• Published 27th Feb 2024
  • 865 Views, 36 Comments

Her Birthright - DougtheLoremaster

Twilight wants revenge for events that happened 1500 years ago. Her wings, her power; all of it was taken from her along with something she thought lost forever.

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Chapter One- What in Tarnation?

A lavender-furred Unicorn slowly backed up, calling out directions to a construction vehicle; a massive hollowed out tree dangling from the swaying crane.

“Alright, bring it forward. A little left, a little more and there. Perfect!”

As the crane lowered the tree down to rest on the ground, A light orange Earthpony quickly approached her.

“Hey now, what’s all this?”

The Unicorn laughed lightly, her indigo mane lightly blowing in the gentle breeze generated by the impact. Slowly, she turned around and faced the Earthpony, greeting her in a soft, velvety voice.

“Hello there, Miss Earthpony, I’ve decided to move to Ponyville; this is my new house-”

Narrowing her eyes ever so slightly, she continued.

“What a lovely property, wouldn’t you say?”

The Earthpony’s golden mane fluttered in the gust under the vintage Stetson she wore on her head; on her flank was a set of three red apples. She stamped her hoof indignantly.

“Of course, Ah would, ya Bonehead, on account of this bein’ mah farm!”

Taking it in stride, the Unicorn replied with a gentle tone.

“Is it?”

“Darling, this here is the Sweet Apple Acres, mah name is Applejack and mah house is over there!”

Applejack gestured at the barn that was right next to the giant tree.

The Unicorn looked surprised and thoughtful as she stared at the barn.

“Hm. That’s odd. Spike!”

In a puff of smoke, a tiny dragon appeared and made a sweeping bow.

“Yes, my liege?”

Applejack’s emerald eyes grew wide at the title. She started stammering.


The Unicorn ignored her sudden fear as she said simply, gesturing at the little dragon.

“This is Spike, my familiar. Spike, this is Applejack. Hm.”

Looking at Spike, the Unicorn gave a soft sigh of disdain.

“Spike, Applejack here says this farm belongs to her. Can you show me that contract again?”

With a breath of emerald fire, a rolled-up scroll appeared, which was immediately grabbed by the Unicorn’s purple levitation magic. Unrolling it as it floated before her, she began to read it; Applejack feeling a sensing of increasing dread as the Unicorn calmly read out loud:

“I, Princess Celestia, hereby do allocate the Apple Orchard on the outskirts of Ponyville, to the beloved daughter of my sister, Twilight ‘Celestial’ Sparkle. As well as anything or anypony on said property. For Twilight is my most faithful student.”

Rolling back up the parchment scroll, the Unicorn smiled sweetly.

“By the way, allow me to introduce myself, Miss Jack.”

Her smile vanished and her eyes became as cold as the ancient magic of the Windigos.

“Twilight Sparkle, niece of The Princess Celestia.”

Applejack’s knees began to quiver as she whispered.

“Princess Celestia as in-”

Twilight stared at her.

“The Immortal Alicorn of the Sun, herself. The one, who with a single twitch of her mane could have your head rolling, and nopony would dare to oppose her judgement. Yes, that one. Now then, what exactly was your grievance with my moving my new house here?”

Applejack kicked a small rock by her hoof as she stated quickly.

“Not a one.”

Twilight chuckled darkly.

“Oh? But didn’t you just come here and start shouting, rather hurtful might I add, slurs at me?”

Applejack looked abashed and her knees were shaking noticeably now. Trying to keep the fear out of her voice, she replied quickly.

“Darling, please. That was before Ah knew ya had the rights t’ this land. As for the insult, I hope y’all can forgive me-”

Lowering her voice she whispered.

“An’ spare me an’ mah family-

Her voice returned to normal, her farmpony drawl re-entering her voice as though talking to an old friend.

“Darling, I have no issues with ya moving here, it’s yore farm, after all.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, as a large imposing Unicorn dressed in golden plate armor, approached her; a large sharp spear grasped in his hoof, a stern expression on his face. Suddenly, Twilight dropped her head down in a bow, while hissing at Applejack.

“Say nothing, unless she or I speak to you. Trust me.”

Applejack barely had time to process this as a chillingly emotionless voice sounded from behind her.

My faithful student. I trust there are no issues with your new residence?”

Applejack’s heart stopped momentarily in utter shock as she slowly turned around and found herself staring into the gorgeous amethyst irises of the ruler of Equestria. Those eyes, as beautiful as they were, were completely devoid of any soul; dark as the void itself. The white fur that graced the Princess’s hide was pure as the driven snow, yet the sensation of something foul and revolting emanated from beneath as though something was rotting within.

Celestia stood well over twice as tall as Applejack, a young mare and fully grown. Her frame was one of delicate elegance, a beauty like none other, but one couldn’t help but feel that gentle pose concealed a strength like none other. Her wings rustled, a sign of restlessness in Alicorns, though her expression never wavered; seemingly peering into the depths of Applejack’s very soul.

The farmpony began to mentally break, faced with Celestia’s stare. Her mind started to run rampant with thoughts of abstract terror; what was going to happen to her family, to her? She messed up, she never should have insulted Twilight and now her destruction was most certainly assured.

“No, Princess Celestia, there have been no issues.”

Applejack’s mind suddenly snapped out its turmoil as Twilight spoke up. She broke her line of sight with Celestia’s gaze; turning to stare in surprise as Twilight stood there staring directly at Celestia, lying through her teeth. Twilight’s stature was perfectly calm, yet her voice was as emotionless as Celestia’s own. There was no hint of tremor or hesitation as she spoke.

“Applejack here was just coming over to greet me.”

Though neither Twilight nor Princess Celestia so much as blinked, Applejack swore a battle for the fate of her was being fought between the two at that very moment. The Princess replied.

“Is that so, my faithful student?”

As Applejack stared at Twilight she couldn’t help but visualize two unfathomably powerful beings, neither giving or taking ground as the two conversed in a vicious, emotionless, stalemate; both vying for a vantage point over the other.

“It is. In fact, after I explained to her how I not only own her farm but her as well, she volunteered to help me unpack my boxes of books.”

Shooting a glance towards Applejack, Twilight’s expression never wavered, yet Applejack saw beneath the cold exterior; something far scarier awaited her if she didn’t play along and side with Twilight.

“Isn’t that right, my Earthpony?”

Swallowing hard, Applejack nodded, shaking like a leaf.

“Right ya are, Mistress, a servant to th’ core, that’s me.”

Celestia was silent for a moment, deadlocking her stare with that of Twilight’s, before nodding approvingly, her horn glowing brightly, as she spoke.

“How wonderful. Well then, every pet must have a collar. Such is the law in Ponyville.”

A strange metallic choker appeared around Applejack’s neck, as Celestia continued, turning as she did so.

“I shall leave you to settle in. After all, your mother is returning from rehab tomorrow. Make sure you care for that pony after all, my faithful student, it would be such a shame if she was found to be without her leash or owner, wouldn’t it? I’ll check on you from time to time. Make sure I am not disappointed, my faithful student.”

In a flash of light Celestia had vanished, though Twilight’s demeanor hadn’t changed at all, gesturing to the tree domicile.

“Let’s go, my pet. We have boxes to unpack.”

Applejack’s keen eyes quickly picked up on her surroundings; Celestia had left, but the royal guard was still nearby, watching her every move. Making sure not a sound passed her lips, Applejack followed Twilight into the tree.

Once inside and the door was shut, Applejack opened her mouth to speak, only to find Twilight’s hoof pressed firmly against her lips, hissing at her.

“Not yet.”

Twilight’s horn glowed brightly, and a layer of purple magic coated the inside of the empty library. Her expression shifted in an instant, giving a sigh of relief. Lowering her hoof, Twilight’s eyes seemed more gentle, friendly almost.

“Alright, go ahead, speak freely; what did you want to say to me?”

“What in tarnation is goin’ on, Darling?”

Twilight’s eyes half-closed as she gave a sigh of distress, conjuring up a bottle of hard apple cider and popping the top. She took a slow sip.

“If I were to tell you I was actually a wingless Alicorn, and a daughter of Celestia’s sister; that I was born well over a thousand years ago to an Alicorn who controlled the moon, what would you then say to me?”

“Ah would say Ah dun understand, Darling.”

Twilight nodded, appearing disparaged from the remark. She placed the bottle down and turned towards the door.

“Yeah, that’s about what I expected.”

Calling out over her shoulder as she threw open the door with her magic, Twilight shouted.

“Spike! Help AJ here sort those books after she unpacks them. Have them on the shelves by the time I return; I have some stops to make. Oh and AJ? Let’s call this a test of trust, don't leave this library for any reason.”

With that, Twilight walked out, heading towards Ponyville as the collar around Applejack’s neck fell to the ground with a loud Clang.