• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 724 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

11: A Small Hope

Spike Ori and Smolder brought they're fallen loved ones to a place nearby Kwolok's home to mourn over they're loss, Smolder was crying heavily at the lost of her brother.
"Garble.. why? You were.. all i had left.. I don't know how to do this without you.." Smolder said breaking down seeing his body.
"I promised Kuru i'd keep you safe.. i failed.. i failed both of you.." Spike said crying over Ku's body as well.
"You both didn't deserve this.. why did such a thing like this have to happen?" Ori asked crying as well holding Spike close while a ton of Moki were watching feeling sad for their loss as well.

They kept crying to themselves as they just couldn't believe they were gone, and all ways of saving them may be lost.. But to their surprise, they saw Voice come out from them which shocked them. It began to fly around the area and light up the flowers nearby in a beautiful light that shone like how Ori and Spike did.

"What.. is she doing?" Spike asked seeing all of this in awe..
"It's.. beautiful.." Smolder said amazed as she only saw Spike go through this kind of thing before.
"Is there.. something she wants to tell us?" Ori asked as she stopped flying finally and flew off to where Kwolok normally was.

They all agreed to follow this strange event and carefully walk over to where Voice went to, to Smolder's shock, she saw a huge frog like creature that they didn't see here before, it looked remorseful and sad just like everyone else here.
"What.. are you?" Smolder asked shocked seeing him, the thing began to speak in a language that she couldn't understand, but Spike and Ori could understand very well.

"I am sorry for your friend and the dragon's lost family little ones, the Voice of the forest has done what it can, but it's light is weak. Too many have suffered in these dark times, the smallest ones among us the most." Kwolok said with regret as Spike and Ori were both devastated still.
"And what's worse.. i can't even be understood anymore, i'm.. losing more of what's left of a dragon in me then ever.. if i can't speak.. how can i explain everything to Twilight when they find us?" Spike asked looking at his glowing body again.
"I don't know Spike, but there has to be a way to save them.. to fix all of this.." Ori said trying to find some hope.

"There is little ones, let me tell you a tale.." Kwolok began as Voice flew up to Smolder to translate.
We open to a flashback of what looks like the previous Spirit Tree within this land, it's light was glowing brightly across a beautiful sunset, but something began to happen.. it's light started to dim out.. almost dying..
"With the Willow's end.. the light shattered.." Kwolok explained as the light shattered into 5 separate pieces that went flying across the land.

"The Spirits perished.. and our land soon fell into Decay.." Kwolok narrated as the clouds cover up the sunlight in darkness which scares some of the Moki.
"The fragments of lights weakened, barely wisps.." Kwolok explained more as a small wisp was seen in a desert like area and multiple creatures are walking up to it.
"Left as they are, they're light will fade forever. It is only a matter of time.." Kwolok said sadly as we see shots of the lands in a dark state from the lack of it's light.
"But with the Moki's help, i have located where they fell." Kwolok finished as Spike and Ori see another vision again.

They now see what looks like the large yet beautiful land of Nibel, and all the sights there are to see.
"The forests' memory, is found in the North." Kwolok said as the light flies over to an icy looking area with snowy peaks across the area.
"It's eyes, lost to darkness in the south." Kwolok explained more as it now flies over to a dark looking forest area below the south, seemingly without any light.
"It's strength, drowned in waters to the west." Kwolok said once again as the light goes to a tropical looking area far in the west from where they're from.
"And finally.. it's heart. Buried beneath the shifting sands to the east." Kwolok finished as they see the light go to a desert like area far off from the Silent Woods.
"And it's voice, who journeys with you, alone they are weak, but when they are brought together.. if anything can undo the damage that has been done. it is the Will of the Wisps." Kwolok finished which amazed them all.

"So.. if we find these wisps.. we can bring Ku and Garble back?" Spike asked hopefully. the Voice just finished translating this for Smolder too and she was amazed as well.
"My brother.. can be saved?" Smolder asked in both a shocked and hopeful tone.
"Maybe even save this land too?" Ori asked hopefully as well looking at Kwolok.
"Yes, they can be brought back, if you two can find the wisps, you can save them both." Kwolok explained which gave them hope.

"Wait.. why them? Why can't i go and help too?" Smolder asked a little upset hearing this.
"The wisps can only be found by a being that has similar reactions to their light. Spike and Ori are both Sprits, you are vulnerable if you go to these places. If you try and find them, you could risk being Decayed as well, and you may never see your brother again, even in the afterlife." Voice explained which worried Smolder.
"But.. that's not fair! He's my brother! I can't just sit around and do nothing! He sacrificed his life to save Spike! Why can't i do the same for him?!" Smolder asked upset at all of this, Spike could see she was really upset about this, and decided to help her out, even if they can't understand eachother. Spike looked at the voice and told it something to translate.

"Spike says that it's okay. If you are willing to put your life on the line, so are we. You have a lot to live for Smolder, if your brother wanted you to live on without him, he knows it's because you can do something great. Even if you can't directly help us, there's always ways for you to play a part in this." Voice translated which made her a little surprised.
"But.. how can i help? My brother is the last family i had left, our parents kicked us out after we molted down and had our wings, i can't just let his death be in vain.." Smolder said looking down sadly. Spike got an idea and suggested something to the Voice which sounded good.
"There is a nearby village not to far from here, it isn't in the best shape right now since the decay happened, but I'm sure there's plenty of ways for you to help around the place. I'm sure they'd gladly accept your help, especially if these friends of Spike arrive soon, i think they'd be proud to see what you've done." Voice explained which Smolder actually liked.

"There's a village nearby? If it needs help, i'll be glad to help them. There's gotta be something i could do at least.." Smolder said still a little jealous that they can go on an adventure like this.
"I'm sure you'll do just as big as a part Spike and Ori will." Voice assured which made them all smile.
"Alright, that sounds good to me." Smolder said ready to go already.

"So.. we have to journey across Nibel and find at least 4 small wisps that all will help bring them back?" Ori asked wanting clarification.
"And it will bring this land back to normal? All of it?" Spike asked hopefully.
"Yes, it will be undone. And i will not remain in my hollow while you journey out like this. I will journey on myself, and see if there is any clues i can find. Good luck little ones!" Kwolok declared as they watched him begin to sink back into the now clean waters and disappear leaving them alone.

"Wow.. so we have to go out on another journey again huh?" Spike asked looking at Ori.
"Yeah.. but this is so unexpected, we're in unfamiliar territory, who knows what we'll see down the road.." Ori said a little worried on this.
"Hey.. if we can save one land.. we can save another.." Spike prayed before they both turned to Smolder who was still concerned on all of this.
"So, you two think you can save my brother? And save.. this entire land?" Smolder asked putting her arms around the area to get her point. Spike and Ori nodded in agreement saying that they believe so.
"Well.. if you need my help, you know where to find me. Please save my brother for me, he's.. all i have left.." Smolder begged looking down sadly.

Spike and Ori's ears both went down and they went up to her and held her hands to assure her that they can since they can't directly talk to her. She saw they really did mean well, and was glad they want to help.
"Thank you, you don't know how grateful i am for this. And Spike.. i'm sorry for what happened to you, you becoming a hybrid like this hurts to see, and i know you may be worried on losing yourself. But remember what my brother said, your more of a dragon then all of us, and your will to put your life on the line to save everyone, going through places and areas me and the other dragons wouldn't have bothered doing? That's what makes you special, if you push through this too, that just shows how awesome you really are." Smolder said with a smile kneeling down to him, Spike smiled softly and was glad to have some more encouragement like that.

"Thank you, i won't let you down.. i promise that.." Spike swore not wanting to fail another one this time. Even if Smolder can't understand him, she knows he's motivated.
"Good luck you two, i'll be at this village if you need anything, and be careful with those wings Spike, they'll start flying again when they're fully recovered." Smolder said with a thumbs up as she spread hers out and took out into the skies, just leaving the two of them alone now.

"So, we have to set out once again?" Spike asked ready to get things going.
"Looks like it, where should we go first?" Ori asked curious on how to start this. But before they could decide, a Moki came up to them and was holding something.
"We have something for the both of you, it will help you go far." The Moki explained handing them out Kuru's feather..
"T.. Thank you for this.. this really will help.." Spike said gratefully as Ori took it.
"We really appreciate this.. thank you so much.." Ori said gratefully as well putting it away.
"Your welcome Ori and Spike. We will stay and watch over your friends.." The Moki said before it ran off again to where Garble and Ku's body's were.
"Well, you ready to go Ori? It's gonna be a long journey." Spike asked turning to her.
"I'm ready, let's just hope this journey isn't our last.." Ori prayed as they both started to leave, starting they're search for the Wisps, and to save not just Garble and Ku, but the land of Nibel from being covered in the darkness...

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this again! I know this was short still, but it's the beginning of the journey for real, and the larger chapters will be focused on the parts where they go through the areas. I also gotta ask, what direction do you go first in this game? For me it's the water area, then darkness area, then the ice peak, but i'd like to know how you do them in order and maybe it could work better for the story. I'll make sure Spike and Ori interact with Smolder more when they can, and i'll try to make it the best it can be. I hope you liked this and look forward to more!