• Published 25th Dec 2023
  • 833 Views, 8 Comments

Shoot. Let's Be Santa. - RunicTreetops

You have way too many plans with your friends and family this Hearth's Warming Eve, but you won't let them down! ...Probably.

  • ...

Fluttershy(?)'s Light Show

You gently knock on the door to Fluttershy’s humble abode. At this point, you probably look extremely haggard. The sun has mostly set, and it has most certainly been an eventful day. Thankfully, this is your last stop before returning home to Canterlot.

You got a letter from Fluttershy a few days ago inviting you to visit a light show with her. She had won three tickets in a local fundraiser, and after herself and Discord, she wasn’t sure who else to invite. Figuring that of her friends you’re the only one who hasn’t seen them, she decided to give that third ticket to you. And who are you to decline?

Seriously, have you seen Fluttershy? Sure, you have a hard time saying “no” to anyone, but Fluttershy?

After a few moments, you can’t help but notice that you aren’t getting a response. You lightly tap your foot on the cold ground below. It’s not like her to be late.

Suddenly, the sound coming from the tapping of your foot changes. It goes from a solid “thud” noise to a softer “pfft” noise. You look down at the ground, only to find that you appear to be standing (and tapping your foot) on... a cloud? Actually, it appears that aside from the cloud, the ground below you has disappeared, replaced by the darkened winter sky.

Looking upwards, you see Fluttershy’s cottage hanging upside-down above you. Well, it would be more accurate to say that you’re upside-down. And there can be only one culprit.


“What? Didn’t you say you were looking forward to ‘hanging out?’”

Discord laughs as you hear him snap his fingers, magically returning you to your normal standing position.

“Hi, Discord.”

“Oh, you should really speak with less energy. Otherwise I’d think you weren’t happy to see me!”

In truth, you’re not. You’ve never been all that close with Discord. You’ve forgiven him for his past misdeeds and all that, but you still try to keep a close eye on him. You’re not afraid that he’ll willingly get somepony hurt or anything, you’re just afraid that he’ll accidentally do that.

A penchant for mischief and untold amounts of power tend to not pan out well.

“Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She is a bit preoccupied taking care of… well, I suppose it’d be a waste of time to not just show you.”

With another snap of his fingers, Discord teleports the both of you into the cottage. You’re in one of Fluttershy’s guest bedrooms, where the mare herself is anxiously sitting on a stool next to the bed.

Resting in the bed itself is none other than Angel Bunny. His eyes are closed, and his face is so flushed that you can immediately recognize what’s going on.


She turns to look at you. Her mane is frazzled and sticking up in more than a couple of places. It’s a far cry from how she looked at Rarity’s concert this morning.

“H-hello, Anon.” She turns her attention towards Discord. “Thank you for letting him in.”

Discord bows, though even as his noodle-like body comes to a stop, his head continues to float straight down, phasing right through his neck and down into the floor.

“Something wrong with Angel, I take it?”

“Yes. When I came back home after Rarity’s concert, he was already like this. I brought him to Dr. Fauna, and although he’s going to be okay, I have to administer his medicine every half-hour. I, uh…” She turns back towards him, worry evident on her face. “I can’t really leave his side.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope he starts feeling better.”

“Me, too.” Suddenly, she lifts her head and looks back towards you. “Oh! I completely forgot about the light show!”

“Don’t worry about it, this is more important.”

“No no no, I don’t want to deprive you of that!”

“Fluttershy, I don’t–”

“Oh, but Discord will still go with you! Won’t you, Discord?”

Discord’s head pops right back into place and his back suddenly straightens out. His eyes are as wide as yours.

“Er, can you repeat that?”

“You’ll go with Anon to the light show, right?”

Discord slowly turns to look at you. Just as you have a few misgivings about Discord, he isn’t the biggest fan of you.

However, through his apprehension, his typical, mischievous smile returns to his face.

“Of course I will! He’ll get to enjoy the show, and we’ll be out of your hair!”

At some point during that sentence, he disappeared and reappeared as a much smaller version of himself in Fluttershy’s mane.

“Thank you!”

“It will be his pleasure.”

With a snap and a flash, Discord reappears next to you once more.

“No time like the present, eh?”


Before you can react, a flash of light indicates that you’ve both been teleported. You now stand in the middle of a large, grassy field. Rolling hills stretch out for miles before you. The dark, overcast sky hangs above you, and there isn’t a tree in sight. If you had to guess, you’d say that you’re in the fields out beyond Sweet Apple Acres.

Although it’s dark, you’re fairly certain you can see a few figures out in the distance. How you managed to notice them before the confused crowd standing around you, you’re not sure.

“Is this it?”

“Yes, though there does appear to be a lack of lights, doesn’t there?”

One snap later and Discord has disappeared once more. Suddenly, the field is lit up by light. You look to the sky, only to see a Discord-shaped face made out of floating red-and-green orbs staring back at you.

“Discord, I think the show just hasn’t started yet.”

“Ugh, obviously.” As he speaks, the lights shift to indicate his moving mouth. With a flash, he appears next to you once again. “You’re really no fun, you know that?”

You sigh.

“Look, I don’t care if you enjoy yourself, just try not to get in anypony else’s way.”

“Fine, fine.” His voice is a grumble. “I’ll just get in your way.”

You expected this, to be completely honest. After a moment, you take a deep breath.

“If that’s the price I have to pay to avoid you causing a scene, sure.”

Discord looks at you with surprise for the briefest of moments before his smile returns. However, before he can say anything, you notice a light. Then another. The next thing you know, hundreds upon hundreds of lights appear to be floating through the air.

No, scratch that. They look like they’re bubbling up from the earth before rising into the sky. Orbs of all kinds of colors fill the night, gently drifting around each other like some sort of ethereal dance. In that moment, you realize that this “light show” is the work of some very talented unicorns down in that field.

There is no word to describe it other than “beautiful.”

“You think so?” Discord looks at you with an ominous grin. You didn’t even say that out loud. “Why don’t we get a closer look, then?”

“Discord, what are you–”

The next thing you know, you’re hundreds of feet off the ground looking down at the lights from above. It’s extremely cold, and the wind isn’t making matters any better for you.

A few more light orbs appear around you, each of them conspicuously Discord-colored.

“Come on, it’s like a dance! Dance with me!”

At this point, you realize that you, too, lack any limbs. You’re a vaguely human-colored orb floating through the night sky. If you had a mouth, you’d sigh.

This is your evening, you suppose.

With a snap of his fingers, Discord brings the both of you back to Fluttershy’s front door. He stretches his back in an obviously exaggerated fashion before looking down at you with a satisfied expression.

“Well, that was certainly fun.”

“Yeah, it only felt like you were going to kill me a couple dozen times.”

“Really? Hmm. I should have tried harder.”

You sigh.

“...Well, thanks for going with me anyway.”

“Oh, can it with the sarcasm. We both know you were here for Fluttershy.”

“You’re my friend too, Discord. I might not enjoy a lot of your…” You wave your hand in front of you, unsure of what point you’re trying to make by doing so. “...Antics. But, I still appreciate the fact that you were willing to take me anyway. So, thank you.”


“Oh, and before I forget.” You reach into one of your inner coat pockets and gently pull out a small, clear pouch filled with tiny seeds. “Here’s your Hearth’s Warming gift. I already gave out everypony else’s, but I couldn’t get into contact with you quite as easily.”

“A… a gift? What is it?”

“Poison Joke seeds. You can’t grow anything in that home dimension of yours, right? Well, I had Tia enchant these. So long as you take care of them, you should be able to grow them over there. Sorry if you’re not a fan, I just figured Poison Joke specifically would be up your alley.”

You place the pouch into Discord’s mismatching hands. For a moment, he is quiet as he looks at the pouch. Slowly, his gaze turns up to you.

“I didn’t think you’d get me anything. Or that you’d take me for a gardener.”

“My bad if you’re not. I just figured you might get a bit lonely in that dimension of yours. I don’t know if prank-pulling flowers are the best company, but if anyone can make it work, I’m sure it’s you.”

Discord continues to look at you with shock. This is the first time you’ve ever left him well and truly speechless.

“I… er. Thank you, I suppose.”

You give him a smile.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

You turn around to leave, but as you do so, you hear him sigh.

“Oh, alright, fine.”

You hear Discord’s fingers snap one final time. A bright flash fills your vision, and the next thing you know, you’re standing in front of Canterlot Castle.


“Look, the least I can do in return is save you a train ride. Now… never mention it again.”

With one more flash, Discord disappears.

…Maybe he’s not so bad after all.