• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 426 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

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Reminiscing and a Strange Visit

Spike could only look on at the letter Twilight gave him in tears. He was abandoned and the evidence was right in front of him.

"Why would everyone do that to me?" he cried to himself. "I thought I was part of their family." He then started reminiscing about his friends and all the times he was bullied or forgotten by them.

Spike first thought about Twilight, who is the Element of Magic and the Princess of Friendship. She preaches what friendship is all about and how you can be a good friend. Although to Spike, he never felt like she was showing him any friendship. Day in and day out, she always left to be with her friends, always leaving Spike in absolute solitude with a bunch of chores for her to do or to always watch the place while she had fun at Celestia knows where. He then remembered back in Canterlot where he and Twilight were near inseperable. Twilight would almost always work on her studies when she was younger, but then she would almost always make time for Spike and play with him.

"What happened to those days where Twilight showed her care for me?" he asked. His brain gave him the answer not long after, Twilights friends and family.

Spike then thought about Pinkie Pie, who is the element of laughter. Her lifelong goal and everything she lives for is to make other people laugh and smile. She even wrote a song about how much fun she has when making others smile. Spike was always impressed about how far she would go to make somepony smile. But why, why has she never made Spike laugh? Looking back now, watching Pinkie make others smile back then makes him feel really unhappy and sick to his stomach now. She never invited him to any of the parties she threw like Rainbow Dash's party, Maud's visitation, her own birthday party, and she never even threw a birthday party for him since that one where he grew giant and greedy which caused him to destroy Ponyville, which now that he thinks about it, it's kind of understandable that she never threw him a party since. But still, she hasn't been considerate of Spike whenever she throws a party.

"I wanted to be part of those parties. I wanted to be with my friends having fun." Spike cried with tears.

After Pinkie Pie, he thought of Rainbow Dash next, who is the element of loyalty. She works hard everyday to be a good friend to Twilight and her other friends while also training harder to be a wonderbolt one day. Spike sees her fly around every day with friends or to train and he always liked her tricks. She's loyal to all her friends, but never Spike. She was never around to see if Spike was ok or wanted to come along. And whenever he does come along, they barely ever talk. Sometimes, she goes out of her way to bully him like that time she called him a lame dragon just because he wasn't tough like the other dragons, or maybe it was because of his apron. Even most recently, when her pet was going into hibernation, she insulted him by saying, "Well what would you know? You're a dragon." She basically told him to his face that he was stupid and dumb because he was a different creature, and she never apologized to him for being racist.

"Is that why I was left behind and abandoned on Hearths Warming, because I'm stupid and dumb or because I'm a different creature?" Spike asked to himself, feeling more and more sick with each thought.

Spike then thought about Rarity, who is the element of generosity and use to be the love of his life. The moment Spike's eyes laid on her, he instantly fell in love with her. After the defeat of Nightmare Moon, he would always see if Rarity needed any help and if she did, he helped her. Although he helped her, doing so much work for her that he would be sore for days, carried all of her 19 bags on multiple occasions, and even stopped her from being mad with power after she found a relic that turns everything into precious gems, he also never got anything worthwhile in return. Sure she would give him a kiss on the cheek sometimes, but she never gave him anything more than that. Rarity also never invites spike to have any fun with her, only to work for her.

"Heh, makes me think that I should be the element of generosity and not her." Spike scoffed while anger mixed with his sadness and sorrow.

Applejack was next to come to his mind. She is the element of honesty and the hardest worker in all of Equestria. In actuality, Spike couldn't think of too many bad things about her. Most times she and Spike interacted, it was mostly good stuff. She saved his life from being eaten by timberwolves and was mostly nice to him when they interacted. But there are some bad sides to Applejack. She went against everything he's known about her and lied just so she could get him off her back, which is understandable looking back, seeing as how he could've gotten himself killed, but that doesn't excuse her joining in with Rainbow Dash in bullying him and calling him lame, and that certainly doesn't excuse her forgetting Spike and abandoning him.

"Maybe if she never forgot about me, I would actually think I was a friend to her." Spike smiled sadly.

Spike then thought about Fluttershy, who is the element of kindness and in Spike's opinion, has the healthiest relationship to him. He remembered the first time he met her, she was all over him, calling him cute and wanting to know "Absolutely everything" about him and he loved it. But over time, they drifted further and further apart to be with Twilight more.

"I should probably talk to her about how I feel about her and her friends after they get back. She's the only one of them I partially trust." Spike thought to himself

Spike started walking to his room, still sad and still had tears. When he got there, he got into bed and looked at the framed photo of him, Twilight, Shining, Cadence and their parents when they were younger. Tears started coming back strong.

"I just wanted to be a friend, to be part of their friend group. Cadence used to always call me her special dragon. It was like she loved me like her own son." Spike started sobbing. "Why did it have to end? I helped save the empire she rules over today, even if I had to almost fall to my death." Spike is remembering the time he jumped off the top of the castle to get the crystal heart to Cadence. "But I never got invited back just to have fun with her, Shining or my friends. I nearly died trying to save the Crystal Empire, but I only gotten invited back only once and that was only because it was mandatory to be there for the Equestria games. Am I even a friend to them? Was everything Cadence said to him when they were younger a lie? DO ANY OF THEM LOVE ME AT ALL?!" Spike yelled out sobbing. He couldn't take it anymore, and he buried his face into his pillow and started bawling his eyes out. He continues bawling, crying and sobbing until he fell asleep

Outside though, the storm is getting worse

In his dream

His dream started in the center of Ponyville. He was looking for the castle after picking things up for Twilight. He found the castle and started walking towards it, but then he felt himself being hugged. He turned around and saw the pegasus pony he saw earlier in the day, Shooting Star.

"Hello Spike. it's so nice to see you again."

Spike was confused but played along. "Uhh, hi Shooting Star. What are you doing?"

"I'm hugging you. I love hugging others. I heard it helps creatures feel better and relaxes tensed muscles, so how about you enjoy the hug."

Shooting Star continued hugging Spike and rubbing his scales. He felt himself feel warmer and his face started becoming red. He melted into the hug and hugged back. But as he was enjoying the hug, the place got darker and darker until it was just a black void. Shooting Star, everypony and everything disappeared until it was just Spike in the void

Spike started worrying. "Where... Where did everyone go? What's going on?" Spike asked scared

"Hello Spike"

Spike jumped startled at the sudden voice. He turned around and saw a creature that looked like him but with a pitch black color and pure white eyes

"Hey, I think I saw you earlier today near the Everfree Forest. Who are you?" Spike asked

"I'm you Spike, but from a different universe/timeline. I'm actually quite a big fan of you."

Spike was even more perplexed than before. "Really? What makes you want to be a fan of me beside the obvious?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I would be a fan of you. You saved an entire empire for Faust sake"

"Faust? I heard of Celestia's sake but not Faust sake. What's that?" Spike asked

"She's the great being that watches us and created us" Spike nodded in understanding.

"Wait, didn't you save the Crystal Empire in your universe/timeline? What happened to you, and why are you like this?" Spike asked.

"That's something I'd rather not talk about" Spike also nodded in understanding at that. "But let's talk about you, Spike the Brave and Glorious, Hero of the Crystal Empire. You were abandoned again, weren't you?"

Spike looked down and sighed sadly. "Yeah, Princess Cadence invited all of her family over except for me. She's the princess of love, but recently, she had made me feel more unloved than loved."

"That's rough buddy." He then felt something tingle around him, signaling that it was time to go and leave Spikes dream.

"I best be going now, but solve the riddle I will give you over the next few days. I am a glue, but I don't stick. 2 different creatures will create me. I am 6 gems, but I can't eat them. When all hope seems lost, I rise up and defeat evil. What am I?." And with that, he disappeared and left the dragon's dream.

Shortly after he left, the dream turned back to normal. Everything and everypony returned back to the way they were and Shooting Star was still hugging him. He got out of the hug and started walking.

"Is everything ok Spike? Did you not like my hug?" Shooting Star asked. "Do you not like my hugs?"

Spike turned around and told her, "Of course I liked your hugs Shooting Star, and sorry for getting out of it so abruptly, but I need to get back to the castle. It's really important that I go there now."

"Oh, ok then" She smiled. "Have a good day Spike."

They waved goodbye and Spike continued onward to the castle. After a few minutes, he got to the steps of the castle, He opened up the big golden doors and woke up from his dream.

Author's Note:

Spike and Alter-Spike will meet again in the real world.