• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 450 Views, 19 Comments

The Saiyan - Blood fallen

When a Saiyan finds him stranded in Equestria after being in suspended animation for 52 years he must choose between his nature and new feelings of friendship.

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Chapter 2: Meeting an alien

Rodas slowly regained consciousness his vision blurry as he slowly sat up, as his vision returned he realized that he wasn't onboard the Frieza force ship that he remembered being on before going on Ice. "What the hell, where am I?" Rodas asked as his vision cleared in it's own time, he could tell that he was in someone's house. Looking around he found an unsettling amount of pink and green furniture leading him to the realization that he was in the house of a female who he guessed was signal due to the clear lack of any male presence . "How did I get here, and where is my scouter?" Rodas asked as he tried the door handle finding it locked, of course he rip the door off it's hinges at any time he wanted but he wanted to look around a bit more before leaving and blowing the house into pieces.

Leaving the locked front door behind him he walked over to the kitchen which was clearly visible on the other side of the room through an empty door way. "Might as well get some food in me while I can I don't want to fight on an empty stomach again." He said only to be stopped by a small fluffy creature with long ears, he looked at it for a few moments as it definitely looked back at him putting its small paws on its waist in the same his ex used to when they argued. Rodas looked at Angel with a wicked grin and ran at him at a speed only a trained eye could see and kicked the small white rabbit like a football into the kitchen cupboard. "Serves you right for reminding me of my ex." The Saiyan said as he went into the kitchen and began rummaging for food.

Meanwhile in Ponyville.

Fluttershy threw open the door of Twilight's library finding her with Applejack hand the two mares kissing for some reason, Fluttershy's face went red with embarrassment at the sight of her friends shamelessly touching each other. "If you two were going to do something like this then you need to lock the door." Fluttershy said looking away, Twilight and A.J both got an out of control blush on their faces at the sight of Fluttershy.

Quickly stepping away from each other Twilight while Fluttershy was looking away. "What's the matter Shy?" A.J asked looking at the quickly darkening a sky seeing it would be night soon.

"One of my animal friends found some guy in and I don't know what he is, but then I remembered you two were talking about aliens so I thought it might be the one Applejack saw earlier." Fluttershy explained quick her face still red from embarrassing sight of her friends kissing.

"Wait you've seen the alien?" Twilight asked walking forward to turn Fluttershy around and grabbing her by the shoulders to look her in the eye, Fluttershy started to shrink away from Twilight due to the sudden contact and still having confidence issues around others especially with physicals contact.

"There's an alien in my house." Fluttershy squeaked out in a whisper.

Applejack separated Twilight from Fluttershy. "Jeez Twi look at what your doing to the poor mare, you know Shy still has trouble with other ponies touching her." Applejack said putting a little space between them so Fluttershy could calm down. "Now Twi, it sounds to me like we need to go to Shy's house." A.J said as she walked through the open door with Twilight and Fluttershy following her.

"So Shy this thing you found, it has purple skin with green poker dots with black body armor right?" Applejack asked as the three walked down the street towards Fluttershy's house.

"What, no the one I found earlier has white skin, light grey armor with a blue body suit." Fluttershy explained floating along just next to the other.

"Wait, you found a different one?" Twilight asked when suddenly Rainbow Dash landed next to them.

"Hi guys, why are you out so late?" Rainbow Dash asked following the group.

"Fluttershy fond an alien, and its currently out cold in her house." A.J explained bro fisting with Dash.

"No shit, an actual alien, I got to see this." Rainbow said following the group the rest of the way to Fluttershy's house, when they arrived at the cottage Fluttershy of unlocked the front door finding the room empty and Angel out cold in the kitchen as well as most of the food being gone with the back door having been ripped off it's hinges. "What the hay happened here." Rainbow said looking around at mess left behind by Rodas while Fluttershy cradled Angel in her arms.

"Up stairs is clear yawl." Applejack said coming back down from her search of the up stairs.

"Down stairs is clear as well." Twilight said coming back from the wash room.

"Girls we have a problem." Dash said coming back from the kitchen.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"The back door has been ripped off it's hinges." Rainbow answered.

"Your joking right, the kind of strength a pony would need to do that is crazy." Twilight said crossing her arms in disbelief.

"Twi, I think your forgetting that we're looking for an alien not a pony." Applejack said walking to the back door with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy with Twilight following a moment later, when they were out side they found the door in a nearby bush. "God damn, not even Big Mack could rip a door off its hinges, and he's one of the strongest ponies around." A.J said looking at the door.

As the girls looked around Rodas looked down at them from 50 feet in the air. "I knew the locals would return sooner or later... they don't look that strong, but then again the last time I picked a fight with a weak looking race I ended up being saved by Bardock's team." Rodas thought to himself as he considered his next move.

"I don't know you guys, I think this alien is gone." Rainbow said looking around, not flying high enough to to spot Rodas.

"Good, they speak galactic common, that should make communication a lot easier, that being said I think I may have to swallow my pride for a while, at least for a while as get these fools to trust me." Rodas thought as a devious smile crossed his face as he began to slowly descend to the ground. "Greetings, natives." Rodas said as he landed making the four mares turn around in surprise.

The girls turned on the spot seeing Rodas standing there arms crossed as he waited for them to speak, Rainbow was going to say something when Fluttershy unexpectedly spoke up. "You hurt Angel!" Fluttershy shouted.

"An... gel?" Rodas said confused.

"The rabbit." Applejack said pointing to the knocked out bunny in Fluttershy's arms.

"Oh that thing, it made an offensive gesture to my kind, so I responded appropriately." Rodas said lying through his teeth, Fluttershy looked at the unconscious wounded rabbit in her arms then to Rodas then back to Angel.

"Did Angel really offend you so badly that you had to hurt him?" Fluttershy asked giving Rodas her infamous glare.

"No, the gesture it made, I should have killed it, but I decided not to." Rodas said continuing the lie.

"The gesture is really that bad?" Fluttershy asked now looking at Rodas as if she was in the wrong.

"Yes." Rodas answered.

"I'm, I'm sorry I had no idea that Angel had offended you." Fluttershy said in a whisper that Rodas only just managed to hear.

"Speak up woman, I could barely hear you!" Rodas border line shouted getting annoyed.

"Hay leave her alone." Rainbow said flying up into Rodas's personal space.

"Rainbow, he's an alien. He might not understand owe social cues and customs." Twilight said separating Dash from Rodas.

"I really want to kill this rainbow haired bitch, but I don't have any way off this world yet, so I'll have to play nice." Rodas thought. "My apologies, I did not mean any offence." Rodas said putting his hands up defensively.

"Well, ok then, but leave Shy alone from now on." Rainbow said crossing her arms.

"Fine by me." Rodas said reluctantly.

Twilight stepped up to the Saiyan looking up at the powerful alien. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?" Twilight said offering a hand.

"My name is Rodas, and I'm a Saiyan warrior from planet Vegeta before you ask." Rodas answered hesitantly shaking her hand. "Yes that's right, put your trust in me, it'll be easier to kill you later." Rodas thought as he finished shaking her hand.

Applejack stepped forwarded also offering a hand. "I'm Applejack." She said and Rodas shook her hand as well.

"And I'm Rainbow dash." Rainbow said staying by Fluttershy rather than shaking Rodas's hand.

"So, you said Your a Saiyan?" Twilight asked slowly walking around the space warrior.

"That's right." He answered keeping an eye on Twilight to make sure she didn't grab his tail and discover his weakness.

"Well I think you owe Fluttershy an apology." Applejack said walking up to him.

"Why?" Rodas asked with growing annoyance.

"Because, you ripped the door off its hinges and hurt her pet." Applejack explained placing her hands on her hips.

"Damn you, I'm already swallowing my pride going through with this act." Rodas thought to himself as he walked over to the yellow mare. "I'm sorry for damaging your home and hurting your pet." Rodas said giving a respectful bow.

"It's ok, you were just scared and confused because you didn't know where you were." Fluttershy said softly smiling up at him.

"Damn it too cute." Rodas thought looking at the warm and kind look on Fluttershy's face.

"Well guys it's getting late so I'm heading home." Rainbow said flying off.

"Fluttershy is it alright if I stay here tonight, to help you fix the door?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, your more than welcome to stay." Fluttershy said going with Applejack back to the house.

"So, I guess that leaves us, there's a guest bed in my basement if you want it?" Twilight asked looking at the muscular alien.

"I don't really have much of a choice do I" Rodas asked in response crossing his arms.

"Not if you want to sleep out side, just follow me and we'll be there in no time." Twilight said leading the way back to Ponyville.