised to hear that; aside from Princess Twilight and her friends, there had been no official Protectors of the Realm in Equestria in centuries. And to receive this honor in a world like this was enough to make Sunset kneel honorably. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“As long as we’re handin’ out titles, why don’t we get back to the actual point of the party?” Applejack pointed out.

“Ah, yes indeed.” Evendur smiled. “Kethra, step forward.” The princess was a bit surprised but walked to her father’s side as ordered. “I admit I had been considering your brother for this honor, but I believe your actions tonight have shown me that you deserve it more.” He took an ornate ring from his finger and held it forward. “By the will of the crown and pursuant to the laws of Bagnon, I – King Evendur, son of Everard – name Princess Kethra as wearer of the Ring of the Crown and heir to the throne of Bagnon.” He took up Kethra’s hand and slipped the ring onto her finger, a polite round of applause resounding from those assembled.

“Thank you, Father.” Kethra nodded honorably.

“I absolutely agree with this decision, Father.” Prince Malcer noted. “Kethra will be a great and noble queen.”

“Really? Then what were you talking to Day about earlier?” Pinkie asked.

Malcer looked at Pinkie in confusion, but Sunset quickly stepped in. “What she means is… I overheard you talking to Dayereth Liadon earlier, and from the sound of what I heard, you don’t have a very high opinion of your sister. ‘Strong queen, but neglectful’; ring any bells?”

Kethra just chuckled. “He merely meant that I am unsuited to the monotonous bureaucracy of truly running the kingdom.” she smiled. “And I must admit, I agree with him. Which is why, as my first act as heir, I wish to request my brother Prince Malcer to serve as my royal advisor.”

“Absolutely.” Evendur smiled, turning his attention back to the girls. “And as to your new position…”

“Yeah, does it come with any cool benefits or anything?” Rainbow asked, earning strange looks from the others. “What? Goin’ for the Oath of Glory, remember?”

“Well, I certainly suppose we can arrange something,” Ilanis remarked. “After all, my cousin won’t be using his mansion anytime soon.”

“It could certainly do with some new decoration to befit the new residents.” Rarity noted.

“Not to mention a quick magical cleansing just to get what’s left of Quarian out of the place,” Sunset smirked, only half-joking as she was hopeful that Leagallow or Brightwood would offer to do so, which would give her an excuse to ask them about her dream.

Evendur chuckled. “I’ll arrange for the mansion to be redone to whatever specifications you may have.” he smiled.

“In that case…” Twilight smiled as she adjusted her glasses. “I think I have an idea for the new coat of arms out front.”

“Oh?” Evendur smiled as Twilight walked next to him, carrying a small piece of paper.

She glanced over at the others with a smile on her face. “I sketched it out in Quarian’s library earlier today. Now seems like as good a time as any to show it off.” With a smile, she unfurled the paper and showed the room a picture of an ornate gold arrangement with seven jewels surrounding it, all within the Wondercolt horseshoe.

“Oh, it’s stunning, darling.” Rarity smiled.

“Yeah, no kidding.” Sunset agreed but couldn’t help but find the emblem strangely haunting; it looked almost exactly like an ancient arrangement of the Elements of Harmony she’d seen in a book in Equestria before.

“Very nice. I’ll speak to the crafters and see about having this arranged.” the king smiled. “In the meantime, consider yourselves honored guests in my home here at Castle Garrach.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Twilight bowed honorably. With that, the festivities continued until the girls were led to a room in the castle, where they gladly slept for the night.

Author's Note:

All characters now Level 3.

Sunset Shimmer – Sun Elf – Sorcerer Level 3 – Phoenix Sorcery – Sage (Wizard’s Apprentice)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 27 (Max 27) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 3d6 – AC 11 – Initiative +1 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 11

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 11 (+1) – CON 17 (+3) – INT 17 (+3) – WIS 11 (+1) – CHA 17 (+3)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +1 – CON +5 – INT +3 – WIS +1 – CHA +5

SKILLS: Acrobatics +1 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +5 – Athletics +1 – Deception +3 – History +5 – Insight +1 – Intimidation +5 – Investigation +3 – Medicine +1 – Nature +3 – Perception +3 – Performance +3 – Persuasion +5 – Religion +3 – Sleight of Hand +1 – Stealth +1 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Infernal, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Swords & Bows, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Researcher, Ignite, Mantle of Flames (ready), Font of Magic (2 Sorcery Points), Metamagic

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. Ideal: The goal of a life of study should be the betterment of oneself. Bond: I sold my soul for power. I hope to do good deeds and win it back. Flaw: I can’t keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else’s.

EQUIPMENT: Ink bottle, quill, penknife, letter, common clothes, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d6/1d8+0), Arcane Focus (Crystal), Explorer’s Pack, Dagger (ATK BONUS: +2/+3 DAMAGE: 1d4+0/+1) (2), Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 3 SP, 0 EP, 31 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Friends, Mending, Mage Hand, Thunderclap 1st Level: (4 total Spell Slots; 4 available) Burning Hands, Witch Bolt, Ice Knife, Feather Fall 2nd Level: (2 total Spell Slots; 2 available) Earthbind

Twilight Sparkle – Half-Elf – Wizard Level 3 – Arcane Tradition: School of Lore Mastery – Cloistered Scholar

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 14 (Max 14) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 3d6 – AC 11 – Initiative +1 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 15

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 13 (+1) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 16 (+3) – WIS 15 (+2) – CHA 10 (+0)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +1 – CON +1 – INT +5 – WIS +4 – CHA +0

SKILLS: Acrobatics +1 – Animal Handling +2 – Arcana +5 – Athletics +0 – Deception +0 – History +5 – Insight +4 – Intimidation +0 – Investigation +5 – Medicine +2 – Nature +3 – Perception +4 – Performance +0 – Persuasion +0 – Religion +5 – Sleight of Hand +0 – Stealth +0 – Survival +2

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Celestial, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Library Access, Arcane Recovery, Lore Mastery, Spell Secrets

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I'm obsessed with things from a prior age, collecting many relics from that time / I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. Ideal: I want to make the world a better place with my inventions or research. Bond: I work to preserve a library. Flaw: Grammatical correctness and syntactic precision are the keys to effective communication. I shall correct errors wherever I perceive them.

EQUIPMENT: Scholar’s robes, Writing Kit, Book, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d6/1d8+0), Arcane Focus (Crystal), Scholar’s Pack, Spellbook, Fine Clothes, Potion of Healing (5)

Familiar: (Spike; Pseudodragon AC 13, HP 7, Speed 15 [Fly 60], SRT 6 (-2) DEX 15 (+2) CON 13 (+1) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0) Perception +3, Stealth +4 Blindsight 10ft, Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 13, Common, Draconic, Keen Senses, Magic Resistance, Limited Telepathy, Bite [+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing], Sting [+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing CON Save DC 11 or Poison for 1 hour – fail by 5 or more, target is unconscious], Breath Weapon [1x2ft line of fire – DEX Save 11; 2d6 fire damage on fail, half on success])

MONEY: 1 CP, 3 SP, 0 EP, 31 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Intelligence Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Mage Hand, Blade Ward, Prestidigitation 1st Level: (4 total Spell Slots; 4 available) Feather Fall (prepared), Witch Bolt (prepared), Detect Magic (prepared), Mage Armor (prepared), Magic Missile (prepared), Shield (prepared) 2nd Level: (2 total Spell Slots; 2 available) Hold Person (prepared), Misty Step (prepared)

Rainbow Dash – Human – Paladin 3 – Oath of Glory – Folk Hero (Recruited into a lord’s army, I rose to leadership and was commended for my heroism.)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 30 (Max 30) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 3d10 – AC 16 – Initiative +3 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 9

STATS: STR 13 (+1) – DEX 16 (+3) – CON 14 (+2) – INT 11 (+0) – WIS 9 (-1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +1 – DEX +3 – CON +2 – INT +0 – WIS +1 – CHA +4

SKILLS: Acrobatics +3 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +0 – Athletics +3 – Deception +2 – History +0 – Insight -1 – Intimidation +4 – Investigation +0 – Medicine -1 – Nature +0 – Perception -1 – Performance +2 – Persuasion +2 – Religion +0 – Sleight of Hand +3 – Stealth +3 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Land Vehicles, Cartographer’s Tools, All Armor and Shields, Simple and Martial Weapons

FEATURES & TRAITS: Rustic Hospitality, Divine Sense (5/5 uses), Lay-on Hands (Healing Pool 15 Points), Fighting Style: Defense, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Channel Divinity (Peerless Athlete, Inspiring Smite)

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I’m confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others. / I get bored easily. When am I going to get on with my destiny? Ideal: People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Bond: I protect those who cannot protect themselves. Flaw: I’m convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.

EQUIPMENT: Chainmail, Holy Symbol (Pelor Amulet), Explorer’s Pack, Shortsword (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d6+1/+3) (2), Javelin (ATK BONUS: +3 DAMAGE: 1d6+1 RANGE: 30/120) (5), Cartographer’s Tools, shovel, iron pot, common clothes, Winged Boots (flight speed equal to walking for up to 4 hours), Fine Clothes, Achtian Medal of Valor and Loyalty [Geode of Loyalty] (Treat all movements as Dash actions and Advantage on all Acrobatics rolls upon activation – lasts until deactivation)

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: 1st Level: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Thunderous Smite (prepared), Compelled Duel (prepared), Divine Favor (prepared), Heroism (prepared), Shield of Faith (prepared), Guiding Bolt (prepared), Heroism (prepared)

Rarity – Moon Elf – Fighter Level 3 – Archetype: Eldritch Knight – Guild Artisan: Weavers and Dyers

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 27 (Max 27) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 3d10 – AC 14 – Initiative +3 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 13

STATS: STR 11 (+1) – DEX 16 (+3) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 15 (+2) – WIS 13 (+1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +3 – DEX +5 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS +1 – CHA +2

SKILLS: Acrobatics +3 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +2 – Athletics +1 – Deception +2 – History +2 – Insight +3 – Intimidation +4 – Investigation +2 – Medicine +1 – Nature +2 – Perception +3 – Performance +2 – Persuasion +4 – Religion +1 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +3 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Sylvan, All Armor and Shields, All Weapons (especially swords and bows), Weaver’s Tools

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Guild Membership, Dueling Style (+2 to attacks with only one weapon), Second Wind, Action Surge (1 use), Weapon Bond: Rapier

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I like to talk at length about my profession / I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right. I can't help it – I'm a perfectionist. Ideal: My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world. Bond: The workshop where I learned my trade is the most important place in the world to me. Flaw: I'll do anything to get my hands on something rare or priceless.

EQUIPMENT: Leather Armor, Longbow (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d8+3), Arrow (20), Rapier (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d8+1/+3), Whip (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d4+1/+3), Dagger (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d4+1/+3) (2), Explorer’s Pack, Weaver’s Tools, Letter of Introduction, Traveler’s Clothes, Fine Clothes

MONEY: 2 CP, 3 SP, 0 EP, 31 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Intelligence Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: Cantrips: Blade Ward (prepared), Dancing Lights (prepared) 1st Level (2 total Spell Slots; 2 available) Ice Knife (prepared), Fog Cloud (prepared), Identify (prepared)

Applejack – Human (Variant) – Barbarian Level 3 – Path of the Ancestral Guardian – Clan Crafter

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 36 (Max 36) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 3d12 – AC 12 – Initiative +2 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 10

STATS: STR 16 (+3) – DEX 14 (+2) – CON 14 (+2) – INT 9 (-1) – WIS 10 (+0) – CHA 12 (+1)

SAVING THROWS: STR +5 – DEX +2 – CON +4 – INT -1 – WIS +0 – CHA +1

SKILLS: Acrobatics +4 – Animal Handling +0 – Arcana -1 – Athletics +3 – Deception +1 (always roll at Disadvantage) – History +1 – Insight +2 – Intimidation +1 – Investigation -1 – Medicine +0 – Nature +1 – Perception +0 – Performance +1 – Persuasion +1 – Religion -1 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival +2

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Light & Medium Armor, Shields, Simple & Martial Weapons, Cook’s Utensils

FEATURES & TRAITS: Charger, Respect of the Stout Folk, Unarmored Defense, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense, Ancestral Protectors

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I'm always polite and respectful / My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what. Ideal: The ancient traditions of my craft must be preserved and upheld. Bond: Nothing is more important than the other members of my clan. Flaw: I hold to tradition at the expense of adaptability.

EQUIPMENT: Cook’s Utensils, Chisel, Traveler’s Clothes, Gem (worth 10 GP), Warhammer (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d8/1d10+3), Spear (ATK BONUS: +5/+4 DAMAGE: 1d6+3/+2), Javelin (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d6+3), Lasso (Net), Traveler’s Pack, Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

RAGES: 3 max, 3 available; +2 damage

Pinkie Pie – Rock Gnome – Bard Level 3 – College of Glamour – Entertainer (Jester/Singer)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 23 (Max 23) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 3d8 – AC 13 – Initiative +2 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 8

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 14 (+2) – CON 13 (+1) – INT 15 (+2) – WIS 8 (-1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +4 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS -1 – CHA +4

SKILLS: Acrobatics +4 – Animal Handling -1 – Arcana +2 – Athletics +4 – Deception +2 – History +2 – Insight +1 – Intimidation +2 – Investigation +2 – Medicine -1 – Nature +2 – Perception -1 – Performance +6 – Persuasion +6 – Religion +2 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival -1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Gnomish, Tinker’s Tools, Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Swords, Drum, Lute, Horn, Shawm, Disguise Kit

FEATURES & TRAITS: Artificer’s Lore, Tinker, By Popular Demand, Bardic Inspiration (d6), Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (d6), Mantle of Inspiration, Enthralling Performance

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I know a story relevant to almost every situation / I'll settle for nothing less than perfection. Ideal: I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters. Bond: My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it reminds me of someone I love. Flaw: I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.

EQUIPMENT: Leather armor, Entertainer’s Pack, Horn, Light Hammer (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d4+0), Drum, Amethyst Ring, Costume, Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Friends, Blade Ward, Message 1st Level Spells: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Feather Fall, Unseen Servant, Identify

Fluttershy – Wood Elf – Druid Level 3 – Circle of the Shepherd – Hermit (I needed to commune with nature, far from civilization.)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 25 (Max 25) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 3d8 – AC 15 – Initiative +2 – Speed 35 – Passive Perception 16

STATS: STR 14 (+2) – DEX 15 (+2) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 10 (+0) – WIS 16 (+3) – CHA 8 (-1)

SAVING THROWS: STR +2 – DEX +2 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS +5 – CHA -1

SKILLS: Acrobatics +2 – Animal Handling +5 – Arcana +0 – Athletics +2 – Deception -1 – History +0 – Insight +3 – Intimidation -1 – Investigation +0 – Medicine +5 – Nature +2 – Perception +5 – Performance -1 – Persuasion -1 – Religion +2 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival +3

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Sylvan, Herbalism Kit, Swords, Bows, Light and Medium Armor, Shields, Clubs, Daggers, Darts, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Scimitars, Sickles, Slings, Spears

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Mask of the Wild, Druidic, Wild Shape (2/2 uses – Max CR 1/4), Speech of the Woods, Spirit Totem (Spirit of the Unicorn; available)

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer. Ideal: Emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and true, or our logical thinking. Bond: I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them. Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.

EQUIPMENT: Wooden Shield, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +4 DAMAGE: 1d6+2), Leather Armor, Explorer’s Pack, Druidic Focus (Holly Crown), Scroll Case, Winter Blanket, Common Clothes, Herbalism Kit, Butterfly Crystal Medallion [Geode of Kindness] (cast Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals at will and Advantage on all Animal Handling rolls upon activation – lasts until deactivated), Fine Clothes

MONEY: 1 CP, 2 SP, 0 EP, 32 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Wisdom Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Bonus: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Druidcraft, Thorn Whip 1st Level: (4 total Spell Slots; 4 available) Spells Vary By Day 2nd Level: (2 total Spell Slots; 2 available) Spells Vary By Day