• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 144 Views, 1 Comments

A Casual Evening - iconicgg

Scootaloo and her Son spend Hearts and Hooves Day with Gears and Glittershell

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A Casual Evening

Scootaloo and Lightning blitz trotted down the road. They passed a few mansions as they did so. Blitz kicked a rock down the road. He wore a three-piece gray suit with an annoyed look on his face. Scootaloo had on a short red dress with a minimum amount of makeup on. Scootaloo had a smile on her face as she hummed a little tune to herself.

A brown stallion wearing a basic button-up totted up to his mailbox. He had a slick back mane and blue eyes along with a missing piece of his ear. He grabbed his mail and looked up only to see Scootaloo. The stallion shook in fear as he moved a hoof over an ear. Scootaloo saw the stallion and gave him a sickly sweet smile. He waved at her and quickly trotted to his home. Blitz signed loudly, gaining Scootaloo's attention.

“What's wrong, blitsy?”

“Why do we have to do this Mom?”

“Gears wants us to spend hearts and hooves days with him and his daughter and I think it's a good idea.”

“I know he's your boyfriend, but why do I have to hang out with that filly?”

“What's wrong with Glittershell? She's a sweet.”

“She's weird. She always smiles, and it's kinda creepy.”

Scootaloo tilted her head, confused. “Is that it?”

“Well, it's a start, but uhh she bothers me.”

Scootaloo gained a small frown. “Blitz, get along with her, please. Gears loves her and I know you like him.”

The two got near a white mansion at the end of the road. She knocked on the door and then rang the doorbell. After a few minutes, the door opened and a yellow pegasus stallion, just about her age, opened the door. He wore a butler's uniform. The stallion nodded at the two and welcomed them into the home, As the mother and son entered the large home they saw a unicorn filly.

She wore a green hoodie, and the hood of the jacket covered her mane. She looked at them and smiled. “Hello Ms. Scootaloo, hello Lightning.”

“Hello there, sweetie.”

The filly giggled. “I'm not Sweetie, I'm Glitter.”

The colt rolled his eyes while Scootaloo chuckled. Just then, the butter trotted in with a purple unicorn stallion. The stallion had a pink short mane. He wore a long leather coat with a button-up underneath the coat. His eyes were pink and had a smile on his face. Scootaloo did a small twirl, showing off her dress.

“Well, what do you think?” Scootaloo asked, a slight blush on her face.

He approached her and pulled her into a kiss. Glittershell squealed excitedly while Lightning gagged in disgust, not wanting to see any ‘mushy stuff’. Gears separated from the kiss, and looked over to Glittershell. “Honey, go and get dressed. We're heading out to eat.”

She nodded eagerly. “Yes, Uncle Goldy, come help me pick something.”

Glittershell trotted over to the butler and pulled his hoof with her magic. Gold smiled and looked over at Gears, who nodded. The two moved upstairs and Lightning let out a frustrated sigh and threw himself onto the couch. Scootaloo blushed, embarrassed. She trotted over to him.

“Behave, you don't want Gears to get angry at us.”

Lightning was about to retort when he remembered an incident a few months ago that involved Gears. He let out a sigh and picked up the fashion magazine Glitter was reading. “Okay, sorry Mom.”

Scootaloo trotted back to him and smiled. Gears pulled her into the kitchen. And showed her a cake he had baked. The cake was pink with strawberries decorated with sweet goodness. The frosting wrote out. “For our strange little families of ours.”

Scootaloo smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Can't wait to try it.”

“Well, don't worry, we will after dinner.”

“Oh, so no dessert in the restaurant then.”

Gears smirk “No you can but then you won't have any room for any cake.”

She loved Gears’ baking ever since they became a couple. He's been making her little sweets for her and Lightning. Gears placed the cake in the fridge and put away anything he left out. Scootaloo grabbed a cup and filled it with water. There was a sign with the text. "Look at how good and pleasing it is when families live together as one." Psalm 133:1.

She drank the water and looked at the sign, trying to make sense. Scootaloo turned to Gears and smiled. “That’s cute.”

Gears looked at the sign and smiled. “Yeah, Glitter’s mother bought it when she moved in.”

Scootaloo went into silence. He had never mentioned her before. She couldn’t see Gears splitting off from her, nor could she see Glitter cheering them on if this she was still around. Scootaloo took a deep breath and trotted to his side. He washed a few dishes, humming a little tune to himself.

Scootaloo smiled sadly at him. Gears and Glitter always seemed so happy. She almost forgot they had their problems, just like any other ponies. “Uh, where is she? I mean, you don't really talk about her.”

Gears' smile fell, but he quickly regained it. “she passed away when Glittershell was born. Complications, they said.”

“I'm sorry for your loss.” Scootaloo said with sympathy.

“You know, she never wanted me to be said about anything, especially when it came to her. She was blind but would still do her best to join in on anything I needed to do.”- Gears stopped and looked at her with a sad smile.- “But I know that she would have liked you.”

Scootaloo looked down and held his hoof. She flapped her underdeveloped wings and looked him in the eyes. “Do I remind you of her?”

“Some ways, but the best are your own.” He brought their lips together and pulled her into a hug.

They held their embrace for a good while Gears separated from the hug and looked her up and down. “How about you?”

Scootaloo looked at him, confused. “What about me?”

“Well, Lightning's father, what happened to him?”

Scootaloo looked away. Her nerves were getting the best of her. She couldn't tell him about that awful stallion. Gears held her hoof. Her ears laid flat and her nerves went crazy. She was about to blurt out something, anything, to redirect the conversation when Gold trotted into the kitchen. The two looked at him and smiled for their own reasons.

“So Gold. What did you pick out?”

“See for yourself.” Gold said with a smile.

Gears and Scootaloo walked back into the living room. Glitter looking at herself in a mirror. She now wore a green sundress that had her cutie mark on it. Gears smiled, trotted over to her, and kissed her on the forehead. She hugged him with a bright smile on her face. Lightning saw this and pretended to gag as he saw the scene in front of them.

Scootaloo moved over to him and picked him on the foreleg. He winced and looked at her in surprise. He put his head down and muttered an apology. Scootaloo sat down on the couch and whispered, “Just because you think I'm not here doesn't mean you can misbehave.”

Lightning looked down, ashamed of himself. Scootaloo's heart ached, and she embraced him. After a while, the parents separated their embrace to the door. Gears turned to gold and patted him on the shoulder- “You have the rest of the day off. Have fun.”-Gold smirked and nodded and the two families left the mansion.

Scootaloo and Lightning walked into a fancy restaurant. The restaurant was decorated with hearts fitting the theme of the holiday. Gears was speaking to a mare, who sat behind a podium, about reservations. Scootaloo looked down at Lightning and looked around nervously. Scootaloo took in her surroundings.

The tables were white with elegant designs. The ponies in the restaurant all had quite expensive clothes. Scootaloo looked down at her dress. It wasn't the best of quality, nor was it too flashy. As she took in the other mares' clothing and began to feel underdressed. She looked away, feeling stupid for not thinking about this. Gears probably thought she was a fool for not dressing well enough for this.

She was about to walk out of the restaurant when she felt a hoof on hers. She looked up and saw Gears giving her a cheerful smile. “Come on gorgeous, our table is ready.”

The group of four moved over to a table next to a window. Gears pulled out Scootaloo's chair, allowing her to sit down. Pushing it back in, he moved over to his side of the table and did the same for his daughter. Lightning rolled his eyes as he took his seat next to his mother and stared out the window, not seeing anything of note.

Lightning looked across his table and saw Glitter. She smiled at him and gave him a small little wave. it kinda annoyed him to see her in such a good mood, so he just rolled his eyes once more and figured with a button on his outfit. Glitter's smile faded slightly, but then she got an idea. Glitter moved to her father’s ear conspiratorially.

She whispered something that made Gears smile. Just then a waiter should up with a set of menus. He gave them out and pulled out a notepad and pin. “Hello, I’m Happy, what will you be drinking today?”

Gears smiled at the young stallion “The foals will have a tres leches shake”

Lightning perked up a bit as he heard the shake part. Scootaloo's eyes widened and turned to the stallion, slightly nervous about what she was about to ask. “Um, I'll have the same thing.”

Gears snorted making Scootaloo’s embarrassment intensify. Gears turned to the stallion “You know what, all of us, why not.”

The waiter nodded and wrote down the drinks “And what will you be eating”

As the four ordered, the stallion wrote down each enthusiastically. He gave them a kind smile and trotted toward the kitchen. Gears and Scootaloo quickly got into a chat about what they were up to. Meanwhile, Lightning just sat there bored. After a few moments, the waiter came back with their orders.

Gears and Glitter held each other's hooves and said a quick prayer. Scootaloo sat there, not knowing what to do. Lightning looked at them and muttered under his breath about knowing why Glittershell was so weird now. Which caused Scootaloo to pinch him once more. As soon as the father and daughter finished, the two smiled at the ponies across from them. Then they all processed to eat.

The rest of the lunch went well. Gears pay and open the door for them. Lightning looked at him, confused. Gears held Scootaloo in a side hug. Glitter moved around Lightning trying to get him to pay attention. She rolled her eyes as he kept his disinterested stare. The group of two families moved around and wandered it in silence. Scootaloo, Gears, and Glitter moved with a smile on their face. The fourth member didn't seem to have the same cheery disposition as the others.

They turned the corner and Gears stopped and looked at the park. Foals were running around a jungle gym and swinging on a set of swings. Gears looked behind himself and saw their foals. He looked at Scootaloo, who smiled back at him. Gears turned around and grabbed Glittershell and carried her on his back. She squealed in excitement as Gears shifted around.

Scootaloo smiled at Lightning and tapped him on the head. “You're it.”

Scootaloo ran across the way and turned around. The smile fell when she saw the annoyed look on Lightning's face. Gears saw this and trotted over to Scootaloo. Lightning saw Gears wrap his mother in a side hug. Glitter then whispered something in Gears' ear, then moved over to him. She grabbed his hoof and pulled him to the wings. He was going to pull his hoof away but then saw his mother's downtrodden expression. He let out a sigh and kept moving with her.

Gears lead Scootaloo to a park bench. Her face was red with embarrassment. She looked at him sadly. “I’m sorry Gears, you probably think I'm an idiot.”

Gears brought his lips to hers and gave her a warm smile. “I think you're adorable.”

Scootaloo blushed and turned into a deeper red as she heard this. “I'm uhm, thanks, but I probably looked stupid.”

Gears rolled his eyes. “You looked fine, you're just a beautiful mare bonding with her son.”

“Not that it worked.” She stated sadly.

“I’m sure he'll come around. All you have to do is meet him halfway.”

“It's just that he seems to want to be an adult so badly, but I don’t want that for him.”

Gears gained a relatively annoyed expression. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“But I never got to be a foal. I worked, and my friends were in the same boat. We worked hard with not much to show for it.”

Gears gestured around the park- “Look around you. What do you have now?”

Scootaloo looked at Lightning, who trotted over to a tree and sat at its base. Despite his annoyed expression, Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile. “I guess, but I could have gotten all of this now.”

Gears smiled. “Well, true, but look at it this way. You get to see your son grow up in your prime. You have so much experience while you're young that is something everyone needs.”

Scootaloo smiled at him. “I guess you're right but I don’t know what to do to him.”

“Well, hopefully, you won’t be doing it alone.” Scootaloo saw Gears wink, and she pulled him into a hug.

Lightning looked around the park. Parents were on benches, looking at their foals from afar. He looked around and saw many foals, some younger, some older. Lightning locked eyes with Glittershell who gave him a pleading look gesturing for him to join her on the swings. He shook his head and she gained a small frown but then continued to swing.

Lightning let out a sigh as he saw that. He didn't know why seeing that frown of hers bothered him. He looked over to the bench his mom and Mister Gears were at. The two were kissing each other. Lightning did a mock gag and looked back to Glitter. While he was looking away a group of foals had made their way to her.

Lightning saw them talking as Glitter swung. He was glad at least everyone else was enjoying today. As he watched them, he noticed a shift in the mood. Glitter seemed nervous, putting him on edge. One colt of the group moved behind Glitter’s swings and grabbed it, stopping its momentum and sending Glitter to the ground muzzle first. Lightning stood up anger boiling up in his chest.

He approached them with gritted teeth. He looked over to Glitter. She had tears in her eyes and she was bleeding from her muzzle, her dress covered in dirt. As he approached the colt. He noticed the other foals giving him a wide berth. The colt was snickering to himself and looked at Lightning with a confused expression. Before anyone could react, Lightning punched the colt in the face, sending him to the ground.

Before Lightning can help Glitter, he is grabbed and punched in the back of the head. Another colt hit the black of Lightning's leg, sending him to the ground. The colt lightning struck, got up, and kicked him in the stomach. Glitter shouted for them to stop as the three colts assaulted Lightning. Then, Gears shoved the three colts to the ground and glared at them.

“you have five seconds to scram before I give you a lesson in respect.”

“If you hurt us, you'll go to jail.” one colt stated in fear.

“A few days in the click would be well worth it, I say.”

The colts shivered in fear and then galloped away as fast as they could. Gears let out a snort of anger and looked back at Lightning, who was being embraced by Glittershell. She was crying, apologizing to Lightning all the while. Gears looked over at Lightning. Scootaloo looked confused and shocked as the scene played out.

Gears trotted to the two foals and picked them up. Placing them on his back he gestured for Scootaloo to follow him. Scootaloo looked at her colt with tears as she saw bruises forming on Lightning's body. The four left the park glaring at the ponies around them as they moved.

Gears unlocked his door and trotted in. Lightning and Glitter got off his back and trotted to the couch. Scootaloo shut the door behind her and she looked down, ashamed. Glitter was still crying. Gears looked at the girls and gained a thoughtful expression. He looked at Lightning, who was now hugging Glitter.

Gears cleared his throat, and with a respectful tone, he asked. “Lightning, I would like to speak with you in the kitchen.”

Lightning looked at him confused for a moment, but then nodded and followed Gears. Before he could walk into the kitchen, he looked over at Glitter and gave her a gentle smile. Walking into the room, Lightning took in the marble countertop. Gears walked over to the fridge and pulled out two water bottles. He gave one to the colt and smiled.

“So you want to be a stallion.”

Lightning looked at him, confused. “Why do you ask?”

“Please Lightning, just answer the question.”

Lightning nodded his head and then realized he wanted a verbal answer. “Yes, I do.”

“Good, now here comes the hard part.”

Lightning gained a worried expression. “Okay, what do we have to do?”

“The girls are feeling awful right now. It's now our job to cheer them up.”

“But how do we do that?”

Right now, they need to know it's not their fault and you getting hurt is okay.”

Lightning thought about this for a moment. “I don't think my mom would accept that.”

“I will handle your mother. You make sure Glitter is feeling alright.”

“Okay, then what does she like?”

Gears moved over to the freezer and pulled out an ice pack and two ice cream sandwiches. He gave to Lightning with a smile.- “The pack for her muzzle and the sandwiches are for you both. I'm trusting you with my daughter, Lightning. makes me proud.”

Lightning saluted to him and walked out of the kitchen. He trotted over to Glitter, who was getting a hug from his mother. Gears came in and took Scootaloo upstairs. Lightning approached Glitter. She was still sobbing, but it seemed to have calmed down. He gently patted her, getting her attention. Glittershell looked up and locked eyes with Lightning. He smiled at her and offered her a sandwich.

Glitter grabbed the sandwich and thanked him. She ripped off the paper wrapping and took a bite of it. Lightning sat down next to her and ate his own. They state in companionable silence. Glitter cleared her throat and looked over to the colt.

“I'm so sorry, Lightning, I just wanted you to have fun.”

Lightning frowned at her tear stand face. He pulled her into a side hug and patted her. “It's okay Glitter, I did have fun.”

“No, you didn't. They beat you up and it's all my fault.”

Lightning thought about his response for a moment. “I want to keep you safe. Those colts shouldn't have knocked you off the swings.”

“I wish you didn't get hurt because of me.” Glittershell said, a stray tear falling down her face.

Lightning wiped it off gently and smiled at her. “It's okay, plus I'm used to this kinda stuff. I will keep those bullies away from you no matter what okay”

She smiled and wrapped up in an embrace. “Thank you”

Lightning put the ice pack on her muzzle gently. “Don’t mention it.”

Scootaloo looked down at the foals from the top of the stairs. She had brightened up as the foal's conversation went on. Gears kissed her on the forehead and led her to his room. Scootaloo looked around the bed which had pink sheets and red pillows. The walls were painted red with some fancy designs she couldn’t place.

Gears moved to a desk in the corner of his room and pulled out a book. “Remember this.”

“Yeah, you got that for me for heartwarming.”

“Well, give this to the boy.”

Scootaloo's eyes lit up. “You're giving this to him.”

“Yup, his guide to becoming a stallion. The Good Book never led me wrong before.”

Scootaloo gave him a nervous as she placed the book aside. She looked at Gears with a smile, but then it dropped. Gears sat down on the bed and patted a spot next to him. Scootaloo took the seat and let out a sigh. “I was such an idiot today, wasn’t I.”

“Not really. You need to be less hard on yourself.”

“Maybe I’m not hard enough.” Scootaloo said, miserable.

“Hay, I will not have a cute mare talk bad about herself in my house.” Gears bopped her on the muzzle gently.

She looked a Gears’ smile and rolled her eyes. “You're a dork”

He got a mischievous smile “Hay respect your elders”

Scootaloo giggled, “Please, you're not that old.”

“Got a decade on you, so still your elder.”

She shook her head. “However you say grandpa”

Gears smiled at her before gaining a thoughtful look. “How old is Lightning? I don’t think you ever told me.”

Scootaloo blushed, embarrassed and nervous. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea, but she also didn’t want to lie to him. She looked at him and then sighed. “He’s ten. I had him when I was sixteen.”

Gears didn’t respond. She closed her eyes and waited for the worst. She felt a set of forelegs pull her into a hug. He gave her a peck on the lips and smiled at her. Scootaloo opened her eyes in shock. “What?”

“I not going to judge you Scootaloo. Sometimes we make choices we’re not proud of but there ours and we learn from them.”

“I don’t deserve you.” Scootaloo stated.

“I don’t deserve you, but we have each other. Might as well.” He said jokingly.

She let out a sigh and then thought about Gears’ question earlier. She looked at him and gave him a sad smile.- “Rain Catcher, Lightning's father, He ran out on me”- Scootaloo chuckled sadly- “He told me he would look after us. I should have known it was a lie.”

Gears smiled at her. “Well, you got me. I can do a far better job.”

“A rock can do better Gears, it's not a top bar.”

Gears lifted her head gently. “I'll do my best to surpass any expectations you have for me.”

Scootaloo smiled at him. The two stared lovingly into each other's eyes. She then kissed him. He looked at her with a silly look on his face which caused her to giggle- “What, you can take on when you want.”

Gears chuckled, “Take as many as you like.”

Gears stood up and offered her a hoof. She took it and kissed him. Scootaloo and he walked downstairs, sharing a look. They both walked down the hall and then the stairs. The Two walked into the kitchen. Gears opened up the fridge and took out the cake. The two smiled at each other and walked into the living room, ready to enjoy the rest of the night with their foals.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys like it, Don't for get to comment your thoghts.

Comments ( 1 )

A very sweet and short little story. I really liked it!

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