• Published 30th Oct 2023
  • 323 Views, 4 Comments

The legendary super saiyan in equestria. - Beyond_Gold

The bloodthirsty legendary super saiyan has awoken. He ends up in equestria? How?

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A New Friend In Equestria?

A new day in equestria and the ponies are starting to wake from their sleep. Luna has kept watch over their dreams to ensure their safety.

“Good morning Spike.” Twilight says.

“Nmmm. Five more minutes.” Spike groans as he rolls over and covers his entire body with his blanket.

Twilight giggles. “Okay okay spike five more minutes. Then we need to get ready to go see the princess. She said in her letter that she has found something that she wants us and the girls to see.” Twilight says as she gets out of bed and walks to the restroom.

A little bit later and Twilight exits the restroom looking beautiful and in nice clothing. (I don’t know what I shoulda said)

“Spike come on you need to get up and get ready.” Twilight says as she approaches spikes bed.

“Do I have to Twilight? Can’t I just stay here and sleep?” Spike mumbles.

“Well I guess I’ll go tell Rarity that her Spikey Wikey isn’t coming to Canterlot with us.” Twilight says with a smirk as spike shoots out of his bed and runs towards the restroom and comes out a little bit later looking spick and span.

“There. Is this better Twilight?” Spike asks

“Yes. Much better.” Twilight says as she laughs.

“What’s so funny?” Spike asks.

“You have a crush on Rarity don’t you?” Twilight asks with a grin.

“What? No. I-“ spike gets cut off has he burps a scroll and Twilight catches it and opens it.

Twilight skims through the scroll before dropping it and grabs spike and her wand and she runs out of the library.

(Meanwhile in the canterlot castle the princesses are trying to figure out how to calm their new guest down)

“HNGHH!!! RAGHHHHH!!!!!” The man shouts.

“You need to calm down sir! You’re going to destroy the castle!” Luna shouts.

“Sir please! We are just trying to find out where you came from! If you’re going through something we can talk about it or at least get away from here!” Celestia shouts at the man.

The man starts to calm down. “Hngh. Blood. I need to fight. I need bloodshed! I crave COMBAT!” The man yells.

“Sir please. What is your name!” Celestia asks.

“My name? My name is Callion.” Callion says.

“See? That’s a start sister. I told you I was better with the men.” Luna says with a giggle.

“Now is not the time sister. Who and what are you? Because you are different than everyone else in equestria.” Celestia says.

“I am Callion. I’m a saiyan from another planet.” Callion says.

“A saiyan? What’s that?” Luna asks.

“A race of warriors. I’m the last of my kind.” Callion says looking sad.

“The last? I’m sorry Callion. You’re always welcome here but how did you get here?” Celestia asks.

“I don’t know but I don’t remember anything.” Callion says.

“You don’t remember anything? Sister? Do you think he could have hit his head when he got here?” Luna whispers to Celestia.

“That could be the case. But would you like to go outside and look around Callion?” Celestia.

Callion nods as he waits for them to lead the way.

“Just follow us then.” Luna says as her and Celestia begin to walk and Callion follows after them.

After a little bit off showing Callion around the castle they approach the castle doors and they open the doors to reveal canterlot and in the distance a large open field with a small town even further away.

Callion looks in awe. As he looks around the town as he begins to walk infront of the princesses.

The longer he walks the more amazed and excited he becomes and his tail reveals itself.

“Callion! You have a tail?” Celestia asks with a smile on her face.

“I do? Where?” Callion try’s to look behind himself but can’t seem to see it.

“Here let me help you.” Luna says as she grabs his tail.

Callion stops moving and falls over stiffly.

“Luna! What did you do?!” Celestia asks looking worried.

“I didn’t do anything! I just grabbed his tail! … his tail… his tail is highly sensitive that’s why sister!” Luna says.

“Well let go of his tail!” Celestia shouts at Luna as she quickly lets go of Callion’s tail.

Celestia walks over and crouches infront of Callion.

“Are you okay Callion?” Celestia asks in a motherly tone.

“I’m okay.” Callion says as he gets up.

“I’m sorry Callion. I didn’t think your tail was so sensitive.” Luna says looking sad.

“It’s okay Luna. I didn’t know that would happen either. But. Do either of you know how to fight?” Callion asks looking ecstatic.

“Well we both can but Luna is the better fighter. Just like I’m the better princess” Celestia says with a smug expression.

“Whatever sister. Why would you like to fight Callion?” Luna asks.

“I don’t know. It’s like a drive that makes me want a fight.” Callion says.

“Well let’s go to that field over there since it’s away from the people and towns.” Celestia says.

Callion lifts up both of the princesses effortlessly and sprints at an alarming speed and they end up in the field in no time.

Callion sets the princesses down and he sits down on the ground.

“Callion! You can’t do that without telling us!” Luna shouts.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think I would’ve had to.” Callion says looking said.

Celestia stands there for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“What’s so funny sister?” Luna asks looking mad.

“Nothing. It was how fast we got here. I loved it!” Celestia says while laughing.

Callion stands up.

“Well princess. Can we get on with it?” Callion asks.

“Yes Callion. We can start. Would you like to make the first move?” Luna says with a smirk.

Callion leaps forward with his fist driving towards Luna as she catches it a counters the attack and sends Callion flying back.

“Callion your to predictable. You need to use more techniques.” Luna says while she goes uses her magic to put armor on herself.

Celestia stays back and observes Callion.

Callion leaps forwards with the ground slightly cracking in his wake. And he begins to slam his hits towards Luna but she dodges them effortlessly.

“You need to move faster Callion!” Luna says.

Celestia begins to notice something is off with Callion.

“Uhhh. Sister!” Celestia says.

“Not now Tia!” Luna shouts.

Celestia uses her magic to telepathically talk to Luna. “You need to stop telling him what to do! Something is changing inside him but I can’t sense what it is. It might be the saiyan blood inside him that’s boiling.”

“I’m beginning to notice that sister!” Luna shouts as she dodges Callions attacks and counters his punch and punches him in the gut as he stumbles back he stands upright and looks up as clouds begin to form into Storm clouds.

“Sister! What’s happening!” Luna asks looking nervous.

“I don’t know. I’m starting to think this isn’t good!” Celestia shouts as the wind begins to pick up.

“Where’s Twilight and her friends?!” Luna shouts.

“We’re right here Princess! The train was delayed.” Twilight says.

“Well you six are right on time. Because something is happening to our new friend.” Celestia says as she stands in the wind.

Lightning begins to strike all over.