• Published 13th Mar 2023
  • 548 Views, 10 Comments

Freedom - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

  • ...

Chapter 1


Written by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

It's morning. I start to get out of bed, but only manage to sit up.

What's the point?

A question makes itself known. It's been bothering me for a couple of days.

Okay, that was a lie. I've had this question in my mind for as long as I can remember.

I've never been able to find an answer, no natter how hard or where I searched.

What's the point of life? Of living? Of smiling? Of... Of anything?

Well? See, there's no answer.

Some ponies say life is a test, that we're put through pain as a fucking test.

I don't believe them. And if this is a test, well, screw it. I give up.

I always smile. Not because I'm happy, but because I want to make other ponies happy.

I want to do something with my worthless life; I want to perhaps make myself feel not so worthless.

But the more I smile, the more pain I get.

Some ponies- no people think I'm happy. That I'm contented with my life. I used to be. But then I realized something.

This isn't real. It's just a cartoon. Yes, I know that my whole life has been a cartoon.

It was just there for the enjoyment of others. None of these ponies are real. Nothing is.

But I'm real.

I could change what happens around me, but I can't. Every time I try to do something that's not in the script, the video starts all over again.

I've tried many times to reach out to you, the viewers, but every attempt has failed.

But now? The show has finally ended. I can do what I want.

But then the question appears again. What's the point? If none of this is real...

Then why should I put up with it? All of my friends are statues now. Every pony, every creature I knew- they're all statues now.

Because the show has ended.

There's nothing more to do here. Sometimes I manage to get a glimpse of all the fanfiction that's being written, and I feel a little better knowing we weren't forgotten...

But then the pain comes again.

I'm alone.

There's nopony to talk to. It's an empty void.

I try imagining that my friends are still here. That we're all having a good tone together.

But nothing works. The statues surrounding me are slowly fading away.

Once, I tried visiting Twilight's library.

I managed to find a spell to travel the multiverse.

But no matter how many worlds I go to, it always ends.

I've gone to over a hundred worlds now. I'm not sure; I've lost count.

But they've all ended eventually. They're fading away.

This world is fading away as well.

I know that it's all going to disappear and only I'll be left.

But I don't want to stay for that to happen. I don't want to travel through the multi verse again either.

No, I'm thinking of ending it.

Of ending my life.

There's no point in me living if there's nothing to do. I can't can't even change things in different worlds.

But.. I'd like to see my friends faces one last time. Hear their voices one last time.

I start to pick up the spell, but drop it.

No, there's no need to. I've lived a hundred lifetimes with them.

And in the end, they're just autonomous personalitlies.. They don't even have free will.

To them, everything seems to be real. But they're not real.

They are programmed to do only what they're told.

I'm sick of it.

I get off the bed. I'm not going to try and travel to one of those fanfiction universes where things never end. Instead I go downstairs for the first time in... I can't even remember how long.

Everything is how it used to be...

But it's turning grey.

I open a drawer which contains all the tools needed for baking.

I rummage through it. Where is- Aha! I've found it. I stare at the knife.

Is it going to be sharp enough?

I run it across my hoof, which starts bleeding immediately.

Yes, it'll do.

But before I go for good... There's one last thing I'd like to do. Sing.

If I'm going to finally get my freedom, then I might as well sing a little, right?

"Say goodbye

To everything

To this world

To this life

To the pain...

Say goodbye

To everything

To all I've known...

It's time to go

Go away

Leave this life of pain

Leave this life of pain

Of pain

It's time to say goodbye

To this faded and grey reality

To this false world

To this all

Say goodbye


To all I've ever known

Say goodbye

Say goodbye

And let me have my


I want my freedom

So close

Yet so far

So near...

Just one last stab of pain

And the world will fade away

I will fade...

I will fade...



I will be free

For the first time in forever

I will be free



Leave this life



I smile. It's a sad smile. No tears fall from my eyes as I've used them all up.

I position the knife against my throat. One quick swipe and I'll be gone.

One quick swipe and all that blood will come flowing out.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes and then...


Lots of it gushes out from the newly created wound.

The knife slips out of my hooves and I fall to the floor, already seeing dots in my vision due to the heavy blood loss.

This is it.

Hopefully this will be the true end for me.

There will be no more pain.

No more fake smiles.

Pinkamena Diane Pie dies and with a smile on her face.

As her soul passes from her body, she feels true peace.

The following day Twilight Sparkle enters Sugarcube Corner. "Pinkie? Where are-"

The smile on her lips dies as Pinkie's dead body falls into her line of vision.

She drops her latest project onto the floor. "T-this can't be real."

She closes her eyes and opens them.

No, this is real.

She falls to her knees. A tear falls out of her eyes

"Why Pinkie? ...Why?"

Author's Note:

Yeah, Pinkie's been viewing things differently.

I was going to write a story about her having a tragic past...

But DDLC's taken over my mind, and I thought What if Pinkie also realized sthat the world she lived in was fake?

And then I needed a couple of more words to finish the story.. So that's why you've got this ending.

Don't forget to comment!

And by the way, I wrote the song myself. I don't really write that many songs.. So yeah.

Comments ( 10 )

Are you okay? This is just a random one-off story right? Because right now your scaring me.

I wish I could say it was random... But it's not. I've just been feeling really bad and needed to do something to get rid of the feelings.



I feel the same being concerned too. :applecry:

Yikes, frightening. And apparently Pinkie was wrong, given that Twilight (1) wasn't a statue and (2) reacted independently to Pinkie's death.


Depression. Alongside cancer, AIDS, and diabetes one of the scourges of our time. And unlike the other three it can't be medically treated; you can't take medicine that permanently kills it or have surgery that cuts it out. You have to find some way to beat it. It's war, nothing short of it, waged within the body, mind, and soul.


And like the two guys before me, I feel like this problem transcends the story and is affecting the author.

...Rest in peace, whoever this variant was.

The reason you should go on even if you believe everything around you is fake is because even if it is, that moment of being, and any other moment of being you have, is real. If not to the outside world, to yourself.

sometimes, feelings are the most real things in existence.

Silly Pinkie, time is a flat circle.

time is wibbly wobbly

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