• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 1,173 Views, 59 Comments

Spider Dragon: Origins - Dragonfan101

Spike gets bitten by a strange spider, after a while he gets strange powers and with them he secretly becomes a hero and uses his uses great power for great responsibility

  • ...

Ending and End credits

Spike finally arrives back in Equestria and he sees everything has returned to normal and he sighs in relief
"Home" he says and he makes his way to Canterlot
He sees multiple ponies are fixing the mess and they all gasp as they see him
"It's the Spider Dragon!" a pony cheers and they all begin to cheer for him.
"How do they already know? Spike wonders as he is shocked they already know

He walks to the castle doors and he finds Twilight and the others are already waiting for him
"SPIKE!!!" They all shout, they all then tackle him into a hug.
"Your okay! your alright!" Twilight says crying deeply
"We were so worried about you" Rartiy says crying as well
"whoa whoa what's wrong?" Spike asks surprised, they all then let go and Celestia and Luna come to him

"We saw everything Spike, we had a spell that helped us find the source of the quake." Celestia explains and his eyes widen
"So you all saw..." Spike asks
"Everything Spike, from you being bitten, to you making Spider friends, and that kill" Luna says the last part sadly
"I'm so sorry, i lost control" Spike says but Twilight stops him
"Even though you killed him, it was only because you were looking out for your friend, i know you may not be over it completely, but we will help you." Twilight says as they all come up to him
"Your all not mad?" Spike asks and they all shake their heads

"No, you saved not just Equestria, but the entire multiverse Spike, we couldn't be more grateful for you" Celestia says
Twilight then comes up to him
"Spike i'm sorry for pushing you aside all this time, i was just worried for you, but i never came to think what you felt" She says upset and the others look sad as well
"It's alright twilight, you were only looking out for me, no matter what I love you" Spike says as he hugs her and they all hug him as well, they soon separate and they look at each other
"So im good enough for adventures for you guys now right?" Spike asks,

"Your great enough for your own adventures spike" Luna says
"We'll bring you along all the time now and you won't ever feel left out again" Pinkie says happy
"you are strong enough to protect us, and we'll protect you." Fluttershy says with a smile
"I love you guys" Spike says with a smile
"We love you Spike" Twilight says with a tear
"Now why don't you go show these pony's who's our hero!" Celestia says with a smile and they all cheer for him
"Yeah! show us your new moves! your a Superhero now Spike! Rainbow dash encourages.
"Come on lets see!" Applejack begs
"Alright, alright, since you asked" Spike says as he begins to walk away

Multiple ponies cheer for him as he walks
"Hey what's up?" Spike asks as he fist bumps a pony
"Thank you Spike" Another pony shouts and the all cheer
"Yeah that's right! im the new Spider Dragon! Check it out!" Spike says as he walks on a wall but accidently slips but gets back on
"That was.. part of the move!" Spike says as the all cheer for him

"Okay lets do this for the first time alright" Spike narrates
" My name is Spike Sparkle, I was bitten by a radioactive Spider, and for the last week i have been the one and only, Spider Dragon!" Spike says as we see him on a high mountain with a smile
"I'm sure yo know the rest" Spike starts

" I beat rainbow dash in a race with my Nano suit" Spike is then seeing flying fast in the sky with Rainbow dash close behind
"Your not gonna win Spike!" She says playfully, but Spike's suit is more fast and it manages to cross the finish line first and pony's cheer
"Alright Spike! Same time next week? " Rainbow dash asks.
"You've got it!" Spike says as they high five

"Saved the dragon lands from a lava monster" he continues
Torch is seen fighting a large lava monster, the monster pins him to a wall but he notices Spike with his Black and Yellow suit.
"Pick on someone your own size" he says as he rushes to it
"What are you doing you fool?!" Torch asks confused.
The monster tries to punch him but Spike leaps over the fist and runs on the rocks surrounding the monster, he then lands on his chest and uses his Venom powers and makes the monster explode from the inside saving the lands and Torch is amazed as he looks at him
"Who are you" torch asks amazed
"I'm the Spider dragon, glad to have helped you!" Spike says as he swings across a mountain and dragons cheer for him as he saved the day even torch is grateful for him
"Not bad for a shorty" Torch says with a smile.

"I helped applejack buck all the apples in her farm" Spike says as we cut to Spike and AJ sweating as we see the entire field of trees have had the apples removed, a large pile is in the farm as Spike and AJ fist bump each other with smiles

"I never thought id ever be a superhero, and whenever i feel alone i remember my friends who do" Spike says as we see all the other Spider man in their dimension happy with their lives
"I'm now the symbol of hope for Equestria, anyone can be, just who am i? I'm a Spider Man" Spike says as we see him on a mountain ledge watching the sunset, he then picks a song called "Sunflower" by Post Malone and plays it like Miles recommended it
"And i'm not the only one, not by a longshot "Spike finishes his narration as we see him loving the song.
A portal appears next to him and his eyes widen as he sees someone new
"Who are you?" Spike's voice asks

Meanwhile in Nueva York...

"Your a bit late" A girl appears talking to someone
"We can't all be everywhere at once" The voice tells her
"a little text would've been nice" She says
"I was gone for less then two hours what happened?" He asks seeing screens of the events happen
" Okay okay i know what it looks like but here's the good news" she says
"Oh here we go" He says interested
"The multiverse didn't collapse" She begins
"Oh cool!" He says happy to know that
"Also 1610's Peter Parker lived and he now has a second Spider man" she says
"Oh great! Nice to know he made it out alive" the man says relieved

"But here's the big one" She begins
"Oh boy what is it" He asks confused
"we have our first ever... Spider Dragon" She says exited as multiple pictures of Spike appear in front of him
"Spider dragon?! Like an actual dragon with Spider Man powers?" he asks shocked
"Yep! he's the one who saved that Peter Parker!" she says happy
Great! He's gonna be a big help!" He says exited to know that
"He will" She agrees

"Great story! hey did you finish the goober?" he asks
"It's not a goober its a gizmo" She corrects
"do you always have to call me out? its really frustrating and it burns me out" He says annoyed as he takes the device
"don't get too exited Miguel it's just a prototype" She tells him
"Not exited" Miguel says
"But you could be the first person to make an autonomous multiverse jump, or the last" She tells him
"So we're just gonna roll the dice on this?" Miguel asks
"What do you say pal? where do you wanna go first" She asks.

"What Earth is this Spider Dragon From?" The voice asks
"Earth 10102010 or Equestria as its called there" She answers
" Alright then lets start there then, Earth 10102010" He says.

We cut to Spike on the mountain again listening to music, Miguel appears through the portal and Spike looks shocked
"Who are you?" he asks ready to fight while pointing at him
"I'm not gonna hurt you" Miguel tells him pointing as well
"I'm Spider man I need your help" He tells him
"which Spider Man?" Spike asks suspicious
"Spider man 2099, I'm Miguel O hara , i need your help with something" He says
"With what" Spike asks
"The collider did more damage to the multiverse then you think, i need to gather help to help fix it" Miguel explains
"What kind of damage?" Spike asks worried
"I can show you if you come with me, so are you in?" Miguel asks
We then see Spike thinking it over for a minute, he then looks at him
"I'm in" Spike answers

"Great! Come with me, I need to show you what's happening" Miguel explains as he opens a portal and walks through it
Spike takes one last look at Equestria before going through the portal to help Miguel with something important

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey guys thank you for reading this story! I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to what comes next! I'm so thankful for all the support and i can't be more grateful, Look Forward to the next story and see you soon!

Comments ( 11 )

Awww no pointing first gag? bummer!:rainbowlaugh:

What a rollercoaster ride & that ending left me wanting more, thanks for sharing!:pinkiehappy::moustache:

Aww, man. That was a really good job on this epilogue. Not only the dialogue with Spike's friends after he got home, but also hints of a couple of his later adventures before Miquel arrived.

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

just edited it so they do point, your welcome!

Great job. I approve.

if there can be a dinosaur spider man and a werewolf spider man, it's not out of the question that it could do the same with him, plus Spikes very young so his scales aren't very tough as a full grown one

The omniverse seems to have it stuck in their head that for everyone, “tragedy builds character” all the time, when it doesn’t always.

I think it should’ve been called Earth-101010, since it seems like the number limit is two to six.

i just wanted it to be an easter egg like number for hardcore fans of the show so they know how great they are with their knowledge of it

like what you like dude i have no resent against you, we all have different stuff to like and hate and if you liked it its completely okay. sorry if it seemed rude to you ,it was just a really bad movie to me and i'm far from the only one

Managed to read this.

Its fun in seeing Spike be heroic

Honestly can't wait for you to work on the second movie which is supposed to take place right after Spider-Man into the spider-verse. Also I know I can't be the only one that thinks this but I honestly ship penni with spike. Now before anyone says anything it's an good ship idea, they both are young ( and probably old enough to date each other) and let's not forget penni really wants to see equestria.

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