• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 2,201 Views, 50 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star (rewritten) - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and turned into a pony, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world, help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

  • ...

Wishes of Harmony

Wish couldn’t believe the luck he had last night, he meet the Mane Six and Spike, they offered him to come to Ponyville, and he became Twilight’s study buddy in the process. Things are really looking up for him, his smile never left his lips as he strolls down the hills as he prepares himself to head out to the train station.

However, one of the guards came up to him and said urgently, “Sir Star? The Princess requests your presence at the throne room, it’s an emergency.”

He looked at him confused and then asked, “If this has to do with the Gala last night, you can tell the nobles that I have no interest of apologizing.”

“It’s not that sir,” he reports to him, “It’s much dire than that! Discord is back!” This stopped Wishing Star dead in his track, hearing the name of the Lord of Chaos’ name made the teal stallion hurry to the throne room.

As he got to the doors that lead to the throne room, he accidentally bumped into Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six. “Wish!” The book smart pony exclaims, “Did Celestia call for you too?”

He nods yes and tells her, “And you’re not gonna like what she’s gonna say.”

As they entered the throne room, Celestia was pacing until she notices the group entering the room. "Princess Celestia, what's happening!?" Twilight asked. "I tried to use my fail-safe spell to stop everything that's been going on, but it failed!"

“You have a fail-safe spell?” Wish asked her, completely forgetting that she had that spell in the first place.

His question was ignored as the Princess of the Sun spoke, "I have called all of you here for an important reason. It seems that an old foe of mine has been freed from his imprisonment, and I alone cannot stop him. It has been a thousand years since his defeat, but he has returned." She looked up at one of the murals, the others following her gaze. "Discord, a being of chaotic power, causing disharmony and havoc all over Equestria. I thought that the spell Luna and I cast on him using the Elements of Harmony would have kept him as a stone statue forever, but they are no longer in out power anymore. The spell has been broken, and he was able to escape." Celestia lead the group down the halls until they reached a tower connected to the corridor, a sealed door that seemed to hold what they expected were the Elements of Harmony. "With the elements returned to us, I've kept them here in this high-security safe, where nopony can access them except myself. Now, I ask you and your friends, Twilight, to wield the Elements of Harmony and defeat Discord before he thrusts this our world into chaos."

"But why us?" Twilight asked.

"Hey! Look at this!" Pinkie exclaimed as she pointed at a mural that looked like it was made recently. "We're famous super heroes!"

On the window, it showed the mares on the ground, Nightmare Moon flying above them as a rainbow aura surrounded her, which was supposed to be the rainbow lights that were shot out from the Elements of Harmony. The girls wore their elements, a colored beam of light matching their gems shining from their necklaces and crown. A dark cloud was seen seeping out from the Mare in the Moon as it was destroyed by the light.

You’re very lucky to be heroes on that day, Wish had thought, looking at the awestruck Twilight, staring at the mural, hopefully my wish will come true of being a hero.

"Twilight, you and the others showed the potential to being the Elements of Harmony." They turned back to Celestia after looking at the mural commemorating all of their efforts on the Summer Sun Celebration. "Because of the magic of friendship you had harnessed, you were able to save my sister and wield the elements. And I believe, with Wishing Star’s help, their power was strong enough to free Luna from the darkness in her heart. I knew you could help her, and I know now that you all will be able to stop Discord before he causes more trouble throughout the world.”

"Wait! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain!" the party mare said. "Think about it! Endless supplies of chocolate rain coming from the heavens! It's my life-long dream to live in a candy covered world, and it's coming true!"

Wish just looked at her confused and asked, “I’m pretty sure somepony else made that into a reality and to make a copy of that would just be a copyright infringement Pinkie.”

“Aw nuts!” Pinkie curses.

Celestia looked at the safe containing the Elements of Harmony. She stuck her horn in an indent in the sun etched in the center of the door, casting a spell into it as her horn glowed. She pulled away as the door itself began glowing the same aura as her magic. With the door opened, the safe revealed a pedestal with a blue chest, Rarity's eyes sparkling at the glimmering box. The alicorn held the box with her levitation and held it out to them.

"Take the Elements of Harmony, and use their power. You are Equestria's only hope." She opened the box, but the elements weren't inside. Celestia gasped and dropped the chest. "B-But how...? That chamber is protect by a powerful spell only I can unlock!"

Suddenly, they heard laughter echo in the room, everyone looking around to find out where it was coming from. Wish just looks at the mural of Discord and said, “Take one guess.”

The mural’s color stained glass dances as the draconequus himself has been spotted, smirking at the group. ”My my Celestia,” Discord said through the glass, “For picking ponies as your friends, you seemed to always pick the best ones.”

"Discord." the alicorn growled.

"So you have missed me, Tia. I sure missed you." He said as chuckled.

"What have you done with the Elements of Harmony!?" Discord flew into another mural, hovering around the window where the six ponies stopped Nightmare Moon.

"I took them," he simply answered, then gave a mocking chuckle “Honestly my dear, have you really forgotten as to what I do, or what I’m capable of? Has the years finally caught up with you?”

“You'll never get away with this, Discord!” She furiously drew a hoof as she swore to him.

Then Wish snorts, “Honestly, has he though? I mean, this isn’t an act of foulness or evil, it’s just childish.”

“Childish?” Discord asked Wishing Star, he examined him as a pair glasses appeared as he squints. ”Ah, so you must be Tia’s new pet project. I’ve heard talks about you, and I must say, whatever plans she has for you it must be boooring.”

“And let me guess,” the young stallion teases, “‘Chaos could change your life forever!’ Please, pray tell, show me what I haven’t seen from you? Taking Unicorn horns and Pegasi wings? Been there. Having the clouds pour down chocolate rain? Done that. Honestly Discord, if this isn’t the display of a child being stuck inside of a whatever-thousand-year-old body, I don’t know what is.”

This seemed to have struck a cord on the draconequus. “You would dare mock me in my presence?” Discord asked.

“In front of six lovely mares and a Princess that wants to see your kiddy play plan blown up in your face and have you reverted to stone? Then yeah, I dare,” he say with a cocky grin, “Also, we gotta catch up with our silent opera sessions. Seriously, no matter how many times I come by your statue, it’ll like that’s the only thing you’d win at.”

“You will cease your tomfoolery, AT ONCE!” He demands as some of the stained glass windows shattered, leaving the only one where he is in.

“I’ll stop, if you tell us where you hid the elements.”

The draconequus growls, but then he calms his demeanor and says, “Very well, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way.” He then explained his riddle before his spirit left the building. “To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.”

Discord's mural flashed as it was now once again a permanent piece on the window, his laughter echoing as he disappeared. "What did he mean by that?" Rainbow asked.

The other mares had no idea, questioning about the riddle. Twilight’s pondering reflects on the word Discord spoke. “Twists and turns... twists and turns... twists and turns! That's it!” She then said as she eyed the nearby maze. “I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace labyrinth! It’s where he expects us to find them so he scattered them somewhere in the maze so we can’t find them.”

Wish shook his head, he knew that this was a trap set by Discord, he wanted them to be led by their own downfalls and flaws. He interjects, “I don’t think that’s the answer Twilight.”

Everyone looks at Wish as if he was a wiseman. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked curiously.

“This is what Discord wants us to the think.” Wish explains to the Mane Six, “Think about the last part of his riddle, ‘Find the Elements back where you began.’ He’s referring to you Twilight.”

The girls were shocked. “M-Me?!” She asked him, “What does this have to do with me?”

“It makes sense,” he goes on, “Your journey starts in Ponyville, right? Well, what if he placed them in the one place where it hits closest to home?”

The lilac Unicorn’s eyes widened in realization. “They’re in the Golden Oaks Library!” She exclaims, earning a nod from the stallion, “But, how does he-”

“‘Twists and turns are my master plan.’ He knows who you and your friends are, and he planned this. This is what he was expecting for you to do, to get caught in his lies and try to break you down physically one by one, disconnecting from your elements and have you all brainwashed. A creature with a high IQ would piece it together.”

“That no good cretin!” Rarity shouts dramatically.

Rainbow then asks, very suspicious of the stallion, “How do you know that’s what he wants?”

“As I said, he’s simply a child in an adult’s body. Everything that he says and does isn’t really that chaotic, but childish.”

They looked at each other for a moment, then Applejack spoke up, “Well, Ah reckon’ we better get to Ponyville fast, before Discord realizes what we’re up to.”

They all agreed and the six mares hurry out of the throne room. Twilight stops in front of the door as she turns to look at the teal stallion, he seems to be hesitant to follow them. “Are you coming with us Wish?” She asked him.

Am I gonna go with them? he asked himself in thought, Should I go with them? He seems to have brought down a brick wall on himself. On the one hoof, going with them would be an adventure, and Twilight did promise that she would teach the values of friendship, but if he does go with them he’ll only just get in the girls’ way and this may cause further issues. My wish is to be a hero of my own story… but this the girls’ fight. The victory should be theirs. I can’t get involved… not even since I…

“You go ahead without me.” He says to her, “I… I need to stay here.”

Rainbow’s head peak around from the other side of the door from hearing this, “What? And miss out on the chance to kick his butt and turn him to stone?”

Twilight’s eyes remained focused on the stallion. “You’re not coming with us?” She asked him.

He sighed and tells her, “This is where we… part ways Twilight. Despite what you girls tell me about Ponyville back in the donut shop last night, it sounds like one heck of a paradise, but I think it would be wise that I don’t go. I’ve already interfered with your lives enough as it is.”

The girls were shocked by Wishing Star’s rebuttal. Rainbow Dash was beginning to get suspicious of his sudden shift of behavior, and she knew that something was off with this guy. “First you’d suddenly act all tough on Discord, and now you’re saying that you don’t want to go out and stay behind? What’s going on with you?”

Wish hung his head and shook, not even wanting to answer the daredevil pony’s question.

“Rainbow dear, please,” Rarity says to her friend, “If this is something personal to him, it’s best to not ask further.” She then turns to the stallion, “I’m so sorry about her darling, we’ll take your word and head to Ponyville. If you ever change your mind, just send Twilight a letter.” The others agreed, two of which, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, doesn’t like this turn of events.

Twilight gave him a saddened smile as she turns to leave the castle with the girls, but she couldn’t help but noticed his posture and how he kept himself distant from her and the girls.

As he watches the girls leave the throne room, he gave himself a saddening sigh and said to himself quietly, “You’re so stupid man…” he walks to the window as he could then see the mares hurry their way to the train station a few minutes later.

“You chose not to participate with them?” The princess of the sun as the stallion, “Even after you agreed to go with them yesterday?”

He shook his head and looked at the alicorn, “What else am I suppose to do, go with them and accidentally reveal my power to them? Nopony is suppose to know who I am in the first place!” He began to pace from side to side, getting frustrated with himself, “Had I said yes, that would’ve been a mistake, they would spread gossips about me, and they would think of me as a freak! I had a normal life Princess! A normal life! Even if it was just a stupid wish, I never wanted this!”

He hung his head in sadness once again. “Sometimes I wi… hoped that all of this was just a dream.”

“And yet, here you are.” She says to him, placing her wing over his shoulder, giving him a a gentle smile, “You’re here in Equestria, here where you can show your true self to ponies who can relate to you. But you turned them away. So I’ll ask again, why did you chose to not go with them?”

The young stallion just shook his head and looked outside once again, seeing that a train has already left to Ponyville. He looks at the princess and asks his only question, his voice quivers, “What must I do?”

Celestia placed her hoof on his shoulder reassuringly and she then tells him, “I think you already know the answer to that my little pony.”

She could hear the girls talking not just the situation at hoof, but about Wishing Star as well. “I wonder why he chose not to come?” Fluttershy asked out of curiosity.

Applejack and Rarity shrugged as the fashionista says, “He does seems really defiant of that awful brute and quite brave,” she then gave out a sigh, “Then again, no normal pony could really stand up against him.”

The daredevil snorts, “Since when are we normal? We’re the Elements of Harmony for crying out loud! Saving the world and kicking bad guy butts for free isn’t practically normal. Him? He looks normal enough.”

Applejack scolds her, “Rainbow, just because he’s a normal pony, that ain’t mean he can’t be special in his own way.”

Twilight couldn’t help but kept looking back at the hallway, having somewhat a glimmer of hope that the teal stallion would come out and say that he changed his mind… but nopony was following them, or did the sound of the throne room’s door open. Perhaps he really is scared of Discord and he’s trying to overcome his fear of him… she thought to herself, I guess confronting him like that didn’t work out… but why refuse to come to Ponyville?

Her self questioning will have to wait as the mares hurry their way to the train station and aboard the train to Ponyville, hoping that they weren’t too late to retrieve the Elements.

As the train comes to a stop, they could see that the entire town was already descending into a misshapen dystopia. Buildings were lifted from their foundations, the hills turned into a giant checkerboard, more of those cotton-chocolate clouds drenched the streets in a torrential downpour, and ponies everywhere were in a frenzy.

The mares were in complete shock by the sudden turn of events of how chaotic Discord can truly be. “Oh, I hope the animals will be alright after this is over,” Fluttershy says in a concerned tone, “I hate to see them suffer such cruelty.”

There wasn’t any time to dwell on the scene of chaos, they hurried to the Golden Oaks Library all the while avoiding any vines, falling walls, and confusing floors. Luckily for them, Rainbow Dash and Applejack provided them cover and helped working together every obstacles that the Lord of Chaos would try and pull on them.

Finally, after navigating through what seemed like an obstacle course, they’ve finally got to the Library. Spike was surprised to see the girls there and asked in worry, “Twilight! What’s going on out there!? It’s like as if Ponyville is turning itself inside out!”

“That’s why we’re here Spike.” Twilight explains to him, trying to calm him down, “We need the Elements of Harmony. Girls, search everywhere for-”

“Here they are!” Pinkie calls out, holding out a opened book containing the necklaces and a crown. The girls were surprised, especially to the point where Twilight was about to ask how she found them so quickly… then again this is Pinkie Pie.

She counted the objects that were in the book and gave her friends their respective necklaces and placed the crown on top of her head using her magic. “Okay,” she says looking at her friends, “Every Element is accounted for. Now, to find Discord.”

The mares trudged outside, looking high and low for the draconequus, then they heard a bellowed voice, “IMPOSSIBLE!!! How did you manage to find them?! How could an attempt to trick like that fail so quickly?!”

“Trick us?” Twilight said, she placed her hoof on her chin, then she recalled what the riddle was told from the Lord of Chaos himself and what Wish had decoded from it, “‘Find the Elements back where you began.’ Wish was right! That was part of your riddle!”

“Yes, but you claimed you’d start at the labyrinth first!” Discord growls, “You’ve got some nerve double-crossing me like that!”

“Wow, he was sure right about you being childish,” Rainbow said with a deadpan, “This is just really pathetic.”

The draconequus growled at the mares for a moment and realized something with a chuckle, “Well, what if your friend was wrong? Maybe they are fakes.”

The mares, except for the daredevil, gasped at the revelation. “Oh no, he’s right!” Fluttershy exclaims, “How can we tell if they aren’t replicas!?”

“No need to!” A young male’s voice calls out, everyone turns towards the source of the voice and sees Wishing Star, standing confidently as he walk towards the mares, “The biggest slip up he did was to try and switch out the elements or in this case, destroy them before you got to them first.”

Discord was stunned, completely in shock, how did this stallion knew about his plan, even Twilight could put two and two together that quickly… no scratch that, who is this pony that Celestia chosen? His words, for the first time in his life, stumbled in dumbstruck, “H-How did-” he then sighs as a throne appears behind him, taking a seat. “Well, go ahead. Use the Elements of Harmony on me, turn me into stone. You and your friend here have won the day.”

The mares and Wish were shock. He gave up? Just like that? “Welp,” Rainbow exclaims in anticipation, “You heard him!”

But Wish knew Discord better, he would give up any moment of opportunity without a fight. Just as Twilight’s horn glowed, the girls’ necklaces were shining brightly and all of them and Twilight’s crown shot a laser towards the Lord of Chaos. As the shot came toward him, a cocoon of chaotic energy surrounded the draconequus, laughing like a maniac. Wish knew it, this was a trap.

“Foolish ponies!” He calls out as the mares gasped, “Did you really think I would let you have a win this easily?! I am the Lord of Chaos! You cannot outplay me! It will take more than your pathetic Elements of Harmony to stop me!”

The teal stallion looked at the girls, his mind was racking with a million thoughts, what can he do to lower that cocoon shield? It would take a miracle for him to negotiate with the draconequus… unless he could- no, he said to himself he would never do it again, especially in front of his heroes or anypony at all… but what other choice was there?

He recklessly shouts at Discord, “Discord! You and your chaos will never take over Equestria! If things had ended differently for you, you could’ve lived a better life! In fact, I wished, right here and now, that you had a change of heart when the Elements of Harmony hits you square in the face!”

The girls, even Discord were quite confused by Wish’s demand, but the Lord of Chaos laughed it off, “Oh my dear boy, have you forgotten that embodied Chaos? This chaos will never end as long as I live! You have no power over-” Suddenly, his cocoon of chaotic energy was slowly shrinking, “Wh-what!? How is this possible!?”

The girls were confused as he was, that was until their attention was turned towards Twilight’s crown, emanating light green sparks of magic. Wish, realizing what’s about to happen, shouts, “EVERYPONY, GET DOWN!!!” Twilight quickly took off her crown and tossed it away towards Discord, but it was too little too late. A shockwave of green, purple, and white magical energy was sent out across the town of Ponyville, restoring everything to it’s original state. The mare were knocked by a powerful force, nearly causing Rainbow Dash and Applejack to hit their heads against the Library behind them.

Wish got the worst from the force as he accidentally rammed into Twilight, hitting her horn in the process, knocking him in to a daze. The last thing he saw was an image of Discord, looking around and then escape… escape to where? He didn’t know, nor did he knew that his wish had worked. He then passes out, blackness consuming his vision.

He then started to wake up, his vision being blurry at first, like as if he was looking through a phoropter. His sight became clearer as the first pony he sees was a worried Twilight which has melted away with relief as she exclaims, “Oh thank Celestia! You’re alright!” She hugged him tightly.

“Twilight?” He asked groggily as the mare released him from her embrace, “What happened? Where... Where am I?”

She released him and explains to him, "You're in the Ponyville Hospital. We found you unconscious and you weren't responding. You gave all of us a huge scare! I didn't think you'd ever wake up!" She then gave him a glare of seriousness adding, "Don't you ever do something reckless like that ever again! I swear, that would be something that Rainbow Dash would do!"

"Hey!" They heard the daredevil shout, causing Wish to look behind Twilight, the rest of the Mane 6 are here too.

"In any case," AppleJack spoke up, "We're glad to to see ya recoverin' Sugarcube."

He nods in appreciation, which leads Rainbow to ask, "Yeah, that reminds me, what caused you to show up all of a sudden? How did you found us that quickly? And what did you do to cause Twilight's crown to go haywire?"

"Um, maybe we shouldn't-"

"Nuh-uh," the daredevil cuts of the yellow pegasus, she then gave the young teal stallion a glare of her own, "I need answers, and whether he likes it or not, he needs to spill it."

"Rainbow dear," Rarity scolds her, "It's not right to force him to answer questions for us, even if there are thing that can't be explained."

Rainbow just looks at the fashionista dumbfounded, "Aren't you even the least suspicious of him?!"

"Darling, why are you seeing this as a problem?"

"Why aren't you seeing this as a problem?!" She shot back at Rarity.

"Perhaps," a older stallion's voice says behind them, a silver coated Unicorn stallion with a brass beard, "I can answer some of those questions." Next to him is a jet black pegasus stallion. Everypony immediately recognized them as retired Captain Gleaming Sword and Lieutenant Storm Rush. The two then headed to the hospital bed. "Heya kid," Gleaming greeting heartedly, "How are you holding up?"

"Better," Wish says with a grateful smile, "and surprised to see you here."

"As am I and by what you said Captain-"

"Please Twilight," The older stallion says with a chuckle, "I'm no longer Captain, you can just refer to me as Gleaming Sword, or Gleam if you'd prefer."

Twilight blushed nervously, she completely forgot nopony ever refered to him as captain anymore ever since her brother took that position. "Very well then," She resumes her qusetion, "You said you'd knew what Wishing Star did. Could you explain?"

The former captain nods and began, "Well, the power he has is something that nopony shouldn't have when Equestria was first found, the power of Wishes." Everypony, except Wishing Star and Storm Rush, gasped by this revelation.

Twilight looked at Wishing Star, who is wearing an embarrassed look on his face, even blushing. “Was…” she started, still surprised by the Wish’s power, “Was that why you didn’t wanted to come with us?”

He nods his head, but before the lavender unicorn could ask another question, Pinkie Pie threw an entourage of questions of her own, “You can make wishes!? Can you wish for cupcakes? Can you wish for parties to appear? Ooh! Ooh! Can you wish for-”

“That’s how he uses that power Ms. Pie,” Storm cuts her off, who was up close to a nervous Wish’s face only to back off to look at the jet black pegasus, “You see, Wish has a somewhat of a connection to one of the Elements of Harmony, Magic. Magic is the representation of Hope, and relatively, Wishes are a representation of Dreams.”

“That would explain why my Element surged out of control all of a sudden,” the lilac mare said “But this doesn’t make any sense, the Elements of Harmony should only have one user each. How is it possible for Wish to have some connection with mine?”

Storm resumes, “Well, as I stated, Magic represents Hope, and Wishes represents Dreams. Many scholars don’t know this, but many speculated that the Element of Magic is only one half of the true Element of Harmony itself.”

“Wait wait wait,” Rainbow stops him, “You’re saying there’s an actual Element of Harmony?”

“It’s only speculation,” The jet black Pegasus tells Rainbow Dash, “but if there is, then that would mean that there is a seventh Element somewhere, wherever that may be.”

Twilight looks at the teal stallion and then was about to ask, but Rainbow beats her to the punch, “okay, that’s all well and good, but why would Wish out of all ponies just have this power? Is he, I dunno, cursed?”

Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity gasps at the conclusion, but Applejack stated, “Rainbow, he ain’t cursed.”

“Sure does feel like one.” Wish said sadly, looking down in shame. It took him a moment to look up at his friends as he then says, “I’m very sorry… to all of you…”

“Why are you sorry about dear?” Rarity asked him confused, as was everyone else in the room, “You helped us take on Discord and practically saved Ponyville, if not all of Equestria from his chaos. Sure, we don’t know where he’s gone to, but he’s been defeated.”

“But I could’ve hurt all of you!” He said defensively, “I shouldn’t have gone with you… but I did anyway! Why! I don’t know! I just… I just… You shouldn’t be hanging around with a pony like me… I’m not a normal pony like any of you.” He was waiting for them to say that they understood and left him be, but instead he looks up at the girls, giving him a very kind smile of their own. “Well? Aren’t you going to say it?”

“Yeah! Who cares if you aren’t normal?!” Pinkie exclaims, which caught Wish off guard, “You being different from us doesn’t matter! If anything,” she leans over to give him a hug, “I think it’s great we have somepony like you.” She lets him go to see the still shocked expression on his face.

“Besides that, who wants to be normal anyways?” Rainbow adds, “We use to live a normal life until Nightmare Moon showed, and then bam! We became heroes! Then all of a sudden, you came along, you took on Discord and practically ran him scared! Why wouldn’t we have somepony like you?” She gave him a punch to the shoulder as she continues, “You were awesome out there man, give yourself some more credit!”

Wish couldn’t process the praise from Pinkie and Rainbow, then Rarity steps in to say, “You are appreciated dear, and we can’t thank you enough for your help. If you haven’t stepped in, I don’t think ever have a chance against that brute.”

Just hearing this praise he’s receiving, he has no idea what to say to them back. It was Twilight’s turn to speak, “You see Wish? You may have gotten this power, and you could hear many ponies saying that you aren’t anything, but to us? To us, you mean everything, including Gleaming Sword and Storm Rush. They saved you because they know how important your future is. We’ve inspired you to be a hero like us. Best part? You didn’t need an Element of Harmony to show how special you are, or how you use your wishing powers.” She then gave him a gentle hug as she then finishes her sentence, “You’re more than enough for us. You are enough.”

Now tears we’re leaking from his eyes and returned a hug. For the first time in his life, outside of Princesses Celestia and Luna, Gleaming Sword, and Storm Rush, who he considers as family, he has actual friends he can rely on. Back when he was human, all he had was just an apartment, and plenty of high school work. Now, he’s here in Equestria of all places where he took on his first bad guy and made good new friends.

“Thanks Twi…” He quietly says to her.