• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,006 Views, 1,453 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Touching my horn to the dream portal and following Luna out of the dream, I glancing back.

The little earth pony filly was laying in a massive fluffy bed, curled up hugging a big stuffed animal. Well, little and little, she was ten years old.

Home sick from school and having nightmares.

Luna liked to make sure the foals slept well. That’s the way we had split things once I started to patrol dreams on my own. She did the foals and I handled the adults.

I liked that split.

Adult dreams could mostly just be canceled and replaced with dreamless sleep and there were less foals than adults. Which means she could give most important nightmares the attention they deserved.

That didn’t mean I never tagged along.

Stepping onto the not-ground of the dream realm, I stretched my wings while looking at my wife. You know, there were moments when I remembered that she was actually my wife and I got all giddy.

She was so beautiful and her mane shimmered like the night sky, especially in here. It almost seemed to be made of the same kind of stuff as the rest of the realm, blending in with it..

Luna turned her head to look at me before she smiled, “...What, My Page?”

Smiling, I moved over to touch her side with mine, “Simply admiring the night sky. It’s especially beautiful tonight.”

Her cheeks reddened slightly and she lowered her head to give me a small kiss.

I smiled into the kiss. Not often I could get her speechless.

Breaking the kiss, Luna looked at me knowingly as she flicked her tail against mine, “I have been considering things.”

“That sounds dangerous,” I said, looking up at her, “May I ask which things?”

Luna brushed her wing along my back, “My sister among others,” she said and flicked one ear as she looked at me, “I may have an idea to get her to take a vacation, but I’m not sure it will work.”

“Been discussing it with Sparks?”

Luna smiled, “Actually, very much so. It will require the help of all of you to be possible. Especially you.”

I sat down, looking up at her, “What’s your idea?”

Sitting down, Luna smiled, “How’s your magic studies going?” she asked.

I blinked at the seeming non sequitur before I shrugged, “It’s going alright. A lot of it is theory as practicing magic in a dream only does so much and I don’t have a lot of time when I’m awake. So I’m not exactly a wizard.”

“As I suspected,” she said with a smile, “In that case, this may work.”

I looked up at her in thought, “What exactly is your plan?”

“My idea is that she takes you on a teaching retreat away from Canterlot. Somewhere stray magic won’t risk ponies getting hurt.”

I considered that for a second before I shook my head, “I can see a couple of problems with that plan.”

“Such as?”

“Well, for the first thing, it would require me to leave Nocturnis for weeks if not months. I can’t just be away from my responsibilities for that long.”

Luna smiled, “Which I have already discussed with Twilight and Sunset. They are both happy to cover your responsibilities until your return.”


So it’s going to be one of those conversations. The kind where she already thought about every protest I could come up with and will end up with me doing what she wants.

Let’s play then. Where’s the fun in just capitulating after all?

“Even then, there are other things,” I continued, “For example, the entire idea is to get Sunshine to relax. You know more than most that teaching me practical magic is hardly a relaxing activity. Remember me and fire magic? Or that apple I blew up?”

Luna smiled, “I do indeed. But my sister really does enjoy teaching as you know. Getting her to relax fully may be impossible, but I think a month away to focus on what she loves would be very good for her.”

I glanced down at my hooves.

What Luna said made a lot of sense. I sure knew that if I got a month to do nothing but relax and write, I’d be a happier pony at the end of it. But it would likely need me to be away from Nocturnis for at least two months counting travel time into it.

But if there was anypony in Equestria that deserved a vacation, other than possibly Flower Rain, it was Sunshine. It was also true that convincing her to take it would take quite a lot. Last time I managed to do it by promising by taking over her duties while she was away.

“But that would mean you taking over her duties while she’s away.”

Luna nodded, “Indeed,” she said with a small smile, “But my sister did both of our duties for a thousand years, I can handle a month or so. Especially as Midnight has already promised to assist me.”

Two months away from Sunny and Sparks. Two months away from Nocturnis. Well, okay, it’d be closer to a month and a half. Six or so weeks.

A full month of focusing on my magic would likely help my skill a lot too, especially with Sunshine teaching me.

Maybe I can even get the entire shimmer thing fully under control.

“...Where would we even go?” I asked with a small frown before glancing up at her, “Any ideas? Because I can tell you, my guards are going to have opinions about anything too isolated for security reasons.”

Luna nodded, “Actually, I do. There is a small fortress a day's travel from Canterlot. I have checked and while it’s still maintained and kept supplied by the Guard, it is no longer in active use. Fortress may be overstating it a bit even, more like an oversized watch tower at the side of a mountain. Highly defensible and can be made comfortable for a month-long stay in less than a week. Including any teaching material and enough space for an attachment of both Solar and Nocturnis guards.”

I eyed her suspiciously, “So… you really have thought of everything, haven’t you?”

“I did discuss it with Twilight,” she pointed out with a small amused smile.

Sighing softly, I finally nodded, “Okay,” I agreed, “if you can get her to agree to it, I can play along.”

Luna kissed my cheek, “Thank you. I think it’d be good for her to get some time to relax.”