• Published 16th Nov 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge out of Water - IndyWriter Productions

The Main Six and Spike are sent off to a world of aquatic life. However, this aquatic life will be nothing they have ever seen before.

  • ...

Part 4: On The Run

Bikini Bottom had fallen into utter chaos. Buildings were being destroyed, fires littered the landscape, and people ran for survival or attacked one another. The Krusty Krab had suffered no merciful fate. the windows were shattered and giant, metal contraptions covered the exterior. Squidward was inside, sitting in the register area. He saw Patrick enter the restaurant as if he was oblivious to what was going on.

"Good morning, Squidward. I'll have the usual." The pink star requested.

Just then, a flaming boatmobile smashed through the wall and crashed against the opposite side. Burning fuel leaked out from the tanks.

"With cheese." Patrick added.

"We're out of Krabby Patties right now!" Squidward said in a panic.

"No...Krabby Patties?" Patrick stepped back, horrified. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

As if by magic, a thick vest appeared on his body and a hammer was taped up on his forehead.

Meanwhile, SpongeBob, Plankton, the Mane 6, and Spike were viewing the carnage from down below as their bubble carried them across the town.

"Look what's become of Bikini Bottom." SpongeBob said in a state of shock.

"It's like actual Tartarus down there." Rainbow said.

"I don't know what that is, but, it sounds terrifying." SpongeBob said. "We've really got to get that formula back."

"No kiddin'." Applejack agreed.

"Get the secret formula, you say? Excuse me, I need a moment." Plankton faced his back to them. "With that formula, I could rule the world!"

Plankton laughed manically then cleared his throat.

"You know we can hear you, right?" SpongeBob asked modestly.

"And we're not gonna let you do that, either." Twilight said sternly. "Last thing we need is for you to make things worse."

Plankton rolled his eye and grumbled.

"Well, what do we do now?" He asked.

"Now we work together. You know, teamwork." SpongeBob said.

"What's "tee-am work"?" Plankton asked in confusion.

The Main 7 gave him weird looks.

"No, Plankton, teamwork." SpongeBob assured.

"Tee-am work." Plankton responded.


"Tie-'em work."


"Tie 'em up."

"Come on! You seriously have never heard of that word before?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"Do I look like someone who has used tee-am work before?" Plankton asked roughly.

"In a way, yeah." Spike said.

"All right." SpongeBob said. "Say "team," like a sports..."

"Team." Plankton responded.

"Team. Now say "work." SpongeBob continued.

"Work." Plankton said.

"Put them together. What do you got?" SpongeBob asked.

"Timebomb...work." Plankton said.

"Getting better." SpongeBob said optimistically.

Rainbow face-hooved in irritation.

"We're doomed." Rarity said gloomily.

Sandy had gotten back to her treehouse not too long after the apocalypse started. She was unaware of what was going on as she settled down at the picnic table with her Krabby Patty meal. Grabbing the remote, she turned on the television on.

"Now, Bikini Bottom Action News!" The news anchor announced through the screen.

Just as Sandy was about to take a bite from the greasy sandwich, she heard moaning and something bang against the glass dome. She gasped and turned to where the noise was coming from. It was Patrick, who had stuck to the wall with his tongue out in full display.

"Oh, hey, Patrick!" The squirrel greeted cheerfully.

She opened her mouth, ready to chow down on her meal. The sea star began banging against the glass wall angrily.

"Krabby Patty, Krabby Patty, Krabby Patty, Krabby Patty!" He yelled desperately.

Sandy's face contorted into confusion and concern. She moved the sandwich back away from her mouth. Patrick calmed down and stared at it with hungry eyes. Every time Sandy would move the Krabby Patty to her mouth, Patrick would get more angry and violently bang against the glass. Finally, She shoved the whole thing in her mouth and swallowed as quickly as she could. Patrick whined and whaled before turning away with his head down.

"Come on, tummy, it's gonna be a long day." He said sadly.

Sandy watched her friend walk away with concern until the TV drew in her attention.

"We interrupt your regular program for an important news bulletin." The anchor tuna announced, before the screen transitioned to the reporter on the scene.

"Perch Perkins reporting live from downtown Bikini..."

A boatmobile sailed over the reporter's head and crashed through a building.

"...Bottom. Complete chaos here today as our town attempts to deal with a sudden shortage of Krabby Patties."

The building collapsed into a pile of rubble and twisted steel.

Perch Perkins yelped and ducked down.

"Events here have this reporting wondering, what is the secret ingredient in Krabby Patty anyway!?" Perch was chased away by a caped fish wielding a mace.

"It's love! The secret ingredient is love!" The fish screamed furiously before striking the camera.

Static was all that showed on the TV before Sandy turned it off.

"No more Krabby Patties?" She asked in disbelief. "If I'd have known that, I'd have chewed it slower."

Suddenly, a large shadow casted itself over Sandy's home. The squirrel looked up and saw a large, rectangular object falling from the sky. It looked to be a page from a book.

"What the corndog is that?" Sandy said, completely terrified.

The page landed on top of Sandy's dome. All she could was stand there and stare at it.

"Come on, Plankton, it's easy!" SpongeBob assured. "It means, I help you, you help me, and when we accomplish our goal, then we do hands in the middle."

"Hands in the middle?" Plankton said with disgust. "No, no. Sounds idiotic."

"That's okay. We can hug instead." Pinkie said happily.

"That's even worse." Plankton barked. "Besides, the...nine of us are no match for that cranky mob."

He pointed to the townsfolk who were in the midst of destroying a donut shop.

"Well. He's not wrong there." Spike pointed out.

"I think he underestimates us." Rainbow grinned smugly.

"I-I-I'd rather...not confront those people head-on." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Agreed." Twilight said. "We're outnumbered and there's no way they're are going to listen to us."

"We could probably use a few more tee-am works." Plankton said.

"You mean like more ponies...erm...people to join the team?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Plankton said dismissively.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." SpongeBob said.

"Who would possibly want to join us, though. Everypony down there hates us." Rarity mentioned.

"Let's find out shall we." The sea sponge raised up his pointer finger.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Plankton asked.

SpongeBob popped the bubble and the team plummeted to the ground, right in front of three particular, yet desecrated, houses. The sea ponies and pufferfish slowly got up

"Warn us next time you do that!" Rainbow yelled as she spat sand out of her mouth.

"Ugh. Where even are we?" Twilight asked dizzily.

"This is where I live. Alongside Squidward and Patrick." SpongeBob stated, pointing to his house.

".....Ya live in a pineapple?" Applejack asked, almost not believing what SpongeBob was implying.

"Sure do." The yellow sponge confirmed. "It's actually a funny story, I was looking for..."

"I think it's best you tell us later." Twilight put a hoof up to SpongeBob's face. "It's pretty clear we're no longer welcome in this area."

"I'll say. Your house looks completely gerrymandered." Rarity said.

"Who are we even here for anyways?" Spike asked.

SpongeBob popped out of the self-made hole and pointed to a circular rock where Patrick was slamming his face against it.

"I...need...Krabby Patties!" He yelled after every headbutt.

"That's gonna leave a mark." Rainbow winced.

"Patrick, what are you doing?" SpongeBob called out to his friend.

"Vandalizing stuff." Patrick turned to the group. His face had taken more of a beating than the rock did.

"Isn't that your house?" Plankton asked.

"Hey, what's with all the questions?" Patrick snapped. "Who are you guys?"

"It's me, your best friend. SpongeBob?" The sea sponge said, sounding almost hurt by the question.

"And us? Twilight? Pinkie? The rest of us? You literally met us this morning." Twilight added.

"He probably has amnesia from banging his head against that rock." Rainbow muttered to Fluttershy.

"Oh, yeah? Well, if you're SpongeBob, then what's the secret password?" The starfish inquired.

"Uh..." Was all the group could say.

"Correct! It is you! SpongeBob!" Patrick jumped from his rock and barreled right on top of the SpongeBob and Plankton. The Mane 7 got out of the way just in time.

"SpongeBob." He said joyfully.

"Patrick!" SpongeBob greeted back.

"SpongeBob!" Patrick said again as Plankton got up from the impact. "Why aren't you at the Krusty Krab making Krabby Patties?'

"Have you forgotten what has happened this past hour?" Rainbow asked rhetorically.

"Well, I'd love to, but the formula's gone." SpongeBob said.

Patrick sat down, unknowingly on top of Plankton.

"Yeah, Mr. Krabs says you and Plankton took it." Patrick recalled.

"But, he's wrong." Fluttershy interjected.

"Exactly. That's not what happened. It just disappeared. We're putting a team together to find it." SpongeBob explained.

"A team?" Patrick's eyes widened. "Oh. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!"

The sea star got up and hugged SpongeBob tightly.

"Okay, Patrick, you're in." SpongeBob said happily.

"I don't know, SpongeBob." Plankton popped back into form. "What exactly does this clown bring to the tee-am?"

"He brings loyalty, Plankton. Loyalty." SpongeBob said coolly.

"Hey! I'm literally the Element of Loyalty! If anyone here is the most loyal, it's me." Rainbow said.

"But, Patrick is my best friend. There's a special kind of loyalty with that." SpongeBob said. "Isn't that right, Patrick?"

"Yeah, yeah, loyalty." Patrick said. "I've got SpongeBob! Here's over here!"

The sea star starting to make a whooping sound to get the other townsfolks' attention. Within the town, the people looked to where the sound was coming from.

"Let's go get him!" Mr. Krabs yelled.

The mob was now running toward them. Eager to finally capture the perpetrators.

"Special kind of loyalty." Rainbow said sarcastically. "Yeah, that's definitely doing you favors."

"Never mind that. Come on, SpongeBob, let's get out of here!" Plankton said in a panic.

"Patrick!" SpongeBob tried to say.

Before they could make an escape, Plankton threw SpongeBob into Plankton and the Main 7. Then he sat right on top of them so they couldn't escape, continuing to whoop.

"I can't breath." Pinkie wheezed.

"This is absolutely no way to treat a lady!" Rarity said crossly.

"Patrick, why are you doing this?" SpongeBob asked, betrayed by his best friend's actions.

"Because I...need...Krabby...Patties!" Patrick bellowed. "Hurry up! I'm hungry!"

The mob was drawing nearer and nearer. The Main 6 and Spike began to panic.

"We got to get out of here!" Spike yelled fearfully.

"Twilight, get him off of us." Fluttershy pleaded.

"I-I can't! Patrick's too heavy." Twilight tried with all her might to life the starfish off of her, but she just couldn't do it.

"Over here!" The overweight sea star whooped.

"Whoa nelly. Here they come." Applejack said timidly.

Thinking quickly, SpongeBob frantically dug into the sand allowing them to escape Patrick's backside. They all popped out of a hole a few feet away and ran for their lives as the angry mob arrived to give chase.

"Guys, am I still on the team?" Patrick called out.

"NO!" The Main 6 yelled back.

Patrick looked back at his butt that was sticking out from the other hole.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" He asked threateningly.

SpongeBob held on to Plankton as he and the Main 7 desperately tried to get away from the angry mob chasing after them.

"Well, that crosses Patrick off the list." Twilight said solemnly. "Is the anypony else you had in mind, SpongeBob?"

"Preferably someone who won't backstab us." Applejack suggested.

"Or try to sit on us." Rarity added.

"There is someone else. We're heading for their home right now." SpongeBob said.

The Main 6 and Spike soon spotted a large, glass dome covered in paper in the distance.

"There!" The yellow sea sponge said.

the raced for the entrance.

"Sandy!" SpongeBob opened the first door and pressed the air lock bottom. Immediately water began to drain out from the room. SpongeBob quickly put on a water-filled glass bowl over his head and put Plankton in a glass.

"I don't have enough bowls for all of you." SpongeBob said.

"It's okay, SpongeBob." Twilight assured. "We can breath air just fine."

"It's the movin' part that's gonna be difficult." Applejack looked back at her tail.

Once all the water had drained out, the second door opened and our heroes found themselves in an area housing a large tree. The ground was littered with books, papers, and wax candles.

"Sandy?" SpongeBob called out.

"What is this place?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"Kinda reminds me of a certain egghead's old home." Rainbow teased.

"For your information, Rainbow, the library was a thousand times more organized than this." Twilight snapped back.

Spike looked through some of book covers.

"Gods of the Ocean, 101 Facts About King Neptune, Atlantian Mythology. Seems like somepony's been doing a lot of research." He said.

"But, this isn't normal for Sandy." SpongeBob said, wary. "Sandy, are you home?"

There was no answer. The team just walk around the dome, well, SpongeBob did, the Mane 7 could only drag there bodies with there front hooves.

"Uff! My tummy's getting chaffed." Pinkie said.

"What is all this stuff?" SpongeBob said.

Suddenly, a figure raced behind, disturbing the papers on the ground.

The team turned only to find nothing.

"Sandy?" SpongeBob gulped.

"I really don't like this. I think we should leave." Fluttershy said, terrified.

SpongeBob went to grab one of papers pinned on the tree when a frazzled-up squirrel in a green cloak abruptly tackled him, dredging him into the ground. The Main 7 all screamed.

"Don't touch that!" The squirrel said gruffly.

"Yep. Definitely time to leave." Twilight said.

Hold on, girls." SpongeBob pulled himself out of the ground. Taking Plankton, he carefully walked over to Sandy who was reading through a book incoherently.

"Sandy? Are you okay?" SpongeBob asked softly.

"Okay? Have you look outside? Does that seem "okay" to you?" Sandy asked angrily, moving a chalkboard out of the way. "I'm trying to figure out what happened to society."

"The formula went missing and the entire town has gone crazy." The purple sea pony explained. "That's we came here to see if you're willing to join us and..."

"If we don't fix it soon, there won't be anything left to fix!" Sandy interrupted.

"Sandy? The lack of Krabby Patties has driven her mad." SpongeBob said.

"So...no team-up with her either?" Rainbow asked.

"And I think I figured it out." Sandy tore a section of papers off the wall to reveal a giant page with the words "The End" written in large, cursive lettering on it. "When this came down from above, I knew it could only mean one thing."

"And what would that be?" Rarity asked cautiously.

"It means It's the end!" Sandy shrieked. "The sandwich gods are angry with us!"

"Sandwich gods?" The group said.

"This is really starting to get out of hand." Plankton said.

"I'm gonna need so much therapy after this." Fluttershy said quietly.

"I just don't know how we're going to appease them!" Sandy began to run around, trying find any piece of information that could help.

The team looked amongst themselves before slowly heading for the doorway.

"All right then, good luck with that." Rainbow said as nonchalantly as possible.

"Welp, that's two-for-two on possible teammates that ain't joinin' the team." Applejack said.

"You got any other friends who aren't dim bulbs or nut jobs?" Plankton asked.

"If only the princesses were here." Twilight said to herself.

"We'll, I have one friend who's loyal to the very end." SpongeBob said optimistically.

"You said that with Patrick and look were that got us." Rainbow said in annoyance.

"Trust me, Rainbow, I've known him since we were kids." SpongeBob reaasured.

SpongeBob, Plankton, and the Main 7 found themselves hiding the sides of SpongeBob's destroyed home. The angry mob thundered passed them on the search for them. Once the coast was clear, they peered inside the ravaged remains of SpongeBob's house.

"Gary, I'm home." SpongeBob called out.

"Gary?" Fluttershy called out.

They looked through almost every room, but all they contained was trash and destroyed furniture.

"Gary. Gray?" SpongeBob accidentally walked into a drooping string of mucus, getting all over his face.

"Revolting." Plankton said in disgust.

"That is just disgusting." Rarity pressed a hoof against her mouth to keep herself from vomiting.

"But it means Gary is close by." SpongeBob said. "Gary, I'm back!"

"He made all this?" Pinkie asked in disbelief.

The team ran down the hallway, but then stopped and turned back to a large run that looked more like the inside of a temple than a house. Snail shells littered the floor.

"Whoa." SpongeBob guffawed.

"Did you always have a shrine in your house?" Spike asked.

"Nope." SpongeBob simply replied.

Sitting on the shrine was SpongeBob's one and only pet snail, Gary.

"Oh, hey, Gary, Plankton, the girls, and I need you to help us find the Krabby Patty formula and fix Bikini Bottom." SpongeBob explained.

"Meow." Gary said monotonously.

"What do you mean, you don't have to do as I say anymore?" SpongeBob asked, offended.

"Meow." Gary responded.

"What do you mean, "King of Snails"?" SpongeBob asked angrily.

"Uh, SpongeBob." Fluttershy eyed the shells strewn around the floor.

"Gary The Snail, you get down here right now and join this team!" SpongeBob demanded.

"Meow." Gary said.

"What do you mean, "Seize them"?" SpongeBob asked, now in confusion.

Snails popped out from their shells, surrounding the team.

"Snails do tend to travel in groups." Fluttershy whimpered.

"Wish you told us that earlier, Fluttershy." Rainbow said.

Roars echoed from the pineapple. SpongeBob, Plankton, the Main 6, and Spike all screamed at the top of their lungs and ran out of there as fast as their legs-slash-tailfins could let them.

"Why are you running?" Plankton yelled.

"We're being chased! Are you blind?!" Rarity said.

"Because they're right on our tail." SpongeBob words die in his mouth and he slowly came to a stop.

The Main 6 and Spike stopped, too.

"Why did you stop?" Rarity asked in a panic.

They then noticed that the snails were heading toward them...at a snail's pace.

Ba-doom ching!

"Oh." The white sea pony said.

"Right, snails." SpongeBob said.

"Well, so much for your tee-am." Plankton chastised.

"Hey! At least he's trying." Spike defended.

"Putting together a team is a lot harder than I thought it would be." SpongeBob began to tear up.

"Come on. Don't be like that, Sugarcube." Applejack comforted. "We just got to keep lookin. Maybe we'll find somepony who's more trustworthy."

Just then, the angry mob could be seen in the distance heading right for them.

"This way!" Mr. Krabs yelled, determined to capture the group.

"Or maybe we should start running again." Rarity said apprehensively.

"We better get out of here until things cool off." Plankton said.

"Best thing I've heard in a while. Let's go!" Twilight said.

Our heroes began running away from the angry mob and as far from Bikini Bottom as they could.

Nightfall. They sky and land would've much more beautiful if the town wasn't in complete disarray. SpongeBob, Plankton, the Main 6, and Spike all sat at the top of a rocky hill. They had gotten a fire going to keep warm.

"Everything we know and love has been destroyed." SpongeBob whimpered.

"Yeah. And now we're wanted criminals, even though we did nothing wrong!" Rainbow said.

"That's hardly relevant, Rainbow." Applejack said. "The point is that we need that formula back."

"But, now SpongeBob and Plankton's home is gone." Fluttershy whimpered sadly.

"Yeah, looks like they're gonna have to change the name of Bikini Bottom to Dirty Bottom." Plankton joked. "Right, SpongeBob?"

"That's kind of gross, Plankton." SpongeBob said sadly.

"And inappropriate. Come on we need to keep this family-friendly." Pinkie said. "Oh, wait, that was thrown out the window as soon as the second story was made. Oh, well."

The others gave Pinkie weird looks.

"Just Pinkie being Pinkie." Twilight sighed. "But, still. Not the best time to make jokes like that, Plankton."

"Yeah. Yeah, too soon, huh?" Plankton said guiltily.

"This feels like it really is the end." SpongeBob said.

"Don't worry, SpongeBob, we'll find the secret formula and everything will go back to the way it was, you know, all happy and junk." Plankton ran off and fetched a rock, moving it over to him. "Now let's try to get some sleep."

"That's probably for the best. Maybe we'll come up with a plan in the morning." Twilight said.

"Agreed. All this swimming has gotten me exhausted." Rainbow yawned.

SpongeBob still looked out to the fire-covered town with teary eyes. Once the place that he called home had fallen into chaos, more than usual that is.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He tipped over and laid his head over the rock.

Plankton pulled out a piece of coral from the ground and laid it over SpongeBob.

"Here you are. Feel comfy?" He asked.

"You know, Plankton, I think you might know a little bit more about teamwork than you let on." SpongeBob snuggled up against the rock.

"Goodnight, SpongeBob." Plankton said.

"Goodnight, Plankton." SpongeBob said before drifting off to sleep.

"That was nicest thing I've ever seen from you, Plankton." Twilight said.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. Don't ever mention it." Plankton said.

"I suppose we should hit the hay, too." Applejack said.

The Main 7 began to lie down and cuddle up to each other for warmth and comfort.

"Goodnight, everypony." Twilight said.

"Goodnight." The others said.

Soon, they all drifted off to sleep, leaving only Plankton. He laughed deviously.

"Goodnight," indeed." Plankton hopped onto SpongeBob's side. "That's right, SpongeBob, sleep. You're hiding that formula in there somewhere."

He jumped in through one of SpongeBob's holes. As he crawled through, all it led him was to the sponge's brain. Plankton jumped on top of it.

"Well, here goes nothing." He dived inside and immediately found himself in a very strange place.

It was bright and colorful. Each and every cloud smiled down at him and the place was littered with candy and other sweet treats.

"What is this place?" Plankton asked apprehensively.

Just then, a sentient bottle of syrup ran by, being chased by a waffle.

Plankton walked around the place, but, the more he kept going, the more cooky it got

"Ha, ha. Fudge fight." An ice cream cone said as he splattered his friend with fudge topping. "It's all over me."

Trees smiling, lollipops laughing, and cupcakes playing patty-cake was all Plankton could see.

"Ugh, it's so sweet in here! I think my eyeball is getting a toothache!" He said.

"Hello, Plankton." A voice said.

Plankton turned to see two popsicles holding hands standing in a field of gumdrops.

"Come and play with us." The two frozen treats said.

Plankton let out a shaky breath.


Then he gasped.

"Before we melt."

And he gagged. The popsicles laughed as droplets began to form on their melting bodies. Plankton screamed and began to run. He ran through a group of sentient balloons and avoided a donut and a milkshake riding a bicycle carrying a cookie. Suddenly, he found himself on top of a tower of birthday cake. Nearing the edge he tried to stop, but he fell right off, screaming as he plummeted to the ground.

He smacked into the ground. As a slowly got up, large, white balls of fur popped out from the ground. Plankton screeched and watched as the furballs climbed on top of each other. They morphed into one entity that towered over Plankton. The face of a cute cat appeared on it's front, letting out a small "Meew." Plankton moaned fearfully as sweat slid down from his face.

"So much sweetness. I think I'm going to be sick!" Plankton gagged, then spewed out a puddle of colors that formed into a bright rainbow.

"Huh?" Plankton said with disgusted, wide eyes.

Arms, eyes, and a mouth formed on the top of the colorful arch.

"Daddy!" It said.

Plankton's face only showed horror.

SpongeBob and the Main 7 were still sound asleep until Plankton rocketed at of SpongeBob's head, screaming like a maniac.

"Can we go ONE adventure without being interrupted from our sleep!" Rainbow said crankily.

"Plankton, why in Celestia's we're ya screamin'?" Applejack asked, irritated.

"Plankton? Plankton! I just had the craziest dream! And you were in it!" SpongeBob said excitedly.

"I'm sure it was nothing." Plankton said with an innocent smile.

He had cotton candy all over him with candy canes sticking out of the sides of his face. He pull a lollipop out from his backside.

"Now go back to sleep." Plankton compelled.

"Were you in my brain?" SpongeBob questioned accusingly as he pulled bits of cotton candy off his sleeve.

"Say what?" Twilight asked.

"What? No! That's crazy talk!" Plankton said, trying to sound as innocent as he could.

"Then why is there cotton candy on your antenna?" SpongeBob pressed further.

"Because, because..." Plankton quickly tried to think of an explanation.

Pinkie suddenly ran her tongue all over him, licking up the sugary goodness.

"Mmm. Your dreams taste delicious, SpongeBob." She smacked her lips.

"Okay, fine, I was in your brain." Plankton relented.

SpongeBob gasped and dropped Plankton to the ground.

"Isn't that like an invasion of privacy?" Spike wondered out loud.

"What were you doing in there?" He asked timidly.

"What do you think I was doing? Looking for the secret formula." Plankton said.

"What?" The sea sponge said in surprise.

"Why would it be inside his brain?" Rarity asked. "I thought it was agreed that it vanished into thin air."

"Don't act so innocent. You knew what I was up to." Plankton walked over to the edge. "That's why you're pretending not to know the formula."

"I'm not pretending!" SpongeBob said defensively. "I can't believe you thought I was lying."

"Was that the only reason you stuck with us? So you can nab the formula for yourself?" Rainbow accused.

"Rainbow, he literally said it himself back when we were in the bubble." Twilight pointed out.

"Oh, right." The blue sea pony said.

"Hey, don't take personally. I just assume everyone is lying." Plankton said nonchalantly.

"That is a horrible way to live your life." SpongeBob reputed.

"Darn tootin'." Applejack agreed.

"Whatever." Plankton rolled his eye.

"It is! "SpongeBob spoke more firmly. "And if we're going to be on the same team..."

"Maybe I don't want to be on the tee-am!" Plankton yelled angrily. "You think of that?"

The sea ponies were completely taken aback from Plankton's outburst.

"Good grief, man. You're acting like this teamwork thing is torturing you." Rainbow said. "But, if you want that, then you can go find the Krabby Patty secret formula by yourself."

"Maybe I will." Plankton said.

"But, Plankton, everything's better when you're part of a team." SpongeBob pulled out a pitch pipe and blew in it.

"You're not going to start singing, are you?" Plankton said in annoyance.

"Did you always have that in your pocket?" Fluttershy asked.

"Couldn't have put it better myself." Twilight put a hoof on SpongeBob's shoulder.

"All right, you can put me down." Plankton said.

SpongeBob lowered Plankton onto a rock.

"Well...That's one minute of my life I'll never get back." He sighed.

"Not without a time machine." SpongeBob said.

"Wait a minute. Hold that thought." Plankton said.

SpongeBob immediately grabbed ahold of the thought bubble.

"Where did that come from?" Spike said.

"Now back up." Plankton said.

SpongeBob reversed what he said prior, but then repeated what he said way too quickly.

"Slow down." Plankton said with concern.

"Not without a time machine." SpongeBob said in a low voice.

The Main 7 all stared at the two with weirded out looks, confused from what they were witnessing. Plankton put a hand up to his chin in thought.

"Yes!" Plankton snapped his fingers and leaped on top of the sea sponge. "SpongeBob, you're genius!"

"I am?" SpongeBob asked whimsically.

"If we build a time machine, we could go back to before the formula disappeared. Before society broke down. Before we became the hunted!" Plankton said.

"Time travel? That could work." Twilight said. "But, the only that’s possible is with a time-warping spell, which I haven't learned. And for good reason."

"But this might be the breakthrough we need." Spike said. "Can't you try to learn it?"

"I don't have the spell book with me, so, no I can't. Sorry, Plankton." Twilight said sadly.

"Didn't you hear me, your overgrown shrimp? I didn't say anything about magic spells. I said a time machine." Plankton said harshly.

"A time machine?" Twilight said in confusion. "Is that even possible?"

"Of course. You're talking to one of the smartest people in Bikini Bottom." Plankton gloated.

"That sounds great, Plankton, but how do we build a time machine?" SpongeBob asked.

"Well, first we'll need a computer powerful enough to calculate the intricacies of time travel." Plankton stated.

"Where would we get one of those?" SpongeBob asked.

"Hmmm." Plankton thought hard. then he remembered something.

"Okay, this is the plan." Plankton said.

SpongeBob, the Main 6, and Spike huddled in to hear Plankton's plan. It was an incredibly risky plan, but one that could set the course for the rest of the mission. It was time for a prison break

To be continued