• Published 1st Sep 2023
  • 204 Views, 0 Comments

Fay's Tale: Family - Lil Sunny

A young filly finds herself on the streets all alone. But maybe a new parent can turn her life around.

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New friends, New experiences

The next morning after the family awoke, they had breakfast together and Starlight dropped Fay off at school. She took her seat among the other ponies, some at her age and some a little older. But all as smart as each other.

After a morning lesson Fay played on the swings at Recess and got dizzy on the merry go round before being helped back to class by a colt called Pipsqueak.

“Alright my little ponies.” Spoke Cheerilee. “We’ve been getting pretty good at our spelling lessons but I think some of you are slacking a little.” She glanced over towards Snips and Snails.
“So, in order to challenge you some more. We’re holding a Spelling Bee tomorrow night. You can sign up at my desk after class, first prize is a luxury spa day for you and a friend. And of course your parents or guardians.”

Apple Bloom leant over to Fay.
“Hey new kid, You’ve been practicin’ all that spellin’ stuff at home right?”

Fay nodded.
“Well, I know that Twist is plannin’ to enter, and she’s been bragging all week about how great she is. Somepony needs to knock her down a peg or two. You should enter, I reckon you’d be great.”

“Thanks. I’ll try my best. I’m Fay.”

“I'm Apple Bloom, this here’s Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.”

“Nice to meet ya kid.” Scootaloo said confidently.

“It is very nice to meet you. Especially since I’ll be tutoring you for a while Fay. I’m the pony Starlight asked to help you catch up.”

“Wow, someone as pretty as you can teach me? That’s super cool!”

Sweetie Belle blushed. “Oh stop. You’re embarrassing me. Yeah I can teach you. Starlight said you wanted to get better at using your magic too. I can help with that.”

The four didn’t notice Cheerilee walk up to them after spotting they weren’t listening to her lesson.

“Would you like to share with the class what exactly was so important you weren’t paying attention Sweetie?”

“Oh. Sorry Miss Cheerilee. We were just introducing ourselves to Fay. I’m going to be tutoring her, you see.”

“That’s wonderful. But you can discuss that at recess or after class is finished. Right now, you need to pay attention. Or do I need to remind you that your last math test came back with a 3 out of 10?”

“Sorry Miss Cheerilee. I’ll pay more attention.”

Cheerilee continued teaching the children about advancing their multiplication tables up to the next level when the bell rang for the end of class. Fay went up to the desk.

“Miss Cheerilee. Do you think I’m getting good at spelling?”

“Fay I think you’ve improved leaps and bounds in just a few short days. Don’t tell me you want to enter the spelling bee, do you?”

“Mhm, Apple Bloom said i could do it. So I wanna try.”

“Well alright then. Here’s the information sheet. Put it in your saddlebag and give it to Starlight when you get home. Oh and one more thing Fay. Your mommy is still working, she doesn’t finish for another hour and a half. So you’re going home with Sweetie Belle, be sure to listen to Rarity.”

“Ok Miss. Thank you.”

Sweetie Belle was waiting at the school gate with her friends.

“Catch ya later Sweetie, C’mon Scoots, Applejack said she’d help me bang out a ramp for ya to do some tricks.”

“Sweet, see ya Sweetie, bye new girl.”

“Those two are always up to something crazy. But I guess I help them out with it sometimes too. We’re not as bad as we used to be before we found our Cutie Marks. I notice you don’t have one yet Fay.”

“What’s a Cutie Mark?”

Sweetie showed off the side of her flank.

“This is a Cutie Mark. It’s a mark that appears when you discover your true talent and destiny. Of course just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you can do. Take mine for example. Mine is the same shape and colour as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo because we’re best friends forever and we’re really good at helping other ponies find their true talents. But mine is a little different because I love to sing. Just like how Apple Bloom has an apple and Scootaloo has a lightning bolt. You’ll find yours someday, don’t worry.”

The pair walked through Ponyville town and into Carousel Boutique.

“Ahh Sweetie Belle, welcome home, and this must be Fay. Pleasure to meet you darling, I am Rarity. You’ll be coming back here with Sweetie every day while your parents work. Then they’ll come here to pick you up. Now don’t cause too much trouble you two.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “Rarity, we’re just going to my room to do homework and practice spelling. Fay why don’t you go up first?”

“Ok sure.” Fay went upstairs and lay down on Sweetie Belle’s bed as Sweetie walked up to Rarity.

“Sis, I have a problem. I don’t know anything about teaching. I volunteered to tutor because I like helping ponies but I don’t know what to do. And Starlight wants me to help her with magic too.”

“Well dear Sister. The most important thing in teaching is finding out just how your pupil learns best. Try writing things down, talking about things, try visual aids or maybe even encourage some physical activity. There’s lots of ways to learn, and every pony is different. Why, we only got Rainbow Dash to study for her Wonderbolt Academy history exam by setting up a veritable flying tour of history with signs and costumes. Because she learned best by flying, that’s the physical activity or kinesthetic style of learning.”

“Thanks Rarity. You’re the best.”

“Why don’t you take some cookies and juice boxes upstairs for you and Fay? I’m sure an after school snack won’t go amiss hmm?”

“Sure thing Sis, thanks again.”

Sweetie Belle walked upstairs and set down the plate and juice.

“We can have a snack later. For now we have to finish our math homework.”

“Ok Sweetie Belle. What are we doing?”

“Well, we’ve got to practise multiplying numbers. We’re moving on to number seven soon so we’re finishing up with six. Look, see how it goes all the way from six times one to six times twelve? You just write the answer next to them. Try the first one.”

“That’s easy. Six times One is still Six right?”

“That’s right. Keep it up.”

Fay got down the list before she hit a snag at Six times Seven.

“Yeah that one can be a little tricky. But here’s something I like to do. Just think of the number you got before and add another six. You got six times six right. So what happens when you put another six on there?”

“Four and two.”

“That’s right. But It’s pronounced Forty Two. I know you’re still a little behind on that. But you’re doing really well.”

“Mommy Trix spent all evening helping me learn up to number five. But I forgot how to say the big numbers after you get to twelve.”

“Well you’ll learn with practice. Why don’t we finish up and have that snack?”

“Ok Sweetie.” Fay struggled a little bit but finally finished her homework before slumping down.

“Head empty. Need yum yums.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Here, you deserve this.” She gave her one of the cookies.

“Yummy. These are good.”

“Well Rarity is a really good baker. She’s got a lot of talents. I’m getting better but when I was your age, let’s just say Rarity shouldn’t have let me near the oven.”.

“I like you. You’re funny and nice. I don’t have any friends yet.”

“Don’t be silly, filly, of course you do. You’ve got me. And i’m sure Apple Bloom and Scootaloo will look out for you too. All the ponies in our class are really nice. Diamond Tiara donated that great new playground about a year ago and she was a real mean jerk before that. But she’s cool now. And Pip just won Student Pony President for the second year running.”

“I wish I was here for fun times. It was no fun being in the oar fan age with Miss Silver. She’s a mean old hag and I’m happy to have two real mommies now.”

“Trixie used to be a jerk too. But she’s learned her lesson about being arrogant…mostly. And she’s a real nice pony now. She puts on shows in the town square sometimes. Mayor Mare pays her to do it. She’s a real whiz with all those fireworks and flashy magic.”

“I still can’t use magic. I try but I’m just no good.”

“Hey now, cheer up. You’ll get better. I can try to teach you but I’m not very strong yet either. I’m still a filly like you.”

Sweetie effortlessly picked up a small pencil.

“See this? This is easy, but magic can get a lot harder too. Why don’t you try?”

She put the pencil down and Fay focused on it, she lifted it off the bed for a second before it fell.

“See? No good.”

“Don’t say that. Try again, practice makes perfect. Focus all your mind on the pencil, don’t think about anything else. Just imagine your magic flowing into the pencil and lifting it up. I know you can do it.”

Fay took a deep breath, she stared at the pencil and focused. She closed her eyes and saw the pencil being lifted in her head, she felt a sensation in her horn and opened her eyes a few seconds later to find she was holding the pencil in place.

“Wow. I did it!” She moved the pencil around before putting it down and falling over.

“Fay! Are you ok? Rarity! We need help!”

Rarity came running.

“Good heavens what happened?”

“Head feel, funny. Why two Sweetie Belle?”

“Oh my, what did she do.”

“Well she lifted a pencil with her magic. I guess she’d never used that much before.”

“Unicorns can only hold so much magical energy, and exerting a large quantity at once can lead to headaches and dizziness. So I've been told by Twilight anyway. She’ll be fine in a moment, give her the juice box.”

“Here you go Fay, drink this.”

Fay took a sip of her juice and blinked a couple of times. “I’m ok, head still hurting.”

“You’ll be ok darling.” A knock at the door sent Rarity down to let Starlight inside. She came rushing upstairs after being filled in.

“Fay! Are you alright? What happened?”

“She used too much magic trying to lift a pencil.” Sweetie said with a frown.

“It wasn’t your fault for encouraging her, she’d have to go through something like this eventually. I can help her practice at home. You did well getting her that far Sweetie. I’m sure she’ll need your help again.”

“Thanks Starlight. Bye Fay. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

“Bye Bye Sweetie Belle.” Fay groggily waved.

“Can you walk Fay?”

“Dizzy.” Fay simply responded while staggering slightly. Starlight lifted her with magic and placed her gently on her own back.

“Oof, you're a heavy little gal. Let’s get you back home.”

After a short walk the two arrived at their home and Starlight put fay down onto the couch in the living room.

“Are you ok Fay? I want to make sure you’re not hurt. You’ll be able to use your magic someday with practice, heck I could try and help with that. But that strain you put on yourself could have done serious damage. Unicorn magic is great, but it takes stamina, mental ability and focus. You’re just a little too young to use it effectively I think.”

“Head still hurts. Sleepy too.” Fay groggily said.

“Well you just lay right there and take a little nap. I’ll wake you when dinner is ready. Think you could keep an eye on her honey?”

“Sure thing Starry, I’ll watch some TV and make sure she gets some rest. I wasn’t able to use my magic well until i was at least 8, heck all I could really do was basic telekinesis and showy fireworks and bright lights. Nothing serious until you showed me how.”

“Yeah, let’s give her time to develop a bit more, then we can try her with magic. For now she can focus on learning her math and practising her speaking and writing. She finished her homework thanks to Sweetie Belle.”

“Mommy.” Fay said quietly.
“What is it dear?”

“School is doing a spelling thingy to morrow night. I told my new friends I’d try to win. Can I?”

“A spelling bee? Well if you think you’ve got what it takes then sure Fay you can give it a try.”

“Yay, thanks mommy.” With that Fay fell asleep. Trixie watched over her as dinner was being prepared. She was woken about an hour later as her eyes fluttered open with a cute yawn.

“W-where am Fay?”

Trixie chuckled. “Not quite, it’s, where am I?”

“You’re right there silly mommy Trix” Fay giggled.

“Hey! Ok you got me. Silly filly.”

Starlight walked in laughing. “If you two are done being silly, dinner is ready. You know Trix you could cook sometime too.”

“I’m terrible at cooking Starry, you know that.”

“I’ll teach you, it’s worth it if i get a night off.”

The three went into the kitchen where sweet and sour sauce covered some roast vegetables and rice.

“I tell you, those Kirin have some great recipes, even if it’s a bit spicy sometimes. This is supposed to be very mild though.”

“Is spicy the stuff that hurts my licker?” Fay asked.

Starlight giggled. “Yes Fay, it can burn your tongue if you’re not used to it. But this is sweet and sour so you should be fine.”

Fay tried her food and pulled a face but still ate it. “I don’t really like the white stuff, but the veggie tables are yummy.”

“Well I can do some noodles for you next time Fay, you liked the ramen right?”

“Mhm, it was yum yum too.”

“Great, I’m still learning what you like and dislike. And in the future I can try to make sure I give you good nutritious meals that you enjoy.”
Fay ate all her rice and vegetables anyway and smiled.

“That was yum yum mommy, thank you.”

“So polite, those are good manners Fay. Keep it up filly.” Starlight ruffled her mane. “Now come on, we should do some practice if you want to win that spelling bee tomorrow evening.”

After an hour of practising different words Fay let a yawn and was taken to bed by Starlight. She dreamed sweet dreams until the morning came.