• Published 22nd Jan 2024
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Marking the Generations – Part One - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Misty as they meet two ponies from the past, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Then try to find the Elements of Unity.

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Chapter Eleven - Aftershock

After arriving back at the Brighthouse, Starlight was immediately taken to her little bedroom by Izzy and Sunny. They had wanted to take her to the hospital, but Starlight had robustly declined. Now the pair began the process of making sure that Starlight was as comfortable as possible by applying dressings and bandages.

Meanwhile, Hitch was tending to Sparky in the living area. Having been placed on one of the seats, the little dragon nodded off to sleep almost straight away. His normally radiant green-coloured scales were now distinctly grey and monotone. Hitch sighed as he wrapped a blanket around his little friend and tried to make him as comfortable as possible. Making sure his favourite cuddly toys were within easy reach.

“Hitch,” Misty ventured. “I’m so sorry.”

Hitch took a deep breath and sighed. “Misty, whilst taking Sparky was wrong. What you did afterwards, fetching us, saving us, and then helping us to save him. That’s the important part.”

“But I still did the wrong thing,” Misty replied sadly. “I couldn’t even get the Dragon Stone.”

“Misty, I think you’re being hard on yourself here,” Hitch replied. “How did you end up with Opaline?”

“I…I’m not sure,” Misty sighed. “She’s all I can remember. She always told me that she’d rescued me when I was little. She told me that I was important to her, that she’d rule Equestria, and I’d be at her side. Truthfully, I’ve never wanted to be at her side all I wanted was a cutie mark. She told me that cutie marks came from family, and she’d give me one once she had her powers.”

“She used you Misty, I see that now,” Zipp said as she sat down. “I kept saying there was something off about you. In a way, I was right. There was something off, it just wasn’t what I was expecting. I’m sorry for how I reacted back there.”

“You don’t need to apologise, Zipp,” Misty smiled. “So, what now? Opaline’s not been defeated yet, not even close. The fact she’s still trapped in her castle won’t stop her. She always said she wanted her power back so she could escape. However, she was also always saying she’d take all the power. That she couldn’t get out just means she’ll be looking for ways to take more now so she can escape.”

“We need to keep an eye on her and be ready for whatever she does,” Zipp agreed. “I’ll go and speak with Sunset and Sunny. See if we can’t work out what our next moves are.”

With that, Zipp got up and started looking for Sunset.

“What about us?” Misty asked looking at Hitch.

“For now, let me check you out Misty,” Hitch replied. “You’re as much a victim here as what Starlight and Sparky are.”

“O...Okay,” Misty replied allowing herself to be led to the kitchen.

A short time later, Sunny groaned as she came out of Starlight’s bedroom. She started to head towards the lift to the Crystal Chamber. However, Zipp spotted her. “Sunny, over here.”

Sunny sighed and headed towards Zipp’s workstation where she was speaking with Sunset.

“How is she Sunny?” Sunset asked.

“It’ll take ages for her to fully heal,” Sunny moaned. “It’s all my fault.”

“No way Sunny,” Zipp replied. “You did the best you could.”

“We weren’t ready for a direct confrontation with an opponent as powerful as that,” Sunset added. “For somepony who’s had no magical tuition, you did really well Sunny.”

“Besides, you were the one right about Misty,” Zipp added. “She is our friend and she proved it.”

“In my experience, Misty will need you all to support her now,” Sunset smiled. “This is a huge change for her. You need to be there for her Sunny, you too Zipp.”

Sunny closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, she looked at Zipp and Sunset with determination. “So, what do we do now?”

“Well, we can’t take Opaline on head-on,” Sunset replied. “Fortunately, I don’t think she’s getting out of her castle anytime soon.”

“We need the Elements of Unity,” Zipp replied. “To find them we need knowledge. Sunset and I were both just saying, we need more information.”

“Healing magic for Starlight and Sparky, and information on Together Trees,” Sunset confirmed. “Those are likely the key to the Elements and those will be what you use to defeat Opaline.”

“So where are we getting that?” Sunny asked. “Where do we look?”

“Books,” Sunset answered. “Whenever Twilight needed knowledge, she’d head to the nearest library. Would the Unicorns have any magic books still?”

“I don’t think so,” Sunny sighed. “I asked Izzy before, and she said there weren’t any magic books in Bridlewood. It sounds like there isn’t even a library.”

“Magic was a bit of a taboo for the Unicorns after Equestria separated and they lost it,” Zipp explained to Sunset.

Sunset closed her eyes, and sitting down she placed a hoof under her chin in thought. “Something Starlight told me when we were at the spa place, Mane Melody. She thinks that the Pegasus city, Zepher High, looks a lot like where Canterlot used to be.”

“Zephyr Heights,” Sunny corrected. “But how would that help us? I doubt the Pegasi would have kept many spellbooks.”

“I’ve searched the Zephyr Heights archives before,” Zipp confirmed. “There wasn’t much in the way of magic books. We may find something more about Together Trees though.”

“Right but, do you know what happened to Canterlot?” Sunset asked. “Like did Zephyr Heights get built over the top or something like that?”

“No clue,” Zipp sighed. “I had no idea that Canterlot and Zephyr Heights could even be in the same place.”

“It’s all odd,” Sunset admitted. “Like I can’t work out where Maretime Bay would be on an old map of Equestria. It’s like the world’s gotten reformatted or something.”

“We could always go and ask Mum,” Zipp replied. “But I don’t get it. Why would you be wanting to get to Canterlot?”

“Because the castle archive or the public library would have the information we need,” Sunset replied confidently. “Trust me, if they’ve survived there are millions of books there.”

Just then, Pipp flew in from downstairs looking excited. “There you are,” she smiled. “Listen, I’ve had a brilliant idea for a surprise for Misty!”

“We don’t have time for surprises Pipp!” Sunny replied curtly.

“Oh, but you’ll like this one,” Pipp replied confidently. “I’ve been speaking with Mum, and she agreed it would be a great idea for Misty to take part in the Cutie Blossom Bash at Zephyr Heights.”

“The cutie what now?” Sunset blinked with confusion.

“Cutie Blossom Bash,” Zipp repeated. “It’s a celebration for everypony who’s gotten their cutie mark within the last year. You get dressed up and then parade up on stage for everypony to see your new cutie mark.”

“So, what about Cute-Ceañera’s?” Sunset asked. “Don’t you have them anymore?”

“Never heard of them,” Pipp admitted. “What are they? They sound fancy.”

“A party for when you get your cutie mark,” Sunset explained. “It’s just for you and all your friends and family.”

“Sounds like one of those traditions that’s been replaced,” Sunny sighed. “Actually, if we go to Zephyr Heights now, maybe we can speak to Queen Haven about magic books and if Canterlot could still exist.”

“Actually, that’s a good idea,” Zipp replied. “If mum doesn’t know then somepony at the castle would. Going there would be a good move.”

“Yass,” Pipp grinned. “Hitch also mentioned something about speaking to Queen Haven about Opaline too. You know, tell her what’s going on.”

“Ooh, let’s not tell her we were in a magical battle,” Zipp grimaced. “That won’t go down well.”

“But what about Starlight?” Sunset asked worriedly.

“Oh, she’ll be fine,” Pipp smiled. “Hitch already suggested that he speak to his Grandmare Figgy and ask her to come and watch both Starlight and Sparky. He’s sure it’ll be no problem.”

“Okay, it’s settled then,” Sunny smiled, suddenly feeling more positive. “Let’s have lunch and then we’ll head to Zephyr Heights in the Marestream. We need knowledge, so let’s go and get it.”

With that, Sunny headed down to the kitchen, leaving a bewildered Sunset and Zipp and an ecstatic Pipp behind.

A short time later, Starlight was alone in her bedroom. She sighed, wishing she’d made the room a little bigger.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Sunset meekly poked her head in, a tray of soup levitating ahead of her. Starlight grunted as she tried to move. “Sunset co…” she croaked, wincing at how weak she sounded.

“I’m sorry,” Sunset sighed as she sat down. “I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to stop this happening.”

“Don’t give me that, I’ve already had it from Sunny,” Starlight gave a weak smile. “It’s not your fault. Opaline is strong, way stronger than either of us.”

“Princess level,” Sunset replied as she started helping Starlight with the soup.

“More like elements level,” Starlight corrected. "I went hoof to hoof with Twilight and held my own. But Opaline was something else, it's like she's on another level."

"Well, I think we should assume Opaline is the reason Twilight sealed magic away," Sunset sighed. "Kind of makes sense if she was alone without her friends."

"I shouldn’t have left you to get everypony out on your own," Starlight groaned. "We could have left the direct fighting to Sunny. She’s stronger than she realises, she just needs training.”

“It’s no good dwelling on what we could or should have done,” Sunset decided. “We’ve both learnt not to dwell on our past mistakes. One thing, are you sure about not going to the hospital?”

“It’s crossed my mind admittedly,” Starlight sighed. “But I don’t think they’ll help. This is way beyond anything they’d be used to seeing. I’m worried anything they do would make it worse.”

Sunset took a deep breath, her horn lit up before she carefully passed it over Starlight’s body. “The only medical spell I learnt is pain relief,” she admitted. “It’s not a very powerful one though.”

Starlight grunted again but smiled. “It’s fine, it’s taking the edge off.”

“We need knowledge,” Sunset conceded. “Not just about Together Trees but now healing as well.”

“Sounds like a trip to a library is in order then,” Starlight smiled. “Where’s Twilight when we need her?”

“That’s the thing, it sounds like their libraries aren’t as extensive as what we’re used to,” Sunset replied. “I think we’re going to need to find the ruins of Canterlot.”

“Pipp’s already been here,” Starlight admitted. “Told me about that and this Bash thing she wants to take Misty to. Honestly, I think going and doing things is the best thing they can do. Be that a trip to find the ruins of Canterlot or doing something fun. If they’re going to find their elements, they need to get to know each other more.”

“Especially Misty,” Sunset admitted. “She’s effectively just been added to their group. It feels a bit like fortune and fate bringing the six of them together.”

“Much like another six ponies we both know,” Starlight smiled. “And humans.”

“So, you’ll be okay if I go galivanting off?” Sunset asked.

“Looking for approval?” Starlight smiled. “You don’t need it from me. If they find any books, they’ll need you to tell them what they’re looking at.”

“It’s scary in a way,” Sunset admitted. “All these Unicorns finding magic for the first time. All those books out there that contain powerful spells they could hurt themselves with.”

“Honestly, if we were here permanently, I’d be doing something about teaching them magic, opening a school or something,” Starlight admitted. “However, right now it sounds like we’re the only ones who know what’s out there and where to find it. As long as we ensure that they understand how to identify what could be dangerous it should be fine.”

Starlight suddenly let out a series of bellowing coughs, her sides heaved, and she panted with effort. Sunset immediately activated her pain relief spell again and the fit soon subsided.

“Yeah, that was a pretty hard landing,” Starlight admitted.

“I think I’ve exhausted you enough,” Sunset sighed. “Get some rest. We’ll be back soon, and you’ll be back on your hoofs in no time.”

“Don’t forget to look for the positives,” Starlight smiled.

Sunset grinned before excusing herself, taking the now-empty soup bowl with her.

The Marestream glided its way effortlessly towards Zephyr Heights. Inside, Zipp was flying, as normal, but behind her was a very nervous-looking Misty.

“So, we’re going to Zephyr Heights for me?” She asked.

“Yeah, we are,” Pipp beamed. “Misty, the Cutie Blossom Bash is an important event in everypony’s life. There’s no way you should be missing out on it.”

“But what about Starlight and Sparky?” Misty retorted.

“All taken care of,” Hitch smiled. “Grandmare Figgy is there now looking after both of them.”

“It’s not just for Misty anyway,” Zipp added. “We’re going to try and get some knowledge too.”

“We need healing magic,” Sunset admitted. "I don’t mean this in a bad way towards Sparky, but Starlight is my main concern. We need to know more about Together Trees too.”

“No offence taken,” Hitch smiled. “Sparky will likely take a few days resting and then become a hoof full again. I’m with you on Starlight though, she needs help.”

“I still don’t get why she wouldn’t go to a hospital,” Sunny frowned.

“Because those are magic injuries,” Sunset replied. “With magic only just returning, any hospital will be ill-equipped to help. I understand her reluctance.”

“Enough with the doom and gloom,” Izzy grinned. “Misty got her cutie mark, that’s a massive positive.”

“I know,” Misty exclaimed with newfound happiness. “I can’t quite believe it. I just couldn’t bear to see you all in trouble. To know that Sparky was in trouble as well. It tore me up inside so much, I had to act.”

“Empathy,” Sunset said suddenly.

“Empa…what now?” Izzy gasped.

“Empathy,” Sunset repeated. “It’s what Misty showed towards all of you. She understood what you were all feeling and realised what she needed to do to put it right. She puts all other ponies first before herself.”

“What? You don’t include Opaline as well, do you?” Hitch frowned. “She’s a maniac.”

“And, if she were the only other pony you knew you’d likely do the same thing, Hitch,” Sunny replied.

“Good point,” Hitch admitted. “Still, we’d all lost faith in Misty. Thought she’d been using us from the start, but you didn’t. You kept that optimism that you’ve always had. You encouraged her.”

“Yeah, and she’s going to live with us now,” Izzy beamed.

“I don’t know about that,” Misty admitted. “I think I need to go back to Opaline and get you all the information on what she’s doing.”

“No, you can’t do that,” Sunny replied firmly.

“But she trusts me,” Misty reasoned. “I can get close to her and…”

“No, she trusted you Misty,” Sunny responded. “She said something about bringing you back into line and administering medicine.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a spell she’d cast on you Misty,” Sunset added. “I really wouldn’t recommend going back.”

“That sounds ominous,” Pipp admitted looking worried.

“Could somepony really do that though?” Hitch asked. “Force somepony to do something against their will?”

“Completely possible, at least mindlessly,” Sunset replied. “Making sure the pony retains some free will is difficult though.”

“So, could you force somepony to be loyal to you?” Zipp asked.

“I’m not sure,” Sunset admitted. “Honestly, it’s getting into the realms of dark magics. However, my friends had their memories taken away, so I know mind alteration is possible.”

“Okay, I don’t want that,” Misty replied. “I know Opaline has all sorts of spell books in that castle.”

Sunny sighed dejectedly. “I always thought of magic as being a good thing,” she admitted. “Sure, there were bad ponies in my dad’s stories but good always prevailed. I never really thought of the harm it could do.”

“See, there’s that optimism again,” Hitch chortled. “You always find the hope, Sunny. Even if that makes you blind to the worst that could happen, you always look and aim for the good.”

“What drove you to reunite Equestria Sunny?” Sunset asked.

“I just hoped for a future like what was in my dad’s stories,” Sunny replied. “And then I met all my wonderful friends, and we did it together.”

“Yeah, but we followed you because you made it all sound so brilliant,” Izzy grinned.

“We blindly follow the optimist,” Hitch chuckled. “Never change Sunny, never change.”

“Or it will doom us all,” Pipp said in her spookiest voice before laughing.

“You know, I think we have our first two elements,” Sunset smiled. “Sunny, the Element of Hope and Misty, the Element of Empathy.”

“Quite the combination,” Zipp grinned. “Anyway, enough of that everypony, now arriving in Zephyr Heights.”

Author's Note:

I must say that I've taken inspiration from Robin Jacks videos on YouTube for Misty's Element of Empathy here: https://www.youtube.com/@robinjacks4906

I feel it fits what is seen in Make your Mark very well. I understand that since then the MLP staff have stated that Misty's element is 'Heart'. It could be something I adjust later, at this stage at this point Sunset is effectively guessing :twilightsheepish: