• Published 30th Aug 2023
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New Bodies, New Life - Boopy Doopy

Waking up as a strange alien bug was certainly not something Thornton ever expected to happen. And yet, that was just the circumstance he found himself in when he and his family awoke one morning with strange new bodies in a strange new world.

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Fifteenth Chapter

Howard followed behind his daughter as Denver led him to the library, where Thornton and his wife still were. Barney followed next to him and rubbed against his leg as they made their way to the large book room they were in before. The dog moved up to where his son and his wife sat reading, rubbing against the former’s leg. Howard let out a little chuckle as the bug closed his eyes and craned his neck at the sudden sensation.

“Have you guys learned anything new?” he asked. “Where’s Reece?”

“He went to go find a bathroom to take a shower,” his wife explained, his son still occupied with the dog. “Thorn and I were reading up about each of our creatures in the meantime. Apparently I can fly and breathe fire, and also send messages to other people! It’s considered magic here.”

“So then dragons are mail carriers here?” the unicorn smiled. “What about you, son?”

“Huh?” Thornton looked up, confusion on his face for a moment before he remembered the question. “Oh yeah. Uh, I feed off emotions, and can also change shape, but I already knew those things. I can fly, too, and do magic like unicorns can, apparently.” Once he was finished, he put his attention back on Barney, closing his eyes again as he pet the dog’s back.

“Did you two learn anything new from Twilight Sparkle?” Carey asked him now.

“Uh, I’ll tell you later,” Howard replied, his face once again going red. “Once you and I are alone. But, um, she did tell us that she was gonna look for a bigger place to stay for us in the meantime while she works on this.”

“And we wanted to know if we could look at the town!” Denver said excitedly. “I wanna see what it’s like!”

Howard smiled again at her excitement. “I told her that you and the kids were probably too tired to wanna do something like that, if that mare would let us.”

“Maybe that’s something we could do tomorrow, sweetie,” Carey told Denver, “if Twilight Sparkle went with us and if we’re still here. Let’s just rest and try reading for today. Yesterday was exhausting, remember?”

Denver was disappointed by that idea, but she did as she was told, taking a seat at the table next to her mother. Howard sat next to Thornton, who continued to keep his eyes closed as Barney rubbed against him. The changeling let out a little sigh of contentment when he touched his head carefully.

“Are you doing okay, son?” he asked, the same question as last night. “Still hungry?”

“Yeah, still hungry,” he confirmed, not opening his eyes. “I don’t feel tired though, even though I haven’t slept. Still haven’t actually eaten anything other than emotions, too, but the book says I wouldn't be able to anyway.”

“Maybe going back to the room and resting would help?” Howard offered.

“I’m not tired,” Thornton said again, opening his eyes now. “I’m not tired, not sleepy, not exhausted–nothing. I feel completely wide awake. I'm just starving.”

“I’m sorry, son,” was all Howard could offer as he pet the fin-like thing on Thornton’s head. He wished there was more he could do, and tried not to display his hurt at seeing him feel bad.

His emotion was something to offer, apparently. Thornton relaxed into his chair more and sighed again, almost starting to lean into the mare. Howard smiled at the sight, and beckoned his wife over with a free hoof.

“You’re absolutely adorable, honey,” Carey said, rubbing the bug’s back with a wing as Thornton sank into his chair even more, his head now resting on the table. Was he purring? Even Denver laughed at the sight in front of them. Howard wondered if this was what Twilight meant when she said his son had to share the love.

“This isn’t what she meant,” Thornton spoke up, barely able to get the words out as he took deep breaths. It caught Howard by surprise, enough that he stopped petting the bug and stared at him. Could he really read his mind?

“I can basically guess what you’re thinking,” he confirmed as he opened his eyes again. “It’s not exact though. But no, this isn’t what she meant by sharing the love. It tastes good, but I’m still starving.”

“Oh. Well, I’m sorry, son.”

“You don’t need to be sorry, Dad,” Thornton told them as Carey stopped, too. “It’s not your fault,” he said, letting out a huff of a breath. “It’s just annoying to feel like I’m starving all the time.” Then he got up from the chair, deciding, “I’m going for a walk around this place. I’ll be back.”

There was no argument as he left the room, leaving both Howard and his wife to let out sad sighs. “He’s not doing well at all,” Howard said quietly.

“No, he’s not,” Carey agreed, shaking her head. “I hope that horse can figure out how to get us home soon, for his sake. He’s hurting badly, I can tell.” There was a small moment of silence, then the dragon asked, “What were you going to tell me later? About what you learned from that purple horse?”

The mare’s ears flattened, and he glanced away as he rubbed a hoof against the floor. “It was just gonna be about how she said that, apparently when we came here, whatever magic that happened turned us all into the things we were ‘supposed’ to be. I don’t really know what she means by that though.” It wasn’t entirely a lie.

His wife didn’t pick up on the implication of it. “Like how Thornton’s a bug and you and Denver are horses and I’m a dragon?” she asked. Howard nodded, and she asked, “What does that mean? I don’t get how we’re supposed to be anything but people.”

“Neither do I, but that’s what she said. Like, she also said that she thought Reece would’ve been the changeling instead of Thornton. Because of what happened with Heather?” Howard paused, and finished more quietly, “Also that I was supposed to be a girl, apparently.”

“I don’t get how what happened with Heather would make any of our kids any sort of animal,” Carey said, confused. “And I can’t imagine how you’re supposed to be a girl.”

“Yeah, neither can I,” Howard tried to smile. That was entirely a lie.

Thankfully, his wife had no trouble moving past it, and went back to sitting next to Denver to read a few minutes later. He grabbed a book of his own to look at, but didn’t do a very good job at retaining the information he received. This whole situation just felt like a confusing mess, enough that he stopped and stared up at the ceiling while he waited for lunch to be served to them.

He wished there was something he could do for Thornton–for all of his children–but just like yesterday, there was no option except to sit and wait for others to help them. Carey and Denver were doing better, thankfully, and Reece seemed okay, but even then, he wished for a way to at least lift their spirits more. No idea came to mind though, except for telling them they needed to take the change as best they could. Probably not a sentiment either of his sons would desire to hear, especially Thornton. Not something he wanted to say with how guilty it would make him feel. And it was really his daughter’s idea to begin with.

“I’m gonna look for a shower, too, okay, honey?” he told his wife as he stood up. “I’ll try to be back soon.”

“Find Reece, too,” she replied. “We’ll stay here until you get back.” Then she let him leave with a kiss.

Showers didn’t take that long to find, and in fact, Reece was coming back dripping wet by the time Howard finally found the bathroom. His son shook water from his mane and asked, “Are you looking for the shower, too, Dad?”

“Yeah, but how are you holding up, son?” the mare asked. “Are you doing okay?”

The kirin shrugged. “As fine as I can be doing, given the situation. It could be a lot worse, I guess. These aliens could be trying to kill us.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” the unicorn agreed, allowing a little smile. “Make sure to keep an eye on your sister and brother for me, okay?” he told him. “Especially Thornton. I don’t think he’s doing that well, and he’s gonna need you to be there for him.”

“I know,” was the reply, Reece speaking like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And obviously I’m there for you and Mom, too, Dad.”

“Of course you are, son,” Howard smiled widely. “And we’re there for you, too. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, but Dad?” The mare tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at the question, and the kirin said, “Make sure you’re taking care of yourself, too. You look like you’ve been nervous about something the whole time we’ve been here.”

Howard let out a long breath. “I know,” he nodded. “I will. I’m just worried about you guys. Thanks, son.” Then he ruffled his mane and stepped past him into the bathroom.

The unicorn turned the temperature up high and stepped into the shower, steam quickly filling the air and clouding the room. After an incredibly long day yesterday, one of the most stressful of his life, it was very much needed. He closed his eyes and relaxed his shoulders as he did his best to consider all that was happening. There was a lot that was on his mind.

At the top of the list was how long it would take to get back home. He had a sinking feeling that it was probably gonna be at least a few weeks, and this place and these bodies would be something they had to get used to. Not that it was terribly hard to get used to, but that only made him feel guilty and insecure. How could a random… something… imply that this was what they were meant to be? Howard didn’t know, but he did know it wasn’t wrong. This new body, despite being a horse, felt nice. Even just standing in the shower with his eyes closed, not doing anything, it felt relieving to be like this. It made him feel more confused and guilty about the rest of his family being here.

It also made him wonder about what would happen while they were here, or heck, what would happen once he and his family were safely back home. What would his wife think if he admitted that he liked being such a thing? He had no idea, but he knew it wouldn’t be anything good.

Howard took a breath before he started to get worked up, and leaned against the wall, one hoof supporting him. Even all of that was just a little thing. How were his children feeling? In spite of how well some of them were taking it, this couldn’t have been good for any of them. Especially not Thornton. But what could the mare do? Nothing.

Not a thing, exactly like yesterday, when his family was in physical danger. Why didn’t he take charge of the situation? Sure, they were safe now, but what if they hadn’t been? It would’ve been his fault. Still now, he could do nothing, as at least one of his children hurt mentally. Howard leaned his head against the wall and started to cry.

A minute was how long the tears flowed before he shook his head free of those thoughts. They were fine now, and while he might not have been able to change the situation, he could support them still, as best he could. Provide reassurance like he did to Denver yesterday and affection like he gave to his wife and son. Be more of a leader like his son was being. Breaking down and letting himself fall into a pit wouldn’t help anything, especially if Thornton fed off emotions. The changeling probably would need the most support going forward.

The unicorn finally stepped out of the shower once the water started to get cold and shook himself off. Accepting the situation for what it was would definitely be the best idea. He let out a long breath and dried himself off as best he could before turning to the mirror.

He looked nice for a horse, he had to say. A red mane went down his back onto a white coat as a red tail flowed behind him. His face curved softly, like his daughter’s now did, and brown eyes reflected back at him, same as the ones he had as a human being. A white horn stuck out through his mane, one with three rings that twisted up to a central point. He looked like nothing he’d ever seen in real life– none of his family did– but still, it looked and felt nice.

What these changes would mean once Howard was back on Earth, the mare had no idea. He appreciated the changes for a second right now though. Didn’t his daughter suggest that this could be a vacation? A vacation where he needed to take care of his family emotionally, and step up more than he did so far, but still. It wasn’t like the situation could be changed, not right now at least.

A minute or so later, he left, leaving the mirror behind as he went back to the library to be near his family.