• Member Since 29th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Joshua the Dragonslayer

"Love can be a memory that no one can steal but love can also be a pain that no one can heal"


After being paired up in a project members of the Dazzlings and Rainbooms must come together if they want to pass. From sweets and tacos, to animals, to fashion, this book has it all. Will the similar Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk get along or are they too similar? Will the mean Aria Blaze get along with the soft-spoken and kind Fluttershy? And will the fashionistas Rarity and Adagio Dazzle's fashion designs clash? And will Project Fun live up to its name or will it be the opposite of fun? Will these past enemies put down their differences and work together or is their past blood one that can't be outlooked?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 16 )

Why are you not using the Pinkie (EqG) tag here?

My fault I put the wrong one, it's changed now to the correct version

"Alright, class." Ms. Cheerilee said, getting the class's attention. "Today we will be starting a partner project!" The class groaned at the announcement. "Now I know projects aren't the best but this project is one you all might like." Ms. Cheerilee then went over to her desk and turned on the monitor. When the monitor turned on the words 'Project Fun' appeared. "Class, this project is called Project Fun. The project, just like the name states should be fun and involves fun. You and a classmate will be paired up and show the class a fun activity the two of you have come up with."

That’s not too bad.

Bouncing from her seat Pinkie then smiled as a lightbulb appeared above her head. "I have an even better idea! We should make the world's biggest chocolate volcano!" Sonata looked at Pinkie and nodded vigorously, smiling at her idea. Ms. Cheerilee looked at the two girls and sighed already taking back her idea of pairing the two up. 'I don't get paid enough for this. Why did I choose them to work together again?'

They’re probably the best pairing.

Fluttershy looked over at Aria who was staring back at her and gulped, she silently slid down her chair to hide as she covered her face with her hair. "Oh, I do hope things go well. I would hate to get on her bad side." Fluttershy looked back up to see Aria still looking at her. Not wanting to be rude Fluttershy gave a small wave.

Doesn’t she only have a bad side?

Not looking up from her laptop Ms. Cheerilee spoke cutting off Adagio. "No, Adagio. You cannot switch partners, you must work together with Rarity on this project. If you would like, however, I can gladly give you the F already."

Honestly, depending on my partner I’d take the F.

Adagio looked at the Rainbooms one last time with a furious glare. 'I'll never forgive you for what you did to us, one day we will have our revenge! I'll make sure of it!'

How are you gonna want revenge for something you started?

Why couldn’t they have just made both?

"Um, m-my name is Fluttershy actually." Aria then glared at Fluttershy who got scared and hid behind her hair. "And t-this animals aren't p-pests their very nice and friendly." Angel hopped over to Fluttershy in which the girl smiled and then petted Angel. "Anyone can be good with animals, you just have to give it a try."

Or just have a good personality.

Aria rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well I don't want to help out with these pes-" Before Aria could finish she looked up to see Fluttershy staring at her. Aria looked back at Fluttershy, the stare the shy girl was given was horrifying. It was as if the girl was piercing into her soul, and it frightened Aria. "Ugh, fine I'll help. Just stop looking at me like that."

I never really understood the stare.

Aria crossed her arms. "And what's that supposed to mean? I'm perfectly kind and friendly."

I just want a cut to twilight or one of the rainbooms and feeling like something isn’t right.

Yes not bad at all, honestly I think they're the best pairing too. Aria usually does have a bad side but like a more bad side if that even makes sense, and I agree if it's someone I despise I'll talk the F regardless. And I was referring to the Rainbooms destroying their pendants, which is their fault in the first place

They could've but this makes things more interesting

True, and yea I never understood the stare either but I decided to add it. What do you mean exactly by a cut to Twilight or the others?

You know how I’m some shows they would cut to another character? Something like that.

Oh yes of course, but no the chapters will mainly focus on the two partners

Aww. Would’ve been a funny moment.

I thought it would take longer for them to get along, but I guess miracles exists.

This was so sweet. I wish we saw the rainbooms and dazzlings work together more.

Miracles do exist, and both of their love for fashion really helps

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