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Chapter 7: Dragon Consequences (Brimstone Side)

Twilight sighed. "So, it seems the dragon version of Spike ended up with your daughter." Twilight said. Consort Celestia was over to chat about what she had heard in regard to their recent addition to Dragon Vale. The two were in the Volcanic Ash Library.

"I think the two will be glad to have each other. It's not often that two Nova dragons fall in love with each other. Even if right now, they both look like Magic Dragons." Celestia said.

"You did mention that, you'll see your husband again someday. So, Nova Dragons don't live forever." Twilight said.

"No, we do not. We live longer than all other dragons yes, but not forever." Celestia said.

"Well, that's good, I guess. If anything, it makes sure that Spike and Smolder will eventually see us all again when their time comes." Twilight said.

Oh trust me, my student; they aren't the only ones. Celestia thought to herself. Not willing to reveal something she had seen in Twilight just quite yet. It's something the consort wants to keep in her back pocket. At least for now.

Meanwhile, Spike was with Smolder, and the two were with two other dragons. Smolder introduced them as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"So your the new drake huh. Smolder did mention that there was a new drake in town." Scootaloo said.

"It's very nice to meet you." Sweetie Belle said.

"It's nice to meet the both of you too." Spike said.

"These two have been the only two dragons I've met that don't mind me being who I am." Smolder said.

"So, you get along well?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. So far things have been great between us. And I'm hoping to have more friends soon." Smolder said.

"Hey, whose the two dragons walking this way?" Spike asked.

"Oh. That's Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The two have a bit of a history as pranksters. It's all harmless and in good fun though, so, no drake can be too upset with them." Smolder said.

"Hey, there's a new drake here." Diamond Tiara said. "Don't think we've been introduced; name's Diamond Tiara." She said.

"I'm Spike..." Spike said.

"Whoa wait, like the pony? I guess there would be a dragon called Spike at some point. I shouldn't have been surprised by that." Scootaloo said.

"...Oh. It's you." Diamond Tiara said.

"Huh? Did I do something?" Scootaloo asked.

"Only upstaged me as the most popular dragon at school recently." Diamond Tiara said. "...I kid, I kid! I'm just messing with you!"

Scootaloo just shrugged that off. "...Sometimes your pranks can be so...weird." She said.

"That wasn't nice." Spike said, his tone a little dark.

"Whoa calm down. Okay, it was only supposed to be a little joke. Something to try and get some laughs. I wasn't trying to start anything. Just...calm down." Diamond Tiara said. "Look, if it upsets you that much, then Scootaloo, I apologize for my joke."

"It's fine. Just...try to make a better joke next time." Scootaloo said.

"I'll see what I can come up with. Hope you get in the air soon, Scootaloo. I want to see you do some super slick air moves someday." Diamond Tiara said and left with Silver Spoon.

"...Wait, what was that?" Spike asked, a little confused now.

"That was basically how things work. Bullying is very frowned upon and punishable via a curse by dragon law. So if you do do anything beyond just teasing some drake, you get cursed. And trust me, those curses are no joke." Sweetie Belle said.

"I heard about this one water dragon who bullied another dragon so badly, that he ended up being cursed with all sorts of things that he was never heard from again." Sweetie Belle said.

"I still get chills at night just thinking about that." Scootaloo said.

"So, what did she mean by Scootaloo getting in the air?" Spike asked.

"Been having issues flying for a good while now. I'm hoping that I can get in the air someday soon. I want to fly like my idol, Rainbow Dash some day." Scootaloo said.

"Oh. Well, then it was good Diamond Tiara was very encouraging. That was actually nice of her." Spike said.

"Well, that's the way Brimstone is. Isolation through any means is grounds to be classfied as bullying. And we've already been over that." Smolder said.

Dragons who basically eliminated any way racial stuff things could isolate others? Bullying being punishable through curses? And dragons who are just so friendly, that it's crazy? What kind of world have I been teleported into?! Spike said.

"Hey Spike, you look faint. Do you need to lay down for a while? We can go to our special little meet-up place if you need to do that." Smolder asked.

And then Spike fainted. "...I think that's a yes." Scootaloo said.

Some time later, Dragon Spike returned to Volcanic Ash Library. "So, how was your time with Smolder today?" Twilight asked.

"Well, it was interesting to say the least. It's just...I think I'm learning way too much, way too quickly. And it's becoming overwhelming to me a little." Spike said.

"I...guess things must seem so odd to you. It doesn't help that Smolder was just so...eager to get with you." Twilight said. "By the way, you've effectively set a record on getting her to have romantic feelings for you."

"Well, I did protect her from a dragon who couldn't take a hint." Spike said.

"...Oh. You must mean Garble. Yeah, there's a reason Consort Celestia fired him for misconduct in the Knights Formation." Twilight said.

"Wouldn't that be a dishonorable discharge technically?" Spike asked.

"...What's a discharge?" Twilight said.

"...Apparently, this learning thing is going to become a two-way street for both of us." Spike said.

Author's Note:

There's only one chapter left after this, and it's a summary of how MLP:FiM changes with a Pony version of Spike instead of a dragon version of Spike. And yes, the anti-bullying stuff in Brimstone is by design. It actually helps give context for Pony Spike putting a curse on Pony DT in the last chapter.

But in regard to what happens after this in regard to our favorite purple dragon from MLP:FiM? That's the big side project I've been teasing this entire time. It won't be announced for a while, but safe to say, I've got plans.