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A Whacky Tea Party

“You what?!” Rarity shrieked out, making Sunset wince as she took a step back from her friend before she had a chance to be attacked. She knew that the fashionista wouldn’t take the news of the farm clothes too well. Maybe pushing it off to right now wasn’t the best decision she had ever made. Or maybe attempting to clean the clothes wasn’t the right thing to do, especially after a couple of leaving them in a plastic bag outside to spar everyone the smell of Apple Acres. But she hadn’t expected her friend to freak out over the ruined clothes completely… ok maybe she should have seen that coming since most of Rarities outfits were dry clean only. But Rarity also wasn't off the hook for it because why would you send fancy clothes to a farm and expect them not to get dirty?

In the white-skinned girl's hands were the remaining bits of Sunset's outfit when the girl had to spend the day in at Applejack's place. The poor clothes had been covered with mud, chicken feed, and many other different farm sludges and then while she was with Fluttershy she had asked her friend to give the clothes a quick wash. Since it was at an animal rescue center she felt like it was ok to have the clothes go through the wash there, they probably weren't the worst things that the washer and drier had been through. And the clothes looked and, more importantly, smelled great. So Sunset put them in her bag and when Rarity asked to see the clothes Sunset went to pull them out and it wasn’t good. The T-shirt lost all the sparkles on the musical notes, the dress was torn up at the ends the tears were hiking up all on their own, and even the boots seemingly had changed color, having gone from a dark brown to a light tan.

“I um… put them in the wash?” Sunset repeated sheepishly, unsure if she should stay there or run and hide. She knew how seriously her friend took fashion and seeing one of her outfits completely destroyed probably was worse than taking a knife to the heart.

“Darling. Whyyyyyy?!” She squealed out, dramatically spinning away, her hand going over her forehead as she fell backward onto a purple couch, the famous ‘Fainting Couch’ in the corner of her room. “These clothes are supposed to be hand-washed and dried, darling!” The teen cried out, make Sunset bounce her head around. At least they hadn't been dried cleaned only, or was hand washed the same thing, it wasn't like Sunset knew. Rarity immediately sat up and took a deep breath in and out. “Oh well,” She said as she tossed the ruined clothes over her shoulders. “That outfit was out of season anyways, so it's not a huge loss.” She assured Sunset, making the little girl frown as she looked at her friend confused. Rarity was the only person who could switch from being the most dramatic person ever to the most understanding in a matter of seconds. “Just pretty please don’t ruin this one or any other outfits.” She said, squatting down and tapping on Sunset’s outfit for the day. Which consisted of a red sparkling dress that had a ribbon tied around her waist, white tights, and some black shoes that were apparently called ‘Mary Janes’. It was the fanciest outfit that she had worn that week that much was for sure.

“Uh, yeah. I’ll do my best.” She promised nodding her head, the girl wasn’t sure if this outfit was still in season or not. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to see how her friend would react if she ruined a fashionable dress.

“Thank you.” Rarity said, looking around her creative space, “Well with the bad news out of the way, perhaps we should leave here. I fear this room may be a bit messy for a casual hangout.” She said, gently kicking at a roll of pink fabric that was lying on the floor. The two were currently hanging out in the teens ‘Creative Workspace’ where she would design and make her new outfit. A rainbow of fabric colors littered the ground, her table, and even hanging against the wall. Buttons and ribbons were scattered everywhere as if someone had thrown an accessory-themed grenade into the room and used that to scatter the buttons and ribbons around. Thankfully all the needles seemed to be stuck into little yarn balls lined up on a countertop. The yarn balls were in different little shapes like a red apple with a little green leaf on it, a pink and white snail, and even one of a knitted doll with yellow skin and red hair which Sunset tried not to read too much into that.

“Yeah, it might be a good idea, not that I’m gonna try and play with some needles or something,” Sunset assured her friend. But it was more not wanting to become Rarity’s model if she suddenly had an inspirational burst for a kid's series of clothes. “Did you have anything planned for today?”

“Yes darling, of course, I had prepared something. Nothing too crazy though, just something whipped up last minute since I didn’t have too much time to plan.” She assured, reaching down and slipping her hand into Sunsets as if the girl was actually a child and leading her away. Leading her out of the room and through the house she soon through a glass sliding door to the back yard. As soon as Sunset stepped on the wooden back porch, which had a dark blue canopy covering it, she saw what looked like a scene that had been ripped out of a page of a children's princess story. A sea of dark green grass was in front of them with shrubs cut to look like hearts every five feet or so, a large white marble fountain spewing clean blue water in the middle, and the entire thing was guarded by rose bushes that reached up seven or so feet in the air.

“Wow!” Sunset gasped, her eyes growing wide as she drank in every detail. She had never been to the girl's place before as they usually all met up at Pinkie’s or Applejack’s if they ever needed to meet up at a place out of school.

“Yes, I know it's a bit drap this time of year.” Rarity sighed, blushing as she rubbed her eyes, “We’ve yet to set up the arches for the lilys and the rose wall needs some serious attention.” She said making the little girl look at her friend and see that she was genuinely embarrassed by these ‘issues’.

“No this is great!” Sunset assured Rarity, “It reminds me of Princess Celestia’s garden at Canterlot Castle.” She explained, and yeah the castle garden was only about twelve times the size of this, with a dozen different kinds of flowers growing there, but the feel and simple beauty of the backyard reminded Sunset of her teacher's garden nonetheless.

“Oh, that’s sweet of you to say Sunset, darling.” Rarity giggled, “Compare my little garden to a princess'.” She said but before anything else could be said an ac-hem shot through the air, like someone trying to clear their throat, pulling the attention of the two. Sitting at a white table on the porch was Rarity’s little sister ‘Sweetie Belle’, shredded in a blue dress, not too different from the design Sunset was wearing, minus a ribbon but had on white leggings and dress shoes, a white sun hat with a blue ribbon on it sat on the freshmen's head, and a tin can was in her hand, “THE DARLING JAR” was written on the front of the can. Rarity gave out a little groan as she let go of Sunset's hand and walked over to her sister, reached into her purse, pulled a dollar out, and dropped it into the can.

“Was that the only time you’ve said it?” Sweetie Belle pressed, jingling the can as Rarity rolled her eyes as she got another dollar and dropped it in. “There we go.” She said as she sat the can down and looked across from her where there were two other girls. “Sorry about that girls.” Sweetie Belle said though the grin on her face suggested otherwise.

“Sweetie Belle, you said there wouldn’t be anyone else here.” A girl with tangerine orange skin and purple hair said. She was in a frilly light blue and white dress and a tiara sat on her head. “And if I’m counting right there's two more people here.”

“Calm down Smolder, this is my sister and her friend.” Rarity’s sister assured, waving her hand to dismiss Smolder's comment. “It's a long story why her friend is a kid, and it has to do with those PJs over there.” She explained, picking up a white glass tea cup that had blue flowers painted on it, pointing to a chair that had Sunset’s PJs sitting on one of the chairs, the neck hole twisting as they looked between all the girls.

“Oh, they’re magical.” The other girl with light blue skin said. She was dressed in a simple red dress with black dots on it looking like a ladybug, and a white hair band keeping her pink hair back. “I was kind of wondering why they were sitting there like that.” She admitted, though her voice barely was louder than a whisper as she brought her white glass tea cup to her lips and took a sip from it.

“I’m sorry but, who are you two?” Sunset asked, frowning a bit as she tried to recall who these two girls were. She had learned her lesson from Wallflower that it can be dangerous not to notice someone. But Sunset had no idea who these two were, they didn’t look slightly familiar to her.

“I’m Smolder!” The orange girl said proudly, puffing her chest out and jabbing her thumb in her direction. “Star playing of Queen of the Mountain at Crystal Prep and that is my girl- Er…” Smolder fumbled as she looked over at the other girl at the table, both of their cheeks instantly flashing red as they met each other's gaze. “Er, she um, girl, yeah, um…” She stammered out before the other girl cleared her throat.

“I’m, Ocellus,” The other petite build girl said with a soft smile, “I’m the president of the Tabletop Club at Crystal Prep.”

“Oh, that's why I didn’t recognize you two.” Sunset sighed in relief, she had already made one girl mad by not recognizing her she didn’t need any more issues concerning that. “How do you three know each other? Being from two different schools… two different schools that almost hated each other until this year?”

“Oh, Sweetie Belle and her friends caught us while we were spying on your school for the friendship games.” Smolder said before looking at Ocellus, “Want to explain why we got caught?” She asked the other girl.

“Not particularly.” She said, pointing her nose in the air as she turned her head away from Smolder and looked like she didn’t want this part ever mentioned. But Smolder had a grin painted on her face as she banged her fist on the table and laughed.

“We were trying to watch your soccer team so we could report back to Principal Cinch,” She said before she started to chuckle. “But Scootaloo found us under the bleachers and when I ran away I looked and saw Ocellus here trying to throw a dice at the girl to stop her.”

“Excuse me, that's not what happened and you know it!” Ocellus interrupted, in a manner that Sunset assumed was supposed to be her yelling or at least raising her voice a bit, but the girl was so soft-spoken it was kind of hard to tell. But as she put her cup down and shot a glare to Smolder she sighed. “First off a singular die is called a die, not a dice. And I didn’t merely throw it at her, I rolled for an invisibility spell to help me slip away. Which would have worked if I hadn’t…. Rolled a Nat 1.” She sighed blushing as she grabbed one of the tiny sandwiches that sat on a tower in the middle of the table. Sunset wasn’t sure what a Nat 1 was or how rolling a die would help her slip away. But Smolder reached over and patted her girl on her shoulder, her large hand almost covering Ocellus’ entire shoulder.

“Next time I’m sure it’ll end up differently.” Smolder assured her friend, “And besides, we some new friends out of it. So it's probably a good thing that you… failed you invisibility spell…” She said, muttering the last parts and rolling her eyes like she couldn’t believe that she had said it.

“That's true.” Ocellus said, smiling at Smolder and then at Sweetie Belle, “Still I told Principal Cinch that my dice rolls had been awful that day and I shouldn’t go. I’m just glad we didn’t get in trouble for getting caught and not finding any information.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna guess that's not a hard thing to do with her,” Sunset said to herself, she didn’t know much about the principal past what she saw at the Friendship games and what Twilight told her.

“That's because someone stopped you from telling her those things,” Smolder said proudly, jabbing her thumb toward herself with a smile. “Anyways aren’t we here for a tea party? Not to talk about school and stuff.” She huffed before grabbing her tea cup and went to grab a tiny triangle-shaped sandwich.

“Quite, Smolder dar-...” Rarity started to say, but when her little sister held up the can and shook it the teen cleared her throat. “Yes, Smolder dear, let's hold on the boring conversation.” She said as she walked over and took a seat and reached over to pull a chair out for Sunset to sit. Which the tiny girl gratefully accepted, walking over and climbing into it, which was a bit more of a struggle than Sunset would like to admit. She jumped up, grabbed onto the sides of the chair so she was dangling in the air and tried to pull herself up.

“Er…” She growled as she tried to shimmy herself onto the chair, kicking her feet as if that was going to be able to help. But after a few moments of struggling, she felt someone grab her arms and hoist her up into the chair.

“There you go.” Rarity said, turning Sunset around sitting her down, and patting her head. It was a white plastic chair like the others but Sunset couldn't help but notice that her chair had a thick green cushion on it, which made it so she was just tall enough for her head to make it over the little table.

“So,” Ocellus said, taking a quick sip of her tea. “You’re a teenager?” She asked, her eyes falling on Sunset for a second before they darted to the pile of sandwiches.

“Yeah,” Sunset said, her cheeks still burning red as she also tried to avoid some awkward eye contact to go with the awkward question. “Until the whole situation with those happened a few days ago.” She said, nodding her head over to the PJs, who were currently holding an empty tea glass upside down, shaking it as if wondering why nothing was pouring out.

“Yeah, they’re magical, right?” Smolder asked, staring at Sunset, not concerned with it being awkward, unlike Ocellus. “That's so cool! We don’t have anything magical over at our school! I bet its so cool getting to have magic!”

“It can be cool,” Sunset said with a head nod as she watched Rarity start to fill her glass with some warm water before dropping a tea bag in it. “Sometimes it lets you shoot laser beams from your hands, see into people’s past, or a dozen over things. Then other times you get turned into a weird demon creature or it turns you into a little kid too small to climb into a chair without help.” She said, reaching over and gently grabbing her glass. “It doesn’t help that in this world magic seems to work however the heck it wants.” She mused out loud, staring into her cup and at her reflection in the light brown liquid.

“This world?” Ocellus asked, frowning a bit as she returned her stare to Sunset. “Is magic different on the Moon or Mars?”

“No,” Sunset said shaking her head before pausing realizing she wasn’t actually sure if magic would work differently on the moon. The only person who might be able to answer that was in the pony world, and Sunset doubted Princess Luna wished to recall her time on the moon or as Nightmare Moon. “Well, maybe. But I was talking about something a bit more… strange.” She said as she took a sip of her tea. The flavor of sweet and spices of the tea danced on her young taste buds. “I’m actually from a different dimension where everyone is ponies, dragons, other animals and creatures.” She said, a small smirk growing on her face as she watched the other two girls freeze. Smolder's mouth dropped open while Ocellous’ eyes shaped into stars.

“Wait you really come from a world with dragons and magic?” The girl asked, her hands slamming on the table as she stood up, making everyone else jump. “That's so cool! What's it like there? Can anyone use magic? Do you have to roll a D20 to use spells?” The girl started to shoot off questions.

“Cell,” Smolder said, clearing her throat, “Calm down, one question at a time for her.” She instructed the other girl. Which seemed to work as the teal-skinned girl took a deep breath and sat down. Though she kept her eyes on Sunset, waiting for her answers.

“Well, it's a lot different than here,” Sunset said, her eyes shooting up to the clear blue sky as she tried to think of what to say. “It was really just ponies around when I lived there but since then other races have started to live there.”

“Like what?” The girl asked leaning forward, clearly excited to hear about what other creatures past ponies live in this other world.

“Well there's dragons,” She started to list off, but that alone made Ocellus gasp as she grabbed Smolder's arm and shook the orange girl's arm.

“Like your character for the game, maybe they even exist in this other world.” She squealed excitedly.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that, from what I’ve seen only people who really exist in this world exist in the pony world,” Sunset said.

“So, we’re ponies in the other world?” Smolder asked, sounding a bit disappointed in that fact and her bottom popped out in a pout.

“I mean maybe?” Sunset said, shrugging her shoulders as she took another sip from her cup. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anypony like you two before. So maybe you’re a hippogryph or a changeling?” She suggested, which prompted the other two girls to look at Sunset confused and ask about the creatures. But they each asked about a different species at the same time making it sound like ‘whats a hichpgrling’, making Sunset jump not expecting that. “A Hippogryph is a species that can transform from a mermaid-like creature to a griffin-like creature. I haven’t met too many of them myself mind you, but I read about them in a book once. And then a changeling is like if you mixed a bug and a pony and gave it the ability to shapeshift.”

“Really?!” Ocellus said, “They can shapeshift?! That would be so cool to be able to do! Imagine having a tabletop session but being able to change into your actual character! LARPing would be so easy to do!” She said, turning to Smolder.

“Uh… yeah sure?” Smolder said, reaching over and patting the other girl's head. “It could be interesting to do I guess. But I told you, I’m not LARPing, you already got me doing the actual game. But I’m not going out dressed like a barbarian, I’d get laughed off the field next time I went to the Queen of the Hill battles.” She said.

“I know, I know.” Ocellus sighed, clearly disappointed in this fact, but she didn’t push the subject. “Just saying… plus if you were a changeling you could just make it so you looked totally different and no one would recognize you.” She pointed out, making Smolder roll her eyes. Sunset couldn’t help but let a small giggle escape her as she witnessed the two girls banter back and forth. It was nice to have a relaxing day where nothing weird was going on, well besides the pair of PJs sitting across from Sunset. Who had managed to get a hold of one of the little sandwiched and was turning it around as if trying to find a secret switch on the food.

I hope Princess Twilight has seen my messages. The little girl thought to herself, and more so was hoping the alicorn would know how to fix this. Her parents were going to be home in a day unless something would keep them occupied unable to come home. So time wasn’t on her side anymore. But for now, she didn’t worry about it as she took another sip of tea… maybe no worrying about magical PJs should be added to the no-school-talk rule?

Author's Note:

Second to last chapter of this little series, next chapter will wrap up the main story, though I've had a couple ideas for bonus chapters so we will see what comes of that!