• Published 8th Apr 2023
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - sonicfan05

Sonic, the CMCs, and Spike teams up with their new allies to get the emerald before Robotnik and Knuckles while the Rainbooms investigates the Dazzlings' latest scheme in Hoovaii.

  • ...

Volume I - Chapter 1: The Blue Justice and Party-Crashing Crusaders

It was a calm night in the city of Seaddle. Many people who lived there were doing their night routines, including an old lady who was pushing her walker with her small dog sitting in her basket. She and her dog slowly made their way to the end of the sidewalk and waited until the lights signaled them to cross. Just as they were about to cross the road, the old lady stopped when she heard an upcoming vehicle and a few sirens coming their way. The old lady stepped back just in time as an armored vehicle flew past her at high speed, followed by many police cars chasing behind it.

The police cars that were chasing the vehicle were getting closer to the back of the van. At that moment, the doors at the back of the van flew open, revealing two guys wearing black clothing and black masks over their faces. One robber growled at the site of many police cars and flew his head towards his partner.

“They’re still on us!”

Wordlessly, his partner gave him one of the bombs for him to use. The robber then activated the bomb and turned back towards the police cars.

“This’ll slow them down!” He growled with a wicked smirk.

He then tossed the bomb directly at one of the police cars. One of the officers of that police car immediately swerved his car just as the bomb landed in front of his path and exploded. Thankfully, the car didn’t get caught in the explosion, but he spun in place, including hitting a trash can until it stopped in place, slowing down other cars in the progress. While there are some police cars still giving chase, this gave the crooks some time and more distance from the police, and a step closer to getting away with all the stolen money from the Lock Load Security Services they robbed earlier.

Unbeknownst to the crooks and police, a certain blue hedgehog was looking down at the car chase from the roof of one of the buildings in Seaddle. With a little smirk on his face and adjusting one of his red shoes, Sonic began to do his brief warm-ups before he began his hero work.

He began by stretching out his legs, then jumped in place and some small electrical sparks out of his body, cracking his knuckles, did some shadowboxing with more electrical sparks coming out of his fists and arms, and then finishing it off with a quick bite of his chilidog to which Pinkie made for him earlier. With his warm-ups out of the way, the grinning hedgehog quickly jumped off the roof and freefall backward with his arms behind his head for a brief second before he fully turned around and ran down along the building and then ran after the crooks with his super-speed.

Sonic ran through the streets of Seaddle with his super-speed, sticking his arms out and gliding around the cars like an airplane. He was even imitating airplane sounds as he does it.

“Watch out! Scuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!” He cried playfully.

He continued to run across the road until he spotted a group of cop cars and the armored car ahead. With a smirk, Sonic quickly cured himself into a ball and then he rolled past the police cars and caught up with the armored car. He sped past the armored car and then jumped to an open window of the passenger side of the vehicle, surprising the robbers.

"Good evening, gentlemen!" He announced, knocking over the passenger robber in the process. "Mind if I drive?"

Before the second robber could react, Sonic kicked him right out of the vehicle. The robber managed to grab onto the door from the outside, screaming, and held on for his dear life. After dealing with the robber, Sonic took the driver’s seat and took over the steering wheel.

"Better buckle up!" He exclaimed briefly, turning the wheel.

As Sonic made a sharp turn around the block, he caught the two other robbers in the back by surprise, launching them to one side of the van. This caused one robber to drop his second bomb, fall off of the vehicle, and explode on the road, slowing down more cop cars in progress.

"How are we doing back there?" Sonic quipped as he made another sharp turn on the road.

The robbers at the back once again were launched and smashed painfully against the other side of the van.

"And now this way!" Sonic remarked, making another sharp turn.

The robbers were roughly thrown again at the opposite wall before they both landed and passed out on the floor.

In progress, money that was secured in the bags was released and a huge amount of them flew out the back of the truck, blinding the pursuing cops in the process. Sonic didn’t seem to notice the mess that he caused, he let out an excited "whoo hoo" as he continued to drive down the road, feeling the thrill of taking out the bad guys.

He suddenly heard some distressed muffled cries behind him. He turned to see a security guard, the original owner of the armored vehicle, all tied up against the gated window with duct tape over his mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry, I don't speak duct tape," Sonic joked as he reached over to the duct tape and ripped it off of the guard's mouth, causing the guard to wince in pain due to the tape.

"What the heck are you!?" The guard exclaimed as soon as the tape was removed from his mouth.

Sonic smirked before going into his heroic monologue. "Fear not, citizen! I am the hero you need and the hero you deserve. The blue dawn that banishes the darkest– HOLY CRAP!"

Sonic noticed a random person walking across the road just in time. He quickly made a sharp turn with the steering wheel before the armored vehicle could even hit the person. The guard screamed the whole way as Sonic was making a turn towards the next block.

"Don't worry! Nobody's gonna get hurt!" Sonic assured as he got control of the vehicle again.

As Sonic completed his full sharp turn, one of the robber's bags slid down across the vehicle, slipped past the grate, and stopped right next to Sonic, which he noticed.

"...huh. What are those?" he wondered out loud.

The guard's eyes bugged out as soon as he noticed some "contents" poking out of the bag. "Bombs! Bombs! They're bombs! Those are bombs!"

"Relax!" Sonic waved his hand with an amused smile. "They're not even lit! so I'll say again, nobody's gonna get–"

Before Sonic could finish his sentence, every single bomb that was in the bag suddenly lit up, causing Sonic and the guard to scream out in panic.

"Ahh! I was wrong! We're all gonna die!"

"Why aren't you slowing down?!" The security guard demanded frantically.

"That would require brakes!" Sonic responded.

To demonstrate his point, Sonic kept stomping on an unconscious robber, which was unfortunately blocking the brakes to stop the vehicle.

As the fuse from the bombs lit up much brighter, Sonic knew that he had to get rid of those ASAP. While trying to keep control of the vehicle, Sonic attempted to lift up the bag full of bombs with his foot. However, due to the heat from the fuse, it nearly burned Sonic’s leg, making things difficult for him to grab the bag.

"Ahh, ohh! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!"

After a few attempts, Sonic finally grabbed the bag handles with one hand while still steering the van with his other hand.

"Why don't you let the police handle this?!" The security guard scolded in frustration and fear.

"Because…” Sonic struggled, now juggling the bombs. “That's not what heroes do!"

At that moment, Sonic tossed the bombs out of the driver’s seat window and landed at the back of a parked garbage truck, which happened to pass by. As soon as those bombs landed in the back of the garbage truck, the bombs exploded, spraying all the garbage in the progress and up in flames. Unfortunately, the garbages only caused more police cars to stop in their place, slowing them down even more.

"Thank you very much!” Sonic smirked, not noticing the damage behind him, even as garbage landed on the windshield. “Please hold your applause!"

The guard only stared at the blue hedgehog in disbelief. With so much chaos this blue creature has caused, he wasn’t even sure if he was safer with him or with those robbers from earlier. Before he could ponder further, he suddenly heard a faint sound from within the vehicle.

"Do you hear that?” He asked, surveying around before his eyes widened in realization. “There's one bomb left!"

Sonic's expression became concerned as he also heard that faint fuse sound. "Uh... uh oh."

Letting go of the steering wheel for a moment, Sonic quickly checked beneath his seat and then the passenger’s seat.

"Did you check under the seat?" The guard suggested desperately.

"Of course, I checked under the seat!" Sonic huffed as if the answer was obvious.

"You are terrible at this!" The guard criticized harshly.

Sonic rushed against the grate, glaring at the guard. "You know what? Your negative attitude is not helping anyone!"

As Sonic resumed his search, the guard noticed a spark coming out the back of Sonic’s quills.

"It's in your spiky things!" The guard shouted.

Hearing this, Sonic quickly spun around at a fast pace until he was able to snag the bomb out of his quills.

"Aha! I can never find anything in there!"

Sonic then tossed the bomb out of the passenger’s side window. The bomb landed on the road, rolled over, and disappeared into the storm drain.

"Drained it from downtown!" Sonic proclaimed before he made fanfare horn sounds in celebration.

The guard let out a sigh of relief, slumping against the wall.

Sonic flashed the guard a smile. "See? I told you no one would get hurt!"

However, the blue hedgehog didn’t realize that they almost reached the end of the road with an ice cream truck parked at the end. Worse of all, there were countless amount of people hanging around eating ice cream and some other sugary treats.

"Holy sherbet!" Sonic shouted, beginning to panic.

Sonic wouldn’t be able to make the next turn without hitting anyone due to the speed of the van and with the robber’s unconscious body over the brakes, he wasn’t able to stop the van either. He needed to find another way to stop this van and avoid people getting hurt, and he needs to do it fast.

Sonic desperately looked around the van until he spotted one of the same robber’s bags, where the bombs used to be, had a power drill sticking out near the unconscious robber’s feet.

"Oh, hello!" Sonic grinned, suddenly having an idea to get themselves out of this mess.

Without hesitation, Sonic used his speed to snatch the drill out of the bag and then he rushed himself out of the driver’s window and then landed on the roof of the security van.

"Don't panic!” Sonic announced, powering up his tool. “This is only a drill!"

With no time to waste, Sonic placed the drill over one of the screws on the van and began his work taking the van apart. Within seconds, Sonic used his super speed to move all around the moving van within a blue blur, unscrewing every bit of screws as he did so.

Meanwhile, the people near the ice cream truck were busy enjoying their treats until they heard a speeding van coming their way and coming in close. The people panicked at the sight and they all immediately got up from their chairs and tried to move out of the way. While many ran away screaming, a lone kid was busy enjoying his ice cream cone, completely unaware of the events behind him.

At that time, Sonic managed to unscrew every screw off of the van before he vanished, letting all the parts of the van come off, even all four wheels that kept it going. It was at this point, the kid finally noticed the people running away and he turned around to see what was all the fuss was about. The security guard screamed as the van, now with only a platform and wheels, slid across the road toward the ice cream truck with sparks flying out. Luckily, the platform was slowing down until it comes to a complete stop only a few feet away from the ice cream truck and the kid.

The security guard stopped screaming and sat with a shaky expression. He slowly turned behind him to see a shell-shocked kid with his jaw ajar. The kid was so shocked by the fact of how close he was nearly crushed by a truck, he didn’t even notice one of his scoops of ice cream fell off of his cone. With only a single blink of his eyes, the guard slowly turned back around, slightly relieved that the worse was over.

…that was until they heard an explosion from the storm drain with flames coming out.

Before the guard and the kid could comprehend where the explosion was coming from, the ground began to rumble and water exploded out of the manholes and burst into the sky like geysers. At that point, the robbers come to and were shocked at the display that their van was somehow unassembled and that many random geysers were in front of them. They were so shell-shocked, they didn’t even notice the police finally caught up with them and swarms of officers ran toward them.

As the robbers were being arrested, the security guard was finally out of his shocked state when he hears a voice from above him.

"No need to thank me, citizens!" Sonic announced from the rooftop, making a pose in front of a full moon. "All in a night's work for… Blue Justice!"

"You're a terrible hero!" The security guard screamed angrily.

Sonic, oblivious to the guard’s angry words, ran down the building and fled the scene, laughing gleefully as he made his long trip back home to Canterlot City.

Unbeknownst to the laughing blue hedgehog, a lone figure dressed in a black jumpsuit with green spy goggles and long hair was standing on top of one of the buildings, spying intensely at the blue hedgehog. After seeing the blue hedgehog leaving the city, the mysterious figure activated their jet pack, following after the hedgehog at high speed.

Elsewhere at Canterlot City, an event took place from within Canterlot High School with many students, mostly seniors, already arriving at the gymnasium that night. For you see, tonight was a big deal for the seniors of CHS because their upcoming graduation is just a few days away. And it was a tradition that the seniors get a pre-graduation party and celebrate their accomplishments as the Wondercolts before they moved on with their lives as adults.

However, unlike the previous years, this year's "party" for the seniors was different. Instead of music, food, and social interactions between friends, they were having an "orientation party" where they were forced to learn things that many did not want to learn. All the students were standing around with bored, disappointed, and angry expressions on their faces, waiting to get this "lesson" over with. They all felt they were robbed of their promised fun and relaxed event.

And they all blamed the current "Principal" of their school for all the changes for this "party".

"Welcome senior students of CHS!" Announced their Principal in her sickly sweet voice. "And welcome to our special 'Orientation Lesson' party of the outside world, hosted and arranged by your favorite and generous Principal… ME! Spoiled Rich!"

There were collective groans all around the gymnasium, which Spoiled paid them no mind.

"Now I know most of you would rather dance the night away, drink punch, and sneak off somewhere sucking faces with your significant other as most teenagers do… but I think the best thing we can do for all our time instead is to teach you the ways of business. And I can't think of anyone better to teach you kids this topic than myself. So I hope you are all looking forward to it!"

As Spoiled continued on with her rant, mostly congratulating herself for arranging said "party", a certain group of girls from within the crowd were staring at her with just as much disdain and disgust as the rest of the student body. This group of girls in particular were Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle. They are a well-known and popular group in CHS and heroines of Canterlot City known as Equestria Girls, or by their band name, The Rainbooms.

"Man… this stinks!" The rainbowed-haired girl, known as Rainbow Dash complained with a huff. "We're supposed to be here to have fun, not another school lesson!"

"I agree!" the poofy pink-haired girl, known as Pinkie scowled. "This is the worst party in the history of parties!"

"We all hate this, girls," The girl with long red and yellow hair, known as Sunset Shimmer sighed. "With Principal Celestia… temporary absence, I'm afraid we're going to have to put up with this."

"But why her!?" Rainbow Dash retorted quietly, pointing at Spoiled. "Who thought it was a good idea to have her as Principal!? And why can't Vice Principal Luna be in charge?"

"The school board apparently," the spectacle girl with indigo and pink hair, known as Twilight answered. "They appointed her because she was the most qualified for the job."

The posh girl with long purple hair, known as Rarity, frowned suspiciously at Spoiled. "Though, if you ask me, I think Spoiled Rich has them in her back pocket due to her husband's wealth."

"Normally, I don't like to talk badly behind someone's back," The long pink-haired girl, known as Fluttershy, spoke softly. "But she was awful! Ever since she was appointed as our principal, she has been treating everyone like dirt, including the teachers… and there's nothing anyone can do about it. And she originally was going to expel us on her first day!"

“Ah’m afraid that the best thing we can do is sent our complaints to Vice Principal Luna,” The girl with a farmer's hat, known as Applejack commented, crossing her arms. “She’s our only saving grace to protect us and keep her in check before she became a complete tyrant… for the most part."

Twilight nodded in agreement. “While I usually look forward to any kind of lessons and new knowledge, even I find this to be ridiculous!” She then frowned somberly. “I’ll give Spoiled this much: she’s not the worst Principal I've had to deal with.”

Sunset gave her friend a look of understanding and empathy. “You mean with Cinch?”

“Yes… her!” Twilight shuddered as she closed her eyes and sighed. “Even ever since I stepped foot in Crystal Prep… she made my life difficult since day one… right until the Friendship Games.”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow. “But wasn’t Cinch been treating all the students at Crystal Prep?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not with me! For whatever reason, despite that I gave her school a big score with my knowledge, she still made my life miserable, even encouraging other students to shun me. It’s almost as if she had a grudge against me.”

“But what could she have possibly had a grudge against you for?” Fluttershy asked.

“Even to this day… I still don’t know,” Twilight replied sadly. “I still don’t understand why that woman hates me!”

The girls were silent, hardly paying attention to Spoiled’s speech. None of them have any idea how to respond to this until Rainbow Dash spoke up.

“Well, you know what I think? …I think you should just forget her!” she said bluntly, much to Twilight’s surprise. “That lady was a real piece of work and she doesn’t deserve to have a smart student like you!”

“Rainbow Dash is right!” Sunset added before Twilight could respond. “Cinch’s issues are her own. And quite frankly, I rather not know what those are! But what I do know is that she missed out on having a smart and wonderful person like you at her school. And if she still thinks you’re worthless, well… that’s on her.” She then smiled fondly at her friend. “I for one am glad the Friendship Games happened because I–we all got to meet and befriend you to our group… and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

Twilight was touched and grateful for her friend’s words. “You’re right, Sunset! I’m glad I got to meet and befriend you all too.” She then beamed softly at Sunset. “Including you, Sunset! Thanks.”

“Y-you’re welcome!” Sunset answered modestly with a tint of blush on her face.

“While this conversation was sappy and all,” Applejack interjected. “But Ah’m afraid we’re all still stuck in this here’s lesson by Spoiled.”

Rainbow Dash huffed, crossing her arms. “Well, whatever! At least it can’t be as bad as Cranky's formula lessons in math.”

"Obviously, graduation is the foundation of living your own life and contributing to society, but nothing helps you more in life than a big stack of money!” said Spoiled as she set up a giant projection screen behind her. “This presentation on business I put together will teach you all how to earn your own."

Everyone in the audience cringed as Spoiled activate the projector, starting a PowerPoint presentation. "Step one – Equity…"

"…I take that back! This is worse!" Rainbow Dash groaned, slumping forward.

“Just hang in there, Dash," Applejack whispered. "In the next few days, we will never have to deal with her again.”

"Yes… though now I'm worried for my sister while that woman is in charge!" Rarity commented before pausing for a moment. "Speaking of which… where is my sister?"

Applejack blinked, rubbing her chin in thought. “Huh, now that ya mentioned it… Ah haven't seen Apple Bloom or her friends all day!” She turned her head to the rest of the gang. "Have any of y'all seen them?"

Sunset shook her head. "I haven't!"

"Do you, Twilight?"

Twilight shook her head. “Neither do I!”


Pinkie shook her head. "Nope.”


Fluttershy shook her head. “No… sorry.”

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Uhhh… I haven't seen Scoots since this morning,” Rainbow Dash answered, tapping on her chin. “But the only thing Squirt had told me is that she and her friends are having ‘big plans’ for tonight… or something like that.”

Fluttershy frowned in concern. "Oh dear, I don't like the sound of that! You don't think they'll try anything tonight, do you?"

As everyone looked at each other in worry, Applejack spoke up. "Look ya’ll, while Apple Bloom and her friends have done some… crazy hijinks before, but even those three wouldn't do anythin’ crazy for this event, right?” Her expression became more uncertain. “…right?"

Somewhere from within the hallways of CHS, a lone door led into the Principal’s office. Normally, it would have been guarded by the school’s secretary, Raven Inkwell, but ever since Spoiled took over, Spoiled only added a special security system by the door while the secretary was “let go”, claiming that she “wasn’t needed”. All was quiet and empty in the hallway until three small shadows appeared around the corner and headed to the office.

The three shadows eventually stood in front of the office door, with one focusing on the door while the other two were surveying the hallway. The one shadow by the door took out a phone from their pocket and brought it to their ear.

“This is Half-Pint Dynamite to Dazzle Tiara, come in Dazzle Tiara, over!” The person spoke quietly.

“I can hear you loud and clear Scootaloo!” The voice from the phone replied.

Diamond Tiara, we talked about this!” Scootaloo sighed out of annoyance. “We have to use our code names for this operation or people will know it was us!”

Diamond Tiara huffed from the other line. “Okay, first off, this is pointless and stupid because we're breaking into my mother's office, not a military base! Second, it was only the four of us with our phones, I doubt anyone will hear us! Third, you just call me by my real name too! And fourth, I hate my code name!”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Oh c'mon, Diamond Tiara! Using code names is what makes this whole thing fun! Try not to be a killjoy for once!”

There was a long pause before Scootaloo heard Diamond huffing again. “...fine! This is Dazzle Tiara, loud and clear!”

“See? That wasn’t so hard, over.” Scootaloo smiled before adding, “Oh, and don't forget to say over, over!”

“Seriously!?” Diamond exclaimed.

With Scootaloo staring at her phone expectedly, Diamond sighed. “...over!”

Scootaloo nodded in approval before she went back to business. “Did you get the code, over?”

I have her code… over!” Diamond answered.

“Great! then what's the code, over?” Scootaloo asked.

Password, over,” said Diamond.

Scootaloo frowned in confusion. “Wait… is the password, over, over?”

“No, it's password, over!” Diamond answered in frustration.

“But you just said over, over!” Scootaloo pointed out, now even more confused.

“Oh for crying out– it's password!

Before Scootaloo could press further, one of her friends interrupted. “Ah’ll talk to her!”

Scootaloo shrugged and handed her phone to Apple Bloom who then started talking to Diamond.

“Sorry about that, Diamond,” Apple Bloom apologized. “Ah know she can be a handful.”

“Don’t worry about that Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara answered calmly and relieved.

“So what’s the password?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s password,” Diamond answered.

Apple Bloom frowned. “Yes, that’s what Ah said. What’s the password?”

“Password!” Diamond repeated, now getting frustrated again.

Apple Bloom scratched her head. “So…are ya gonna tell me or–”

“It's Password! Diamond screamed, finally losing her patience and nearly shattering Apple Bloom's eardrum. “The password is password!

Apple Bloom blinked in surprise. “Wait, seriously? Well, why didn’t ya say so?”

Diamond Tiara let out a frustrated growl at that.

The third person, which was Sweetie Belle, typed in the password on the keyboard, which unlocked the door with a beep.

“Well, what do ya know!” Sweetie Belle squeaked with a surprised expression. “It really works!

Apple Bloom blinked before speaking on the phone again. “No offense Diamond Tiara… but that was the worst password your mother ever came up with!

“None taken,” Diamond sighed. “My mother is super lazy when it comes to trivial stuff like passwords.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Well anyways, thanks again for giving us access to the main office, Diamond Tiara! We owe ya one!”

“Don’t mention it, Apple Bloom!” Diamond Tiara said happily before sounding serious. “No seriously, don’t mention it! If mother finds out that I helped you, I’ll be grounded for the whole summer!

“Oh, relax!” Apple Bloom assured. “Yer mother won’t find out! We’ll change up the music and atmosphere of this pre-graduation party and then we’ll be gone before she knows it. No need to worry!”

There was a long pause for a moment before Diamond responded, “Apple Bloom… whenever you said ‘no need to worry’ is when I worry the most!

With that, Diamond Tiara hung up, leaving the three of them alone once more. They quietly entered the Principal’s office and Sweetie Belle gently shut the door behind them.

“She has a point, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle whispered. "Usually after you said that is when our plans went wrong.”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, while we’re doing this for the right reason, even I’m worried about all this!”

Apple Bloom paused. It was no secret that the CMCs, aka the Canterlot Movie Club, are infamous due to their shenanigans in CHS or even in town. They're not bad kids by any means, they were either trying to figure out about themselves or to help others out. Despite their innocent nature, their actions would often get them into trouble.

Apple Bloom shook her head and gave her friends her reassuring smile. “Listen, girls! While we messed up before, this time it’ll be different! Just stick to da plan and this will go smoother than our Apple family’s Apple Cider!”

Apple Bloom faced Scootaloo. “Scootaloo, go set everything up and keep her busy!”

“Roger that!” Scootaloo saluted before leaving the room.

Apple Bloom then faced Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle, cue up the music!”

Sweetie Belle gave Apple Bloom a thumbs up. “You got it, Apple Bloom!”

“This is it!” Apple Bloom smirked deviously. “Spoiled Rich won’t know what hit her!”

"And that concludes the lesson of equity!" Spoiled Rich concluded her "lesson", much to the students' relief.

"Thank Faust!" Rainbow Dash remarked.

Spoiled smirked wickedly. "For our next lesson, we'll be going over the basics of Economics. Oh, and don't worry, I condensed it to about an hour at the least!"

Rainbow Dash, along with many others, let out a loud distressed groan all around the gym, causing Spoiled to frown.

"Oh quit your moans! It's either this or spending your free lessons with me during the summer!"

This immediately shut everyone up out of fear of being stuck with Spoiled for the whole summer, which to them was a fate worse than death.

"Hmft! Thought so!" Spoiled scoffed haughtily.

Unbeknownst to Spoiled and the senior students, Scootaloo was at the back of the stage, setting up the mechanism of the stage behind the curtains, ready to take out Spoiled and give everyone the fun that they deserved.

"And as long as I'm in charge," Spoiled continued. "The only kind of party you'll be getting is a business educational party!"

As soon as she said those words, the lights suddenly went out, leaving everyone in darkness. While the students stood around in confusion, Spoiled surveying the area in utter bafflement.

"Wha– Hey! Who turned out the lights!?"

At the same time, the projection screen behind Spoiled extended from the floor to almost the ceiling, and her PowerPoint suddenly disappeared.

"What the–! What's going on here? Who's doing this!?" Spoiled’s expression became furious. "When I found out who did it will guarantee be–"

Spoiled was unable to finish her sentence as Scootaloo pulled a level from backstage, activating a trap door beneath Spoiled and sending her down below with a scream.

Scootaloo let out a quiet cackle before she quickly hurried out of the room to join her friends.

Meanwhile, as the events unfolded, the students were even more bewildered, not more so than the Rainbooms.

“What the hay is going on here!?” Sunset exclaimed.

“It seems that someone has hijacked Spolied’s presentation!” Twilight replied.

“Not that I’m not grateful to be spared by Spoiled’s lessons, but who’s behind this?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

Before either of them could speculate, the image on the projection screen suddenly came to life, revealing a familiar emblem in front of them.

At the same time, a voice speaks out from the school’s intercom.

Good evening, CHS!

Rarity’s eyes widened in dread, recognizing that squeaky voice from anywhere. “...oh no.”

Dat’s enough of this here’s bore fest!

“They wouldn’t!” Applejack tensed after hearing the second voice’s country accent.

Now let’s have ourselves…

“...they would,” Rainbow Dash sighed of resignation.

“...A real party!

Suddenly, a disco ball dropped from the ceiling, and lights flashed in various colors just as the music began to play.

Pinkie, now with an excited expression, let out a loud whoop. “You hear those mysterious voices! Let’s party!

Pinkie took out a miniature party canon from her hair, pointed towards the air, and pulled the trigger. After the confetti shot out from that small canon, the next thing they all knew many tables landed on the floor with various food and treats. No one knew how Pinkie managed to fit all of that in that one small canon, but they all shrugged and began to cheer and danced with the music, finally having some fun for once.

The Rainbooms were baffled by Pinkie’s actions.

"Wait, Pinkie… you're in all of this!?" Twilight exclaimed in disbelief.

"Not at first," Pinkie admitted with a shrug. "With Spoiled being a complete party pooper and even as far as banning cake, the CMCs made a very good argument that this day should be about us and not her. So I helped bring in the supplies while they did the rest. With that said…"

Pinkie raised her fist and ran towards the dance floor while shouting in a Pranch accent. "Viva la revolución!"

The Rainbooms stood by, watching Pinkie and all the students danced the night away with stupefied expressions. Some of the students were either dancing with crazy moves, dancing with their "partners" a little too closely, or even busy making out in the middle of the dance floor, worrying the group even further.

“Oh…dear!” Fluttershy uttered meekly in concern.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “This… is… awesome!” she cheered with a toothy smile, surprising the rest of the girls. “I gotta hand it to the CMCs, they really made this party a hundred and twenty percent cooler!”

“Are you mad, Rainbow Dash!?” Rarity screeched, gawking at Rainbow Dash like she just grew a second head. “Our sisters are causing chaos at the party!”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Well… all they did was make this party a little more exciting. It’s not like they’re hurting anyone.”

Somewhere backstage, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo brought various pet cages that they picked up from Fluttershy’s shelter earlier and placed them close to the door leading to the gym.

"Okay, girls, get ready for the next phase!" Apple Bloom instructed.

“Um, girls… should we be doing this?” Sweetie Belle asked with a worried expression.

“Of course!” Scootaloo assured with a grin before cheering. “Unleash those little critters!”

Still feeling unsure but complying, Sweetie Belle opened all the cages and Apple Bloom opened the door, letting all the various animals run out into the gymnasium.

The Rainbooms immediately turned their heads when they heard sudden animal noises coming their way. Their eyes widened as many pet animals, pigs, and mice included, headed their way.

"What the–"

Applejack and the others barely had time to react as the animals ran past them, nearly knocking them down, and heading towards the dance floor.

Fluttershy was quick to recover, trying to talk to these animals. "W-where'd you all come from? How did you all get here!?"

The animals ignored her as they either chased or harassed the other students from within the dance floor.

"Wait! Please don't–" Fluttershy winced as she saw a parrot knocking over one of the school’s banners. "Oh my goodness! Please get down from there!"

The rest of the Equestria Girls weren’t doing much better as they tried to fend themselves away as animals were beginning to crowd around them.

“It seems that we got ourselves some uninvited party animals… quite literally!” Sunset remarked.

“You think!?” Rarity screeched, shooing some dogs away from her.

Apple Bloom…” Applejack scowled, fanning the birds away from her hat.

From behind the stage’s curtain, the CMCs were watching the event scene unfold in front of them due to their efforts. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had proud and excited expressions on their faces while Sweetie Belle only had a worried and unsure expression.

"Alright, our operation: 'Party Mode' is a complete success!" Apple Bloom cheered before facing her friends. "I told y'all that everything is going to be fine!"

"I don't know girls,” Sweetie Belle frowned, wincing as her sister struggled with one of the animals. “I think this party we set up is getting a little out of hand."

"Oh relax Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo waved off Sweetie’s concerns. "Nothing but a little cleanup wouldn’t fix things. As long as everything goes smoothly as planned, nothing bad will happen!"

As if Scootaloo has tempted fate, the gym doors suddenly flew open, revealing a furious Principal Spoiled with wrinkles and soot on her clothes.

"Alright, you hooligans! Whoever dropped me below stage shall be–" She immediately stopped speaking the moment she noticed the state of the gymnasium. "What the– what in the blazes is going on in here!?"

The CMCs' faces became pale and panicked at the sight of Spoiled. Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo to scold her. "Scoots! You were supposed to lock the door below the stage!"

Scootaloo blinked. "...I thought it was Sweetie Belle’s job!"

They both turned to Sweetie Belle, who raised her palms in defense. "Hey, wait a minute! I was told that it was Apple Bloom!"

Before the three of them began to argue, Spoiled shouted over the music again. "Stop this! Stop this party at once! Or else I’ll expel every single one of–"

Her threat was interrupted when she got tackled by a pig and then tried to eat her hair. "AHHH! Get this filthy thing off of me!"

Things were starting to get even more out of control with their “party”. The screaming students were chased around by animals, knocking into one another as a result. Some animals were causing chaos by knocking over chairs and eating food off the tables. There was even one section of the dance floor where an animal bumped into people’s backs, causing a misunderstanding between the two groups, and shoved each other as a result.

The CMCs were now staring at the scene with huge worry.

“You were saying, Scoots!?” Sweetie Belle remarked with a side glare, causing the young tomboy to smile sheepishly.

“Well… it can't get any worse,” Apple Bloom muttered.

Unbeknownst to Apple Bloom, a lone mouse has already climbed up the curtain until it reached one of the cords leading to a spotlight of the stage. The mouse chewed into a cord, taking out chunks of the material until it stopped partway after feeling a slight shock. Thankfully the mouse is okay, but due to a large bite mark on the card, the spotlight that was held by the cord slowly descended due to the weight until it snapped completely off the cord. The spotlight shuts off as it fell at a high speed until it crashed onto the stage with sparks erupting from the bulb.

One of that sparks, however, landed on one of the old stage curtains, creating a fire in the process. The fire grew and grew until the whole curtain was completely covered in flames within seconds. As the fire continues to spread, Fluttershy gasped the moment she saw fire coming from the stage.

“Girls, look!

The Equestria Girls turned and then were immediately panicked at the sight of a huge fire coming from the stage.

“Fire, fire!” Rarity screamed. “Everything is on fire!

The other students also noticed the fire and then immediately ran towards the outside doors, screaming in panic.

Spoiled, who finally succeed in getting the pig off of her, gasped at the sight of the fire. “Ahhh, FIRE!” She screeched before running out of the gym. “Everyone for themselves!”

The girls watched the fleeing Principal with deadpanned expressions.

“Wow… just wow!” Twilight muttered, feeling more disgusted with their "Principal".

“How was she in charge again?” Rainbow Dash remarked.

Pinkie suddenly showed up near the group. “Wow! I know I heard the phrase ‘this party’s on fire’, but even I find that ridiculous!”

“Now’s not the time for jokes, Pinkie!” Twilight glared.

Various screams caught the girls’ attention. They noticed in horror that some students and animals were unable to flee due to the flames surrounding them. What was even worse was that the flames continued to spread at a rapid pace, putting everyone in danger.

“Oh my gosh, everyone’s trapped!” Sunset exclaimed.

“And so are those poor critters!” Fluttershy added with a whimper.

Rarity gasped. “Oh my gosh! Our sisters could be trapped too!”

“Then there’s no time to waste!” Applejack declared. “Let’s save them all!”

With various nods, the girls immediately activated their geodes and ponied up. A cutie mark briefly appeared on each of the girls’ right side of their cheeks before their bodies glowed into a bright light and then reappeared into their transferred states. Their hairs magically extended as ponytails, their ears replaced into pony ears, and some like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight now have magical wings. And their casual clothes were now replaced with their battle attires, ready for action.

With no time to lose, the Equestria Girls quickly split up, helping out the students. Rainbow Dash used her speed to gather every bowl of fruit punch at each table, ran to a nearby wall of flames, and put them out, freeing some animals for Fluttershy to gently lead them outside. Pinkie Pie took out a bunch of candies from her hair and tossed some to a nearby wall, creating a hole leading outside for some students to escape. Sunset Shimmer approached one of the walls of flames and used her magic to absorb them, freeing more students in the process. Twilight, who noticed that the sprinkler system was broken, quickly used her telekinesis to pick up some tools from the janitor's closet and fixed the nearby system in the hallway. The sprinkler system worked temporarily and managed to put out the flames, freeing the rest of the students.

Most of the girls quickly meet up again at the gym.

"Is that everyone?" Twilight asked.

Sunset turned towards the stage with a worried look. "Almost everyone."

The CMCs were having terrible luck. Ever since the fire started on one of the curtains, the trio panicked, not expecting this to happen. They didn't have time, nor were able to check on the other students as their top priority was to escape to safety. They tried to get out through the door, leading to the hallway, but parts of the ceiling, which were also on fire, collapsed in front of the door, blocking their access to escape.

The CMCs backed away from the flames while trying to find another way out, but it was no use. The flames were slowly surrounding them with no chance to escape. The heat was starting to get to them as sweat dripped from their heads and just seconds away from getting burned.

“There’s no way out!” Scootaloo cried, surveying the area desperately.

“We're gonna die!” Sweetie Belle wailed. "Someone, help us!"

Apple Bloom felt guilt stabbed in her heart. This wasn't supposed to happen. They were just trying to bring in the fun for her sisters and the others. But the school is burning down and everyone is in danger… and it's all their fault.

As the flames were about to reach them, Apple Bloom shut her eyes, letting tears leak from her eyes.

“Girls… Ah’m sorry!”

Suddenly, a magical shield made of diamonds appeared and surrounded the trio before any of the flames could touch them. The shield then disintegrates, wiping out the fire surrounding the trio in the process. The CMCs broke out their shock and turned to see their savior who was busy keeping a second shield up against a second wall of flames, despite her struggle with the heat.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed in relief.

Then they heard a grunt, followed by a loud crash. The girls turned to where the wall used to be, which now has a huge hole leading outside thanks to another savior who just punched the wall.

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom cried.

“You three alright?” Applejack grunted, staring pointedly at Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom winced at her sister's look and tone, basically telling her that she was in a lot of trouble despite being rescued.

“A-Applejack," she trembled "We–”

“We’ll talk later!” Applejack barked coolly, causing Apple Bloom to flinch as she gestured toward the hole. “Now, go!

"And please hurry, darlings!" Rarity pleaded urgency. "I can't keep this up forever!"

With various nods, the CMCs quickly ran toward the hole and escaped outside.

Unfortunately for Rarity, the fire became too much for her as the fire finally broke through her shield. Rarity collapsed to the floor due to her weak legs, letting the flames come near her.

"Aahhh! Applejack, help!" Rarity screamed, raising her arms to shield herself.

Without a moment of hesitation, Applejack quickly lept for Rarity, scooped her up, and ran out of the hole before more of the ceiling collapsed into the floor. Once they were outside, safe from the fire, Rarity looked up at Applejack, who had a look of relief on the farmer's face.

"You okay, Rares?" Applejack said softly.

With a blush, Rarity nodded. Her eyes then became alarmed when she looked above Applejack’s head.

“Applejack! Your hat!

Applejack glanced up, and her eyes widened in horror when she noticed the flames on top of her hat.

AHHH!" She screamed, nearly dropping Rarity as she tried to swat the flames away. "MAH HAT’S ON FIRE! HELP!

Suddenly, AJ's hat was yanked off of her head and then thrown onto the pavement, only to be stomped repeatedly by Rainbow Dash with her super speed until the flames disappeared. Rainbow Dash then picked up the now-ruined hat and gave it back to a shell-shocked Applejack.

"You're welcome," Rainbow Dash said with a grin, oblivious to AJ's expression.

Shortly after that, the rest of the Equestria Girls joined up with Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash at the school parking lot, along with the rest of the students who escaped safely. As soon as they were all together, their magic fade out, transforming them back to normal in their normal outfits, just as the firefighters arrived at the scene. Before either of them had a chance to say anything, they suddenly heard a loud argument from a few feet away. They turned to see Vice Principal Luna, who has just arrived due to an emergency, scolding Spoiled Rich for her actions during the fire.

"You just left the students inside!? What were you thinking!?" Vice Principal Luna berated.

“Well, it’s not my fault that these students are too slow!” Spoiled deflected, not phased by Luna’s scolding. "I was only thinking for my own safety!"

"As Principal, your top priority is the students' safety!" Vice Principal Luna yelled, getting into Spoiled’s face. "You really have gone too far this time! I will be reporting you to the school board for this!"

“I would like to see you try!” Spoiled scoffed, pushing Luna away from her face before smirking. “Good luck with that!"

Vice Principal Luna fumed as Spoiled walked away with her nose up in the air, who was not at least concerned about what just happened. As much as Luna wanted to tear into Spoiled for her neglect, her top priority right now is to check on the safety of the kids.

"Vice Principal Luna!"

Luna heed her name being called just as the Equestria Girls joined up with her.

"Girls!" Vice Principal Luna exclaimed in relief. “Are you all okay? And what about the others?”

“We’re all fine! Everyone made it out safely!” Sunset assured before glancing at her farmer friend. “Although, we wish to say the same thing for AJ’s hat.”

“Nooooooo!” Applejack wailed, clutching her charred hat close to her chest. “Mah poor hat! Bessie was far too young to be taken from this world! Why you cruel world!? Wwwwhhhhhhyyyyyyyy!?”

Rarity rolled her eyes at AJ’s pathetic display. “And they say I’m overly dramatic!”

“Well regardless, I'm glad that everyone's safe!" Luna smiled before facing the building in sorrow. "But our school…"

They all turned towards the school, which was still burning as many firefighters were trying to put the fire out. Many were saddened by this display, but Pinkie tried to cheer them up by taking the cake out of her hair for safekeeping.

“Well… at least the cake made it out intact!" Pinkie offered with her cheery smile.

Unfortunately, before anyone could react, a pig jumped on top of her cake, devouring it in seconds much to everyone’s disgust and despair.

“...so much for that,” Pinkie drooped, her hair deflated as a result.

Somewhere in the nearby bushes, the CMCs watched everything in front of them, feeling both shame and guilt at the sight of their school.

“Oh, man! We’ve really done it now!” Scootaloo groaned.

“We are in so much trouble!” Sweetie Belle whimpered.

“No one’s noticed us,” Apple Bloom whispered as she saw an opening to escape. “If we sneak away quietly, maybe we can–”

Going somewhere!?

The girls froze at a harsh, snooty voice behind them. They slowly turned around and winced at the sight of not only Spoiled Rich, but also Vice Principal Luna, their sisters, and all of the senior students of their school. They all have furious expressions on their faces, not at least a bit amused by their recent antics. Knowing that they landed in hot water this time with no way out, Apple Bloom could only give Spoiled Rich and the rest of their group an awkward, sheepish smile.

“Well… I guess our party really brought the house down… am I right? Eheheh…”

Yep, they’re definitely in hot water.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy the first two chapters! They both started off with a bang! :rainbowdetermined2:

Sonic was causing havoc, despite his noble cause and the CMCs tried to throw a pre-graduation party... only to blow up in their faces... big time! Oops! :twilightoops:

Anyway, the next chapter won't be out for a while, but I'll be working on that and other chapters as we speak. While it's okay to ask me when the chapter is out every once in a while but do NOT spam me the same question every day on every hour. The next chapters will be ready when it's ready! ...that is all! :pinkiesmile:

Anyway, some notes and references:

"Seaddle" is obviously a pony spoof for Seattle!

The company of the van that these robbers stole "Lock Load Security Services" was a subtle reference to "Lock-on technology", which was introduced in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. The coloring of the Lock Load Security Services might also be a reference to the color logo of Sonic & Knuckles.

The song that was playing at the beginning before Sonic did his warm-ups was called "It's Tricky" by Run DMC.

The food Sonic ate at the beginning was a chili dog, Sonic's favorite food. :scootangel:

The security guard who was tied up in the van was Scott Patey, the actor and voice for on-set Sonic during the shooting for two Sonic movies.

The scene when the water shoots out from the manholes was a callback from an opening/cutscene when Perfect Chaos attacks from Sonic Adventure.

And the music that was playing during the water scene was the ending piece of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.

Twilight explaining her experiences with her former Principal Cinch was a callback from the events of the third EqG movie, Friendship Games.

Spoiled's line about learning business and Equity, was a callback to the scene of her pony counterpart trying to teach the students about "loyalty" in MLP:FiM Season 9, Episode 20 - A Horse Shoe-In.

While she never has a speaking role in the show, Raven Inkwell is an Earth pony (or Unicorn in some cases) who served as Princess Celestia's aide, hence why I made her human counterpart as Principal Celestia's secretary in the human world.

There is actually a Pokémon anime reference during a phone call between Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. If you can figure out what that reference is, then you'll get a cookie!

Hint: It's a catchphrase from a character in Diamond and Pearl era.

Rainbow Dash's remark, "Thank Faust!" was a reference to the original creator and of MLP:FiM, Lauren Faust. She was involved as an executive producer for season one, then only consulting producer for season two before leaving the show, and not involved for the remainder of the series.

The song Sweetie Belle played for the party was called "Giddy Up" by Network Musical Ensemble, which I think was used for The Hub commercials during Season 3 of MLP:FiM. And the reason why I have Sweetie Belle play the music was because I was inspired by this PMV by Tweek Studio Animation. It was really good! :raritystarry:

"Pranch" was a pony pun for "Franch".

Applejack panicking about her hat being on fire was a reference to that moment in 1996's Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (aka Sonic OVA) when Knuckles panicked when his hat caught on fire.

So anyway, what's going to happen now? What will become of the CMCs? What about their school? Why is Spoiled their Principal? And what about Sonic? Will anyone find out about his vigilantism? Will Pinkie Pie ever have her cake and EAT IT TOO!? :pinkiegasp: :twilightoops:

Find out next time in the next chapter (whenever it is ready) of Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2!

Stay tuned! :rainbowdetermined2:

And don't forget to leave a like and give me any feedback in the comments below, but please be polite! :pinkiesmile: