• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 204 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 2

The solar monarch of the day felt much sympathy for the dear and fair ruler of the crystal ponies. She had no idea just how much economic and political pressure Shining Armor has been burdened with. As a prince of Equestria it is unacceptable for him to deal with such strife. It is simply wrong for the nobles to deny him aid to the point that he passed out within his daughter’s chambers; this is not something that can be accepted or tolerated. And so, the great fair princess of the sun knew she had to put her hoof down for those of noble blood simply cannot be allowed to abuse their societal nor that of political power. And so, she brought the noble family with the most political and social power of all the Bluebloods. The reason they have so much political power is because they are related to Princess Celestia themselves.

Long during the days of ancient Celestia gave birth to a son of much chastity, fairness, and determination and he had children of his own. However, the nobles did not approve the idea of these children of the unicorn prince to be granted the right to become a princess or a prince. They believed it would grant the royal family too much political power; the solar prince was angered by this but knew he could do nothing. However, an agreement was proposed. The generations after the prince would at the very least be allowed to have noble status and political power that comes from such a high status. And if there ever was another royal family of blood that of a unicorn is to be formed their children will be granted the status of royalty.

Unfortunately, however, when stallions were granted that of lower political status or viewed as having fewer proper morals or of intellect. This caused stallions of the noble families in particular to have quite a lot of societal or political burdens forced upon them. And they were often denied the respect or luxuries that come from being a noble bloodline. For these reasons only a mare of the blueblood family would be the one chosen to talk with Celestia much to the princess's dismay.

Princess Celestia feels much disappointment and disgust to see what her bloodline has become over a thousand years.

However, there is hope for their son Noble Star Blueblood does not have these views because the solar monarch offered to provide mentoring and nurture towards the young colt to provide her dear many great's grandson with the proper love, care, and mentoring the young one was in needest of. For an innocent child deserves such blessings. The noble family bloodline felt more than pleasant to accept this. Since they knew it would allow for their social and political status and power to grow. The wise solar monarch of the day provided Noble Star with quite a large proper education within many fields such as politics, economics, history, literature, and so much more as well as providing him with the love and care he was in great need of. Celestia would often watch over the younge noble when his mother and father were away dealing with political or societal matters. She would love to read to him of the many historical legends of morals, courage, and wisdom. Such as the story of the fair Humble Wing and the fair king Alchemano of the griffon lands for the young noble needed to be raised upon proper morals. She was a mother figure to the young Noble Star and still is even to this day and in private refers to her as grandmother and him as grandson. Celestia in her heart truly holds much love and care towards the young stallion of the Blueblood family line.
And so, it does not come as much of a surprise when the monarch discovered her grandson chose to form a courtship with Princess Twilight Sparkle. They do hold quite the value toward many of the same aspects such as literature, history, art, magical studies, science, as well as that of friendship and family. As well as proper virtues such as showing kindness and generosity to others. And so Celestia can not wait to tell Shinning Armor of this for he will clearly be very joyous of her sister's wedding to a person whom she loves.

When Lady Blueblood arrived, she bowed out of respect. For she knows it would be a great shame to their noble bloodline if she were to disrespect royalty.

“Princess Celestia, what is it that you are in needest of? The Bluebloods have agreed to follow your order so long as it is reasonable.” Lady Noble Jem Blueblood said with etiquette.

“Lady Blueblood you needest worry about my demands for they are far within reason. I simply ask for you to provide more aid to an Equestrian province as well as the others of nobility.” Princess Celestia spoke with etiquette.

“Bless Elysium, you have finally discussed this there have been far too many cutbacks upon the coastal provinces of Equestria and if we are to simply not provide the proper number of defenses it may allow the dragons or griffons to invade our lands this can not be allowed.” Lady Blueblood spoke with much passion.

“I do not mean the coastal Equestrian provinces; they already have more than enough aid provided to them. I speak of the land of the crystal ponies.” Celestia corrected.

The smile fell from the lady of the Blueblood household.

“Yes, that does make sense it would be best to prevent an invasion from the Yak kingdom of the frozen mountains, but I believe that may not be exactly the wisest of choices if we are to provide the crystal ponies with too much aid.” The lady of the Blueblood family said with genuine belief.

“And why not Lady Blueblood, they are Equestrian citizens after all.” Celestia stated with much passion and care in her words.

“Well they simply have been apart from Equestria for far too long and have not fully adjusted to our customs nor have grown to truly comprehend the expectations of Equestrian society.” The noble of the Blueblood household said.

“But that does not mean they should not be granted the same amount of aid they pay their dues to Equestrian society after all.” Celestia spoke with fact.

“Well because they are simply not like us they are far too different and simply can not comprehend what Equestrian society and mannerism represents. Their leader is a crude stallion of all ponies, princess you can not be serious.” The lady or the Blueblood’s spoke with disapproval.

The solar princess narrowed her eyes on her. “Yes they are ruled by a stallion, a stallion who helped save the kingdom from falling into the tyranny of the evil Queen Chrysalis as well as prevented another war with the king of shadows. And continues to help our people when it comes down to politics, economics, and national defense so it may be best if you are to give Prince Shining Armor the respect he deserves.” Princess Celestia said in the defense of the honorable stallion.

“But a stallion ruling over the mares simply is not the Equestrian way. They simply do not have the intellectual nor moral traits to rule.” The noble mare said of much sexism and ignorance.

“If that were the case Prince Shining Armor would not have been able to achieve the successes for Equestria. And from what the crystal lands soldiers and stallions said Prince Shining Armor was required to maintain well over half of the political and economic decisions for the province of the crystal ponies. And this overwork left him physically exhausted to the point he was reported to have passed out. This simply can not be accepted. The people simply need more employees to allow for a proper transition of the ponies of crystal into Equestrian society. And who would we be to burden him and put oppression on our own people.” Celestia spoke with much passion towards the idea of equality towards the crystal ponies.

“But they haven’t even been taught of proper Equestrian values not to mention they are not of proper blood. Why should the Blueblood or any other noble households be required to provide them these unneeded luxuries?” The Blueblood mare of the house said with much passion and ignorance.

“Because they are all subjects and in case you’ve forgotten when the Monarch Constitution of Liberty and Fairness was signed it was a requirement for all those of nobility to provide a substantial amount of our riches to the people of Equestria. So that our people may prosper. The constitution also requires those of nobility to do the same. And so it is your duty to provide the crystal ponies with aid. The continuation of the denial of such aid would mean you are going against our written constitution. And the terms written within it clearly state any member of royalty or nobility who refuses to provide their Equestrian commonwealth with aid for the good of the country is to have their noble status and inheritance of wealth revoked. And so I would be very careful if I were you, Lady Blueblood.” Princess Celestia stated with much firmness, as well as courage, and charity.

The noble of the Blueblood Family glared with anger and a bit of venom at the solar Princess. But knew there was simply nothing she could do for it is a great shame upon a noble and the household if said noble is removed of such societal and political status. And so she agreed to the raise towards aid provided to the lands of much crystal. It is a blessing the people of the crystal lands as well as Prince Shining Armor may finally receive the aid they are worthy of.