• Published 18th Mar 2024
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Marking the Generations – Part Three - Glimbursts

The third part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Opaline's plans are kicking into the next gear! Will our heroes rescue Sunset or will her appearance at Opaline’s door turn into a Nightmare?

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Chapter Three – Encouraging Lessons

Starlight decided that the best way to take her mind off Sunset’s whereabouts was by doing some more magic instruction. Therefore, she had asked Sunny, Misty, and Izzy to join her outside the Brighthouse.

Upon hearing Starlight’s plans, Pipp had excitedly asked if she could live stream the lesson. However, Misty asked if she could just film instead as she could then edit out anything embarrassing.

Therefore, as Pipp fluttered around with her phone in hoof. Sunny couldn’t help grinning and bobbing up and down with excitement as she stood with Izzy. All were watching as Starlight put Misty through her paces.

Misty focused on the five oranges that Starlight had placed in front of her. Firing a beam of magic at each one she turned them all into different fruits. Apple, banana, pear, a bunch of grapes and finally a bowl. Then she fired a beam at the fruits, teleporting each one into the perfect spot in the bowl to create an arrangement.

“Way to go, Misty,” Izzy shouted.

“That was incredible, eee he he,” Sunny squeaked in agreement.

Misty smiled bashfully, fully aware that Pipp had her phone camera pointed at her.

“That was impressive,” Starlight conceded. “Maybe I should have found an apple for you to turn into an orange to finish the display.”

Starlight walked over to the bowl and levitated it from the ground. She placed it on a fold-up table nearby which had several books on it.

“So, you’re clearly a master of transfiguration and teleportation,” Starlight smiled. “How are your shields coming?”

Misty’s face fell upon hearing the question and she looked down sorrowfully. “Not well,” she admitted. “I can sort of do it, but it’s not very good at all.”

“I’m sure it can’t be that bad,” Starlight coaxed. “The book is there if you need it.”

Misty looked to the table and saw one of the volumes of Glimbursts they’d obtained from the Canterlot Library. She levitated it over to herself before opening it to the correct page. She read the incantation carefully before returning the book to the table. “Okay, here it goes,” she breathed.

She closed her eyes and concentrated, her horn lit up and then a weak and flickering light blue shield appeared around her. Misty grunted as the shield began to flicker. She concentrated harder but the shield continued to blink in and out of existence. Slowly, the flickering got faster and faster.

“Okay hold it right there,” Starlight instructed.

Misty gasped as she let the shield drop completely. Panting as she tried to recover from the effort. “I told you it wasn’t very good,” she moaned.

“I didn’t say that,” Starlight replied. “You’re just falling into the same trap that I did.”

“Trap?” Misty gasped. “What trap?”

“You’re concentrating on trying to keep the shield active,” Starlight explained. “Whilst what you need to do is practice the incantation. It’s complicated so remembering and applying it correctly are the most important parts. Holding a shield that’s not been cast correctly in the first place is always going to fail.”

“So, what do I need to do?” Misty asked.

“First, study the incantation,” Starlight advised. “You need to commit it to memory, so I actually found writing it out over and over again helped. More important though is recasting. Cast the spell, then drop the shield almost straight away. Then re-read the incantation before repeating.”

“Oh, okay,” Misty replied understandingly. “This is going to take lots of time to learn.”

“That’s because you’re getting into a whole new level of magic,” Starlight explained. “I was self-taught, so it took me years to realise my mistake. However, I do know that Twilight fell into the same trap when she was learning shields. Even though she had Princess Celestia to teach her.”

“Okay, I’ll keep practising that then,” Misty smiled.

In the background, Sunny raised her hoof and waved it around excitedly as though she was at school. Starlight couldn’t help chuckling and smiling in response. “Yes, Sunny?”

“If creating shields is hard, why didn’t I have the same problem?” Sunny asked. “Shields and beams, they just suddenly came naturally to me when we were fighting Opaline.”

“What I remember is seeing your friends giving you power,” Starlight replied. “Their cutie marks glowed, and the energy flowed into you. Therefore, those abilities were unlocked for you. Why don’t you try now, see if you can still do it?”

Sunny nodded and walked out into more space. Then, having barely thought about it, a glistening golden orange shield appeared around her. She couldn’t help giving Misty a sorrowful expression at how easy it had been.

“Okay, seems we have a shield expert,” Starlight smiled. “Let’s test it out, Misty, Izzy, you have your target for the next lesson.”

“Ooh, ooh, what’s that?” Izzy grinned.

“Beams,” Starlight smiled as she fired one at Sunny.

Sunny couldn’t help squeaking as the beam impacted her shield. However, it held up perfectly fine.

Meanwhile, Misty frowned and turned the pages in the book. Finding the correct one, she read the incantation before closing the book and placing it safely to one side. Then, she concentrated, her horn lit up and a beam fired directly at Sunny.

The beam and shield connected with a fizzling flash. Sunny gasped but her shield remained strong. Misty meanwhile couldn’t help squeaking with achievement.

“I thought that was going to be difficult,” she gasped.

Izzy meanwhile looked apprehensive, she picked up the book and read the incantation. Frowning and looking not at all happy she closed her eyes and focused. However, as her horn lit up it flickered. Only a small spark being ejected from the very tip.

“It’s difficult for me,” Izzy groaned. “I can’t do it.”

“Okay, Sunny, Misty, you both keep practising,” Starlight said. “Izzy come over here with me.”

Pipp was still hovering around and quickly realised Starlight wanted to speak with Izzy in private. Therefore, she focused on Sunny and Misty, she couldn’t help grinning as Misty continued bombarding Sunny’s shield with beams.

Starlight took Izzy into the Community Garden before sitting down, she indicated Izzy should do the same.

“I’m not cut out to do magic, am I?” Izzy sighed.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Starlight replied. “Every Unicorn has a certain level of ability. Some like me, Sunset or Twilight take ages to find that level and can then push to increase it. Others find the level is much lower and can’t do anything about it.”

“So, I’m stuck at the basic stuff,” Izzy groaned.

“Again, that’s a matter of opinion,” Starlight replied. “I haven’t seen Misty transform hundreds of individual sequins into thousands of individual pieces of glitter. Glitter that is somehow also still stuck to a lantern.”

Izzy frowned, a look of realisation slowly creeping onto her face.

“Magic is often linked to emotion,” Starlight continued. “You’re an extremely creative pony Izzy and are capable of creating impressive objects. Even better than that, you take one look at an existing object and instantly see what you can do to improve it. It’s no wonder that you’re capping off at transfiguration, it’s the one thing that relates directly to what you do best.”

“Unicycling,” Izzy grinned.

“Exactly,” Starlight smiled. “You’re already a master of transfiguration and I have a feeling you’ve not found the limit of what you can do with it yet.”

“You’re right,” Izzy beamed. “I’m already amazed at how creative I can get with it. I’ll keep pushing and get better and better.”

“That’s the spirit,” Starlight smiled.

They both looked back to Sunny and Misty, only to gasp. Misty was still firing beams at Sunny’s shield, but Sunny had begun returning fire. However, as she was unable to use her own shield reliably, Misty was teleporting at the last moment to dodge.

“Okay, that’s going a little too far,” Starlight gasped as she jumped up to stop them.

“Ooh, I know what to do,” Izzy beamed as she bounced up.

Nearby, there was a pile of fruit and vegetables where the combinations hadn’t quite worked out. Grabbing them with her magic, Izzy rotated them around herself as she bounded back towards the others.

“I’ve got your targets right here,” she shouted. “I bet you can’t hit them all.”

Meanwhile, Sunset groaned as she closed her eyes and hit her head against the inside of the sphere with a thump. She’d tried everything she could immediately think of to escape but so far nothing had worked.

What was frustrating her more was the things she was thinking of that she couldn’t try. For example, she had remembered a messaging spell that Princess Celestia had once taught her. However, she couldn’t remember how to actually cast it and she this was getting her more and more frustrated.

“Are you okay?”

Sunset’s eyes shot open, and she looked directly at the source of the voice. Peach Fizz was standing at the door of the castle, having clearly just arrived. She had a puzzled look on her face as she looked back at Sunset.

“No, I’m trapped in here,” Sunset frowned.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Peach Fizz replied brightly. “Mistress Opaline said that it won’t be for long.”

As Peach Fizz began to walk away, Sunset gasped, and her eyes widened in horror.

“Peach Fizz. Peach Fizz, please don’t go,” Sunset pleaded. “I’m sorry I was a little abrupt. I’m just going a little mad from being cooped up in here.”

Peach Fizz stopped and looked back towards Sunset. She stood for a moment, looking like she was having a hard time working out what to do.

“M…Mistress Opaline said I shouldn’t talk with you too much,” she said at last. “She said you’ll be better after you’ve had your treatment.”

Sunset gulped and looked back at Peach Fizz through pleading eyes. “What if I don’t want the treatment?”

Peach Fizz blinked, turning around now to look directly at Sunset to study her. Again, it looked like she was struggling with conflicting options.

“You’re trying to confuse me,” Peach Fizz frowned. “It will all be okay once Mistress Opaline is free. She’ll save Equestria.”

“She won’t,” Sunset replied. “She’ll rule Equestria with an iron hoof. You have to fight it Peach Fizz. Fight whatever she’s done to you.”

Peach Fizz gulped and took a step backwards. Her eyes were wide as she stared back at Sunset with either disbelief or fear.

“That’s quite enough.”

Sunset grimaced as Opaline appeared from upstairs. Descending the ramp to stand beside Peach Fizz.

“Peach Fizz darling this is exactly why I told you not to speak with her,” Opaline smiled as she ruffled Peach Fizz’s mane. “She doesn’t know what she is talking about.”

“I…I’m sorry Mistress Opaline,” Peach Fizz sighed.

“It’s quite alright,” Opaline cooed. “I told you she was ill and everything she’s told you is a symptom. We’ll turn her back to normal soon. Now, run along to the kitchen and make us something to eat.”

“Of course, Mistress Opaline,” Peach Fizz smiled before she started to skip away.

“Peach Fizz no,” Sunset cried as she banged a hoof on the sphere. “She’s lying to you.”

However, Peach Fizz paid no attention as she skipped through the door towards the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Opaline scowled as she walked towards Sunset.

“That was a nice try,” she conceded. “I see I must ensure Peach Fizz takes her medicine.”

Sunset’s eyes narrowed as she looked back at Opaline with defiance. “You won’t get away with what you’ve done to her.”

“Oh, but I already have,” Opaline smirked. “Nopony knows she’s now my spy and assistant. What’s more, nopony knows where you’ve gone. Peach Fizz has dealt with that.”

“Whatever you have planned it won’t work,” Sunset replied. “Starlight will help Sunny and her friends to stop you.”

“Oh, you must think you both return home safely,” Opaline grinned.

“I know I do,” Sunset replied.

“Seen some evidence, have we?” Opaline surmised. “Just because you get home safely doesn’t mean I don’t win.”

Sunset’s eyes widened slightly as she took this new information in. However, they narrowed again in defiance, and she made no reply.

“Be under no illusion,” Opaline smirked. “You’ll play your part once I have everything ready. In the meantime, enjoy the accommodation.”

With that, Opaline turned and headed after Peach Fizz.

After making sure Opaline had gone, Sunset sat down and screwed her face up in anger. Closing her eyes, she slammed her hoof against the sphere multiple times. After the fifth time, she stopped, and her expression relaxed. Her eyes opened; a look of grim determination etched into her features.

“I’m not giving up,” she muttered. “I’ll get out, I will.”