• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,196 Views, 284 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...

Black Market Auctions

"Welcome to the Nightmare's Underground Black Market.", The muscular pony said listlessly, before pointing out another hidden door on the right.

"The password matches the one for gold class. You may enter through door number five on the right. Everything in there is complimentary, Enjoy yourself." The mysterious pony who led me in informed me quietly before disappearing amongst the shadows.

I entered and was in awe as I found myself in a lavishly decorated private room.
A soft light emanated from a magic crystal lamp, casting a warm golden glow, illuminating the room's opulent furnishings.

A grand mahogany desk stood at the center, covered in neatly organized scrolls, leather-bound tomes, and intricately decorated books.

The air was scented with a subtle blend of exotic spices and fragrant flowers, creating an atmosphere of refined luxury.

The room was adorned with rare artifacts, each carefully displayed in ornate cabinets. Intricately woven rugs covered the polished wooden floor, muffling hoofsteps and adding to the room's sense of quiet sophistication.

As I marveled at my surroundings, a mare, elegantly dressed in a golden silk gown and wearing a matching mask adorned with intricate embroidery, entered the room after knocking politely.

With a polite smile, she extended a well decorated tray with a golden hoofcuff towards me.
"For identification purposes, esteemed Golden Class member," she explained, her voice melodic and refined.

I accepted the golden hoofcuff with the letter 'S' etched on it and fastened it to my hooves.

The mare offered a respectful bow, "Should you require anything, you need but ring the bell. Until then, I shall take my leave."

She inclined her head in a gesture of farewell, before she gracefully took her leave and left me alone with my thoughts.

"....They most likely assumed that I was a rich pony from my appearance. The service would not be as good if they get to know, I am in fact extremely broke." I said to myself as I enjoyed the complimentary grapes, eating it carefully while making sure my suit didn't get dirty.

"Hmm...these are good." I wrapped some grapes and snuck it in my bag.

The mysterious pony from earlier did say everything here was complimentary after all...

"I wonder if there is anything else that's free...." I wondered as I began opening up every drawer I could find.

My bag started filling up with all the free luxurious soaps, embroidered towels, books, and decorative statues.

I glanced at the exotic plant in the corner which had a nice shade of red tinged at the tip of its leaves.

This won't do.
I need something with more space to hold all the items.

I wonder if I could create a portable way to store items in the void so I don't have to bother carrying them with me all the time....

"Time to research!" I grinned.

My analysis are as such:
1) Time, as we know, is akin to a river flowing in one direction. Yet, when manipulated with precision, it can be made to loop upon itself, creating pockets where moments overlap and coexist.

2) Magic, being the essence of this world, provides the energy and stability needed to sustain these temporal loops.

3) Black holes are basically cosmic voids with gravitational forces so strong that even light cannot escape.

4) By utilizing their unique properties, it would be possible to create a channel within the void.

5) Items stored there would remain untouched by the passage of time, yet easily retrievable when needed.

I leaned back against the chair smiling in satisfaction.

I had an idea of the basic theory that would be involved, all I needed was experimentation.

I frowned as I realized upon calculation that I would need to use a large amount of energy that could lead to possible magical exhaustion.

The gems proved to be a good source of power in my previous experiment, so perhaps using it, instead of depleting my own would prove to be a more optimal solution.

I connected the gems using some spare wires and used some of my own magic to create a storage space that would hold itself within the void.

As the energy from the gems interlaced with my own supply, I felt my skin crawl and shuddered at the sickening sensation.

I glanced at my hooves which had red rashes and felt itchy upon contact with the powered up gems.

My horns were heated up to the point it was too hot to touch with my bare hooves.

"I seem to have an allergic reaction to the gems." I pondered.

I gasped for breath as my throat felt closed off and immediately cut off the power supply from the gems.

I used my magic to inject myself with a component I was familiar with, letting the cold liquid course through my veins.

"Nothing a little Epinephrine can't resolve." I sighed in relief as the effects wore off.

"How unusual" I touched the decorative gems on my suit and mask and didn't feel a similar reaction.

"It seems that I am only allergic to this particular set of gems." I realized.

Well the gems didn't matter now as I already got what I wanted from it.

"Time to test it out."

The room quivered with suppressed energy as the porthole hummed to life, and a small black box appeared.

I gathered all the complimentary items adorning the room, including all the plants and cutlery I could find and deftly stowed them within the void space beyond the small box, which expanded itself and greedily consumed every object it was offered.

In the blink of an eye, the items disappeared into the cosmic void, leaving the room impeccably untouched, as if it was never filled with decorations.

I slid my hooves into the box and was able to take out the grapes, I desired.
They were in pristine condition and tasted perfect.

"Looks like the experiment was a success." I grinned to myself as I ate the sweet grapes.

I took my usual two hours of rest and woke up feeling refreshed.
I stretched my hooves, stored the entire bed in my little warp box before leaving the now empty room.

It's not stealing if everything is complimentary.

I wandered around the place looking at the several ponies of various hues enjoying themselves.

I heard the sound of a scream and some commotion in the direction of my empty room but it was probably nothing important.

A wooden staircase that led to an underground area caught my attention.

The ponies going down there looked extra wealthy, with their muzzle high in the air and trotting gracefully with their partners.

I was the only pony without a company but I didn't mind it at all.

I felt myself try to conceal my grin as I realized that the area seemed to be some kind of underground casino.

I watched them for a while and realized to my glee that ponies were terrible at hiding their expressions.
They were so expressive that it was rather obvious if they were dealt with a lucky or unlucky hoof.

I closed my eyes for a while, enjoying the sounds of the excitement within the air.

The sound of money clinking and the shuffling of cards was like music to my ears.

I didn't have any bits on me but was able to exchange some of the expensive decorative items and plants I had seized from the room earlier in exchange for chips.

The mare handing out the chips had a plant tattoo on her flank, so I was correct to assume she was a botanist.

Her eyes lit up in glee as she gently took the plants from me like they were rare treasures.

With chips stored securely in my void box, I paced around looking for a good spot.

I avoided the tables with ponies that had cards or dices tatooed on their flank.

Luckily, I found a table with an empty spot, that had ponies with flank marks unrelated to gambling.

Seizing the opportunity, I joined the convenient poker table, sitting down gracefully with an air of confidence, I did not possess.

Poker is to put it simply, a game of mathematics and psychology. Understanding the numbers and the subtle cues of the opponents could tip the scales in my favor.

While luck plays a role, it's the mastery of probabilities and the ability to read expressions that would give me a better edge then other ponies.

I observed everypony's expressions quietly as the cards were shuffled and distributed.

The dejected sigh and lowered ears made me realize that the silver masked mare had terrible cards.

The confident smug smirk and slightly twitching ears of another indicated their luck.

My cards weren't the best but they weren't the worst either.

I smirked as I mirrored the expression of the confident pony.

Assessing every move and calculating the odds with each card drawn, I adjusted my expressions before I either called or held.

Making money has never been so easy.
I laughed as I slid the chips towards me, feeling satisfied.

Some of the ponies observing the game spoke words of acknowledgement, while the ones at the table cursed me silently as they glared at their lost chips.

Ignoring them, I exchanged my chips for bits and pocketed my earnings into the void.

I was just about to leave when a mare with an elegantly curled silver mane, and a navy blue mask approached me.

I remembered she was one of the ponies spectating my game.

"Well, aren't you quite the lucky one?" she purred, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Feeling generous tonight, handsome?"

I glanced at her flank and noticed she had a tattoo of a pile of coins, which I assume meant she was a salespony.

"Why don't you follow me? I could show you something really interesting~" She leaned closer towards me and whispered in my ears.

This confirmed my suspicions that she was a salespony trying to get me to buy whatever she wanted to sell.

Nice try lady, but if anypony is going to scam rich ponies by selling cheap things for more then it is worth, it is going to be me.

I raised an eyebrow as I gently took a few steps away from her.
"Ah, you must be a salespony, trying to peddle your wares," I replied, making sure my tone was polite but dismissive.

"I appreciate the offer, but I am not in need of any products at the moment." I told her firmly, not in the mood of dealing with any persistent salesponies.

The mare blinked, as she stammered out, "N-no, I wasn't... I was just... never mind," her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink as she hastily galloped away, leaving me quite puzzled by her abrupt departure.

Salesponies are usually more persistent then that.
How unusual...

I shrugged as I went towards the sound of disco music.
The neon lights, loud catchy beats reverberating in the air and the crazy dancing of the ponies made me reminiscent of the nightclubs on Earth.

I never liked the crowds, preferring the quiet solace of libraries or laboratories during my spare time.

Classical music was more fitting for my taste, yet I couldn't help but vibe to the music here.

The DJ pony, a mare with short blue hair, blue headphones and large purple sunglasses had impressive skills when it came to music.
I wonder if Spotify existed here, I would love listening to this again.

Hmm....Perhaps, I could create a recording device.

It was simple enough to create as I knew the basic structure of it.
The only problem was how to get just the sound of the music and avoid all the other noises in the club....

The issue was resolved by simply sneaking up on the stage by hiding my presence, creating a partial sound barrier and recording the music of the DJ pony.

I hope she wouldn't mind.
I wonder if copyright exists in this world...

Oh well, it's not like I intent to sell it to anypony so I assume it should be fine.

I stopped hiding my presence as I approached the table with fancy looking appetizers.

I was just about to enjoy the delicacies, and save some for later in my void box when I noticed a familiar mare.

My jaw almost dropped as I saw Fluttershy, dragging a heavy looking crate along with her.

"Fluttershy! What are you doing here?" I approached her, excited to see a familiar face.

I glanced at the contents of the crate curiously.

"Oh is that meat for the animals? I bet grizzly would love these fish, they look fresh!" I commented.

She hurriedly shushed me as she dragged me along with her in a nearby room.

I helped her bring the crate in with my magic.

"Um...." She froze as she saw a blonde stallion lying on the floor with two mares on top of him.

They seemed to be stuck as their hooves were entangled together, so I helped seperate them and placed them outside the room.

Fluttershy shook her muzzle before whispering nervously, "I didn't expect...to um see you here Doctor."

I put up a sound barrier around a room so she could speak comfortably without the fear of being overheard.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting to see you here either. I am assuming you come here to buy food for the animals. Correct?" I asked curious.

"...It doesn't bother you? That I um....buy meat?" She asked nervously.

"Not at all. I let my manticore go on its own, when it wants to hunt for its food too, it's a natural part of their diet. Just because I wouldn't consume meat, doesn't mean I should restrict their natural diet." I said remembering how Fluffy would always come back to me after it was done hunting.

I wonder what Fluffy was doing now....

She looked relieved for some reason and gave me a warm smile.

"Golden hoofcuffs with an 'S'? What are you here to sell?" she asked after a while, noticing my hoofcuff.

"Just some gems" I shrugged as I shook my bag and heard it rattle against against each other.

"Smuggled gems?" She whispered cautiously, even though the room was soundproof.

"No I extracted them myself but figured ponies down here would pay more." I shrugged.

"Makes sense.", She nodded in understanding.

"So, looks like you are having some trouble transporting the crate back home? It looks heavy." I observed as I tried pushing it with my hoof.

"The Griffin who sold it gave a discount for bulk buyers, so I might have gotten a bit more then usual. " She blushed slightly.

I wonder what a Griffin looks like....perhaps I could have a Griffin pet.

"I could teleport you back home with the crate." I offered.

"You know how to perform long distance assisted teleportation? Twilight told me it was one of the most complicated spells she learned!" Fluttershy seemed surprised.

"I do it all the time with my pets! They tend to get lost often so I am pretty used to teleporting then back to either me or my old house." I told her proudly.

"Pets?! You have more then one?" Her eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Well the other one is a wolf dog breed I suppose. I could show you some other time. He recently found himself a female companion it seems." I smiled, missing Leafy and Barky.

"Oh my gosh! That's so cute!" She squealed.

We both excitedly spoke about the possibility of getting to see puppies for a while before I realized it was almost time for the golden area underground market to open.

"I will teleport you back! Goodnight Fluttershy!" I waved goodbye to what was perhaps my first sentient friend in this world.

She waved goodbye as I teleported her and the crate back to her cottage.

I couldn't help but smile as I left the room, imagining myself swimming in a pile of bits that I would get after selling the gems.

I adjusted my mask and confidently trotted towards the gold plated gate.

"Right this way, Sir." A stallion in a crisp black suit and white mask led me towards the backstage area after glancing at my hoofcuff.

"What are you here to sell?" The appraiser with a magnifying glass flank mark asked as she adjusted her glasses.

I placed the gems carefully on top of the table as she frowned slightly, looking doubtful.

After a while she looked at me in surprise before nodding to another pony.
"They....they are genuine."

"What?! The elements of harmony...." He looked at her in disbelief as he examined it with his magic.

The elements of harmony sound like a nice name, has a nice catch to it.
Perhaps I could call it that considering how the gems go along well with each other.

"Accepted..." He said after a while gaping at me.

"Please remain seated, You will be called upon when it is your turn to sell. Feel free to bid for any items you find interesting." The black suited pony escorted me to a nearby seat that was vacant.

I waved politely to the pair of mares who sat beside me.
The one with light silver blue hair and dark blue robe, introduced herself as Moon Shine and the one at my right in a red dress and feathered mask told me her name was Love Talk.

A stallion sat behind us looking dark and brooding as he kept his eyes firmly fixed on Moon Shine.

How intriguing....
The way he carried himself seemed like a guard.

While Love Talk seemed more relaxed, Moon Shine carried herself in a dignified way, that along with her expensive looking robe embedded with shimmering silver jewels, confirmed my suspicions that she was a rich noblepony.

I bet if I played my cards right, I could sell my gems to her for an exorbitant amount, higher then the usual market price.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, fine mares," I greeted them courteously, my demeanor professional as I gave them my best business smile.
"You may refer to me as Doctor, or simply Vector if you prefer."

"Welcomes to the Nightmare's Underground Black Market Auction, esteemed mares and gentlecoats!" A magically enhanced voice reverberated throught the suddenly darkened room.

The stage was suddenly illuminated with warm lights, the red silk curtains parting to reveal a stage where a mysterious book laid upon a stand, the spotlight falling right on it.

"For our first item we have........"
A hushed silence of suspense filled the audience.

An exotically dressed mare stood proudly on the stage as she continued with an accent similar to that of Middle Easterns.
"Princess Luna's very own personal diary that was dropped accidently from her saddlebag during her visit with the Saddle Arabian dignitaries!" The voice explained.

Oh! So it seems like this place had a monarchy system.
Well it doesn't matter, I have no interest in the worries of some haughty noble princess.

"That's right! Every dark secret of the Night Princess is in this very book! In fact...."

"I BID TWENTY!" Moon Shine interrupted the speaker before she could finish the sentence.

"We have a TWENTY! Any other bidders?", The host called out excited.

I glanced at Moon, her face seemed to be really red as she had her eyes affixed on the book.

"Calling Once, Calling Twice....."
Nopony else dared to bid seeing her glare.

"Anddd SOLD!"
Moonshine promptly snatched away the book as she handed the black suited pony what appeared to be a check.

She looked relieved as she held the book close to her.

"Not bad!" I said impressed, she was able to get a noble's personal diary for twenty bits.

I had no idea of the value of bits, other then being aware of the fact, a basket of apples is worth ten bits.

Perhaps I could convince them to buy my gems for Twenty bits as well.

I tried to peek into her book, curious about what nobles write in their diaries.

Moon snapped the book shut and glared at me.

I gave her an apologetic smile and looked away, I suppose she was a really big fan of the night princess.

Author's Note:

Who doesn't take free things from hotel rooms? :trollestia:

And yes Luna's diary was auctioned for twenty 'million' bits! :ajsmug: