• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 209 Views, 10 Comments

Come and Fly Away - Visharo

In a world of earth ponies, one dreams of flying...

  • ...

They Say Dreamers Never Die

Marigold was a mare, an earth pony mare. This is nothing special, everybody in Equestria is an earth pony. Nopony knows why, it's just the way it is. The alicorns of old died out many years ago, leaving the little ponies to their own devices. While some prophesied the doom of their species, the little ponies continued on. The stories and tales have been reduced to nothing but old folktales and myths. One pony, however, believes...

"Maaariiiiiiiiii, I need help in the garden!" Chrysanthemum, otherwise known as The Mum, was Marigold's mother.

"Coming mum!" The mare in question had a bright yellow coat and a baby blue mane and tail. She had lovely sky blue eyes that somehow always found their way upwards, much to her mother's disapproval. Her cutie mark was a curious thing, a marigold flanked with folded white wings. It caused quite the uproar within the tiny community the earth ponies live in.

Marigold shook her messy mane, climbed down from the roof, and trotted over to the garden patch. It was where the Daisy family grew everything they would ever need, from crops like potatoes and carrots to flowers like marigold and chrysanthemum. When Marigold rounded the corner, she was greeted with her mother entangled within her namesakes.

"Mum, how did you do this? Again?" The Mum had a habit of getting stuck in places a pony would normally not get stuck in.

"Honey, you know I don't do this on purpose." Her mother sighed, the plants shook with her breath. The Mum was a beautiful mare by normal standards. Her coat was a luscious magenta, her mane and tail was a bright and beautiful hue of pink, and her eyes held a deep rich blue. Many a stallion got lost in those eyes. Only one was able to snag the heart of the cold and heartless Chrys, and that was Marigold's father, Bluebeard. Much like the name suggests, Bluebeard had a blue beard...and a blue mane and a tail. His coat was a dark purple that contrasted well with navy blue eyes. His charming personality and good looks finally won over Chrysanthemum and over time reduced her into a ditzy gardener who makes delicious daisy cookies.

"Sometimes, I really wonder whether or not that's true." Marigold mumbled and stomped a hoof down. Her leg flashed green and from where she planted her hoof, flowers emerged and slowly and carefully disentangled The Mum from her floral prison.

"Ooooh! Thank you, Mari!" The Mum bounced out of Marigold's flowers and tackled the poor mare in a ursa hug.

"Mum! Can't...breathe!" She gasped and struggled, but to no avail.

"Oh, sorry dear. You know I get carried away sometimes." The Mum grinned sheepishly.

"Like you say, literally every time." Marigold sighed and released her magical hold on her flowers, letting them slink back into the ground. Earth pony magic sure is weird like that, but it's been the norm for so long, no one even bats an eye to the peculiarity of it all.

"I know, sugar, I know." Chrysanthemum let out a breath and lowered her head. There might have been some tears, but Marigold would never know. "It's just been hard recently, with...you know."

"Yeah, mum. I know." She slowly eased into her mother's embrace and steadily stained each other's shoulders. It certainly wasn't their first time and it definitely won't be their last.


Marigold sat upon the roof for the second time that day. She's been up here so many times, climbing up took ten seconds flat. She timed it once to be sure. She also had a bed of hay set up near the chimney for moments like this. Staring up into the endless sea of clouds and stars. No matter the time of day or night, the sky was beautiful.

"Yo, Mari!" Her daydreams were interrupted yet again. She rolled over and peeked over the roof. Sure enough, her best friend in the whole wide world was standing there.

"Coming, Mandy!" Mandarin, an earth pony. Wow, plot twist. She had an orange coat and lovely violet eyes. Her mane and tail was hazel brown and her cutie mark depicted a sliced mandarin.

"Where were you? I was waiting by the orchard like we said." Mandarin said after Marigold made it to the bottom. It took more effort to get down safely.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I got lost..."

"...looking at the clouds. Yeah, I know. I don't even know why I ask anymore." Mandy sighed, shaking her head. "Doesn't matter! I wanted to show you something, remember?"

She stared back, not blinking.

"...you don't remember." Mandy slapped a hoof on her forehead. "Of course you don't. Let me guess, there was a cloud that look like an alicorn again?"

"I'm telling you, it was real! I did not make that up!" Marigold immediately went defensive. It was a bit of a game with them, Mandy would start by mentioning the cloud that looked like an alicorn, Marigold would defend, and then Mandy would strike again.

"How would you know what an alicorn looked like? You've never seen one. Besides, they're not real."

"A pony with a spike and wings. Duh. It's not hard to imagine. And of course they're real! There are stories, that must mean they were real at some point!"

"Stories that our parents tell to us before bedtime! How many times do I have to tell you not to believe in those fairy tales!" She started trotting at some point and Marigold, without realizing it, trotted alongside.

"Fairy tales have a grain of truth within them, just ask The Baba!"

"HA! You're basing your belief on The Baba?" Mandy giggled. There was a pony in their little settlement who lived far away from everypony else. Nopony knew her real name, thus they called her The Baba. She was the pony you came to for medical treatment or crop protection or weather predictions. She was not the pony you would go to for life advice or for a history lesson. Those are for teachers.

"She's just misunderstood." Marigold huffed, annoyed. Nopony truly appreciated The Baba, not like she did.

"Yeah right." And so it went. The two argued and bantered the entire time they walked. Every once in a while, Marigold would find her gaze slipping upwards before catching herself and looking back at her friend. And every time, Mandy noticed but didn't say anything.

Many hours passed without the mares noticing, it's been too long since their last chat. They finally noticed when the sun started to dip beneath the horizon, casting it's last embrace with the waking world before slipping away. It was within those final moments did Marigold noticed where they were.

"Why are we at Ruined Fort Cliff?" It was a famous landmark, everypony has either visited or heard of this place. Marigold was part of the latter. Also, nopony knew why it was named Ruined Fort Cliff. It seemed like a depressing name, yet nopony dared not to change it.

"Because you can look at the sky better. This was where I wanted to bring you earlier...then you forgot, you nugget." Mandy chuckled good-naturedly.

Marigold lost interest almost immediately as she gazed upon the starry sky. Luna's sky, The Baba once said. She said Luna created every star and swirl with meticulous detail every day to bring this beautiful night. She said Luna frolicked amongst her creations, having the time of her life. She said Luna watched down on her little ponies from the moon. Whatever the tale, one thing was certain. This was Luna's Sky.

Marigold didn't notice Mandy slip away with a quiet smile. She didn't notice the hours slipping away. She definitely didn't notice when she fell asleep. She did notice, however, when she awoke to the bright and brilliant sun awashing the world in warmth and comfort.


"Ah, there you are." Mandarin trotted up to the sitting Marigold, still by the cliff. "Nopony's seen you in three days, your mother is kinda worried."

"'They say dreamers never die.'"

"...what?" Mandy stopped, a confused expression danced upon her features.

"My dad used to say that. 'They say dreamers never die.' Never really knew what he meant. I think I know now, though."

"Marigold. What are you doing?" There was a tremor of fear in her voice. Marigold barely heard it.

"I think...I think I want to dream. Wouldn't that be nice?" She was so close to the edge now. If she looked down, she would see the large 155m (509ft) drop, but she didn't. No. She looked up, to the beautiful sky. It called to her.

"Mari...I don't think that's a good idea. I really don't think that's a good idea. Come away from the edge now, please...please! Come on Mari, this isn't funny. Mari? Ma...MARI!" Mandy jumped forwards but it was too late. She had to push her hooves deep into the ground to not topple forwards.

As for Marigold, she's never felt so alive. The air rushing through her fur, her ears, her tail. It was exhilarating. She opened her eyes to see the ground hurtling ever so closer. I believe. The ground was now even closer then it was before, but Marigold wasn't scared. 'Dreamers never die.'

Then she sprouted wings.

Author's Note:

Despite the similar magicks as gen5, this is NOT gen5. Do not get these two worlds confused.

Welp, I never expected it to get this dark. But it did.
I just want to take this moment to appreciate my parents. All over, parents really don't get the recognition they deserve. And I know that some don't deserve the recognition and I recognize that some don't have the same chances and luck as some of us have. Even a small thought towards those who have and those who don't.
Thank you.

Comments ( 10 )

Amazing! I could really picture everything that was happening. Nice story!

That ending was really wonderful. Enjoyed this one of yours a lot too, Visha! So full of hope ^^. Like Silver Sky said, it did really great at visualization.

Also, was the Baba named after a flower/item like normal pony naming conventions? Or is she more like a Zecora-type situation?

Aw, thank you! I've been trying to get my visualization down, seems like I hit the mark with this one.
Yeah, The Baba is more like a Zecora type. It means 'grandmother' or 'old woman.' I got the inspiration from Dying Light 2, where you can meet a side character called The Baba. She was a bit of a witch doctor.

So many flower puns...

Don't let your dreams be just dreams. Go out and seize them!!!

next story
She walks back the her town as a 1 year older alicorn

perhaps perhaps, unlikely, but perhaps

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