• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 350 Views, 2 Comments

A Wild Date - Lulamoon-Crystal

Visiting your crush’s parents is rather an experience. Especially on a date

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Jazz felt herself dozing off as Rocky started explaining an image when he was eleven. It felt like she had been there for an hour. But she wasn’t. Like how it felt like she was nice and snuggly tucked into a warm bed.

"That's when I was 13." He said, pointing at a picture of himself covered in rashes and scratching himself like crazy as he seemingly was shouting at whoever was taking the photo. Jazz felt a little bad but smirked a bit as he seemly found it pretty funny when he did something stupid like that as a teenager. "I thought it was a good idea to skateboard on the railing like a friend of mine without protection or experience first. I was lucky I went into the poison ivy and not tumbling down the steps.. I'd take itchy skin over broken bones any day!" He laughed.

“Big brother!” Exclaimed Tune. Interrupting the two. Jazz pouting and glaring at him slightly as Rocky’s attention was diverted. When were Rocky’s parents back? They were taking a while. Hopefully, they were okay. She sighed a little as Rocky removed his wing away from her. Too soon! It was so comfortable.

”What is it, Tune?” Asked Rocky, not noticing she was glaring at him with annoyance.

“Video game?” He asked, holding up a pair of Neightendo Switch controllers.

“Uh oh… Well…” He looked at Jazz who looked adorable. Soon looking back at his little brother who tugged his tail. “You promised next time you visited! Now it is next time.”

”I did?” He asked. Placing the album besides him. “I guess I did…” He said, getting off the couch, “What game do you want to play?” He asked. Not noticing Jazz’s sad look as she felt Rocky was being ripped away from her. Like Tune was stealing him. She was spending time with Rocky first!

”Smash Bros!”

Jazz sighed as Rocky agreed. Leaving her side, making her flop onto the couch unknowingly. She groaned as she reached for him with no avail. As Tune set up the game. “You wanna play, Jazz?” Rocky asked. Holding up a pair of joycons. One pink, one purple.

“I guess so.” Jazz sat up properly and sighed. She shrugged and grabbed them in her hooves. Not noticing Tune snickering about something. She sighed a bit happily as Rocky sat next to her. Allowing her to read the controls. She knew it was a fighting game, which was not her favourite genre at all. But she wanted to spend time with Rocky. Her heart fluttered as she looked at his determined expression on the character selection screen.

Rocky chose a character who appeared to be a monkey. Red hat, red shirt with stars printed on it. No mistake that this was Diddy Kong. Tune chose a mysterious pegasus stallion wearing a clue coat and yellow scarf. Also, he had a red helmet of some sort that hid his eyes under shadows, making them appear was blank white angry eyes. Or maybe it was a mask of some sort. She wasn’t familiar with Captain Falcon.

She had a look at each character until she finally chose. “I think I’m gonna go with this pink cutie. Kirby!”

“Good choice!” Rocky complimented. Tune sitting on the other side of him.

“Uh…” Jazz raised a brow. She sucked at videogames. If you wanted to have a fun time kicking someone’s butt. Or wanted a challenge in a multiplayer game where you work together. She was the pony to choose. Well, she had gotten a but better. But I, the author would easily-

“What is it, Jazz?” Asked Rocky. Watching as Jazz seemingly failed to get the pointer on Kirby. Even tho she was turning it towards the middle, top where Kirby was. The pointer was going towards the left. She kept tugging and pulling it towards where she wanted to go. It would occasionally go that direction before returning to the left.

Tune chuckled louder as soon as Rocky figured what was going on. “Tune? Is the purple joy-con drifting?”

“Yep! Joy con drift!” He exclaimed proudly, making Rocky sigh in annoyance.

“Please tell me you can play this game with a single joy-con?” He asked. Finding this a little funny. But Jazz was getting a bit annoyed at this joy-con that was “disobeying” her.

They were quick to change Jazz’s to a single joycon and get her to read the controls. They selected their characters again.

“Got it!” Jazz exclaimed with joy, easily selecting Kirby.

As soon as the game started. Jazz noticed Kirby slowly walking to the right of the stage while Rocky and Tune’s characters battled it out.

Jazz muttered. “These are pretty easy to start drifting, aren’t they?” She asked, gaining a little smile. “These remotes sure have a lot of cons for something with ‘joy’ in the name.”

“That’s why they are called joy-cons!” Tune joined on. Making his character race to Jazz’s, getting hit. But then he smirked as Captain Falcon threw Kirby closer to the edge.

“Falcon Punch!” Tune screamed as his character slammed Kirby with a flaming fist. Sending him off. Luckily Jazz easily got him to float back on the stage. On a different platform. Only to suddenly get hit by a bomb-omb as soon as he landed. Sending him crashing to the gound under the platform she landed on.

“Sorry Jazz.” Rocky jokingly nudged her. “Nothing personal.” He said before getting his character to start shooting Kirby with nuts coming from a gun of some sort.

“Are you… shooting Kirby with painful nuts?! That’s nuts!” Jazz exclaimed. Making her character float above Rocky. Slamming down on poor unsuspecting Diddy as a boulder.

“Woah!” Rocky cried out. Yelping as he got hit by a shell thrown.

Then everyone at once noticed a colourful, floating ball on the screen. Just floating above the stage. Tune and Rocky looked eager as they gasped. “There it is!”

“That looks… Important?” Jazz said. Watching as Diddy and Captain Falcon jumped towards it. It was had a black marking that resembled a window frame. Like a glowing ball of magic of some sort. As the ball floated towards her character, she made him jump in the air. Hitting it the best she could. She cocked her head as nothing happened and it continued floating around. Until Tune’s character slammed it hard. Landing in front of Kirby with a golden glow.

“But I hit it first!” Jazz exclaimed in confusion.

“Something to do with damaging it till it breaks, I think.” Rocky shrugged as he got his character out the way of Captain’s range of attacks. Not wanting to hit by a final smash. Which Jazz seemingly had no idea of. But it would be funny to see her reaction.

“Where are you going?” Jazz wondered.

“Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru.”

“What?” Jazz questioned. “What’s with the anime meme?” Then gasped in shock as a result of his character hitting her's. All she could do was watch in horror as poor, poor Kirby fell on a road that came out of nowhere. Any attempt to move him proved worthless. With a blue rocket ship, car thing that Captain Falcon was driving, right towards him. She assumed it was a rocket ship of some sort, being unfamiliar with the character. She yelped in shock Kirby was ran over, ending him shooting off the screen, followed by a flash of light.

“Yes!” Cried out Tune before Kirby respawned.

"What!? But-"

Jazz watched as Tune and Rocky made their characters brawl it out. She sighed and groaned in frustration when she barely did much damage to them, or land successful attacks. Compared to what they were doing to her character. She groaned in frustration when Rocky made a sheild appear. Protecting himself from the bomb she threw.

“Seriously!?” She groaned. Getting annoyed. Remembering why she disliked dighting games so much. As Kirby was flung about. Soon she saw another smash ball. This one was a little different, perhaps the window-frame pattern varies. This one’s bottom line was thicker and wide line was thinner instead. She wondered what the difference was. But seeing how subtle it was properly was nothing more than a visual thing.

She had not noticed Diddy and Captain stand in the middle of the stage , not going after the ball as Kirby raced for it. “Im gonna beat you to it!” She snickered.

“Uh-“ Rocky opened his mouth, but Tune covered it, trying to not laugh.

Kirby hit the ball with all her might. Jazz yelping in shock as it proceeded to explode in an “X” cross pattern. Sending Kirby flying. Captain Falcon threw Diddy into the explosion, doing a large amount of damage to him.

“What!?” Jazz yelped as Kirby landed. “Where’s the yellow glow?” She asked.

“It was a fake one.” Tune snickered.

“Fooled me the first time, too.” Rocky admitted.

Jazz proceeded to do her best. When she was flung far with a baseball bat, she floated over towards the stage. Seeing Diddy close to the edge, she knew she had to attack. So she pressed a button. Before she realised which one she pressed, she saw Kirby turn into a boulder. Falling into the abyss. No button canceling her mistake.

"No, no, no no!" She yelped before the beam of light appeared. She slumped back with a groan. Tune snickering.


"Tune, be nice." Rocky responded.

When the next smash ball came. She tried with all her might. Only for Rocky's character to smash it in front of her, not realising he was being a little hard on her.

Jazz groaned and whimpered as Diddy gained a jetpack and slammed into Kiby a bunch of times for his final smash.

"No hard feelings, Jazz?" Rocky grinned smugly as Diddy slammed Kirby once more time in his jetpack. Sendimg him off the stage, with another blast.

One more blast and Kirby was out. Rocky's character was blasted once and Tune's was close. Hopefully. When Kirby respawned. He jumped over a bomb. Floating above Diddy and Captain, the former who had thrown the latter to the ground. Kirby turning into a stone. Smashing upon Captain, sending him flying, with a blast of light.

Jazz jumped on her himd legs, shouting a loud. "Hooray!" She screamed with all her might as she jumped in the air for joy. Yelping as she failed her landing, tumbling on some conveniently fallen cushions that were on the floor.

"I'm okay!"

"That's not fair!" Tune cried out. "She cheated!"

"Now, Tune." Rocky scolded, as soon as he made sure Jazz wasn't hurt when she climbed back on te couch. "It is very fair. Remember, mum said if you start having a tantrum or range when something doesn't go your way. the game is turned off."

"Fine!" Grumbled Tune after making a huge pout. Wanting to slap his brother's girlfriend. But knowing he would not be allowed to play videogames for 24 hours. Thanks to his parents he felt this was unfair! But at least he still had the chance to beat Jazz's butt once mote.

There was not another word uttered till Jazz ended up being flung. Faceplanting the screen. Which would have been funny, if Kirby was not being chased by hammers. Or if both Rocky and Tune were on their last lives too. But no! They both had two each. She had lost hers to two final smashes, hammers and by accidently turning into a rock above where there was no stage to land on.

She was out the game and kinda annoyed. She felt Rocky was being a little unfair and rough. She was fine with the occasional rough play, but not when it gets one-sided.

”I think I’m gonna go to the loo…” Jazz responded with a groan. Getting from the couch and slowly going up the stairs. Sighing a bit in defeat. This was not the date she had in mind. This isn’t having fun with Rocky! Well, this was not what she had in mind.

When she was done doing her business in the toilet. Chimes was there waiting fir her, noticing Jazz’s glum looking expression, but not acknowledging it. “Heya Jazz! You are invited to a tea party!”

“I… Am?” She cocked her head in confusion. “What kind?” Feeling a little curious. By the sounds of it, Rocky was still busy playing that video game with his little brother.

”Follow me!” She exclaimed, Jazz looking down the stairs. Hearing Rocky and Tune laughing loudly and sounding like they were having a great time without her. After a sad sigh, she followed Chimes into her room. Knowing Rocky wouldn’t even notice she was still gone. This afternoon was meant to be about the two of them.

Chimes led Jazz to her bedroom. It had nice pale pink carpet and light yellow walls that were drawn on with crayon, pink and white cupboards. Purple vanity, sparkly curtains and a multi-colour Chest. There was a small table with a few small chairs around it. The bed was a light blue and the bed sheets were purple, yellow, blue and pink.

“What a lovely room.” Jazz smiled as Chimes took some toy from the chest. She looked at peak outside, seeing dark clouds in the distance. Seems like there was a storm happening somewhere beyond the mountain they were on.

“And there!” Exclaimed Chimes happily as she placed a bunch of teddies on each chair. A teacup in front of each one. With a plate aswell. Along with toy cutlery. “C’mon, Jazz!” She chimed.

”Oh! It’s time?” She asked. Slowly walking to the table. Barely reaching up to her chest area. The chairs themselves were obviously too small, she’d break, or damage, them surely. So she comfortably placed herself besides an empty one.

”Don’t like sitting on chairs Ma’am Jazzeroo?” Chimes asked in a funny voice.

”Uh…” Jazz looked at the chair, thinking of a respond. Chimes was playing with her, so why not make a silly response. “My tail does like the chair. She is very fussy!” She exclaimed, trying to imitate a British accent.

”Of course Ma’am. That is a sorry event.” She slapped down a few sheets of paper with crude writing on them. “These are your menus! Perfect for choosing food.”

”I thought this was a tea party?” Jazz whispered to herself before answering in a British accent. That was so terrible. “Of course. Thank you very much!” She looked down at the crude writing. Trying to make ouch what each thing was. “Rocky’s hair stew?” The first one seemed to say. “Pikachu sandwich, Mango Mega Mix, Beany Bean Burger, Seaweed Pizza,” Well, the Mango and the Pizza didn’t sound too bad. “Chocolate Mountain That explodes, Cherry cake, Ice cream and Chocolate mousse pizza .” Those sounded more like desserts.

There were also funny drinks. "Dirt Cockatiel, Honey and Plum Cockatiel." She was convinced these "Cockatiels" were cocktails. There was also, music based drinks. "Jazz Juice, Funk Floats, Rock Rum, Bass Beer."

“Have you made your choice? Ma'am.” Asked Chimes. "We have a special kind of Cockatiel, Rum and Beer that all ages can drink, not just adults! If you havn't seen, yet?"

”Oh yes!” Jazz exclaimed. "I have!" Reminding herself these were not real. Nothing wrong with being a little silly if it does not harm anyone. Or gets a shop to shut down. “I think I will have the Sister of the tickled pizza’s pet seaweed?” She rather felt silly saying it. But wanted to say the one that sounded the silliest. Where did she get these ideas from? Some silly cartoon? "Also, I think I'll have the uh... Jazz Juice?"

”Coming right up ma’am.”

Jazz smirked a bit as Chimes pretended to cook in a toy kitchen set. She looked over at the blue bunny plushie, that had three ears for some reason. “This is an interesting menu, isn’t it?” She pretended. “You think I could have your extra ear?”

Within a few minutes, a plate was placed in front of her. A large yellow plastic circle. Possibly a toy pancake by the looks of it, a big one. or a funny shaped disc. Was on top. On top of the makeshift pizza base was bits of dried green, red and brown playdough mashed together. There was also blue pom-poms, leaves, dirt, stones, glitter, apple seeds and roaches. Toy cockroaches, not real ones, thankfully. But she did act a little disgusted. They were pretty realistic looking for some toys, whoever made them nailed the look of a cockroach.

“Ugh. I think I’m gonna need to call the health department. Roach infestation in a kitchen is a big no-no.” She told the blue bunny. Then looked at her. "Drink."

It was water poured into a big plastic cup. With saxophones drawn on the sides. The water had sugar sprinkled in it and little bits of chopped up licorice, squeeze of lemon and... Flour? Stirred in. Interesting drink...

It felt a little silly. But better than being thrown and smashed around in a videogame you hardly knew how to play.

Rocky smiled as Tune decided to put another game on after another round. “I think we should put on a game Jazz would be able to play happily too!" He exclaimed. Wondering why Jazz was taking a while. Maybe she was just being a little nosy upstairs. But knowing Chimes, she possibly wanted to show Jazz her dead bug collection. Like she did with every guest that came over. Or at least most of them. That’s if her parents didn’t make her throw it out already. But Jazz could also be upset, maybe it was a little unfair that they were playing a game she was terrible at…

Oh well, Jazz should be back soon, right?

“I feel like we’ve been too rough…” Rocky sighed as Tune looked through the games he had.

”What game?” Tune mumbled, throwing up his hooves. “I don’t know your girlfriend!”

“I guess... How about Mario Party, that might be easier? Or I could help you set up the wii and we could put on wii sports or wii sports resort?”

There was a pause. “I don’t wanna set up the wii! She might not even want to play those!” He whined.

”Right…” Rocky sighed. Knowing his wording was misinterpreted. The wii only needed to be plugged in and the games located that were in a box somewhere. Was not that hard, right? “I suppose we can wait for Jazz…” He sighed a bit, his belly hurting a little as he thought about her. How much he neglected her on this family meeting, or in her words, a date. She wanted to spend time with him. But he got distracted by his siblings each time.

While Jazz was pretending to eat ice cream. She spoke to the bunny plush.

“I just feel like he isn’t spending enough time with me. All the attention is going to his siblings.” She groaned and looked down. “I know it’s his family. But I just wish he was giving me more attention!” She groaned. “ I feel so selfish.” She placed her head on the table.

Chimes grabbed a large dinosaur onesie and put it on. It was a deep green with a yellow belly. Just a generic meat-eating dinosaur that resembled a T-rex and not meant to be any specific one in particular.

“Nice costume, Chime!” Then she corrected herself, remembering she was playing a role. “Welcome to the tea party restaurant thing, ma'am… Care for something?”

Chimes chuckled as she slowly turned around. Slowly grinning, “You better run… from the Chimocerasurus!” She shouted with a roar.

”The what?”

Chime rushed forward, Jazz yelping as she flipping the table and bit a doll, shaking it as she held it in her mouth. Soon she threw it across the room and roared.

”Oh… Now we are doing a dinosaur chase?” Jazz asked, picking up the three nearest dolls as she watched Chimes kick another across the room. Then charged towards Jazz who dodges her. “Yikes! That was close!” She yelped as she ran from Chimes, ducking behind the toy box. Looking down at the three dolls she grabbed. Recognizing them quickly. One of a generic orange foal doll that was wearing a diaper, nappy and had a crooked eye. There was also a plush of a green mare in a dress with flowers on it. Chimes introduced her as ‘Mrs Flowery Bum.’ The last one was plush of Pipp that was forced into a tiny green and brown dress that looked kinda ugly.

“I’m gonna keep you safe…” Jazz hugged them.

“I smell a mare with her three babies…” Chime growled angrily. Soon jumping on the toy box and roaring. Jazz screamed as she ran out from behind it. Running for the door on three hooves as she carried the plushies in the other.

Tune looked at Rocky. “So… You think she got lost?” He asked after grabbing the remotes for the wii and Rocky plugged it in.

Rocky sighed as he heard distant roaring and screaming. “I think I know exactly where she is…” He said bluntly before walking to the next room towards the stairs. Just to be greeted with Jazz falling down them, screaming and crashing to the ground. Almost falling on top of him, instead, she fell at his hooves.

”Jazz!” He gasped, helping her up, worried. Checking for any wounds, quickly. Watching as she gasped in horror as she stared at the top of the stairs. She had dropped the green doll on the way down. She watched hopelessly as Chimes grabbed it dramatically and tore off its head in one go. “Jazz, are you hurt?” She asked begore being interrupted.

“Flowery Bum, no!” Jazz dramatically cried out before telling herself. “So that’s why she is not allowed to have many dolls….” She thought to herself. Thinking Chimes was pretty strong for her age. Ignoring the fact she was marching down the stairs towards her. But she did notice Rocky soon enough.

”You okay, Jazz?” He worriedly asked putting a hoof on her shoulder. Only for her to nudge him.

“The Chimersuarus- or whatever she calls it- is on the loose!” She dramatically shouted. Hiding behind Rocky, taking cover behind him. When Chimes got down the last step she chased Jazz as she ran circles around Rocky. It did not take him long to grab Chimes.

”That’s enough-“ He said before shouting in pain as she bit him hard on the foreleg. “Ow!”

Jazz and Chimes paused that very moment, seeing as Rocky looked at his bite mark and back at his little sister. Becoming very stern. “That’s enough!” He responded. “This has gone far enough, Chimes..”

Chimes looked pretty sorry for herself as she stepped back. Ears drooping under the hood of her onesie as she looked up at him. “I’m sorry, brother…” She whimpered. “You won’t tell mum and dad will you?”

There was a sigh as silence followed. The bite mark was not that bad, it was not gonna cause any lasting damage. But it did hurt. He sighed slightly as he looked down at her.

“I don’t think she meant to. We were just playing…”

Rocky was quick to respond. “She knows the dinosaur chasing is for outdoors. She also knows she cannot break her toys, either. She only asked you to play with her because you did not know about the rules…” He sighed.

”I’m sorry…” Jazz sighed.

”You did not know, Jazz…” He repeated softly then looked at the sibling. “If you clean up your mess and put the costume away for the rest of the night. I will consider…” He was a little sorry he was scolding her. But she knew what she did was against the rules of the house. If it was simply a tea party, roleplay where the action was with sone plushies or figures, a board game. Or anything that did not involves running and jumping around the house, or any risk of harm. It would be fine.

"Jazz? I uh..." He gulped. Looking at her.

Jazz watched, guilty as Chimes gathered her toys and returned to her room. She knew it was not her fault she broke the rules, but she wished that she knew. She sadly sat down, looking to the ground. She felt so much guilt and sadness as she thought about the dinosaur chase.

It was fun. But she got Chimes in trouble for not saying ‘no’ like a proper adult. She should have known! Soon she was gazing towards Rocky as he gently put a hoof to her cheek.

"Jazz... I'm sorry about the video game." He sighed. "I should have made him choose a slower and easier game... I shouldn't have let my pride and ego get in the way of you having fun as well..."

She looked up at him. Feeling comforted by him stroking her. It had taken a while before she said anything. She was upset and a bit mad. But Rocky was a little too cute to be angry at something like this for a long time. Besides, she had made some mistakes this afternoon, too. She smiled as bit as he removed his hoof. "I-It's okay. We all get carried away sometimes!" She perked up, nudging him as she got up.

They both returned to the lounge room to see Tune find a cd, he gently held it and carefully put it in a disc drawer. He was always careful with Cds, ever since the cds of a movie and a video game he liked got scratched and unusable.

“Oh hey, Tuner!” Jazz greeted. “What did you find?”

“You are gonna love it!” Was Tune’s only response with a cheeky grin.

“I thought you wanted to play Mario Party or Wii Sports depending on what Jazz chose!” Rocky exclaimed, picking up the cd disc. Reading the writing made him gasp in shock. It was baby videos of him that his parents put on a Cd. There was also a VHS version and a backup CD somewhere.

“That sounds nice.” Jazz quietly responded.

”Uh…” Rocky made an awkward noise as Tune almost pressed play. Only to be interrupted by the knocking on the door. Inside came Rocky;s parents. With bags of groceries. He sighed in relief at the convenient timing.

“We are back!”


And old mare and an old stallion walked into the house after the parents.

“Here we go, dad,” Rocky’s dad told his own dad. “This is our place.”

“Dang-nabbit- I swear you had a tulip garden out front!” He grumbled.

“Nope. Never did.” He paused. “It was a lily garden that died three months ago.”

Jazz felt they took while. It was 2PM when they arrived, now it’s 3.30. Was everything alright? She wondered. But it did sound like Grandpa had lost his way judging by what his and his parents were saying. She honestly felt a little bad for him. Hopefully he’d remember their front garden in the future.

Rocky smiled as he went to greet him. Only to be pushed to the side by his younger siblings running past.

“Grandpa! Grandma!” Tune and Chimes ran over, the latter no longer in the dinosaur outfit.

“Hello Darling!” Greeted the grandma. Hugging both her grandchildren. Kissing their cheeks

“How are you doing?” The grandpa smiled.

”You both have grown!” She laughed. Grabbing some small wrapped objects from her bags. “Now, I know your parents don’t appreciate me giving you gifts all the time. But you are two wonderful children! Besides, I think the gifts will like you very much, too!”

”Thanks grandma!” Both foals said in unison as they hugged her again and grabbed their gifts. Running off into the lounge room to open them. Getting little plush bears with ribbons around their necks.

”I love him!” Squealed Chimes

Now Chimes. Remember, don’t be rough with your toys and they’ll last longer.” Her mother reminded.

“Yes mama!” Chimes exclaimed. Still calling her ‘Mama’ for some reason. She happily placed her teddy down next on a nearby cabinet table.

“Dinner will be made by 6.30!” The dad grunted as he walked into the kitchen. Followed by Milky.

“Oh hello there, my handsome grandson with his beautiful girlfriend.” The grandma complimented squishing Rocky’s cheeks with a happy smile. “I am so proud of such a beautiful boy like you!”

“Thanks, grandma.”

“Thanks.” Jazz smiled, slightly blushing. “It’s so nice to meet you.” She added.

“I got some wonderful stories to tell a gorgeous sweetie like you. All about Rocky.”

“Gram…” Rocky blushed. Knowing she did the same thing to a girlfriend he had when he was a teenager. That didn’t last long. At least she was being respectful of his feels about her by not mentioning her. Besides, he had already arranged to album to hide any image of his girlfriend from his teen-hood under another image, or with a drawing on a flat pice of paper slipped into the slot.

Rocky’s Uncle coming in the front door minutes after.

“Oh yeah!” He exclaimed. “Where’s my nephews future wife!?” He exclaimed with joy as Rocky and Jazz were seated on the couch. Looking at a few more photos in the album. His grandma doing the story telling and page slipping this time, telling Jazz about the ones he had skipped earlier. Making him blush a lot, but how bad could it be?

Jazz gasping in awe as this light grey stallion walked in the lounge room. A smug smile on his face as he flicked his long blond mane.

“Hey Uncle Funky!” Tune and Chimes exclaimed. Not minding his rough pats on the head as Rocky approached him.

“Uncle! You are here. I want you to meet, Jazz!” He happily said, putting a hoof around her as she stood by his side. Greeting his uncle. Jazz giggling a bit as Funky proceeded to aggressively rub Rocky on the head.

“Almost getting married, aren’t cha?” He asked. Laughing a bit as he groaned, mane completely messy now.

“Hmmph.” He groaned as Funky glanced at Jazz. His smugness fading as he glared at it. He glanced back at his brother, Rocky’s dad

“It’s very nice to meet you.” She responded, holding up a hoof for a hoof shake. Wishing she had spent for time with Rocky this afternoon before his family started arriving.

“Uh… Yeah. You too…” He said slowly and unsure. As he glanced up and down Jazz. Quickly finding an excuse, “I should go into the kitchen to see if Milky needs any help with dinner. He said, referring to Rocky’s mother, he was quick to get in the kitchen. Which was odd, but whatever.

She quickly changed her mood when the aunt came.Lipstick and eyeshadow thickly on. Despite working at a salon that supplied and sold make-up. She was yet to even see anyone with make up on so thick!

“Aunt Crackle!” Rocky greeted the light brown pegasus mare with a spunky green and purple mane and tail. Her body had a faint dapple pattern. He was a little unsure about something

“My little nephew!” She said, ripping off her sunglasses and giving him the biggest hug he could. Ruffling and petting his head as she smothered and smooched him. His wings flailing in surprise. “I’m so proud of you!” She aggressively cuddled him before looking back. Blushing as soon as Jazz started laughing at all the lipstick smothered on his face.

“Your family really are proud, arent they?” Jazz snickered as Rocky tried to fix himself up. Grabbing his brush from his dimensional pegasus pocket under his wing. Also grabbing a paper towel from the bench to wipe his face.

“Y-yeah.” Rocky responded, facing Jazz as he blushed a bit more. Making sure so wipe the lipstick off when Aunt Crackle wasn’t looking. “You shoulda seen Raincloud when-“

“Don’t!” Raincloud said bluntlytapping him with a hind leg as she walked past him.

“Don’t tell Jazz about what? The fact your boyfriend’s mum and my aunt brought-“ Rocky intsantly shut his mouth and stopped being cocky when she shot him a death glare. “Just missing with ya.” He winked.

Butterflies were back in Jazz’s stomach. Just seeing his sly smirk and wink. She hadn’t realised she was blushing again as she sighed. Focusing on his handsomeness and cuteness as she stood there. Not acknowledging Tune complaining about something and arguing with his mother. Raincoloud texting someone on her phone and talking to her mother about something. She fazed out as she started to daydream, just looking at him made her heart flutter as he went and sat on the couch.

Imaginary hearts floated around her as she joined him, sitting besides him once more. Listening to his voice but not hearing the words he was saying until he tapped her hard and calling her name.


“Wh-wha!?” Jazz snapped to reality, blushing harder.

“What movie would you like to watch?” He asked, passing her some CD cases as Tune grumbled about not being able to play videogames.

“O-oh!” She exclaimed taking a good look at each one. Ignoring her blushing the best she could. She gulped as she tried to get rid of the butterflies in her stomach. “Why not… That one with the happy bird? It looks fun.”

“Gret choice, Jazz!” Rocky smirked

“Great movie.” Rocky’s mother said with a smile as she walked over with two large platters of cheese and crackers. One for Tune, Chimes and Raincloud to share and another for Rocky and Jazz.

“Thanks Mrs. Milky!” Jazz smiled with gratitude as the platter was placed on a small table placed in front of them by Rocky’s dad.

“My pleasure.”

Her mouth watered as she looked at the different cheeses. Blue cheese, cheddar, swiss. Even a few pickles and olives om the side.

“Look at this!” She exclaimed with glee. Ready to start eating as the movie started.

She grabbed a slice of cheese and smirkes as she rested up againt Rocky. Slump against him as he watched the fild that was only just starting.