• Published 2nd Jun 2023
  • 13,619 Views, 1,283 Comments

A Fateful Flurry - FIygon

Flurry Heart wishes on a star, hoping for a twin sister to make her mother happy. Unfortunately, she messed up in a few ways, and now I'm here.

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10 - Normal People Things

Author's Note:

Hi guys, thanks for your patience waiting for my slow butt to get updates out. Life's a bit busy, but who's isn't really. The story is super close to 1000 likes, which has got me super ecstatic and hopeful that I'll cross that 4 digit barrier soon. It's actually unbelievable to me that I have so many readers! Thank you all!

I was heavily confused when, after agreeing to have lunch in the garden, we went up instead of down. Though when I thought about it I hadn’t seen anything resembling a garden below the castle anyhow. It wasn’t surprising since the entire castle was elevated by massive leg structures. I imagined the castle being the last thing left if a flood swallowed the entire world.

Stellar Flare looked giddy as we walked the long hallway. "Oh, I’m excited; I’ve never gotten to see your rooftop garden, dear.”

Cadance nodded with a large smile. “Well, me and Flurry have been working on it since she was so small. A lot of care has been put into it.”

Flurry sat backwards from Shining’s back and lifted her head proudly. “I dare say it’s the best garden in the empire!”

Sunburst laughed and nudged her. “You know there isn’t much competition for that.”

Flurry glared at him but forgot quickly as we got so close to the large door. Shining’s magic enveloped it, and we stepped out. I leaned around Cadance to see my surroundings; she giggled and held her wings up farther to keep me more stable.

We weren’t at the highest point of the castle, but on the roof of the main portion of the castle. The first thing I noticed was how surprisingly warm it was. And upon looking around, I got a sight I was not quite used to. Being stuck in the snowy, barren landscape of the Crystal Empire and its surroundings meant I’d never really seen any of this world’s native flora. I mean, I had shown up in the middle of winter as well, which didn’t help my chances.

It was the first time I’d seen so many colors and bugs. It was similar to a greenhouse with its sheer quantity of densely packed nature. Cadance looked back at my astonished face and smirked. “The roof up here has a weather spell implanted into the castle itself. It requires a charge every once in a while, but it stays beautiful up here year-round.” She explained.

Flurry jumped off her father’s back and rushed over to many plants to inspect them, mumbling to herself in the process as she looked at their individual parts. Cadance rolled her eyes playfully. “She’s named every single one. She’s diligent; I’ll give her that.” She told me quietly.

Suddenly she was in front of us once again: "Kieran, get down here! I want to show you around!”

Cadance raised her brow as the adults began setting up at the picnic table and bringing out a basket. “After lunch, there’s no rush, Flurry. He’s not going anywhere.”

“We hope,” I said a bit pessimistically, but I covered it with a smile.

“Nope,” Cadance said whilst continuing to walk, “we’re not even going to entertain that idea.” She warned me.

We reached the picnic table, and I was deposited between her and Shining, with Flurry hopping up on my right. Flurry stood with her hooves on the table and said, “Oh, oh daddy, I want my favorite. You know the one!”

Shining smirked, “Right away, my princess.” He said it with a haughty tone as he bowed.

Flurry giggled as Shining looked up at me. “And what about you, Kieran? Whatcha like on your sandwich, bud?”

I suddenly felt a bit flustered, but I managed an answer. “Um… the first one you gave me… the first time.”

Cadance leaned down. “Oh? My favorite kind?” She looked up at Shining with a smirk and said, “Guess we’ve finally proved which of ours is superior, honey. One more, please.”

Shining raised a brow and kept his head held high, “Remember who’s making them dear. Anything I touch turns to gold.” He said with a huff of laughter.

Sunburst chimed in from the other side of the table, “He’s not wrong—any time he has made me a sandwich, it has been great.” He laughed and said, “I don’t think they see your genius the way I do, Shining.”

Shining smirked proudly, “I know! A bunch of amateurs over here.” He handed Flurry’s sandwich down to her, and she went at it ravenously.

Cadance faked desperation as she put a wing around my back. “Oh, but please, Sir Shining. Me and my poor little foal here are just so starving! Please grace us with your sandwich prowess!” I was a bit flustered, and my face turned a bit red at the implication of me being her foal.

I could tell it was all jokes since Shining was already preparing the sandwiches. But nonetheless, he gave us the eye of scrutiny, saying, “I wouldn’t expect one of your stature to respect the art. However, I shall indulge you, my lady.” He dropped the act and smiled down at me. "Kieran, how much sauce do you like on sandwiches? A little bit, normal, or extra?”

When suddenly being called upon, my ears twitched. “Oh, normal, please, if it isn’t trouble.”

He smiled brightly and nodded. “Right away, buddy.”

I was flustered and more than a little bit caught off guard by both Shining and Cadance’s bantering and comical mood. But I deduced this was only my confusion over how tight their family and friends' relationships were. By all intents and purposes, I was a complete stranger, yet they were acting like I was just another member of the family.

I certainly didn’t know how to act with a normal family—I’d never eaten together with mine. We never joked with each other unless it was Damon; I never really got the chance. Well, it was more like my “parents'' didn't give me one. The last thing on their minds would ever be hanging out with me and playing. But in a colorful land of talking ponies, I felt wholly warm and more welcome than I had felt on earth in most of my time there. But that warm feeling in my chest bubbled up even more whenever I was around Cadance and Shining. It confused me in a happy way.

Lunch passed smoothly, with all the adults catching up even more. Especially about a bunch of other ponies I’d never heard of or known of. About a bunch of Twilight’s friends and students who attended the school of friendship. It was interesting, but I found myself closing my eyes and relaxing under Cadance’s safe and warm wing. Flurry was quiet when eating, until anything was said about her and she’d chime in loudly. But that much was expected of her at this point.

"Momma, can I go check on the plants?” Flurry requested.

Cadance gave a silent nod, as the filly must’ve been eyeing me. “Is Kieran..?”

“Let him rest, honey; he’s been through a lot today.” Cadance reminded her. Flurry seemed to agree as she trotted off somewhere into the gardens.

I think the adults assumed I was asleep, even though I was just reveling in the softness of Cadance’s embrace and the fresh air here. Though the previous magic incident had wiped me of some amount of energy, it was an understandable assumption. The adults’ voices became hushed, and Stellar inquired about me more. “So, forgive me if it’s rude.” She hesitated, “But what is the story with Kieran?”

Cadance and Shining didn’t respond for a bit. “Flurry’s magic continues to elude us.” Shining said exasperatedly with a sip of his drink.

Sunspot hummed inquisitively, "Hmm, I imagined it as such.”

Cadance hugged me a bit closer with her wing. Then she sighed, “Kieran… he was mistreated terribly before his life ended. And in some monumental act of alicorn madness, Flurry put his dying soul into a copy of herself. Not even she knows how she did it.” She paused and began to stroke my back gently. “But now he’s with us.” She somehow pulled me even tighter; I wasn’t complaining. In fact, I’m pretty sure I nuzzled into her fur in response.

Stellar hummed happily at that. “Quite the mystery. But he seems as happy as a foal can be, if a little quiet.” She commented.

Shining huffed a slight laugh. “Well, if you’d seen him two nights ago, you’d be surprised at how much he has warmed up to us.”

I knew it was wrong, letting them think I was sleeping. And I did feel slightly guilty, but to me, it was no different than the times Damon argued with my caretakers, and I’d listen through a small crack in the doorway with bated breath. You could tell who someone really was by the way they spoke about you while you were absent, which includes sleeping. I’d just been a bit naive about the signs of my old caretakers.

So… I deduced that getting burned twice was a bad decision and listened on.

Sunburst shuffled, “I can see it if your previous message is to go by. He seems to like you both a lot, but certainly Cadance.”

I could tell Cadance blushed by the way she cleared her throat quietly. “Well, yes, I just think I’ve been the first one to truly listen and allow him to vent his frustrations, for both lives. He’s not a bad foal—in fact, he’s a real sweetheart when you gain his trust.”

Stellar giggled. "Oh, come now, that can’t be the only reason. You’ve wanted another foal for a while now, haven’t you?”

Cadance stammered, “Y-Yes…”

Stellar continued with another short giggle, “Trust me, honey, from one mother to another. You aren’t simply acting as a therapist for Kieran. I can tell you love him like your own already.”

Stellar certainly had that whole know-it-all, old-mother type that you’d usually find in hair salons and such. What she said had even made me blush in embarrassment, and I suddenly wondered how much the act of “sleeping” was worth it. Now I’d have to hear Cadance’s words of denial about that statement with my own ears, which was not only hurtful but-

“I certainly do. And I really wouldn’t mind being his parent.” Cadance finally said, trailing off with a bit of sadness.

That made me do a mental double-take and made it really hard to keep up the act of sleeping. But Cadance quickly added on to her statement, “But not if it means hurting him. He was already hurt by his previous home. And his trust doesn’t come easily; the last thing I want is to make him feel pressured into considering us “family” when none of that honestly matters."

Shining hummed in agreement, “I just want what’s best for the little one. Even if it means we have to say goodbye someday, giving him somewhere to feel at peace and the feeling that somepony appreciates his presence is all that matters.” Cadance hummed in agreement and stroked my back a bit more.

I… I had no mental words for that. I felt tears pricking at the edges of my eyes, but I quickly nuzzled into her fur to wipe them away and keep up the act. Did they know I was pretending to sleep and wanted to tell me something indirectly? Or did they actually just decide to say the most super nice thing anyone has said about anybody in the history of ever? It was mind-boggling to me at that moment.

“Well said, you two,” Sunburst said with a huff of acknowledgement.

Stellar hummed happily, “I’m glad it’s all working out for you.”

I was still shocked by all of what they’d just said. I needed time to process it, so I faked a yawn and stretched my hooves as my eyes opened. Cadance rubbed my back and nuzzled my head. “Feel better, sweetie?”

I pretended to be groggy as I looked up and smiled at her. “A bit.” I yawned again, for real this time, and backed away a bit. “Can I go find Flurry?” I requested while rubbing my eyes.

Cadance nodded. “Of course. She’s probably checking on all her favorite plants right about now. Be ready to hear every single one of their stories.”

I raised a brow. “Their… stories?”

Shining laughed. “Yep, how much they cost, where she got them, where the plant originates from… She’s dedicated for sure.”

I nodded at him and hopped down carefully. “I’m sure their stories are riveting.” I said a bit jokingly.

Shining huffed, “Sure. Just don’t feel bad if you need to feign intrigue at times.” He joked back.

“Oh, I probably will.” I replied truthfully as I rubbed the back of my neck.

Cadance rolled her eyes playfully before looking me seriously in the eyes. “You come right back if you start feeling bad again, alright? Or tell Flurry to come get us.”

I nodded, taking a few more steps away. “Sure.”

“Oh, and don’t let her convince you to leave the garden with her.” She requested.


Another thought seemed to come to her: “Oh! And don’t taste any of the plants. Flurry seems to think she knows when they’re ripe enough.”

I gave a short smug smile, "Alright, mom. I get it, jeez.” I huffed jokingly with a sarcastic tone.

Her wings ruffled, and she blushed a bit as the rest of the adults snickered. Well, Shining busted out laughing. Cadance eventually giggled too and retorted with a simple “Have fun!” as I walked away.

After I walked out of sight, I sat down, staring at my hooves for a while. There was something inside of me doing what it always did, urging me to ignore their words, excepting some sort of trap or other unfavorable thing. But I knew that it was wrong, and this was the one time where I could truly believe every word they said.

My eyes teared up before I could compose myself, and they dripped down and onto my hooves. It was a jumbled mess of happy and sad tears. ‘My parents would’ve never said anything nice like that to me,’ I realized. My days of scounging around dumpsters were always making me assume I’d never have the chance to live easily with others who wanted me to relax as well.

When I’m around their family, things just sort of fix themselves. It’s no longer about me fending for myself, even when my supposed “parents” were in town. But Cadance and Shining... they treated me like family more than anyone ever had. Their warm embraces, their friendliness—it already felt more homely here, and I couldn’t deny it.

I sighed, ‘Why did Cadance have to imply she wouldn’t mind being my mother?!? She’s got my mind talking in crazy mode. Doesn’t she know you don’t just say something like that all willy-nilly?’ I tried to act annoyed by it, but I couldn’t help but crack a small smile. I wiped my tears away and took a large breath. The world almost seemed more colorful than it always had. I guess I'd written off Cadance's early words about me when I first got to this world, assuming that she only thought she wanted to adopt me because I was a Flurry clone. Not Because I was Kieran. But that wasn't the truth anymore, she loved me for... me. As crazy as that was.

“Kieran! Come over here!” Flurry’s voice called eagerly.

I looked up, and she was standing a bit farther away, waving her hoof from behind a set of plants. I sighed, freeing myself from my thoughts as I stood up and trotted over. When I got there, she was leaning over one of the plants. I awkwardly approached, “Hey.”

She smiled over at me and said, “I thought you’d sleep under momma’s wing forever! Come here, look.”

I raised my brow as she grabbed my hoof and pulled me over. It was a nice-looking plant, all things considered. It had a mix of purple and white-colored little buds erupting all over it, along with some very large stems. I don’t know; I’m not really much of a botanist… “It’s really nice.” I expressed myself with a sincere smile.

Flurry nodded. "Yeah, she is pretty, but I meant this. Look.” She pointed her hoof down near the dirt around the plant. In the soil was possibly the fattest and fuzziest caterpillar I’d ever seen, nibbling on one of the plant’s fallen leaves.

I tilted my head, “Huh, weird little guy.”

Flurry reached her hoof down to touch it, but I grabbed her hoof and gave her a concerned look. “Hey, what if it’s poisonous? Plus, it’s eating; why mess with it?”

She seemed surprised for a minute before she giggled as I released her foreleg. "No, silly, it’s not dangerous.” Once again, she reached down and picked up the caterpillar. Holding the confused and rather disappointed-looking creature up for me to see.

“These little guys will just keep eating and eating, and it’ll hurt this plant.” She walked a few feet away and put it on the leaves of another plant with very large leaves and a flower at the very top. “But this plant is used to having its leaves eaten, so it won’t hurt it at all if the caterpillar eats here.”

I stared in intrigue at her as she turned back around to me with a smile. “You know a lot about these plants, huh?” I commented, already knowing the answer.

She nodded. “Of course I do! It’s me and Momma’s garden. I can’t disappoint her by letting one of them die off. If one dies, it’s sort of like an entire memory of me and Momma being together is dying too.”

With how adorable of a thought that was, I let my smile engulf my muzzle. “Wanna show me around?” She nodded eagerly before gesturing for me to follow.

She took me around to see a lot of plants. And when they said she knew every single one of them, they weren’t kidding. Though Flurry managed to make a good few of their “stories” actually rather interesting in the process of showing me around.

Something kept pricking at my mind as I watched her. She’d prune the plants and occasionally manipulate their stems and leaves with her magic in a way that seemed nearly impossible for my human brain. If a flower wasn’t blooming yet when it should, she’d give the plant the extra boost it needed, and when she talked, it was almost like the things she was manipulating were moving to her words. It made me wonder what her specialization in magic was, as Sunburst had explained to me earlier.

There was a lull in the stories, so I inquired, “Hey, Flurry."


“What’s your magical affinity?” I asked.

She turned and giggled, “Silly, alicorns have affinity for everything. We don’t do anything badly.”

I shrugged lightly. “But isn’t Cadance the alicorn of love? And Luna and Celestia are the sun and moon… Isn’t that sort of like an affinity?”

She was absentmindedly messing with a plant as she replied, "Well, yeah, we get a sort of “domain” that we rule over. I’m sort of the exception.” She said, her face falling a bit.

I hummed curiously, and she must’ve known I’d ask anyway, so she continued. “Alicorns aren’t usually born like me.” She said with a sigh, “They usually start as earth ponies, unicorns, or pegasi and have to achieve something of great importance to be blessed with alicornhood.”

She turned back around to me and said, “Usually they get a domain over something and a kingdom to rule along with it.” She huffed exasperatedly. “But I really didn’t do anything to deserve being an alicorn.”

I pursed my lips. “Well, isn’t that just because your mother is an alicorn?”

She shrugged halfheartedly. “Maybe, but still… It's a lot of pressure being expected to find a domain to rule, get my cutie mark, and a kingdom when I’m older.”

I crossed my front forelegs and raised my brow. “Who said you have to do those things just because it’s the normal thing to do?”

She looked at me in surprise before stuttering out an answer: "Well, I just feel like I’d be a disappointment to momma, my aunts, and-”

"Oh, please,” I interrupted her. “Your family is the nicest one I’ve ever met! I doubt they’d ever think of you like that. Have you ever heard them say it out loud?”

She searched for a retort but couldn’t seem to find one, and she blushed in a mixture of realization and annoyance. “Well, even if they don’t, I still want to figure it out.”

I hummed in intrigue, putting a hoof to my chin. “You manipulate plants really well. Maybe you’re some sort of plant alicorn?”

She snickered loudly as her worries seemed to ease off. “I hate to burst your bubble, but even a young unicorn could do what I’m doing with the plants.”

“Oh,” I muttered. I sighed. “Then what’s your best kind of magic? You know, the one that really just comes naturally to you? Maybe that’ll give you an idea.”

She seemed to be thinking quite hard, with an intense face adorning her features. Eventually, she hummed and tilted her head as if she'd remembered something. “Conjuration…” I looked at her curiously, and she nodded. “When I was really young, the first magic I was really good at was creating things out of nothing.”

"Yeah, that lines up,” I said with little surprise in my voice.

She giggled. “I’d make little toy dolls and make them act out extravagant plays for my own entertainment.” She smiled fondly as she closed her eyes. “I’d make them dance and sing for me and do everything I wished.”

“Why’d you stop?” I wondered.

Her face fell a bit. “I got too good at it; I made them too real. One day, when it was time to get rid of the dolls for that day, all I heard was them begging for their lives.” She shifted uncomfortably and grimaced, “Momma explained they weren’t really sentient, just that I’d given them too many realistic qualities. It really freaked me out, and… I forbid myself from doing it ever again. It was awful.”

I felt a chill run down my spine at the thought of that scenario, and I gave her a playful, horrified look. “You were a morbid little filly, huh?”

She deadpanned at me, “I almost injured many people with my powers as a small filly. Alicorn magic is quite uncontrollable for the inexperienced.”

“I believe it."

There was a gap in the conversation, and I laughed a bit. “I think you should try that sort of magic again. I’m sure you’d be great at it now.”

She looked at me, unsure yet thankful in a way. “Is that a good idea, though?”

I shrugged. “If you really want to find your talents, maybe returning to your roots would help with that.” I pointed towards a nearby plant, “No pun intended.”

Flurry giggled, “I can go back to having extravagant performances too!"

She had a sudden realization and put on a smug grin before striking an extremely over-the-top pose, as if she were a magician just finishing her grand finale. “Maybe I’m the alicorn of the theater? The art of the act!” She announced herself extravagantly.

I snorted loudly and laughed, "Yeah, maybe! And I’ll be your alicorn assistant, the alicorn of failure.” I said with a playful smirk.

She giggled. “You’re not a failure!” She defended, but couldn’t contain her fit of laughter.

I smirked mischievously, doing my own goofy pose. “What? Surely an alicorn without magic is the clown of your theater show! People would come from far and wide to see the one and only Magic-of-Nothing Alicorn!” I posed heroically and stuck my tongue out.

She rolled onto the ground in her fit of laughter, and not long afterwards, I fell down beside her, giggling all the same. We giggled for a long time, only stopping for short breaths before the other’s laughter brought back our own.

Eventually we settled down and watched as the clouds overhead twisted and morphed in their winter weather. While we lay here in warmth, as if it were a warm summer day. Eventually Flurry spoke again, her voice soft and happy: “I’m happy you’re here, Kieran.”

I blushed and shifted a bit until I was closer to her. “I’m happy I’m here too.”

There was more calm silence before she spoke again, this time much more nervous. “Have you ever thought of… staying? Y’know, here… with me, momma and daddy?”

I didn’t want to give a hasty answer and stayed truthful: “I have, and not really much else. I don’t know where else I would go to be perfectly honest.”

She suddenly sat up a bit, enough to lock eyes with me. “You should stay!” She said maybe a bit too overeager. She blushed and coughed to hide her excitement. “I mean, I think you like it here, and we all like you being here… So I just think it’s a good idea…” Her horn began to glow faintly in her excitement.

“Oh, really? I had plans; I guess I’ll have to cancel my train ticket. Oh dear.” I said sarcastically.

She shoved me playfully and gave me a pleading look. “No, I mean it! Please stay.”

Her words were honest, and if I’d wanted to leave before, my opinion had certainly changed somewhere around yesterday, and if not then, probably about ten minutes ago. “Mmm… Okay. I’ll stay.” I said, pretending like it required more thought than it actually did. “Now if I suddenly start acting crazy, you’re stuck with me.” I agreed while sticking my tongue out and poking my cheek.

She seemed overwhelmed with happiness in that moment, as her lower hooves rocked back and forth giddily and she held a large smile. But her response was rather calm in comparison: “Yay! Now I have a permanent friend living with me.”

I hummed absentmindedly as I looked up at the clouds. “Wasn’t your end goal to have a sibling?”

She stared at me for a second as I raised my brow, then she huffed and crossed her forelegs. "Oh, come on, just let me be happy. You’re the one who told me we’d start as friends.”

“Sheesh, you’re making it sound like you want to date me,” I poked fun at her.

Her face became deep red, and she glared a little at me. "Okay, smart mouth, I don’t love myself that much!”

I turned over to my side and smiled smugly at her. “It’s fine, though; I still need some time to think it over. I'm not sure if I like you enough to be siblings yet.”

“Alright, that’s it!” She announced, standing up slightly.

That seemed to be her tipping point as she lunged forward at me. I had no idea what her end goal was in our little wrestling match, but I did know that she wasn’t holding back. She laughed maniacally as she desperately attempted to gain access to my face. I put up a good fight, I’d like to say, but eventually she got through my defenses, pinned my hooves down, and gave me a solid lick on my forehead.

“Hey, what was that for?” I giggled.

She just smirked, “I win!”

As it started getting dark out, we all left the garden and headed back into the castle. In the main hallway, Sunburst and his family broke away from the group.

“It was nice seeing you all, but I think I should head out. I’ll try and get a message to Starlight and Twilight as soon as I can with all the data I collected.” Sunburst said with a definitive nod.

Flurry and Cadance shared a hug with him and said their goodbyes. Sunburst looked down at me a bit more solemnly, but his face was determined. He put a hoof to his chest and said, “I promise Kieran, we’ll do everything in our power to figure it out for you.”

I just nodded understandingly as he and his family said one last goodbye before leaving the castle again. Flurry looked a bit sad, and Cadance immediately reassured her, “Don’t worry, honey, they’ll be back for Hearth’s Warming really soon!”

Flurry turned and nodded with a smile. We made the rest of the way back into the castle living space. As we got there, about half a dozen worker ponies came out of a room I’d never been in while carrying supplies; they bowed at the door before exiting. “Momma, who are they?” Flurry asked.

Shining replied absentmindedly, “They’re just working on installing some new windows in the office, sweetie. They’ll be in and out for a few days.”

And that was all for her explanation. We ate a small dinner due to lunch being later than usual, and we all relaxed in the living room around the large fireplace on their more than spacious and soft rug. Flurry was snoring quite loudly while lying against Shining’s stomach, but I had a lot on my mind personally.

I lay with Cadance’s wing draped over me, against her stomach, staring at the flames as they flickered, crackled, and burned. They were conversing quietly about mundane things, while my head raced with an overabundance of issues now splayed about me. My apparent awful magic was the main thing plaguing me, as not being able to live like the other ponies irked me. Then, of course, the confusing question of parents sat in my mind. But I tried to ignore that one more than normal.

At some point, Cadance’s soft and comforting voice hovered above me. “I know that look in your eyes; what’s troubling you, little one?”

Ignoring how easily she reads people, I eyed her momentarily, “Just… magic.” That was all I said.

She looked saddened and a bit defeated, knowing there was no way she’d be able to fix things for me. Shining chimed in, “Don’t blame ya, buddy; if what happened to you earlier happened to me, I’d be more than a little shook.”

Cadance rolled her eyes. “Be a little bit more sensitive, dear.” She reprimanded him, and he smiled sheepishly.

I shook my head quietly before laying my head to the side, resting it on her stomach. “Cadance? What’s an alicorn’s purpose?” I’d already heard both Luna’s and Flurry’s explanations, which were wildly different from each other. I wanted another opinion.

She seemed shocked by my question, but she quickly relaxed: “The joy of being an alicorn is having nearly unlimited freedom in what your purpose should be. Though it’s also a curse, as you always wonder if there’s something more you could be doing.” She gave me a rather straightforward and understandably bleak answer. One that I hadn’t expected.

“Is it okay if an alicorn just relies on everybody all the time? And if that alicorn just wanted to live peacefully… would that be okay too?” I asked a bit childishly, though it was the easiest question that described my current fears.

She gave me a warm motherly smile, pulled me closer, and nuzzled my cheek. “Yes, it’s okay. And that alicorn will be okay. And he’ll still be loved, no matter what.” She reassured me with a knowing smile.

I blushed, relaxing even more into her wing as the fire popped a few times. And Cadance started humming quietly. Even if I’d wanted to stay awake, I couldn’t help but drift off. Flurry was asleep, and Shining was nearing there, so accepting that tonight would be spent on a rug in front of a fireplace, I gave in and drifted off to her voice.

Maybe trying to be part of a new family wasn’t such a terrifying idea…