• Published 16th Nov 2023
  • 3,132 Views, 297 Comments

Man in a Pony’s World - Nugget27

A human arrived in Equestria and becomes a wanted criminal. He tries to redeem himself.

  • ...

Patching Things Up.

Bob was finally able to leave Canterlot Castle after all the changelings left with Queen Chrysalis towards one of their closer Hives, which then funneled into the Main Hive. They did it at night so nopony would notice, so that they could not be traced back to their main home… Just in case the Queen needed to twist Celestia’s forelegs into finding a stable source of food for her children. Bob, on the other hand, was not allowed to leave Canterlot by two things; he didn’t have his money on him, and because there was a mare that was really excited about something.

That mare’s name was Twilight Velvet. That mare was leading Bob out of Canterlot Castle, and that mare was gushing about how Bob called her ‘mom’ during the meeting with Chrysalis, and kept on doing it because it rolled off the tongue better than Twilight Velvet did. Bob just nodded dumbly as Night Light was smiling proudly at the prospect of being called ‘dad’ by Bob as well. Because of this, they weren’t letting him leave Canterlot until Twilight got back, and then they were going to spend as much time with the human as they possibly could before she got back.

“Oh, we could go to the park…” Twilight Velvet mused.

“I… the last time I was at a park, I was ten. I’m going to be seventeen in November, Mom.”

“But… I want to push you on the swings! You are my little baby, after all.”

“You ponies are over dramatic; I’m just a year older than Spike is. I’m not a baby.”

“You are in my eyes, young man. Don’t argue with me on this.”

“...Okay. I guess I’ll just follow along with whatever. Just know that I probably can’t fit on, or in the swings when we get to the park.”

When the Twilights and their adoptive son got to the park, they quickly found out that Bob was right. The swings were too low to the ground, as they were meant to accommodate foals that barely came up to Bob’s knees at the tallest, and they were meant to hold a foal of the same size. So, Bob just sat on the ground and let all the other foals play on him until their parents realized what they were doing, and promptly took their kids and left the park to get away from the monster. He slowly turned to Twilight Velvet and looked her in the eyes while a filly, a little, light blue pegasus(she almost looked like Rainbow Dash without the rainbow hair) climbed on his head and decided to suddenly take a nap.

“Don’t you dare take a photo of this, I see that camera in your magic-”

“I think you made a new friend, Bob!” Twilight giggled as she took a photo of what she thought was an adorable moment. The human shook his head; he couldn’t really disagree. He picked the filly up off of his head, settled the sleeping pony in his lap and continued to sit there while he idly petted her.

“What… the buck?” A pegasus trotted on over. “Cloudy,” the pegasus nudged her filly. “Leave Mr. Bob alone…”

The filly lifted her head with a yawn. “But Mom…”

“Wait, how do you know my name?” Bob asked.

“You started selling an album a week ago; me and my daughter loved everything in your album… even if some of it was a bit odd. Why was one of your songs about an army of tigers?”

“Uh… because it was one of my favorite songs from home, so I brought over to Equestria.”

“If you don’t mind me, sir, I’ll just take my filly; she’s probably bothering you isn’t she?”

“Oh no, she just fell asleep on my head, so I started petting her; Cloudy’s a really cute filly, and I do not mind having something so cute laying on my lap.” The older pegasus simply giggled at that.

“My my, you are a lot nicer in pony than I thought you’d be.”

“Am I really that scary?” The pegasus nodded. “Weird. Back home, I’d be considered a midget and a scrawny little dude.”

“Mom… can we keep Mr. Bob? He can sing us songs, and he gives nice ear scratches…” Cloudy said; she was just a little bit drowsy from the nap and said ear scratches.

“No, dear, we cannot keep a living being. You can stay with him for another hour. Are you willing to foal sit my filly, Mr. Bob?”

“You trust me that much already?” Bob asked. “Bold, but okay.”

“I see that look in your eyes, sir. I know you couldn’t bring yourself to even hurt my daughter.”

“If I found something in me that wanted to hurt a filly of all things, I’d probably off myself.” Bob chuckled.

A few days later, Bob was sitting in Twilight Sparkle’s room. He had been sitting up there, alone while mulling over some things. Mostly what Chrysalis had said about Celestia’s constant paranoia. With how everypony that she was somewhat close with, be it Luna, Twilight and her family, or anyone who also associated themselves with Bob, didn’t like her anymore, that probably wasn’t helping her out any. And as much as Bob didn’t like Princess Celestia, he also knew it would be pointless to hold a grudge against the Princess for so long.

Especially when it had nearly been four months since Hearth’s Warming.

“Bob, what are you still doing there?” Twilight Velvet asked, cracking the door open to get a peek at the human. “Lunch is going to be ready, and I know that you skipped breakfast today. You’ve got to be hungry by now.”

“Hey Mom,” the human waved. “So uh… I was just thinking some stuff over. Mainly what Chrysalis and I talked about before you and Dad came over to have a chat with me. Mostly about what she said about Princess Celestia and her old age. Because Luna isn’t too much younger than Celestia, yet Luna isn’t paranoid. Probably because she has a few, not a lot, but a few people to hangout with who wouldn’t dare lay a finger on her in any malicious way… Yet Celestia immediately thought I would try to poison her, or her sister, during that one party.

“Which then leads me to a simple question; why do you all hate Celestia? I’ve got my reason to, but that shouldn’t explain why Twilight or even Luna started giving that woman a death stare. For one, I know Twilight probably thought of Celestia as a second mother, and Luna’s literally Celestia’s sister. So what is with everyone giving Celestia the cold shoulder on my behalf?”

“...Didn’t she wrong you?”

“Yeah, and you all can still be friends with her, while still being friends with me. And Luna can still be Celestia’s sister. Because I know a thing or two about having siblings, Mom. I used to have three older brothers before I came to Equestria. The main thing with siblings is… they should always have each other’s backs. Luna should still at least try to be nice to her sister, and Celestia should try and make Luna’s life a little easier by helping her get accepted by the greater part of Equestria.

“Instead, Celestia thinks her sister’s trying to kill her again, Luna just doesn’t like Celestia, and actively only stays close to me when we're in the same room, while leaving Celestia out…” Bob shrugged. “It’s a wee bit unfair to Celestia, dontcha think? I know it’s weird for me to be trying to vouch for the woman, but eventually she’s gonna snap just like Luna did a thousand years ago, and it will be worse for everyone involved. Because while the Moon is cold, you can deal with the cold, you can warm it up. You can’t extinguish the Sun; it’s too hot and it will probably boil you alive.”

“So… what are you getting at?” Twilight Velvet asked.

“I’m gonna talk to Celestia alone and try to make peace with her. I’ve been a bit of a piece of shit to her, and while I think it’s justified, it’s been four months since the party. It’s been a minute and a half, and I just want it all to be over with. Because as much as I hate that woman, it would be easier if I got along with her, and better for Celestia and Luna. They’re fucking sisters, yet I bet Luna couldn’t tell you Celestia’s favorite flavor of ice cream, or Celestia couldn’t tell you what Luna’s favorite animal is. Hopefully me, showing that Celestia isn’t as bad as I initially thought, will turn things around. Because I see how Twilight sees Celestia; she wants to go talk with the poor woman, and then can’t because everyone will judge her for siding with the bad guy.” Bob shrugged.

“That… Night Light is one of her advisors. I can get him to send a message to Celestia and you two can meet in the castle.”

“That’ll work,” Bob admitted. “God, I am sick of hating people. It’s not a healthy thing to do.” His stomach growled. “See? It’s making parts of my body growl on their own!”

“I think that means somebody shouldn’t skimp out on breakfast again, hmm, Bob?” Twilight Velvet asked.

“...Yeah, you’re right. Spike makes better pancakes than you do, though…”

“Did you just insult my cooking?”

“...Please don’t murder me.” Twilight Velvet shook her head, before dragging Bob to the dining room with her magic.

The next day, Bob was sitting across from Princess Celestia in a sitting room. They were both calmly sipping on tea while they both figured out how to break the ice. Bob, however, started first. “So, I heard that you have some trust issues.”

“...Why do you say that?”

“You think Luna and I want to jump you one day, when all we wanted to do was hold a concert. You also aren’t keen on giving Luna every single duty she had before she became Nightmare Moon and got shipped off to the Moon.” Bob said bluntly. “Chrysalis had been spying on you and your castle for a hot minute, and she told me all of this.” The human reclined back in his chair. “So, I am here to simply talk with you. I’m not here to hurt you, yell at you, or anything. Celestia, you technically only got one chance of me being your friend.”

“...How do I know that you won’t stab me in the back?”

The human shrugged. “I dunno. That’s what trust is for. Luna can literally obliterate every little molecule, every single cell of my body, or instantly cripple me for life. I could’ve easily strangled Luna any time in the last few weeks I snuck into her room for snuggles and I didn’t. I trust Luna not to hurt me on purpose, and she does the same. What was Luna doing when she first met me, Celestia?”

“Tell me all about you, whatever she found out about you, she told me. From how your nose scrunches up when you sleep, to how wide your smile is.”

“Just… like I would with my older brothers whenever I did, or found something cool. I showed them, and they’d listen…” Bob sighed. “Okay Celestia, how many times in the last thousand years have you almost been assassinated. How many times, since Nightmare Moon was sent… to the moon, has anyone tried to kill you for any reason?”

“Not once, the world saw how much power an alicorn could wield, and it made everypony give up on trying to kill me.” The Princess answered. “Wait, how do you know that myself, and Luna, have nearly been assassinated countless times?”

“Queen Chrysalis. She may not be as old as you are, but you probably dealt with her mother, maybe a bit of her as well spying on you as well. She spied on you a lot, obviously, and her drones reported back what happened every time, including when Luna fell to the dark side.” Bob took a deep breath. “Hence, why I am here. After hearing the kind of shit you and Luna were going through, and how your own sister, in your mind, betrayed you, I can get why you think the way you do. I can see why you are the way you are. The question is why haven’t you chilled out in the thousand years of peace that you had?”

“...Old habits die hard, Bob. You don’t survive nearly getting killed, or hundreds of attempts of murder, and not be a little jumpy.”

“That is entirely fair, Celestia. I’m still a bit jumpy from just a year of being out in the wilderness with a target on my back.” Bob stood up and walked around the table, plopping himself in the same chair as the Princess. “I want to try and give you a second chance, Celestia. Notice how I haven’t called you by any honorifics since the start of this meeting?”

“I have. That… is rather unexpected.”

“Of course, however, we’re gonna need some ground rules. I’m giving you a lot of trust, in return, I want you to trust me just as much. Your birthday’s coming up, right?” Celestia nodded. “I’ll bake you a cake, and I’ll trust that you’ll invite me and Luna and some ponies you could possibly become friends with, and host a birthday party. Talk with Luna more, trust her with more duties. She may want to perform in a band with me, but that might not mean she’ll entirely ditch you or ruling as a whole.”

“But… she hates me.” Celestia whispered.

“No she doesn’t. She hates what you were doing, stuff you were doing without thinking first, but she doesn’t hate you. Luna probably wants nothing more for all this bullshit to be behind us all, and to snuggle under your wing and read something trashy like Daring Do or some other shit.”

“And Twilight?”

“Twilight adores you, Celestia. I can tell just how much she wants to talk to you and cannot because she’s afraid of somehow pissing me off for wanting to be your student and friend. You’re her second mother, after all.”

“And you’re telling the truth?” Celestia asked.

“Eeyup. In fact, I sent a letter to Luna to meet me here as well, she’ll be in any second now-”

The door slammed open and Luna trotted in. “At least there were less staff screaming ‘Nightmare Moon’... Bob, why are you snuggled up with my sister? Actually, Tia, why are you snuggled up with Bob?” She walked in and sat across from them. “Are you two finally trying to make up?” Bob couldn’t help but chuckle at the poorly concealed hope in Luna’s eyes.

“We are trying to. Luna, do you miss just snuggling up with your sister and reading a book made for children?” The Moon nodded. Celestia opened one of her wings.

“I have two wings, sister…” Celestia sounded like she was about to cry when Luna, without hesitation, and in a heartbeat, was sharing the cushion with Bob and Celestia.

“Now, Celestia, remember our ground rules. Maybe ask Luna to help with day court a little so that your ponies can start getting used to her?” The human asked.

“That… sounds like a wonderful idea…” Celestia sighed. “You do not understand how nice this feels.”

“I do, you’re a lot warmer than the average pony, which makes you an excellent cuddle buddy…” Bob chuckled. “Seriously though, I wanna get this shit past us. As much as I can remain mad at you, I also don’t want to spend the rest of my life hating somebody. And don’t you dare start being cold and distant or whatever, make friends, start opening up more. Nobody’s gonna try shit with what is literally a nuclear bomb in a pony’s body.”

“What… is a nuke?”

“A type explosive device that Bob’s kind has made,” Luna said, her eyes closed. “When detonated, it could wipe out Canterlot and Ponyville and any other surrounding towns within three hundred meters of the blast to instantly blow up. They work off of what powers your ball of gas, apparently.” Celestia’s mouth ‘o’d.

“What the buck is wrong with you humans?”

“Ask the guy that let Justin Bieber open his mouth. Some people can dream of the wheel, or some can dream of ruining everybody’s day. Lemme guess, that’s why you didn’t fully trust me? Couldn’t get a read on humans, because you had no experiences with humans?”

“I can read your body language, but not know what any of it means. I can read your eyes, and know what you’re feeling, but I have no humans, like I do with griffins, to get a general idea of how you’d act. While every griffin I met has a different personality, I can easily read them due to how many I have seen. Same with minotaurs or other carnivorous races that I have worked with in the past.”

“That is fair, though next time when you encounter me, the human, don’t kill me because I wanted to bake a cake. I’m a wee bit allergic to getting murdered, y’know.”

“I believe we all are allergic to being murdered, Bob,” Luna quipped.

“Shut up Luna, death’s a huge issue for us mortals.”

“It is for us immortals as well, Bob. It is also why I have not been able to relax. I get close to somepony, perhaps even find somepony I can call a lover, and then I blink and they’re nothing but ashes. After a while I gave up, thinking I could always have my sister…”

“Then your subjects accidentally turned her into the second coming of cthulhu?” Luna giggled.


“Oh sister, Bob is going to confuse you with all of his human concepts. Did you know that they used to worship a golden cow? Or that they thought the world was flat?”

“...Why was I scared of you again, Bob? Your race sounds like a bunch of idiots.”

“Because my race is a bunch of idiots. However, don’t sell us short. You’re lucky that whatever brought me here ain’t permanent. We humans have achieved space travel, and have reached the moon half a century before I ended up here. We have small, tiny little sticks that can shoot a projectile and instantly kill whoever it hits. When we humans have ambitions, there’s nothing that stops us. Granted, a lot of technology grew because of infighting within my race. A lone human ain’t much of a threat; we’re pretty weak, physically. A group of angry humans? You best run.”

“...A lone human kept my guard on their toes for a year, Bob. I don’t know if you’ve met this human. My sister and I used to place bets on whether or not you would be captured at the start of every month.” Celestia sighed. “So I can safely say that some humans can be dangerous.” Bob started rubbing her shoulder with his left hand. “Oh… that feels nice.”

“Wow, Luna, your sister’s a lot fluffier than you are.”

“WHAT THE BUCK DID YOU SAY?” Both the human and the larger alicorn giggled at Luna’s sudden outburst. Soon, Celestia had her schedule cleared and the three of them simply sat in that room, snuggling. Since it was rather late, for Luna, she had fallen asleep while Bob and Celestia played a game of cards.

“You’re not too bad when you start opening up.” Bob admitted as he beat Celestia again in ‘war’.

“You… are genuinely a lot nicer than I would’ve anticipated. I suppose as long as we trust each other?”

“As long as you make an effort with me, I’ll put the same effort in. Now what is your favorite flavor of cake?”

“Oh… strawberry cake is simply delightful. It has been so long since anypony made me a good strawberry cake.”

“Oh. Oh. You done fucked up.” Celestia’s ears perked up and she flinched slightly. “I’m going to make you the best damn strawberry cake I’ll ever make.” The Princess relaxed a bit more. “How do you feel about a nice, melty, chocolate fudge inside of a strawberry cake?”

“...That sounds like something that would be gone in minutes if you put that in front of me, Bob. Are you trying to kill me with excessive amounts of sugar?” She bobbed her eyebrows, so the human started playing along.

“Yeah. Just be careful, if Luna catches wind of this, you might survive my attempt at killing you with a lot of sugar.”

“Then perhaps I shall let her know. When together, the Royal Pony Sisters are unstoppable!”

Bob sighed and leaned on the Princess. “Just know, we aren’t exactly best friends, Celly,” the Princess nodded. “But we will be if we keep going at this pace. Do you wanna show up to that concert me and Luna are holding in Canterlot, whenever Twilight and her friends come home from the Crystal Empire, with Octavia as a guest performer?”

“That… would be lovely. I’ll take front row seats, but I would like to keep my guards in public; a peace of mind if you will.”

“Fair enough.” Bob paused. “So why did Shining Armor, Cadance, and Twilight and her friends get sent off to the Crystal Empire?”

“To… stop somepony named Sombra, an absolutely evil pony. Don’t worry, I kept a close eye on the situation after I enchanted Cadance’s eyes so that I could see through them. Sombra is long defeated, and Twilight and her friends are simply celebrating.”

“Wait, that was Twilight’s test? Fighting an evil asshole?”


“God dammit. Please, please tell me when you’re shipping my adoptive sister to whoop satan’s ass. I know, she’s a very capable unicorn that could rip me to shreds, but I would’ve wanted to help out with taking that dude down… Even if I couldn’t do shit to even the average unicorn should they use magic on me.”

“Which is why I did not send you. Would you rather sit on the sidelines and cheer for Twilight, or be on the field with her and possibly get in the way?”

“Good point.” Bob sighed. “Wanna scare the shit out of her when she comes home? I’ll only throw you under the carriage if she gets mad at us.”

“...I will. But if you blame me for the idea, I will throw you under the carriage.” They both had an idea.

“Blame Shiny?” Bob asked.

“Blame Shining Armor.” Celestia agreed.

“Make sure to have Luna help you in day court,” Bob yawned. “I’m gonna take a nap, your shoulder is super warm and fluffy, and it’s making me sleepy… not to mention that I might have stayed up all night, thinking about this meeting…” Celestia giggled when the human started snoring. It mixed in with Luna’s snores, even if the human’s was somehow quieter.

“It has been three thousand years since I took a nap…” Celestia used her magic to lift the three of them up, before summoning a much, much larger cushion. She laid down upon it, laying Luna on her side, with Bob snuggled in right next to Luna. The sun princess paused. The human fell asleep while practically being on top of her.

He was trying to go the distance and trust her.

“I’ll meet you halfway, Bob.” The Princess curled around her younger sister and her sister’s human, before taking a nap for the first time in forever.

Author's Note:

No, Bob isn’t just blindly trusting Celestia. He’s giving her trust in hopes that she’ll return said trust. Luna and Celestia will start working together in ruling their kingdom, equally, and things might start looking brighter for Bob and the Royal Sisters.

I will be trying to keep Celestia just a little jumpy, say she gets jump scared by Bob in the future, and she’ll yelp pretty loudly and grab him with magic. or hesitate when given a baked good from a certain, hairless ape.

eventually Celestia will be a lot less jumpy. eventually.

for now, at least, Bob and Celestia are taking a second chance at being friends.