• Published 3rd Apr 2024
  • 351 Views, 23 Comments

A Leaf on the Wind - Visharo

There are tales of a Wanderer who has been said to have wandered longer than a mortal could have lived. Princess Celestia investigates

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Princess Celestia, monarch of the land, the epitome of beauty, the embodiment of the sun, the devourer of cakes, and immortal.

It was a morning like all the others. Lower the moon, rise the sun, eat breakfast, attend court, observe her school, then... Then, it was something else. The white alicorn paused after hearing the most peculiar thing.

"I heard, he's lived for over 300 years!" A filly, just gotten her cutie mark, was exclaiming loudly to her friends. The others gasped in total awe.

"That can't be, though! Only the Princess lives long!"

"No no, she's right. My great grandmother said she met him in Fillydelphia. She said his name was uhh...the Wanderer?"

"That's crazy!"

The Princess found herself nodding, it was indeed crazy. She trotted away, contemplating. There's no way another immortal was upon this plane, otherwise she would've known about it. She pondered. Maybe this Wanderer fellow is a hoax, or some mere coincidence. Mistaken identity! She considered. Maybe...just maybe, he really is an immortal. If he's found immortality, she must know his secret. It could be harmful.


"Huh? Oh." Celestia looked down and spotted her aide. "Ah, my apologies Raven, I was lost in thought."

"Mmm yes. Well, today appears to be a rarity, you are completely free for the rest of the day. I do recommend rest, it has been too long since you've had an opportunity like this." Raven shifted her glasses, making her look distinguished.

"Yes, maybe I shall..."

"Are you alright, Princess?"

"Hmmm? Oh. Yes, yes." The Princess paused. "It's just...mmm, how should I put this? Have you heard of this Wanderer character? Supposedly he's over 300 years old." She unconsciously lifted her head to the sky, where the sun cast its warmth glow over the land.

"A local legend, no doubt." Her aide dismissed the idea. Logically, Celestia should've done the same, yet, the idea still festered.

"...perhaps." A cloud drifted past, blocking the sun's rays, finally snapping Celestia out of her stupor. "Ah, my apologies Raven. It appears this subject has gotten me in a tizzy of sorts. I'll be in the library, please excuse me." And with that, she left, leaving behind a bemused Raven Inkwell.


"Princess, it's time for lunch." Raven looked around the empty library. "Princess?"

Out on one of the stands, sat a book. On the left page, sat a detailed drawing of a light blue pegasus with a light green mane. He wore a farmer's hat and he was looking out towards a grassland. On the top of the page was the title: The Wanderer.

"Oh, Princess."


Princess Celestia roamed for twelve days and twelve nights, she disguised herself as a white pegasus with a pink mane the entire time. She still did her duty at dawn and at dusk, but everything else, she shirked. She flew from village to village, from homestead to townhall. She asked every passerby, every farmer, every guard. Till, on the 13th day, she saw him.

The Wanderer was exactly how the book described him. A lithe pegasus complete with his hat. On his flank was a leaf blown in the wind, and he was currently cooking something. Celestia looked up and noticed that the day was ending. Deciding quickly, she hopped behind a boulder, shed her disguise, and lowered the sun. The moon came up soon after, complete with the haunting image on the surface.

"Princess Celestia hiding behind a boulder out in the middle of nowhere, now I've truly seen everything." A small laugh drew her attention to a pony sitting on top of said boulder. It was the Wanderer.

"Wanderer!" She gasped, he really was there, right before her.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance. Would you like some daisies? Freshly picked." He smiled warmly before hopping off the rock and moseyed towards his campsite.

Unsure of what else to do, Celestia followed, right after putting the disguise back on. She took a particularly comfortable looking spot and nodded graciously when the Wanderer placed a plate of daises in front of her. The two ate in companionable silence.

"So, if I'm not mistaken, you were looking for me?" He asked after a while.

"Yes! Ehe...I mean, yes. Many sources claim you're over 300 years old, that can't be true, can it?" She asked, almost nervously.

"No, I am not 300 years old."


"I am nearing my 600th birthday."

"Oh...oh!" Celestia bolted upwards, then started choking.

"Now now, Princess. Choking on a daisy would not be a good way to go." He smacked her back a couple of times and soon enough, the offending plant fell loose.

"Thank you..."

"Anytime. Water?"

"Thank you." She sipped at the waterpouch he had hoofed her, then passed it back. "I'm sorry, but 600?"

"Yep. 600 years old."

"I do not mean to offend, since I am also considerably old, but how are you still alive? Are you not mortal?"

"I can assure you, Princess, I am a hundred percent mortal. Flesh and blood." He smiled softly, before laying on his back and looked up at the night sky. "As for how? I am a Wanderer. As long as there are roads and trails, I wander."

"So...you are saying that, you are essentially immortal, because you wander?"

"In a nutshell."

"That...doesn't make any sense."

"Nope. I never sought to question it, I've just accepted it."

"So, you have wandered for all these years? Never stopping?"

"Well...I have stopped from time to time, but never for long. I let the wind take me, you see, and the wind is never in the same spot."

"I don't get the analogy."

"Alright, let me rephrase it. Imagine a leaf. A leaf that has been separated from its branch. If a wind were to blow, the leaf would follow, you see? I am a leaf on the wind. I follow where the wind takes me."

"But how does the wind take you? The wind is not powerful enough to take a full grown pony."

"Princess, not everything has to be literal. Hmmm...I don't know how to explain this. It's something that needs to be experienced, I suppose. How would you like to go on a journey with me? You do not need to stay long, for I imagine you have things to do, places to be. But, stick around for a few days, maybe a few weeks."

"..." Princess Celestia thought about it. It's already been 13 days since she has held court, many nobles would be angry, Raven must be overwhelmed, oh, and what about the teachers and students and her School for Gifted Unicorns? She groaned, how could she have been so rash, just leaving her duties like that.

"It appears you do indeed have things you need to attend to. That means it's essential for you to accompany me!" The Wanderer declared confidently, he even had a cheeky smile!

"And why is that, young colt." Her voice was dangerously low.

"Heh, I suppose I would be young in your eyes. You are stressed, you have been working yourself to the bone, it's written all over your face and body. A little softness will do you good, and being a leaf? It's as soft as the wind lets it. So, how about it, Princess? Will you become a leaf?"

Author's Note:

this idea came to me while I was walking home. It was an interesting idea, so I wrote it. I wasn't expecting it to be this long, so it will have a few chapters, I suppose. 4 minimum, I'm thinking. This story is especially experimental, so this'll be interesting.

Hoped you enjoyed it!