• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 707 Views, 7 Comments

Twilight Party - AndyHunter

After Fluttershy had to cancel the tea party with Discord, Discord looks for a way to have some fun and what better way than to throw a party at Twilight's castle.

  • ...

Turn 2-3

Ponyville Road theme 2

Turn 2/10

Twilight GO!

Twilight sighed with a mix of relief and determination. Her eyes were fixed on the distant star, and she couldn't help but think about her strategy to reach it. As she contemplated her options, she mused aloud, "I didn't win the minigame, but at least I'm closer to the star... I have thirteen bits, I only need seven more bits to have enough. If I land on a blue space, I can get three bits, and if I win the next minigame, it would be much better"

Twilight, with her eyes fixed on the floating dice above her. She hesitated, trying to calculate the perfect moment to hit it, her analytical mind racing. However, as seconds turned into moments, Rainbow Dash and Trixie began to grow impatient.

Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof impatiently and grumbled, "Come on, Twilight, it's just a dice. Give it a smack already!"

In a humorous tone, Trixie couldn't resist making a playful jab. "Rainbow Trash is right, the sooner you hit it, the sooner we can get going!" She chuckled, glancing over at Rainbow Dash with a sly grin.

Twilight, feeling the pressure from her friends, finally took a deep breath and gave the dice a firm hoof-smack. It spun in the air, and her determined hit caused it to reveal her roll. A eight

Twilight steadily advanced eight spaces, bringing her tantalizingly close to Carousel Boutique, where the coveted star awaited her. As she landed on a blue space, three bits magically appeared in her possession. Twilight mutter in mild annoyance, "Ponies without patience..."

Trixie GO!

Trixie, in her characteristic confident manner, contemplated her situation. She knew that reaching the star was a distant dream for her at this point, so she decided to bide her time, hoping that the star would be placed conveniently on her path by luck. With a self-assured smirk, she declared, "The great and powerful Trixie may not have a chance at the star now, but rest assured, luck will favor me at another time" Trixie rolled the dice and moved four spaces, eventually landing on a blue space near the costume shop.

Starlight GO!

It was Starlight's turn, and she decided to take a more laid-back approach, knowing that she had a long way to go before reaching the star.

"Hmm, if Twilight buys the star next turn, maybe I can steal it from her by buying something in the item shop," Starlight pondered aloud.

Starlight rolled a five and landed on a happening space, where Octavia Melody was playing her cello, filling the air with a beautiful melody. Starlight stood there, unsure of what was happening, thinking that her turn might be over.

"I landed on this weird space, but nothing seems to be happening. That's a good sign, I guess," Starlight mused aloud.

Octavia, growing annoyed, tried to get Starlight's attention by whistling and waving her hoof in front of her.

Starlight turned to look at Octavia, slightly surprised. "Are you calling me?" she asked.

Octavia let out an exasperated sigh and facehoofed "Duh!" she replied "You fell into a happening space, which means you have to come here for a challenge that I will give you"

Starlight approached Octavia, ready for the challenge. She listened as Octavia explained the task at hand.

"You have to collect those musical notes that are in the air by jumping through those clouds that are there," Octavia instructed, pointing to the clouds and notes in question. "The ones you collect will be the equivalent of the bits that I will give you, but you must do it in ten seconds"

The clouds were floating in the air, each with a cheerful expression on its face. Musical notes of different colors and sizes were scattered among the clouds, creating a whimsical and challenging obstacle course. Starlight could see that some notes were positioned higher and further away than others, making the challenge more difficult.

Starlight took a deep breath, focused on the task ahead, and prepared to jump through the clouds to collect as many musical notes as she could within the given time frame.

As Starlight began to jump from cloud to cloud, she quickly realized that the altitude and the momentum of the clouds gave her an incredible vantage point. With each leap, she soared high above Ponyville, granting her breathtaking panoramic views of the entire town. From this elevated perspective, she could see the colorful rooftops, bustling streets, and charming landmarks of Ponyville in stunning detail.

The sprawling landscape of the town spread out beneath her like a living tapestry, and she marveled at the picturesque scenery. She spotted familiar places, such as Sweet Apple Acres, Carousel Boutique, and Twilight's Castle, nestled among the lush greenery and winding streets. The sun bathed Ponyville in a warm, golden glow, casting long shadows that danced across the landscape.

Starlight's heart raced with excitement as she continued to jump through the clouds, collecting musical notes along the way. The exhilarating feeling of being so high in the sky, combined with the breathtaking views of Ponyville, made this challenge an unforgettable experience. It was as if she was exploring the town from a whole new perspective, and she couldn't help but smile as she embraced the magic of the moment.

As the final seconds ticked away, the musical notes in the sky began to vanish, leaving only a few stragglers that fluttered away like distant memories. The clouds, once filled with boundless energy, gradually dissipated, gently lowering Starlight back to the ground. With each descent, her heart raced in harmony with the fading adrenaline of the challenge.

Once she touched down on solid ground, Starlight trotted over to Octavia with a satisfied smile on her face. She stood before the cello-playing mare, ready to receive her prize for the notes she had managed to collect during her time in the sky. The experience had been thrilling, and Starlight felt a sense of accomplishment as she awaited Octavia's verdict.

"Wonderful, just wonderful, here are ten bits, I hope to see you again!" Octavia said happily, as she continued playing her cello.

Starlight graciously accepted the ten bits from Octavia, her smile widening at the kind gesture "Thank you, Octavia. It was a pleasure," she replied before making her way back to her original spot, her spirits lifted by the brief but delightful encounter.

Rainbow GO!

Rainbow Dash was furious at how Starlight got bits easily "Alright, keep giving her bits just for jumping, you'll see that you're not even going to beat me" Rainbow Dash's competitive spirit was burning even brighter now, determined not to be outdone by her friends. She eyed the dice with fierce determination, ready to take her turn and prove herself in the game.

Rainbow dash rolls three.
Rainbow Dash advances near the Ponyville fountain, Rainbow was more upset than ever by the low number she got and not only that, she lands on a red space losing three bits "AGAIN? This game is definitely rigged" Rainbow Dash's frustration grew as she landed on another red space, losing even more bits. She couldn't believe her luck in the game, and her competitive spirit was fueling her determination to bounce back and win the next minigame.

Trixie couldn't contain her laughter, rolling on the ground with tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. She found Rainbow Dash's frustration highly amusing "Rainbow Trash accept that you have no chance of winning, seeing how poorly you are doing in the game"

"Call me Rainbow Trash one more time" Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, was seething with anger. Trixie's taunts were getting on her nerves, and she clenched her teeth, determined to prove her wrong in the next round.

"Rainbow Trash, Rainbow Trash, Rainbow Trash" Trixie said with a mocking tone.

"THAT'S IT" Rainbow Dash's face turned a shade of red as her anger flared, and she looked ready to explode.

"Sometimes I don't know if I'm playing with fillies or mares" Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head, clearly exasperated by the bickering.

"Same here Twilight, this is going to be a long day" Starlight sighed in agreement with Twilight, her expression showing that she preferred a more relaxed and cooperative atmosphere.

Spike interrupted Trixie and Rainbow Dash so they wouldn't continue arguing "Calm down girls, save that energy for the next minigame. It will be a one versus three, Rainbow Dash will play alone while Starlight, Trixie and Twilight will work together as a team"

Rainbow Dash glanced at the other three ponies with a smirk, seemingly unfazed by the change in dynamics.

Starlight, Trixie, and Twilight exchanged glances, silently strategizing on how to work together effectively in the upcoming minigame.

And the roulette says... "Fast Food Frenzy!" Spike said announcing the next minigame.

Everycreature was teleported to the magical bubble world with the instructions.

Rainbow Dash said in a sarcastic tone "I hope you're all hungry because I'm going to throw you off the conveyor belt no matter what it costs me, it's a shame that someone athletic like me isn't on your team."

"The great and powerful Trixie is not going to lose, she is always one step ahead of anypony, especially you"

"Really? You're teaming up with a book addict, a pony who can't control her temper, and you who lost a magic duel twice in a row? That's definitely a no-go situation, but I'd still admire you trying to beat me even though the chances of winning are zero percent"

"You got bored of egghead and now you call me a book addict? Originality is not your thing, Dashie," Twilight retorted, rolling her eyes.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Hey, I call it like I see it. Besides, it's all in good fun."

Trixie chimed in, "Well, whether we're eggheads or ponies who lost a magic duel twice, we're still going to win this minigame. Just you wait and see"

Starlight added with a smirk, "Yeah, Rainbow Dash, don't underestimate the power of friendship and teamwork"

"It's weird to hear that from the pony who manipulated an entire town," Rainbow Dash said in a low tone, realizing that her words had struck a nerve.

"What did you just say?!" Starlight shot back, her voice edged with anger.

Spike quickly intervened, trying to defuse the situation. "Alright, alright, let's start the minigame before this turns into a full-blown argument," he urged, eager to shift the focus back to the game.

Inside the restaurant, the ponies marveled at the surreal surroundings. It was as if they had entered a fantastical eatery straight out of a storybook. The tables and chairs were colossal, resembling grand thrones fit for giants. The checkered floor tiles looked more like vast, sprawling fields, and the ceiling was so high that it disappeared into the distance.

As they looked around, they noticed the hustle and bustle of the Shy Guys and Koopas working tirelessly. The restaurant staff, even in their odd appearances, hurried about, serving enormous dishes of food to invisible patrons. The aroma of various dishes filled the air, making the ponies' mouths water.

Despite the peculiar atmosphere and their miniature size, the ponies were ready to take on the Fast Food Frenzy minigame with determination. They knew they had to navigate this unique restaurant landscape and avoid the onslaught of food items that Rainbow Dash, the solo player, would send their way.

"Ohhh Those strange creatures, I must study them!" Twilight's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she observed the Shy Guys and Koopas scurrying about. Her scholarly instincts kicked in, and she couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of studying these strange creatures from the Mushroom Kingdom. She made mental notes of their appearances, behaviors, and interactions with one another, planning to research them later when they returned to Equestria.

Meanwhile, Trixie and Starlight exchanged bewildered glances, clearly out of their comfort zones in this unfamiliar environment. Trixie, despite her bravado, couldn't hide her unease, while Starlight wore a mix of curiosity and apprehension on her face. They knew they had to focus on the upcoming minigame, but the novelty of this world was hard to ignore.

Spike's whistle echoed through the restaurant as he shouted, "START!" The ponies snapped out of their initial surprise and sprang into action, ready to take on the challenges of the Fast Food Frenzy minigame. With determination in their eyes, they prepared to face the conveyor belt and the onslaught of fast food items coming their way.

Twilight, Trixie, and Starlight quickly began to gallop at a moderate speed, their hooves clattering on the conveyor belt as they tried to avoid the various fast food items rolling toward them. They kept their eyes peeled for obstacles and maneuvered skillfully to stay on their hooves.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash wore a mischievous grin as she used her athleticism to her advantage. With a flick of her hoof, she pushed an ice cream and a sizzling hotdog onto the conveyor belt, making it more challenging for her teammates to dodge the incoming food. Her competitive spirit was evident as she aimed to secure victory in the minigame.

Twilight had an unintentional encounter with the ice cream as she jumped onto it, resulting in a brief moment of freezing for the purple alicorn. Starlight, who witnessed Twilight's freeze, was taken aback, concern in her eyes. However, Trixie, fully focused on the game, remained oblivious to Twilight's predicament.

Starlight quickly warned her friends, shouting, "Oh no, Twilight! Trixie, watch out for the ice cream! Jumping on it will freeze you!" She hoped her timely warning would prevent further mishaps and keep the team on the conveyor belt.

Trixie acknowledged Starlight's warning with a determined nod, determined to avoid the icy trap.

Twilight, on the other hoof, had thawed from her icy encounter but still felt the lingering chill coursing through her body. "What just happened? I suddenly felt freezing cold," Twilight remarked, her voice tinged with confusion, as she continued to gallop alongside her friends on the conveyor belt.

Trixie quickly responded to Twilight's query, "You froze because you jumped on the ice cream. Avoid it!"

As she spoke, Trixie's attention faltered, and she accidentally slipped on a pancake, sending her tumbling over the edge of the conveyor belt. She couldn't recover in time and let out a dramatic "NOOOOOO" as she was eliminated.

Twilight and Starlight were left in shock, their focus interrupted by Trixie's sudden elimination. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash found the situation amusing and couldn't help but laugh. "Enjoy breakfast, hahahaha!" she taunted.

With only fifteen seconds left on the clock, the conveyor belt was rapidly increasing its speed.

Starlight's determination burned brightly as she turned to Twilight. "Come on, Twilight, I know we can win this!" she encouraged, their chances of victory growing slimmer by the second.

As Twilight and Starlight continued to navigate the conveyor belt, Rainbow Dash used her strategic prowess. She placed a hamburger and some pancakes in their path – the hamburger sent the ponies bouncing backward, while the pancakes slowed them down. Reluctantly, Twilight and Starlight had no choice but to jump on the pancakes, their helmets getting dirty in the process. They couldn't help but feel somewhat disgusted by the grime.

The relentless pace of the game had left them both exhausted, and they decided to split up. Starlight veered left, while Twilight went to the right.

Rainbow Dash seized the opportunity to hinder Twilight's progress. She strategically placed a hot dog and an ice cream cone in Twilight's path. As Twilight jumped onto the hot dog, she slipped and lost her balance. Exhaustion overcame her, and she was eliminated from the game.

With only nine seconds remaining, Starlight was the last pony standing.

As Twilight tumbled off the conveyor belt, she encouraged Starlight with a determined voice. "I know you can win, Starlight. I trust you!"

With renewed confidence, Starlight pressed on, while Rainbow Dash continued to laugh mockingly. Rainbow Dash strategically positioned a hamburger and a shake in the corner, knowing that neither of these obstacles could be avoided.

As the timer ran out, Starlight found herself perilously close to falling off the conveyor belt, positioned just behind the shake. Rainbow Dash unwittingly began her victory celebration, triumphantly exclaiming, "YES, I WON! NOW THAT STAR IS MINE!"

However, Starlight made a strategic move, advancing just enough to become visible to Rainbow Dash, and she retorted confidently, "I don't think so."

"WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash's surprise was evident as her confident smile vanished in an instant. She hadn't expected Starlight to make such a last-minute move, and now the outcome of the mini-game was hanging in the balance.

Twilight, Trixie, Starlight WINS!


1st Starlight Glimmer 33 Bits 0 Stars
2st Twilight Sparkle 26 Bits 0 stars
3st Trixie Lulamoon 23 bits 0 Stars
4st Rainbow Dash 14 Bits 0 Stars

Turn 3/10

Twilight GO!

Twilight, buoyed by her previous victory, eagerly rolled the dice. As the dice came to a stop, it revealed a lucky seven. With a grin on her face, she made her way to the star space, her goal within reach.

Spike, acting as the game's host, congratulated Twilight on her progress. "Congratulations on making it this far, Twilight. Do you want to trade twenty bits for the star?"

Twilight didn't hesitate for a moment. "Of course!" she replied, handing over the required bits without a second thought. The star was now in her possession, and the other players could only watch as she secured her lead.

Spike's announcement caught the attention of all the players. The star had been relocated to the costume shop, and it was now just two spaces behind Trixie. Her calculating mind immediately kicked into action as she considered her options.

With a sly grin, Trixie spoke up, "Well, well, it seems the star has come closer to the great and powerful Trixie. Perhaps I can backtrack a few spaces and still afford it."

The game was getting more intense as the players strategized and vied for control of the precious stars.

Twilight, still confident in her strategy, continued her journey across the board. Her focus was not on reaching the star at the moment, but rather on waiting for an opportunity to acquire it at a more convenient location.

As she landed on a blue space, she collected three more bits, bringing her closer to her goal. With a determined expression, she pressed on, ready to seize the chance when it presented itself.

Trixie GO!

Trixie's turn was filled with determination as she rolled an eight and skillfully backtracked, heading directly for the coveted star. Her decision to make a strategic move toward the star was met with Rainbow Dash's sarcastic and taunting comment.

"What do you think you're doing? You must be living in la-li-lu-le-lo land if you think you can do that!"

"It's true Trixie, you can't do that, you have to follow the arrows that indicate the board or buy an item that allows you to go back" Spike said.

Trixie, despite her initial disappointment upon realizing the rules of the game, swiftly retorted to Rainbow Dash's taunts, determined to maintain her competitive spirit.

With a defiant tone, she shot back at Rainbow Dash, coining a new, rather cheeky nickname for her. "Hugh! Okay, the great and powerful Trixie will have her chance to shine. And Lamebow Trash, silence, those who come last have no right to speak."

The rivalry between Rainbow Dash and Trixie continued to simmer, adding a humorous element to the game as they vied for the star and each other's pride.

Rainbow Dash couldn't resist the opportunity to tease Trixie further. She retorted with a sly grin, "Oh okay, if only... LOOK, AN URSA MINOR BEHIND YOU!"

Trixie's eyes widened in panic as she frantically looked around, repeating the word "WHERE?!" in a surprised and alarmed tone. The memory of her fabricated victory over the Ursa Minor had clearly struck a nerve, and Rainbow Dash was quick to exploit it for her own amusement.

Amidst the laughter and amusement, Rainbow Dash continued to chuckle on the ground, tears of mirth streaming from her eyes.

Starlight, still amused, chimed in, "Trixie, darling, I can't believe you fell for such an old trick."

Twilight, sharing in the laughter, added, "How can I forget those times? These two ponies will surely continue like this for the remaining seven turns."

The group found themselves caught in a moment of lightheartedness, briefly forgetting the competition as they enjoyed the camaraderie of their friendship.

With a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, Trixie brushed off the playful banter. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get back to the game, shall we?" She was eager to move past the reminder of that embarrassing incident.

Trixie approached Derpy's store, where the cheerful mare greeted her with enthusiasm. "Welcome to my Capsule store! Below, you can see the descriptions of what each one does and their prices," Derpy said cheerfully, ready to assist Trixie with her purchase.

Trixie carefully examined the available options in Derpy's Capsule store:

Princess Celestia Capsule: This capsule would save her if she landed on a Bowser space.

Cozy Glow Capsule: It would allow Cozy Glow to steal a star from whoever landed on its space.

Queen Chrysalis Capsule: Falling on this space meant losing fifteen bits to Chrysalis.

Lyra Heartstrings Capsule: If she or somepony else landed on this space, Lyra would generously give them ten bits.

Trixie pondered her options, considering which capsule would be the most advantageous for her current situation in the game.

Trixie decided to purchase the Cozy Glow capsule from Derpy's store. She had a cunning plan in mind to strategically place it in Twilight's path and potentially steal a star from her. Trixie Hoofted over the required number of ten bits to Derpy and received the capsule.

"Thanks for purchasing, hope to see you again!" Said Derpy happily.

With her newly acquired item, Trixie continued her journey through the game board, eager to put her plan into action when the opportunity arose.

Trixie's luck landed her on a blue space, earning her three additional bits. With her growing stash of bits and her Cozy Glow capsule in tow, she continued her quest to reach the star and potentially outwit her fellow players in this magical game.

Starlight GO!

"Ha! The star is in my way, I just have to prevent Rainbow Dash from getting it, although why worry? She keeps getting low numbers" Starlight took her turn with a hint of confidence in her voice. She contemplated her strategy, confident that she could thwart Rainbow Dash's chances of winning the star. As the dice rolled and her pony moved, she hoped to make the best out of this opportunity.

Starlight rolls seven and found a crossed path. Starlight made her choice and moved towards the path where Trixie was. She was getting closer to the star, and her determination to secure it was evident. The red space didn't deter her as she focused on her goal.

Rainbow GO!

Rainbow Dash was sure she would get a high number this time, she still had some faith until when...

She hit the dice and got two, letting out all the anger she had pent up, while Trixie, Starlight, Twilight and Spike looked at her in amazement.

"WHY DO I STILL GET LOW NUMBERS, WHYYYYYY? ONE, TWO, FOUR, THREE, AM I GOING TO BE LIKE THAT EVERY TURN?" Rainbow Dash's frustration was palpable as she rolled a two on the dice. Her outburst echoed through the game board, drawing astonished gazes from her fellow players. It seemed that luck was not on her side, and her frustration continued to mount with each low roll.

Rainbow Dash advances and falls into a Happening space where Zecora was.

Zecora, with a cautious glance at Rainbow Dash's furious demeanor, began to rhyme in her usual mystical manner:

"In this game of chance, a question may enhance,
Answer right, and fortune may give you a chance.
Ask a query of your choice, be it large or small,
And perhaps, dear Rainbow, you shall earn bits for all"

"As long as it's not a math question..." Rainbow Dash said with sarcasm and anger on her face.

Zecora nodded and continued her rhyming:
"To win some bits, a question I will throw,
Tell me now, the Pillars of Equestria, do you know?"

Rainbow Dash still furiously knew the answer "Starswirl, Mage Meadowbrook, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, Mistmane and Rockhoof"

Zecora gave a nod and a smile, her rhymes still going strong:
"Congratulations to you, Rainbow Dash, it's true,
Twenty bits for your knowledge, now it's your due."

She handed Rainbow Dash the twenty bits, hoping this would improve her mood.

Rainbow Dash nodded at Zecora and Spike looking at Rainbow Dash with some concern even noticing the veins on her face.
"The next minigame is a free-for all, Treacherous Tightrope"

"So... if we fall into the abyss in this minigame, Spike, is someone going to save us or something?" Twilight said as she looked at the instructions and how this minigame seemed dangerous.

Spike reassured Twilight, "Don't worry, this is just a game. Falling into the abyss means you're out for this round, but you'll be back for the next one. No real danger here!" Spike added, "Plus, there's a friendly Fly Guy here who will help anypony who falls, so you'll be back in no time if that happens."

"Fly Guy huh? I have to meet that creature!" Twilight said excitedly.

The ponies couldn't help but notice Rainbow Dash's seething anger, but they also couldn't let it distract them from the upcoming minigame. They prepared themselves for the challenge ahead, eager to see who would come out on top in Treacherous Tightrope.

As the ponies navigated the narrow, precarious tightrope, Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie couldn't help but feel their nerves getting the better of them. They wobbled and teetered, desperately trying to maintain their balance. Their eyes were fixed on the path ahead, their hearts pounding as they inched closer to the finish line.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, seemed surprisingly composed. She had a strategy in mind, and she was biding her time. When she noticed Trixie getting closer to the end, Rainbow Dash couldn't resist the opportunity to taunt her rivals. "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR FIVE, SIX, SEVEN" With a loud and distracting count, she shouted numbers, deliberately trying to throw off Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie.

As the others momentarily lost their focus, their hooves slipped, and they tumbled into the abyss below. Rainbow Dash's devious tactic had worked, securing her victory in the minigame.

Rainbow Dash celebrated her win with a triumphant grin, while the fallen ponies could only sigh in defeat, knowing that they had fallen for Rainbow's trickery.


Rainbow Dash couldn't resist gloating in her victory. She stood tall, wings spread wide, and proclaimed triumphantly, "Ha! You all fell for my trick, now let the bits rain on me!" Her boastful tone filled the air as she reveled in her win, relishing the moment of victory over her friends and challengers.

Twilight, Trixie, and Starlight exchanged glances, their expressions carrying a hint of annoyance at Rainbow Dash's antics. While they understood that competition could get fierce in these minigames, they couldn't help feeling a tad upset that Rainbow Dash had resorted to such a sneaky tactic.

As they prepared for the next turn, a sense of determination filled the air, and it was clear that the three friends were more than ready to face the challenges ahead, even if it meant dealing with Rainbow Dash's tricky strategies.


1st Twilight Sparkle 9 bits 1 Stars
2st Rainbow Dash 44 Bits 0 Stars
3st Starlight Glimmer 30 bits 0 Stars
4st Trixie Lulamoon 16 bits 0 Stars

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