• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 676 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider 2: The Spirits of Vengeance - Big Imagination E

Johnny Blaze along with his new friends are back. And this time on a quest to save Cadance and a young boy from new demons of hell.

  • ...

Betrayed and Blackout Strikes

They all continued looking around the mountain church for their friends. Then suddenly they saw the priests holding them and Moreau hostage and then suddenly a few others grabbed them too.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Rainbow demanded.

"We thought you were helping us out! Why do you have our friends hostage?!" Twilight freaked.

The gang all headed in front of the priests and tried getting them to let go but they refused and they grabbed them.

"Were doing what needs to be done." The leader said.

"The day of the prophecy is tomorrow! We were to hold the boy until the danger passes." Moreau said.

"The danger will not pass, Moreau. As long as the boy exists, the power will always be inside him." The leader explained.

"You lied to us! You flat out lied to us!!" Applejack yelled.

"This child must be destroyed. And while were at it we should destroy this pony too. You might have protested while the child was being conceived. Now it is too late. Take them away until the thing is done!" The leader replied.

Everyone struggled to break free from their hold but they refused to let them go. Moreau tried to reason but they didn't listen.

"Danny's soul can still be saved! He is one of God's children!" Moreau yelled.

"No! He is not." The leader declined.

And he left to perform a ceremony to kill both Danny and Cadence. Two of the priests carried both of them to the ceremony circle and they quaked in fear ready to witness death. But then suddenly before the leader could kill them with his sword everything turned dark and Blackout came out and rotted his body away. Then he did the same thing on the others and they screamed in fear as their skin rotted. Then we come back to reality when Blackout finished rotting the priests and he faced Danny and Cadance.

"Damn. Bet your happy to see me." Blackout said.

"Carrigan? You look different than last time." Cadance asked.

"Long story toots. But enough about that shit. Cause you two are now coming with me! Oh and I'm no longer Ray Carrigan. I'm now Blackout!!!" He yelled and launched at them.

After all that happened we see the gang coming out and Nadya looked around to see where her son and Cadance can be after all that chaos.

"Did Danny do this? Or Cadance?" Nadya asked.

"No. She couldn't possibly do this. She never has the power to rot anything in her life." Twilight answered.

"She's right. Somebody got here before they could--" Moreau said.

"Before they can kill them." Nadya finished.

"I looked around. There was no sign of them." Johnny said coming to them.

"Whoever did this pretty much wanted them alive." Moreau said.

"I think we all have a pretty good idea who that would be, Moreau. It has to be Ray Carrigan." Johnny thought.

"I can't believe that he's still alive. Roarke must have given him a second chance as a demon." Rarity said.

"So now he's with Roarke. Some protectors you turned out to be." Nadya frowned.

"Nadya. We can't just play the blame game. We need to find out what Roarke has planned for them and stop it." Twilight declared.

"What exactly does Roarke have in mind for Danny and Cadance? What are his plans for his son and his vessel? Is he putting money away for college? What?" Johnny asked.

"It is the day of the prophecy. As was the day Danny was conceived. The child must be in his 13th year before the rite can be performed on the dawn of winter." Moreau explained.

"The rite." Johnny realized.

"Yes. Roarke fathered the boy as a vessel, along with Cadance. As two containers for his power. The ritual will transform his essence his soul into the boy while Blackout possesses Cadance. After that there will be no more Danny or Cadance. Only Roarke and Blackout." Moreau explained.

"No!" Nadya feared.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us this sooner Moreau! Why the hell didn't you tell us this?!" Rainbow yelled.

"Hey! You all made a deal with him!! All of you! Something I would never do!" Moreau said in defense.

"You said that the prophecy had to happen at the dawn of a new day. So maybe there's still time. Do you know where Roarke has them?" Johnny asked.

"I think so." Moreau answered.

"So what? Now you want to play hero? You all got what you wanted." Nadya said.

"Yes we did. Thank you for holding up on your end of the bargain." Johnny replied.

"You're welcome." Moreau said.

"And you know what Nadya? If we can spend our last day as free man and ponies without a curse over our heads then yeah we take it. But I promised Danny and Cadance they'd be safe. And if we walk away now then all were doing is trading one demon for another. So let's get going." Johnny said with confidence.

Everyone nodded and knew that this mission isn't over and they will save Danny and Cadance one way or another.

Somewhere in Uzak Gökten, Turkey we see the same ambulance pulling up to an abandoned pit and Roarke came out while we see Blackout hop out of the ambulance with a cocky grin on his face.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Blackout asked.

"Don't touch me. Cutting it a bit close, aren't we?" Roarke asked back.

Blackout didn't like hearing that and went to the back of the ambulance. "Look do have any idea what I went through to get these two turds?" He asked as he pulled out Danny and Cadance as they struggled to get loose. "Look, the planets don't align for your pagan party until daybreak tomorrow. So get off my ass because I'd say I'm ahead of schedule."

He walked away from Roarke and he stared at them.

"Danny. Cadance. Do you both know who I am?" Roarke asked. "Well, I'm sure your mother told you a lot of things about me."

"What's the matter with your face?" Danny asked.

Roarke frowned and Blackout can only chuckle at that. Then they all carried both of them in the pit. Then we hear Moreau talking about the place.

"Lemme get this straight. You're saying that they are held hostage in Uzak Gökten?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. The farthest point from heaven. That is where the ritual is to take place, according to the prophecy, of course." Moreau answered.

"Of course." Nadya scoffed.

"Without the Riders, The Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six, we stand very little chance against Roarke." Moreau said.

"I thought you were supposed to have faith." Johnny said.

"I do. But also, I think we should all have weapons. Guns and wine." Moreau replied.

"Wow. Those are some naughty priests." Rainbow smiled. "Let's all load up and go kill those sons of bitches!!!"

"I'm starting to like you again, Moreau." Nadya smiled and everyone started to gear up.

Back in Uzak Gökten Roarke was talking with Danny and Cadance.

"You're both probably wondering why I look at you that way." Roarke said. "Think of a flamethrower."

Danny then laughed.

"Is that funny? Okay. Try this. A flamethrower made out of papier-mâchë. All that power. But try to use it, you burn up. This body I'm living in it's weak, human. It's dying. It was never made to do the things that I can do. But you.....you're only part human. You have all the power that I have inside you. Like father, like son. But this corporal form can wield the power without burning itself up." Roarke said.

"You won't get away with this. Twilight and her friends will stop you." Cadance growled.

"I don't think so. And to help you both relax..." Roarke said as he injected some liquid in them causing them to go unconscious. "That will keep them sedated until the ceremony."

With Johnny and his team they all arrived and climbed up the mountain seeing that many people arrived for the ceremony. Roarke had soliders in there and with little time they need to act quick.

"Oh this is not good. The ceremony is about start! And Danny and Cadance are in trouble!" Shining said.

"Which is why if we don't act quickly he'll have a new form, one more powerful than he's ever known. And a shadow will fall upon the earth." Moreau explained.

Everyone put on their serious faces and came up with a plan to save Danny and Cadance and stop the ceremony before Roarke successes.

Author's Note:

Hurry guys! No time to waste!!