• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 917 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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17: Planet Quartu

Spike flew the ship through space at fast speeds, he never felt more anger for anyone in his life, Drek was planning to destroy his home and friends, and he will make drek pay for it! The three came out upon the planet and landed down, they looked around to see where to go.

"Alright, where do we go first?" Spike asked, Ratchet looked to their left and saw a swingshot cable.
"Let's go over there first." Ratchet said as the three proceeded to run to it, they proceeded to run around a large ring and fight through more enemy's yet again, Spike slashed through every one without mercy, these things may be harming his friends right now, and he wasn't going to let it happen for another second. the three proceeded to make they're way through a few more obstacles and found a scientist at the end.

"Hmm what if Pi over infinity.." He said looking at a device
"Hey, you need help fixing that thing?" Ratchet asked.
"We're in a bit of a hurry." Spike said with worry

"Actually i'm trying to destroy it." He told them.
"Why?" Clank asked
"I was contracted to re engineer a enlarger machine to create huge heavily armed mechs." He explained.
"So that's where those mechs came from!" Ratchet said with realization.
"So your trying to stop Drek from making more!" Spike said with a smile.

"Precisely! Had i known Drek was behind this, i never would have done it!" He said with regret.
"Is there anything we can do?" Clank asked with Ratchet and Spike nodding in agreement.
"Well if you volunteer to be enlarged, you may be able to stop those mechs charging up to stop me from sabotaging this machine!" He told them
"And then you will change me back?" Clank asked
"i've never tried that, but in theory, yes." He answered.

They looked at eachother a little concerned for a moment but they let Clank step onto the pad, Clank instantly transformed into a giant robot and was extremely huge.
"Awesome!" Spike said as he and Ratchet climbed on his back.

Clank then proceeded to fight his way through the robots coming they're way, Clank was far stronger now and was able to take down most in one hit, he made his way back around the way they came from and taking down stuff blocking they're way, Spike couldn't just let Clank have all the fun, he pulled out his RYNO and proceeded to help Clank fight them off. They went into a large arena area and were surrounded by more.

Clank was able to take down a lot of large mechs, Spike jumped off of him and took more down with his blades and cut right through them, Spike slashed them down with fury, these were most likely made to destroy innocent homes and people, and Spike was not gonna let that happen. They fought through about ten waves of enemy's but they were soon able to take them all down and high fived eachother with victory. They then made they're way back to the scientist.

"Well, done! Now just step into the machine and we'll see what happens." The scientist told Clank, he stepped back onto the pad and shrunk down to normal.
"Nice to have you back.. i guess." Ratchet said a little disappointed.
"Hey don't worry, it doesn't matter whether your big or small, your still Clank to us buddy." Spike said with a smile, Clank smiled at that and went back to them.
"I recalibrated the device to allow only your specific circuit patterns" He told them.
"Ah, perfect." Clank replied.

"I don't know how to thank you three, maybe this will help." He said as he pulled out an info bot again, they proceeded to watch an ad for Gadgetron and they had a new device called the Hologuise , it was something that would allow a person to become a robot and sneak past others un noticed, the scientist using it turned back to normal but the robots next to him stepped on him and the video ended.

"Wow, who voices the guy in the ad?" Spike asked confused.
"That may come in handy in the future." Ratchet told them.
"Robots are not so easily fooled." Clank told them, they smirked at that.
"Ah what's that?!" Ratchet screamed.
"Is that a alien monster?!" Spike asked scarred.
"What?" Clank asked and turned around and they smirked again.

"Uh, huh." Ratchet told him while Spike was laughing.
"Not so easily fooled my butt, lets check out that factory not." Spike suggested as they headed back to the factory.

They took a little backtrack but made they're way to the factory again, it was guarded by a laser grid and Spike thought about what to do, he then got an idea and pulled out that special device he got from Bob. He activated it and much to their surprise the device was more then a magnet, it was able to cause an EMP and it was able to shut down the gates and the robots guarding it.

"Well that makes things easier for us." Ratchet said with a smile.
"Least we don't have to waste anymore time backtracking to another planet, we'll get that device at a later date." Spike told them.
"Right, we got a planet to save!" Clank said as they went in.

The three proceeded to fight they're way through the factory, they took down more large robots as they went on, they had to platform they're way through another area, they had to crawl over a large ledge again to another part of the area, any more gates they could come across Spike was able to disrupt with an EMP and they were able to get past things.

They went through an area that required their swingshot again but it wasn't to much trouble, after they took down any more robots that they came across, they came into a room with a large monitor, Clank looked at it curious, Ratchet pressed a button and turned it on.
"That should do it!" Ratchet said as words appeared on the screen saying "son".
"Mother?" Clank asked and Spike was a little shocked.
"Oh brother.." Ratchet said a little annoyed.

the computer said" you have done well".
" I tried mom" Clank said as he looked like he had tears in his robo eyes, it then said" There is still more to do".
"I know" Clank told it, just then another info bot came through a conveyer and landed on the ground.
"Hey look a sister!" Ratchet joked.
"Family reunion!" Spike said as Ratchet laughed at that, They then watched another video.

" My fellow Blarg, our synthetic world is now fully functional and ready for habitation!" The camera viewed over to a new planet, it's not veldin, it's something else...
"However there is one small obstacle in our way. this pathetic lump of a planet!" Drek said as the camera views it and it's identified as Equis.
" Due to some blunder of pain, it happens to habit the galaxy's most perfect orbit, but not anymore! Behold, the de planetizer! The most powerful laser ever created!" Drek said as they see a large device.
" Soon we'll move the laser just above the planets surface, i will be on there to press the button and it will blow this planet to smithereens! no one will even miss it. see you then!" Drek said as the video ended.

Spike and Ratchet had a look of pure anger as the video ended.
" HE IS GOING TO PAY!!!!" Spike said with fury with ratchet looking pissed off as well.
"It shouldn't have taken me this long to see it! Drek is going to find out what happens when you mess with Spike's home and me!" Ratchet said with anger.
"The coordinates say it's in the Dragon Lands of my home! We need to go now!" Spike shouted.
"There is no time to waste, let's go." Clank said as they started to leave. Clank then looked back at the computer.

"I will try to make you proud mom." Clank told it, the computer said one more thing" You already have".

The three ran back to the ship at fast speeds, Spike took the pilots seat and activated the ship and took of to the planet that was his home. This was the fight for his world and the lives of his friends.
"Hang on guys, i'm coming, and Drek is going to pay.." Spike said with anger as they flew through space as fast as the ship could go.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! I know i skipped over the gadgetron planet and Drek's fleet, but i honestly say there wasn't much to those areas aside of kind of patting out the time for it. Next up is the fight for Equestria and Spike's homecoming, then i will have an extra that will be sort of a teaser for future stories, hope you look forward to it