• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 244 Views, 24 Comments

BEDLAM II: Heart of Glass - Gormless Wheaton

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The sky was grey, casting only dim light upon the Canterlot Gardens and the petrified sitting shape of Edward Bedlam, head held in his hands. For centuries to come, the statue would remain, used as a warning not to other criminals, but to honest and decent folk of some dangerous mentality or behavior. Because ponies are uniquely stupid creatures and need showy displays like this to keep from killing each other.

In his case, the nameplate on his statue base was 'Resentment.' For, to the average Equestrian who knew his story, it seemed to them that for all his achievements and works, for all his attempts to do good, his resentment of one creature or another always held him back, and ultimately ruined him.

At least, by my estimate, that's what this silly little display is about. Kinda petty and short-sighted if you ask me.



[>Transfer credentials.Edward_Bedlam to ED_BD.]

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[>Password: Nil0ni10d023$]

[Transferring credentials.]

[Transfer complete.]

[>Delete registry: Edward_Bedlam.]

[User Edward_Bedlam removed from Crystal_Mind registry.]

[>Delete registry: Jury_Rig<3]

[User Jury_Rig<3 removed from Crystal_Mind registry.]





[Directory not found.]

[>Fucking syntax.]


Comments ( 4 )

So not the most unhappy ending I had feared, with bits of sort-of hope in it. Given the epilogue, would be curious to see if they have to pull him out earlier than ? years in the future. Also amusing since we have no idea if the Gen 5 future will be a thing here.

Its unfortunate he didn't have that little revelation about civilian happiness a year or two earlier, but oh well. Looking forward to a sequel if you decide to do one. Despite your worries at the end of the first story, you managed to keep me on the edge of my seat, especially towards the end.

Glad you enjoyed this one too, and followed along the whole way. Thanks for your support.

The third and final BEDLAM is already through outlining, so it will pop up soon.

It's easy to want to follow along. You have a core focus in your stories and you tell it well. Helps inject a certain amount of mystery as there are lots of moving parts completely outside of Bedlam's field of vision, and perhaps up till recently I think he was much more blind than he realized. There was a certain sort of tragedy to Jury and Tempest not knowing what Bedlam's own intent was right near the end.

Admittedly, that strong focus also causes my only quiet grumble which is that there are various little tidbits of world building and character development besides Bedlam that is never expanded on. Speaking of Jury Rig, for example: We never get a feel for why she was willing to follow along with Bedlam's descent into villainy beyond she was interested in his tech and personal attachment. Tempest needs little explanation as she went from Storm King to Bedlam. Then there were the various mentions of just how shit the world was outside of Equestria.

And then there is the one big thing I keep waiting to get a little hint on and never do, even as you tap the glass on it a little bit in this story. The ponies kept referring to him as Bedlam in the beginning. Easy to dismiss as coincidence. Then the first time that Bedlam feels a Dance/Singing fit come on, its when he cracks and goes villainous. And then in this story you make specific references to harmony energy levels and whatnot. That mixed with the singing thing being tied to Harmony... not to take any agency away from Bedlam, but I've often pondered if him popping up in Equestria (and to some extent being villainous) was entirely as random as claimed... but I'm probably just being crazy :P.

But as noted, that's a quiet grumble. It's really apparent that that stuff are meant more as subtle flavors. The real character focus is Bedlam, and to a small extent Twilight.

I'm happy to hear a sequel is in progress. I'm really curious to see if Bedlam wakes up in Gen5 land. Beyond the obvious gut punch of everyone he knew and cared about being long gone in most scenarios I can think of, Gen 5 has the implicit appearance of Twilight being ?dead? so an extra gut punch for him to deal with in such a situation.

Man comes in with a poem for every comment.

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