• Published 10th Sep 2023
  • 919 Views, 49 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Guardian - Little_Draco

The sequel and final book to the Dragon Lord series. Spike's journey into the world has only just started but challenges arise in many forms such as the past, present and future. Will he succeed his role as Dragon Guardian?

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Of Train Trips and Pain Quips

The Dragon Lord's Guardian

Of Train trips and pain quips

Spike had received word the early next morning that his mother approved the train ride from home to Ponyville and from there to Fillydelphia. At top speed, they would arrive at Filly by late nightfall with two stops minimum to refuel or restock.
That left them five days max to get their information before having to head back home. Hence why he had to get an extra favor from her to pull something that he knew that may or may not come bite him in the back when the time came to bring it up to her, which is why he rather deals with it now then later and blows up in his face.

"WHAT!?!?!" The yell that left Ember was the equivalent of Torch's low shout, which was still powerful. Spike had to cover his ears while Amy had the look of 'Oh shi-baka' when he told them who would join them.

Recovering from the yell, he managed to look back weakly and with some fear as he stared at the fuming and puffing, red faced anger of his beautiful life mate. Oh, that beautiful rosy shade made her more elegant if not the anger that radiated from her had been targeted towards him.

He gulped but tried to keep her calm, keeping his arms up to show his neutral stance. "Ember, please I know that 'she' is the last one you wish to deal with but we need her for expertise."

Angrily, she took a few steps forward to his face, causing to pull back. "AND WHAT EXPERTISE DOES SHE HAVE FOR YOU TO BE BRINGING THAT BAKA-LOVING WHORSE WITH US!?" She growled at him.

He knew that this was definitely crossing the line with what he had been witnessing. He hadn't intentionally thought of it, but he knew that they needed much help with outside sources. Hence why this would be a difficult situation to handle.

"Look, I know that you hate her, but she has been outside of Equestria according to my mother Celestia and Twilight. We need to know what we are dealing with if the Dragon Hunters have resources to kill us." Ember tried to retort but he cut her off. "-And… none of us, not even your mother who has been exploring the lands for a century, knows much about outside of Equestria, Dragon Lands and so on. We need her help for this."

Ember was still raging but she simmered down a little, as she saw that Spike was more eased about this than her. Snorting, she gave a low growl. "And she is the only one we know of that for sure?"
"Can you think of anyone else who has traveled the world?" A shake of her head. "Then we stick with her. Besides, she has reformed and has been helping with recovery after the Storm King's defeat since. She also has knowledge of what may be at play here."

Ember didn't just dislike this, she absolutely despised it. What could be worse than having your mortal enemy by your side and actually helping you in the long run?

She huffed and remained quiet, which had him sigh. "Look, whatever happened, it's in the past. I can move past it, as can many others. I won't force you into it but neither can I agree with staying angry and bitter to the point where it may affect our mission. As is, the lives of all dragons are in danger so long as these ponies continue to roam around with weapons that can kill us-"

"Alright, I get it!" She snorted. "I have to work with this stupid mare in order to keep dragons from being killed, but I won't ever consider her a friend or an ally!"

Spike shrugged in understanding. "That's fair. Now, once we get the Ponyville, we can pick up Smolder to take with us, along with some of her former yeti. That will help our journey."

That did a little to ease her anger, as seeing their fourth member back with them always made her heart easier, while the yeti confused her. Outside of them following commands, she had no real reason to hate them as much as her.

Seeing her calmer, he gently smiled and grasped her claws. "I know this is tough, but if we pull this off and end this soon, we no longer have to worry about anything."

Her orange eyes locked into his emerald ones, earning that trademark of assurances and love that he always dished out. It made it hard to stay mad at him for long. A breathy sigh left her and she nodded. "Right. But for the sake of Wistala and all above, please let nothing else get in the way of us trying to do the right thing. I don't think I can handle any more annoyances and-"

A mental interruption came from Eliyinsa, causing pause.

'Excuse the interruption my young ones, but I must inform you that we have come to an unfavorable conclusion that you must both be protected when on your travels.' A small pause as she let that sink in before responding with a small tone. "We have asked with purpose that you take an enhancement with you to keep you safe.'

Another pause. "Who-"


Ember threw her claws up in defeated anger.

"Of baka-ing course that comes up as well!"

Even the mental feed was affected by this, causing Eliyinsa and Spike to flinch, as Ember stomped away to go destroy something while Amy was left out of the loop.

"What happened?"


As they all waited by the train station just as the sun breached over the horizon, the Elders waited for the train to ready up. The carts were emptied out with one being a flatbed used to carry rails, also being emptied.
The station had come a long way from just a simple little shack to now a small area of buildings and homes being built around it. The upcoming town is looking slowly and surely like Appleloosa, but with dragons. The teens that he had punished were still working there, setting up the iron rails and using their fires to either bend them in place or melt them together. The workers seemed happy that they weren’t doing all the lifting.

As the train was reading up with only three carts and the two flatbeds, the Elders were all waiting by the station. Torch, Saphira, Eliyinsa and Zynthia all marveled by the mechanical steam beast that could pull such weight and power. Seraphina was desperately trying to go to the big shiny metal.

“You know, when I first saw these half a century ago,” Saphira commented lightly. “They were bigger, louder and had the smell of tar and coal!” A small sigh left her. “I miss seeing those ones.”

“Yeah well the ponies figured out that bigger isn’t always better and that black looks ugly.” Spike remarked. “But I do have a few old school train sets that may be worth something to keep here.”

“How is it that they plan to get us all there by nightfall with something that small?” Amethyst asked. “That thing couldn’t possibly move that fast!”

“It's more of the fact that it can almost not stop without brakes, only for refueling which is usually at the end of the trip. If we tried to fly, we could get tired by Ponyville and have to rest, thereby cutting our days shorter. Though it helps knowing we only have Ponyville for a quick stop on the way.” Blacktip had explained. He moved over to where the flat bed was with a few straps on it, trying to see how it would work. The dragon wasn't as big or as heavy as many of the railroad gutters, but he still felt he had less mass than them.

As the train conductors readied, Eliyinsa turned to her right and motioned forward. “Shadescale, you may join.”

Like a weird ghost, the dragoness materialized in front of them all, earning an ire glance from Ember but no one else. She bowed to them, “Elders, Dragon Lord,” She paused and eyed Spike. “Guardian Spike.”

“Hey Shadescale, it’s been awhile.” Spike responded in an almost friendly manner.

While she had gained his favor and the Elder’s as well, she had yet to be in any good light with Ember’s. Regardless of saving him and being part of saving Equestria from the Storm King’s invasion, the Dragon Lord had no liking for her at all.

It has yet to really become a problem for them, as she has remained distant from them except Spike, but not in any way or form of harassment. Rather, she came to him seeking advice on how to be more open about her abilities and helping them bring ‘enhanced’ dragoness’s out.

That was actually a problem that both were having as none of them wished to expose themselves or willingly demonstrated their abilities out in the open or even just between them.

According to his mother, only a claw full were enhanced in the lands. Of those claws full, two have shown themselves but not their abilities, feeling concerned if their friends, families or others were to find out. Even with the approval of the Elders and open demonstrations by Shadescales and Spike, they remain secluded.

As of two weeks ago, only one dragoness by the name of Blitzkrieg, came to briefly demonstrate her prowess over electricity but managed to only summon an electrical current over her form but nothing else, as she fears what may transpire. She could do more….

Pulling up, she nodded and gave a disgruntled sigh. “Indeed it has but I am afraid that Blitzkrieg wishes to remain isolated, as she still has no sign of assurances that she can use them freely.”

Spike wilted lightly. “I… I am sorry to hear that. I thought for sure she would come out.”

Shadescale shook her head. “As I have taken to proving my abilities to those like us, it is still a slow progress.”

“Then perhaps we should try a different approach,” Eliyinsa chimed in. “Since you will be joining them, they will learn that dragons with ‘gifts’ have been aiding our own and perhaps even aiding in ‘Equestrian affairs’. It is imperative that you demonstrate this with good cause, Shadescale.”

Giving a bowing nod, she looked up at the Elder. “And so I shall.”

Spike gave her a small pat, earning a glare from Ember from behind but not much else. “So we shall.” Spike corrected. “We are doing this so we can all be fully free.”

The sound of the train horn alerted them all of the time. Spike said goodbye to his mothers, giving them all a kindle. He then gave a loving kindle and hug to his sister, who giggled and hugged him back. Ember flew up to hug her mother and father, earning some… comforting advice to her in a low tone, regarding what will transpire.

As that happened, Blacktip approached Shadescale and gave a small wave. “Hello Shadescale, I am Blacktip. I believe this is the first time we have officially met.”

The lithe dragoness looked at the larger dragon, not by much but still bigger than her. She was familiar with him but not acquainted with him, so she was not aware of his origins nor his purpose outside of being a scholar for Dragons.

"Greetings Blacktip. I am glad to finally meet you. Though I am at a disadvantage of how much I know of you outside of being the 'Architect and Scholar."

"Worry not, I am not well acquainted with the rest of our kin. I am also teaching Spike to hone his 'Firebreaking' and more. Perhaps one day you can show me your gifts too?" She was aware of his teachings, however she remained vigilant to showing off her gifts to one like him. She only nodded in response. Satisfied, the larger green drake then nodded to the train bed. "I suppose you and I may share this bed on the trip."

She looked at him, then at the bed, noting the second one behind. In truth, she could fit inside the cab of the train, yet she believed that Ember would not allow that luxury for her if it was between Spike and her.

"I am… unsure of the safety of these mechanical mobile steel boxes of death," She commented, ideally in that she was unsure of pony technology yet.

"Oh, don't let its structure intimidate you," He said, assuredly, "As this is the safest way to travel across the lands. I assure you that this will make it easier."

"Hmm." She then walked to the empty flatbed and hopped on, while Blacktip took the empty one in the back. "Why do I feel as though this may be my first experience of motion sickness?"

"Just focus forward and let your head up, it's actually comforting to know you will not use your wings to travel!"

Once the 'goodbyes' were given, the young dragons boarded the train cart in front of the other two dragons. Upon boarding, the train gave a final whistle blow before the powerful engine in front began its parallel journey forward, heading to Equestria. From the window, Ember, Amy and Spike waved to their families one last time, the train picking up speed and heading north.

As they slowly disappeared over the horizon, the Elders prayed for them a safe journey and fruitful endeavor to end this bloodshed.


It was a pleasant experience for them, especially those within the cab. Amy and Ember have never had a luxury like this, especially with commodities like beverages, polished gems, lightly salted meat snacks and beds.

The glow of the Scepter hummed and Ember felt its signal saying that the timer had started. Unlike before she paid much more attention to the Scepter now that it had become more responsive to her and Spike. Both of them have known that the Scepter has some sentience and with Spike's most heroic deeds, it had deemed him worthy enough to be welded as a Dragon Lord and more.

Spike pulled close and held the top of it, feeling the small pulse from within, almost like a ticking clock. He squinted and stared at the stone itself, noting that something within stirred towards him. The moment, while brief, fleeted him as he let go. It was the antithesis to the blade that had taken the lives of dragons, a means to harm.

He refocused on the nesses.

"So, when we get to Ponyville, we will pick up Smolder and a former Yeti armorer who worked with the Storm King to help create weapons for him." A pause as he picked up a bottle of soda and opened the top. "It sounds unorthodox but they were the few creatures that have weapons outside of Equestria's normal uses."
"What could they have that Equestria does not?" His mate asked, chewing on a few candies left by them.
"Well, from the few instances we have encountered, they have spears but build for their digits and 'electric staffs,' as well as their ships conducting some 'storm manipulation' outside of pegasi control. They may have been ruled by some crazy tyrant, but they had the means to start a strong and deadly war. And that is just what was given to us upfront. We will find out more from them over time as we try to collaborate with their nation."

"Which is all the more concerning that we are allies with them." Ember noted with some bite to her tone.
"No greater way to beat your enemy than to turn them into allies," Spike quoted evenly.
“To many if you ask me,”
This prompted him to get a bit crossed at her attitude. While not unusual, something was stirring and he could feel it. She's been on edge since yesterday and he felt helpless knowing that he could do little to ease her attitude when it came down to their new allies or former enemies. Despite progress over the months, his mate was not one for dwelling with it for long, as she will open up eventually. This had him turn around then look towards the back of the cart’s window.

Upon approach, he saw that Blacktip was in front while Shadescale remained in the back. His teacher had his head up high, enjoying the pace of the locomotive without use of his wings. His eyes were open and he had a smile on his face, kinda reminding him of when Wionna got on a wagon and went full speed down a hill.
Shadescale however seemed to be death gripping the back, as the idea of traveling at high speeds, not of her own doing, seemed to disturb her.

Ember remained peeved through the ride, picked up on by Amy but Spike seemed to only focus on their task ahead. The blade was a huge mcguffin that landed in their lives to dissect, inspect and ultimately… destroy. It was their mission to find a way to neutralize this and other future weapons designed for kind's end.

The trip was filled with idle chatter and with the lands moving past with haste and speed, it felt so unreal for the dragons, minus Spike, to be on the move without actually doing much. When it came down to the commodities, the gems provided had been from his own personal stash, what remained, amongst others that were given.

He brought out a large bowl for Blacktip and Shadescale, further aggravating Ember at his generous offer. Amethyst picked up on it and when Spike stepped out to give it to them, she broke the silence.

"You know, being pissed off ain't helping," She motioned towards their mate and the others, especially Shadescale. "If her being with us is gonna keep pissing you off, you're never gonna settle down."

Ember snorted and turned to Amy. "I'm not pissed off with her, I'm annoyed that she is coming with us for no reason."

"There is a reason!" The pink dragoness countered. "She is here to protect and help us."

"We don't need protection!"

"Just because you feel that way doesn't mean we don't." A soft sigh left Amy as she approached the sapphire scaled dragoness, who refused to meet her eyes. "We nearly got our tails kicked at Canterlot. She helped Spike out and us in a time of need. She didn't have too…"

"She owed it to us!" Ember barked at her, stomping away from her. "Shadescale would only help if Spike gave her a baka loving clutch in the future!"

"Is that what this is about?" Amy asked incredulously. "That she is going to get some eggs from him?"

Ember growled lightly but not directly at Amy. She crossed her arms as she stared out the back window. "She doesn't deserve his eggs-"

"Why do you care so much about it?"

"Why don't you?" Amy was cut off before she could respond. "Don't answer that. You and I have different views."

"Yeah, and I've known you before you decided to make me a part of this hoard. I am open with whoever because it won't affect us in the long run. How many males have eggs with other females and or the other way around too?" Ember didn't respond. "My mother had a clutch with another male because my father was a selfish prick who wanted drakes only. She tossed his tail off the side of the mountain and took half his hoard when he threatened to smash any eggs that had females. Now my mom is with another male and I have sisters because of that."

Huffing, she didn't like on the rare occasions when Amethyst was right. But that was just the start of her tirade. "Also, why in the name of Wistala would it really mess with you if Spike chose to mate with one other female… one time! And then never again? I sure as baka didn't get mad when you and Smolder hit the rocks with him."

"You don't even like males!" Ember tried to counter.

"No, I don't like males. I love Spike though!" She crossed her arms. "He is the kindest, sweetest, most lovable dragon who has ever lived in our lives, despite knowing I may never ask him to bend me over and rut me! If he were to add another 'ness' into our hoard, I wouldn't care so long as I remained with him, you and Smols." A pause then, “A least she ain’t an ugly looking dragoness like Crackle. That could have been a baka-up clutch right there.” Then a lowered mumble, “She's not bad looking either.”

Ember was losing this conversation and despite knowing full well that Amy wasn't as caring when it came down to a lot of problems, Spike's well being and heart was always at the forefront. As was her own and Smolder's. Yeah, she would never take Spike up her tail, but she has had him please her before, but beside the point. Still, her anger stemmed from the fact that Shadescale 'demanded' a clutch from him, rather than try to win over his heart.

It was just to expand her chances of having eggs with 'gifts' and more. It had to be, as there was no other conclusion. To be part of his story, his history, legacy and so much that as long as she could spout his name from the clutch, that it would cement herself as part of his life.

She didn't know if her heart could handle the idea of Spike's hatchlings being part of another that would not involve his heart.

At this point, Spike returned with a small smile. "Well glad to know that dragons riding trains is not going to be an issue if we start working together more.”

“What, are they going to be bigger carts or tracks?” Ember asked, briefly forgoing the anger.

“Looks like it, or maybe just an open cart.” He paused and saw that Amy looked at Ember’s adamant tone shift. It was surely something amiss, but he felt more annoyed that she remained tightened on her anger.

Still, that was just a small blip for them with time. As the next thing they knew, they were passing the green plains and small hills from the windows rapidly as the wonderful smell of the scents of Equestria came closer and closer.

By mid-afternoon, the train passed over a final hill and down to where they saw the beautiful colors of the homes that decorated the town. The Crystal Castle itself stood out amongst them all, glistening by the sun and shining like a beacon of hope.

Hearts hammering, the trio practically bounced as the train pulled up to the station, waiting to see their final heart join them once more. The squeals of the tires on iron echoed through the town as the train came to a stop.

Upon stopping, the doors opened for them all, first seeing the short orange form of Smolder, their final horde member. The trio instantly were tackled by her missile-like form as she greeted them with kindles and hugs, happily squeezing them tightly and saying how much she missed them. They hugged her back with the same love and adoration, sweet nothings of those words were given, as after weeks apart, they reunited.

Once their reunion was over, the conductor called out, “Train to Fillydelphia, Non-stop, leaving in 5 minutes!”

The four dragons smiled at the timing. “So, what is the trip really about? And why are we bringing Ralph here?” She pointed behind them with the bulk, massive form of the Yeti behind her. The trio dragons saw the gray fur, taller than Celestia, white maned yeti holding luggages as well as folders. He wore his armor, but while it didn’t carry the Storm King’s crescent, it now sported Twilight’s Cutie Mark and had a few color strands of violet around the belt. The mask also had a deep violet and light blue streak in the middle. According to them, the mask helped keep their face cool during warmer areas.

“Ralph?” Ember and Amy parrotted. He waved to them, managing to grunt out, “Hello.” To them all.

“Hey Ralph!” Spike greeted back, familiar with the Yeti that he had tried to help during their battle, earning a look from Amy and Ember. “Everything cool?”

The yeti, aware of the pun, gave a claw thumb up, which followed by him lifting the luggages up and bringing them in, pushing past the dragons. Before entering, he gave Spike his 'Platinum Access' card, which Spike eagerly held in claws and a 'Royal Visa' card, which had his funds in it.

Smolder smiled and looked at them. “He’s been a real big help at the school, especially to Princess Twilight and the others. We also got to learn ‘Yetinesse!’ from him and how to defend ourselves! Those luggages are mine but he brought some work with him too.”

While impressive, it still blew the minds of the others how much of an impact the school and the yeti have been. As they lingered around a bit more, they finally heard the strange laughter of another dragon and a mare approaching.

In almost disbelief, Ember, Spike and Amethyst watched, as Garble walked up to the train station where by his side was none other than the Harlequin coated mare, Treehugger, leaning into his side. They acted like it was the most natural thing in the world to be this close to one another to the point where, both nuzzled each other.

Amy and Ember had their jaws drop to the floor in sheer shock at Garble’s actions, as it was the most unbelievable thing the red drake had ever done in his life. It was unfathomable for him to be this cute or nice to anyone outside of his sister. Spike was less shocked now but now impressed and even somewhat glad to see him like this.

Upon arriving, Garble saw three dragons staring at him with looks of shock or awe. It almost sent him reeling back, but he didn’t want to look ashamed of this, so he settled for some inevitable feedback from this.

“Yo! Garb’s family! What’s up?” The mare called out to them on approach. This had the added effect of his face turning slightly pink at his nickname from her.

Spike waved at her, the other two still in shock to answer, “Hey TreeHugger. It’s been awhile. How’s life treating you?”

“Oh you know, chillin’ an’ keeping it real!” Her response was cool and seemed to keep her spirit's going. “Garbs here telling me you are heading up north to get some sightseeing done. That's pretty far-out, drake!"

"Something along those lines," Spike responded. "Though to be honest, I just didn't expect you two to be a thing."

Garble blushed harder while Treehugger just bobbed her head without denial. Smolder smirked while Amy and Ember finally regained some sanity back to look less shocked but now confused. As in… what did this mare see in Garble?

"Are you both coming with us?"

"Nah, unfortunately. Can't make it as I got some classes here to teach with Flutters'. But y'all can vibe without me, sides I know that you need each other to keep that groove going and that Harmony flowing to get in touch with yourselves. Our hearts will merge once more when he gets back." She then leaned up and kissed his cheek, gaining more pink in color but he melted under her touch regardless.

The self-control of not losing themselves was staggering, as both Amy and Ember wanted to release from either laughter, shock or something else, but the train whistle blew one final time to indicate departure time. "Well, then I guess that's our queue to head out. You two set?"

Garble and Smolder nodded with her jumping in the train with Ember and Amy following. Spike entered, watching as Treehugger gave Garble another quick peck to the cheek, which he gave a nuzzle back in effort. Kindles didn't work on ponies so that was the next best thing.

'Holy Mother baka-ing Wistala and Draco.' Came the thoughts to the trio as they boarded along with Garble. Once the doors settled, the dragon waved to Treehugger who waved back in a chilled manner.

The train chugged along its merry way, heading to the city where they hoped that answers and hope could be given to them.

Just like it was possible for Garble to change his attitude and personality by a pony, so could those around them. What came next was left up to Harmony and Friendship.

Author's Note:

This is it! The start of many wonderful things! Trains! Romance! Drama! And the start of the Dragon city Arch!