• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I write pony fics for fun or when I’m bored. | Yes, I’m a Starlight Glimmer fan. How could you tell? | A fan of MLP since 2011.


Spike had always been known as the baby dragon. Either by Twilight, or by others.

Despite saving the Crystal Empire not once, but twice, he still feels that he isn’t taken seriously when it comes to other ponies, and this frustrates him.

But after a disastrous event that leaves the fate of the most important ponies of Equestria unknown, it is up to Spike to save the day, and prove that he not just a baby dragon.

Or so, that was what he wished.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Interesting, i find spike deserves more apprechiation

this is the kind of story i like. with spike as the hero and battling his inner demons. i already had a favourite called the 'fear within' but its not finished and is left collecting dust for 2 years. The question is , do you see yourself finishing this fic ? and have you already planned out the fic to its ending with half of the fics script roughly drafted and finalised ? if not then there's no point in writing this fic now since i can clearly see this fic requires a lot of planning and scripting to do.

Welp spike, you better ask twi for help before i run over there and say "OI TWI HELP OUT YOUR SON!!!"

Just let them write. If they end up not completing it, thats on them and it’s not our business to tell others how to write their stories.


The question is , do you see yourself finishing this fic ?

Yes, whenever that may be.

and have you already planned out the fic to its ending with half of the fics script roughly drafted and finalised ?

I only went through the major points of this fic. The more important chapters. Including the ending.

if not then there's no point in writing this fic now since i can clearly see this fic requires a lot of planning and scripting to do.

I understand that. Although sometimes I may take breaks if I feel unmotivated or if things happen irl. Either way, I’m planning on finishing it soon.

Rested assured, this won’t be on hiatus for two years lol

I'll give it a shot. I do feel, however, it's a tad too condensed at times though it is just the start, so.

You are right. I have no say in the matter. Its just that so many masterpieces that i would have loved to see reach their conclusions never made it to the end and its been eating up a part of my soul every single time. So i decided to take my own mantle and write my own story and take the challenge to complete it. I already figured out the middle and the end for the fic and wrote many scripts concerning the middle part but never got around to how im supposed to start the story. In the end i learned about the harsh reality of writers block and how creativity is a momentary and fleeting thought that quickly vanishes like a fog from a dream. Atleast i took the firm decision that i would never start releasing chapters from my story unless i have half of its script ready from the beginning to the middle. So any potential readers like me wont get heart broken.

It's an alright start, though it does feel a bit generic amidst the multitude of woe-is-Spike fics, especially those from days of yore. I'll have to wait and see what happens from the "disaster" onwards to make any further judgment. Either way, best of luck with this!

Seriously, Spike deserved more recognition in the show

finally got to reading it, it was a good intro so hurry up and make more chapters 😋

he set he newspaper down on a nearby beach, and continued his way towards the castle.

"set he" i think i have more proofreading to do wait did you miss an "on" there

With a sigh, he threw the bowl away.

extreme retort much LOL

one of the things Starlight had gotten used too since she started living in the castle.

wrong too, again 😒

Ok thanks Grammarly 🤭

Will this continue?

What an intriguing reaction from Starlight, can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you.

I’ll update on this story sometime later this month. It’s not dead and I haven’t gave up on it. I just focused on others things haha

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