• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 557 Views, 26 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Exile (Part 1: Crash Course) - The Madwomen

The Doctor's face has been changed, and the Time Lords have exiled him to Earth. To make matters worse, they put him on the wrong Earth. Now he's a horse, and he just crashed into the Mane 6's tree.

  • ...

Chapter 5: And That's How the Universe Was Made!

Author's Note:

NOTE: In the last chapter, we name-dropped Coal Hill Secondary School at the end. This was an error, the actual school was Deffry Vale High School.

Also, near the end of this chapter, there's going to be some color-coded text, like this. We apologize if any readers are in any way unable to see the color red due to a form of color blindness, though hopefully it doesn't effect your enjoyment of the story.

Rainbow laughed.

Despite the threat of the possibly-alien minotaur holding the entirety of Canterlot, including Princess Celestia, hostage, using technology the likes Equestria had never before seen, she was laughing directly at the source of the city's terror.


Her laughter echoed through the throne room, although if this bothered the villain that stood before Rainbow and her friends, he didn't show it. He simply snapped his fingers, and laser fire from the plastic monsters fired into the roof, stopping Dashie's giggles dead in their tracks. The Master smirked.


The expressions amongst the group were varied, but all shared a negative quality. Applejack and the Doctor gave a determined look, one which Rainbow quickly changed to match. Fluttershy and Rarity, of course, seemed absolutely horrified. Starlight tried her best to give a merely determined look, attempting to hide her own terror from their new adversary.

The Master's smirk was was met with the Doctor's scowl. "Pay him no mind, Ms. Dash," the Doctor stated. "He is simply nothing more than a boorish, unimaginative brute."

The Master gave a sinister chuckle. "See? Even the all-mighty Doctor won't deny me my name." His smirk grew wider at seeing the Doctor's scowl deepen. The Time Lord sat back down on his throne, a comfortable-looking chair seemingly designed for minotaurs put on top of Celestia's more equine-fitted one. He put his arms on the armrests, which themselves were a rare sight in Equestria, using them to tap a repetitive rhythm with his fingers.

"Truly, dear Doctor, this 'Equestria' is even easier to conquer than most planets I've come across. Don't get me wrong, they are quite the formidable threat. Why, look at their archon here." He gestured towards Celestia to his side, prompting her to look away and down to the floor. "I blasted her with the full force of both my laser screwdriver and multiple rounds of my Autons' laser fire. Yet, she came out of such encounters unscathed! You can imagine how shocked I was. However, she did something I did not believe any government leader ever would, which was even more shocking."

The Doctor's sour expression didn't so much as shift even slightly. "And what, precisely, would that be?"

The Master delivered that horrible laugh again. "Why, she actually cares about her subjects." He directed the group's attention to the palace guard being held hostage by one of the mannequins. "My lovely Autons are more than capable of keeping the more mortal ponies in line, and believe me when I said I checked if they were mortal. So all I had to do was hold even the most insignificant little stallion hostage, and voila! Captured a goddess, and I didn't so much as have to use any restraints. To think, the only real weakness of hers I could find was what she cherishes most. Her little ponies."

Applejack butted in, not being able to take much more of this. "What in tarnation do ya want, you snake?"

"To see what the Doctor shall do," the Master responded without even a millisecond of hesitation. "And, if I am especially clever and fortunate, to defeat him. A new question, if you would be so kind."

This response caused both Applejack and the Doctor to grimace further than they already had. Rainbow, however, decided a smug look of her own was in order.

"Yeah, here's one," said Rainbow defiantly. "Did you really think 'Set Ram' was clever or something? I mean, it's pretty easy to figure out the anagram with even a little bit of context. I mean, I'm not exactly Clover the Clever, but I was able to solve your little puzzle literally a minute after we met you! The Doc was right, you really don't have an imagination!"

For the first time since the group entered the room, the Master frowned. Rainbow couldn't have been happier to see it. Well, she would have been if there weren't killer "Autons" everywhere, but hey, it's the little victories. The Master stared deep into Rainbows eyes for a mere moment, although it felt like an eternity for everyone else in the room.

The Master cleared his throat, in a rare occurrence of being taken off-guard. "Well, it wasn't really meant to be clever..."

It was Rarity's turn to throw accusations. "YOU were the brute who sent those mannequins! You monster! To think, I hoof-made you the outfit you're currently wearing as a thank you gift, and it turns out you were stringing me along the whole while! There are foals out there you could be hurting!"

"Not could be," the fiend corrected, his smug grin returning, "are. Though I must say I am impressed with your designs. This is better than what I had in mind, and it's very comfortable to boot. I may well let you live just so I can have more like it. I can be quite generous, too, you know."

Rarity, in response, gave an un-lady-like growl. This resulted in a very small chuckle from the Master.

"How long have you been here?" The Doctor shot the question with all the fury of a flaming bullet. "You can't have done all this in the few hours I've actually been here, now can you have?"

The Master kept up his rhythmic tapping on the armrest, seemingly bulletproof. "A month."

"A month?" Starlight eyed the minotaur suspiciously. "You can't seriously be saying you started a company, made so many of your 'Ought-Tons' or whatever and got them into so many clothing stores in just a month!"

The Master once again gave a cruel chuckle. "No, I'm telling you I managed to do that in two weeks. You really shouldn't build your societies around groups as easy to manipulate as nobility."

The Doctor fired another question, venom in his voice. "How did you even find this place?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I am a unicorn, and you are a minotaur."

The Master gave a neutral expression. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. "Point taken."

He got up from his seat, ceasing his tapping for the moment, and began to pace around the thrones of the two sisters as he explained. "You see, Doctor, when you were exiled, something apparently went horribly wrong. Apparently someone didn't show up in time, and they had to settle for executing you instead of whatever they were planning, and their machines apparently broke when trying to send you to your precious Earth. They apparently couldn't find where you were despite placing a tracking device in your TARDIS. It wasn't destroyed or anything of the sort, otherwise an alarm or something or other would have gone off. My first thought that you were in an alternate universe, but at the very least it would have given a false signal, indicating where and when you were in an alternate universe. Then, I went off on some wild hunch. The strangest idea. An idea the council would never dare even entertain due to the danger of it. In fact, it would have been certain death in their eyes. But clearly, it worked, or else I wouldn't be here."

The Doctor tried his best to hide his curiosity. "And what, exactly, would that be?"

The Master gave a large, foreboding grin. "Tell me, Doctor...

"What do you think comes after the end of the universe?"

"... And that's how the universe was made!"

Twilight sat, a bit dumbfounded by what Pinkie had just said.

"Wait, back up a bit, how did she come across this equation again?"

Pinkie sighed. "I guess the audience didn't catch that one," she half-joked. Both gave small laughs. It was nice to know somepony else knew about the fourth wall.

"So, OK, so there was this place called Deffry Vale High School. It got infiltrated by a species called the Krillitanes. Those meanies were trying to use highschoolers to solve this equation, an equation that was said to allow you to rewrite the universe itself." She waved her forelegs as if they were noodles while making an "oooooh" noise. "So that the kids would be smart enough to solve this equation, they super-charged a lot of the school Prench Fries so that it would make kids smarter! They would have done it themselves, but they had no imagination as a species, which is really really REALLY sad if you think about it. I think they got stopped by some reporter and her dog, or something?

"Anyways, one girl, who I think was named 'Larry Frost' or something like that, found out what the equation was supposed to do and decided she was gonna solve it on her own. She stole whole bags of those fries, and used her potassium-based new smarts to download the work that was done so far onto a modified thumb drive. It took her decades to try and solve it! Then, when she almost had it, she used the smarts to build her own personal time machine, and she went to near end of her universe. That way, she could rewrite the universe without destroying the old one. Pretty neat, huh? That's when I met her! At that point, she grew really old to the point where she looked like a human Granny Smith. She said she was going to create a universe where things like magic and mythological creatures were real, like some old cartoon she used to watch. So after that, I decided to go further than where a TARDIS would normally allow me to go based on what Larry said annnnnnnnnd... TADA! I ended up in Equestria!

"... And that's how the universe was made!"

Twilight nodded. She... Kind of got what Pinkie was saying. Bat-people, intelligence-enhancing Prench fries and a math equation created the universe that allowed her to exist.


Of course.

That made sense.

"Uhhhhh Twilight?" Pinkie was visibly concerned. "Your eyes are kinda spaced out there."

With said dazed look, Twilight smiled and responded. "I'm fine! Prench fries are the creator of the universe so we could make more Prench fries! It all makes complete sense!"

Pinkie lightly smacked Twilight a few times. "Thanks," Twilight said, "I needed that. So, that's... Not what I expected." A clear understatement. "Thankfully it doesn't make me feel like I'm not real like you thought it would."

Pinkie gave a quizzical look. "It doesn't?"

"Of course not! Yeah, it redefines a lot of philosophy, but I thought you were going to say something like we all existed in a sketchbook or something silly like that!"

Pinkie gave a sigh of relief. "Well, that's good. We're not actually fictional. At least, I don't think we are. Hey, author!"

... Us?

"Yeah, you! Are we fictional?"

Erm... We don't think so. We believe in the multiverse, so the odds are there is a universe where you're real and what we're writing is really happening. Then again, that's more of a philosophical/faith-based thing on our part, so take what we say with a grain of salt. Try not to ask us too many questions, OK? We like going meta, but not over-the-top meta to the point where it effects the story, you know?

"Cool! So a 'probably not!' Thank you, crazy people!"

The crazy people say you're welcome.

"Alright," Twilight said, only partly hearing the other half of the conversation, "I guess that's reassuring. In any case, I'm not sure if it's going to matter if we have to go to the arena."

"Yeah," Pinkie sighed. "I really don't want to have to fight you to the death."

Twilight was quiet for a moment, when suddenly she was beaming. "THAT'S IT! They never said we have to fight to the death, Sontar Prime said we had to fight until one of us causes the other to bleed! She said nothing about death!"

Pinkie's smile grew wide. "OF COURSE! You're a genius Twily! But also, we can't just go 'hey we gave each other a papercut so let us go pwetty pwetty pwease!' We have to put on a show! You put on illusion magic, I'll keep dodging whatever crazy lights you throw out, and then you try and get a small cut in my ear or something. If you can't use magic, then we clash whatever melee weapons they throw at us until one of us cuts the other! Should be you that cuts me, since you're the princess and we wanna show your might! But there have been wars started over even small drops of Time Lord DNA, though we could still clean up the blood. Ooh! Do you think there's going to be a 'CONGRATS ON SURVIVING GLADITORIAL COMBAT' afterparty?!? That would be-"

"Pinkie, focus."

"Whoops! Sorry!" Pinkie closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue cutely.

Twilight gave a small giggle. "Pinkie, I think we'll be able to do this. As long as we don't get swept away in violence, we'll be able to figure something out. We'll be able to get through this, together."

They gave each other a hug. Just then, of course, their cell door opened. They saw two more Sontarans, though if these were the same guards from earlier or not they couldn't even begin to guess..

"Come along, Gaians! There is a GREAT and GLORIOUS BATTLE that you shall have the privilege to partake in!"


"Woah woah woah," Rainbow said, "you're saying the Doctor's universe, YOUR universe, is dead?"

"Well, when you put it like that," the Master responded, "it sounds dreadful. But the Doctor and I are time travelers, so time is merely another form of distance. We may go back to it whenever we please. Well, I may go back to it. Not that I shall, so long as the Doctor remains."

The Doctor simply kept the questions coming. "What are the Autons?"

"They," the Master began, "are tools of the Nestine consciousness. They're a hive mind that manifests itself through plastic. They have been outfitted with some rudimentary laser weapons, designed specifically for our little-"


Everyone else in the room stared with wide eyes at Starlight Glimmer. This included a now-scowling Master.

"Alright," Starlight said, gaining what little remained of her composure. "I'm getting sick of your sadistic little press conference. Stop this IMMEDIATELY, or else."

The menacing minotaur scoffed. "Or else what? You're not going to tell me that you're simply going to let innocents die just becau-"


And with that, the Master had a slight headache and Starlight was out cold.

All present blinked at the now-unconscious Starlight. "Well," the Master began again, "I suppose she won't get to bask in my victory. Neither will most of you, come to think of it." He addressed his plastic army. "Spare the white unicorn. The rest you may deal with however you choo-"

A crash echoed from throughout the building. "Gah, what now? Can one not conquer a planet in peace?"

One Auton trotted up to the throne. It turned to its side, revealing to both the minotaur it was facing and the group of friends the spot where its cutie mark would have been. Slowly, bits of it gave way to a melty, asymmetrical hole with a dark abyss, constantly shifting in a slimy, disgusting manner. Then a slow, raspy voice came out of it, a voice that was not used to speech. "Massssster, there isssss another alicorn..."

Rarity fainted after the perverse cutie mark spoke, and none but the Nestine itself could blame her.

"I thought that one would have come with her friends here! She wasn't on the train, was she?"

"No, but thisssss one appeared regardlesssssss... Thisssss one issss not purple like you ssssaid, but rather blue... She isssss sstopping our Autonsssss before they can take care of our hosssstagessss..."

For the first time since the Master revealed himself, Celestia spoke, a smug grin of her own on her face. "It would appear you mixed up my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, with my sister, Luna. And, unlike me, my sister actually knows how to handle a hostage situation. She was in charge of our military at one point, you know."

All of a sudden, all the Autons in the room turned their attention, and their weapons, towards the Master.

"Thissss issss all your fault..."

The Master seemed much more angry than before. "MY fault?"

"You did not resssssearch thisssss world well enough... We told you we should have replacccced the rulersssss with our own duplicatessss... But apparently your rivalry with thisss 'Doctor' takessss priority over actual ssssuccesssss... Therefore, you are now a detriment to our misssssssion..."

The Master just sighed. "You know, I was expecting to betray you first, but very well. If you do not want my services, I'll simply have to take what I came for and leave."

With that he rushed towards the Doctor, tackling him with enough force to crash them through the ground and onto the room directly below them, back at the entrance. This, combined with the ensuing laser fire, caused the remaining girls, as well as the hostage guard and Celestia, to either scatter or join in the fight, with Celestia taking care of the unconscious unicorns.

The two Gallifreyan foes, however, were busy getting their bearings across from one another on the lower floor. The Master quickly spotted a coat of arms, with two swords crossing one another over a shield with both the sun and moon adorning it. He quickly grabbed one and swung it at the Doctor... Only to discover the matching sword it clashed with, being held by a magical blue aura.

"Ah," said the Master, "I see you're already used to the 'magic' some of the residents here have?"

"It's fairly simple, really," replied the Doctor. "Even foals can learn it, provided they are a unicorn."

They started sword fighting while they bantered.

"Oh, great." The Master rolled his eyes. "Already you've gotten attached to another species. Although I will say, these beings have more promise than those mongrels in humanity ever did. Too bad they care too much about the feelings of others. Not certain that will last."

Despite the fact that his opponent was using 'magic' to carry his weapon, the Master managed to hold his own. All he really needed was to strike the Doctor, anyhow.

"Humanity has much more going for it than you'll ever give it credit. Though I must say, I am pleasantly surprised that there's a species you don't immediately dismiss."

Clash, clang

"Oh please, any species that has dominated nature to the point where they can control the weather is bound to leave a lasting impression."

The Doctor quickly ducked under a series of swings from his opponent before he caught the weapon with one of his own.

"Really? I didn't expect them to be able to create such technology before they invented the airplane."

The Master jumped to avoid a slash at his legs.

"It's much more odd than that. The winged ones can physically control and manufacture clouds, storms, snow, and can even paint rainbows across the sky."

Their swords kept striking at one another, neither overpowering the other.

"Why, that's remarkable! I would say 'impossible,' but I accomplished a feat just as remarkable earlier today, so it seems at least somewhat more believable."

Another clash, led by the Master.

"They even have this unique phenomenon known as a 'heartsong.' It's when one feels such intense passion and emotion that they and any number of others literally break into song, as if it were a musical."

Another clang, this one led by the Doctor.

"And you've seen this yourself?"

A slash. The Master managed to cut a small bit of the Doctor's cheek, though not enough for it to bleed just yet.

"My dear Doctor, I can invoke it right now. In fact, since I want this to last a while longer, I think I shall do just that, by using a song I already know..."

Another clash rang out before the Master asked an odd question.

"Do you enjoy the works of Tom Lehrer?"

Twilight and Pinkie were know officially in the arena. The stands were filled with cheering Sontaran mares, including one swinging a shovel wildly. They were all under a massive roof with artificial lighting, behind transparent shielding that would ideally protect the spectators from any wayward blasts of magic or weaponry. There was also a transparent covering on the ceiling, showing the star-filled night sky. Although, for whatever reason, it seemed to be made of a different material.

Twilight had all of her restraints removed, while Pinkie had been given most of her things back, an alligator excluded. When Pinkie asked where her pet was, she was pointed towards a large balcony that was shielded similar to the stands. Gummy, apparently, was given a seat right next to Sontar Prime herself at a large throne, where he rested on a maroon-red pillow. Pinkie gave the proper response.

"Gummy! I trusted you! How could you do this to us?"

Gummy, in his infinite wisdom, licked his eyeball.

"Don't give me that! I don't see what the teachings of Neighzsche have to do with any of this!""

Gummy blinked, a rare feat for the gator.

"We're gonna have a long talk when we get home, mister!"

It was then that Sontar Prime spoke up. "I assume you have both figured out that neither of you has to kill the other, just that one has to make the other bleed. We would warn against a certain workaround, but I feel that, even if that was your plan when you walked into our colosseum, you will not act upon it. Truthfully, if you did, all of us would be impressed."

Both combatants gave each other confused looks before looking back up at the planet's local princess. "Wait," Twilight said, "what do you mean by that?"

Sontar Prime gave a light chortle. "Have either of you heard of the term 'solar psychedelia?'"

Pinkie did, and responded with a perplexed look. "Yeah, it's this thing where a star goes all coco in the loco and makes everypony in its light gets all violent, but that does that have to do wi-"

And then it clicked. Both mares simultaneously put the pieces together. The roofs in the stands, the fact that there was a transparent roof over the arena... The fact that they hadn't seen the sun and yet the entire planet still felt lively and busy. And, of course, if there was an alicorn princess, then it would make sense that she could control the local celestial bodies. And since they hadn't seen a moon...

"You're going to drive us CRAZY?!!" Twilight shouted the question as if she was about to be affected by a sun that would turn her into a violent psychopath. That is to say, understandably rather loudly.

"YOU'RE NOT HELPING," Pinkie shouted to seemingly nothing.

"Do not worry," said Sontar Prime, "the effect will only last for as long as you are under its light. That way, we get a REAL show without psychologically damaging our hopeful allies. A sun that can drive our potential allies to willingly join combat is the very reason I chose this planet to call home, and begin the proud race of GLORIOUS SONTAR!"

The chant that followed bellowed with a thousand voices.


"Don't join in with the chanting, Gummy," scolded Pinkie.

It was then that the princess of Sontar's horn began to glow a dark, blood-like red. Above them, a sun that was the exact same shade of red slowly shifted into view, covering the battleground in a light of a matching color. A small opening appeared in the part of the shielding directly in front of Sontar Prime, where she proceeded to throw weapons into the main stage. All seemed to be of the melee variety. There were axes, flails, shovels, swords, and metal baseball bats, among other things. Soon, the entire arena was covered in the menacing red glow... Including the two combatants.

Sontar Prime spread her wings. "LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE!"

Pinkie was panicking internally a bit. She wondered when the sun would start taking effect on her. Now? No. Now? No. Now? Gee, those axes look fun! Ah, there it was.

Twilight was visibly panicked. She tried analyzing her thought patterns to discern when exactly she would be craving to get all violent and fight Pinkie in glorious combat. Wait, "glorious"?

Pinkie felt the urge to battle an alicorn today, and realllllly rough her up! And she was starting to not care if it were Sontar Prime or Twili- NO! She had to focus. Or not focus. Or... Something not relating to beating up her friend! Parties. Parties after a well-fought battle! No. Cake! Red velvet, as red as the blood of what few enemies she had left. No. Gummy? She was mad that Gummy had betrayed her. She felt that, when they all got home she should smash Gummy against the wall a few times to teach him a less- Wait, no! She would never do that to Gummy! Gummy was just a frail little toothless alligator, unlike Twilight, who could be set on fire and come out only mildly annoyed.

... Wait, just how durable were alicorns anyhow?

Twilight had to think. How was the sun able to do that? It couldn't be strong enough to overpower the magic of friendship, right? Pinkie would understand, of course, that if she were to succumb to it and that she wouldn't be willingly doing it any other time, so maybe the magic of friendship wouldn't even apply? And what if Pinkie was affected too? Sure, she was hundreds of, if not over a thousand, years old, but that didn't mean that she was immune! So Twilight had to at least practice self-defense, if nothing else. After all, she didn't know what Pinkie was capable of! She was a species from another planet, from another universe! She could have acidic blood, for all Twilight knew!

... Actually, what color was Pinkie's blood, anyways?

Pinkie knew that alicorns were immortal, yeah, but they could still get hurt, feel pain, be knocked unconscious, yada yada yada. So, how much could Twilight take? She was a younger alicorn, but the red sun might increase her endur- THE RED SUN! Right, so if the sun was going to make Twilight violent, Pinkie would have to defend herself, right? Pinkie was effected too, but she could still be killed, and if Twilight completely lost herself, Pinkie would have to at least fight back juuuuust a smidgen. And, being immortal, Twilight could take more than Pinkie could, certainly, so Twilight could take even a massive, painful, FUN amount of violent retaliation. Pinkie did notice that Twilight's eyes had started to glow a familiar shade of red...

Twilight was starting to grow curious. They were likely going to end up fighting each other, right? It was like a violent version of the prisoner's dilemma, except both participants were being magically goaded. If she had to guess, Pinkie was going through a similar thought process, and would likely come to a similar conclusion. Just as well, she had grown curious about Time Lord physiology. Two hearts couldn't be the only biological difference, but even that on its own raised a great many questions. Did Pinkie have red blood? Or would it be some alien color like blue? With two hearts pumping at a rate equivalent to the average mare, would the blood spill faster? Why did that sound so... Fascinating? Was that the right word? And why did Pinkie's eyes turn red?

Pinkie had to focus, because for as much fun as their fight was going to be, she didn't want to seriously damage her friend, immortal or not. Although, for some reason she was beginning to like thoughts of her and Twilight fighting, reaching for different weapons, dodging each other's projectiles, battling for dominance... Huh. That was a word that didn't cross her mind often, but Pinkie at this point stopped caring about that. She just had to think of how to balance not hurting Twilight too badly while still making sure the Sontarans would find it entertaining enough to be satisfied with it... And, if she was being honest, she was going to enjoy the thrill of the whole affair herself...

Twilight meant, when else was she gonna be able to see Pinkie's blood? Sure, when they got home, she could just ask pinkie if she was willing to give a blood sample, but she wasn't feeling particularly patient today. Aside from that, the Sontarans did want a show, and she felt more than happy to provide. The rush of adrenaline that would go through them both sounded almost as exciting as a good book, but not quite. This would be a great educational and scientific opportunity regardless. Pinkie did have a significantly different thought process than a Gaian pony by her own admission, and it would be interesting to see how a Time Lord would react when forced into a fighting position, and what their reaction would be when combat was initiated.

Fun, fun, fun. Why did combat, even bloody, violent combat sound fun? It was as if Pinkie's very concept of it had been altered by that red sun... But really, did it even matter at this point? She was already so heavily affected by the glow that she likely wasn't going to be able to tell what were her actual thoughts and what was an effect of the sunshine. And if the centuries old Time Lord was hit this badly, the mare who once went insane because she couldn't find problems to write a letter about was probably much further along... Though a part of her, for some reason, didn't mind being bested by Twilight.

Alluring! That was the word! Alluring! Twilight found the idea of fighting her friend in hoof-to-hoof combat alluring! Not to the point where she would seriously cripple her friend, of course, but enough to rough her up a bit. Actually, why did she find it alluring? She usually associated that word with romantic or sexual contexts. Had the sun really altered her mind to that point already? And why did she feel the same way about Pinkie herself? Unless... Nah, that was her mind being affected by the sun's radiation, right? Right..?

Pinkie still wanted there to be a great, planet-shattering battle, and she wanted to give it her all, so why did she want Twilight to win? The very thought of being bested, of an axe being put up to her throat as she was forced to surrender... Even the idea of Twilight beating her senseless all seemed like... Fun? Was that the word? Probably. Pinkie felt like she didn't want to delve too much into it, so why not start the battle now so she wouldn't have to? Yeah, why wait on starting the FUN?!?

OK, so why was her mind being manipulated to find Pinkie... Attractive? Or was it the idea of completely dominating Pinkie that appealed to her? Or was it both? Why would the sun's rays effect her feelings towards her fri- Oh, good, Pinkie was reaching for the weapons. Twilight really didn't want to think about all that, not right now, anyways. Alright, well, with that out of the way, she had some experiments to do. She had a battle to win.

Pinkie managed to grab an axe just in time, as Twilight used her magic to grab an identical one. Pinkie rushed towards her friend, result a floating axe swooshing past her to protect its controller. The two axes clashed against each other, metal on metal, a slight spark igniting from the blades... And the two mares themselves.

The roars and cheers of the crowd further egged them on, as the battle grew more and more grandiose. And for once, the two mares were starting to see why Sontar Prime so enjoyed that beautiful noise...