• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 158 Views, 2 Comments

Aurora By The Sea - Snugglewarmscale

Primrose remembers the very first date her and her husband went on.

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chapter 2

Primrose felt nervous as she made her way to Maretime Bay's Crystal Tearoom. She had no idea Alphabittle had opened another one; she was happy to be going to a familiar place. She was just nervous about seeing Hitch again. She still couldn't believe that he said yes. He said yes. She hadn't stop smiling since he said that. She hardly got any sleep last night. As she walked through the streets various thoughts ran through her mind. How would this meet up go? Did she look good enough? Maybe she should have worn the other scarf? She shook her head to clear her mind; now was not the time for what if's. She was going to have tea with Hitch.

She stepped into the Tearoom; she smelt the calming aroma of freshly brewed teas. She could hear various ponies chatting amongst themselves. She could also hear a mare speaking a poem. All of it reminded her of the tea room back in Bridlewood. She felt at home there. She then noticed Hitch sitting at a table off in the corner of room. He was waving at her; he had a smile stretched across his face. A smile that made her blush. She hid her face behind her mane and slowly made her way towards him. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She could hear it in her ears. Thump, Thump, Thump, thump. Almost like the steady tempo of a drum being play.

As she reached the table she tried her best to smile at him. She greeted him. “H-H-Hey, Hitch!”

She thought to herself. “Why am I so nervous?!”

Hitch smiled back at her and greeted. “Hey, Primrose.” He got up and walked over to her seat; he pulled her seat out for her.

She thanked him. “Thank you.” As he walked back to his seat she asked him. “Have you been waiting for long.

He shook his head. “No.”

She smiled and asked him. “How has your day been so far?”

He shook his head and chuckled a little before answering. “Well, when I woke up this morning. My son was a little fuzzy..”

She questioned. “Fuzzy?” She asked him. “Don't you mean fussy?”

Hitch shook his head and answered. “No, Fuzzy.” He pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few time. He handed her his phone while saying. “Look.”

The moment she saw the picture on the phone; she nearly burst out in a fit of laughter. The picture showed his son sitting in his crib. He was smiling happily; while he lifted his Fuzzy arms up at him. The little dragon was covered head to toe in green fur. He looked more like a little cub than a dragon hatchling. She couldn't help but laugh a little.

She quickly apologized. “I'm sorry.” She giggled again before continuing. “I don't mean to laugh.”

Hitch shook his head and replied. “Don't worry.” He chuckled again before finishing. “I was laughing at it also.”

She asked him. “Is Sparky okay?”

He answered. “Yes.” He explained. “Thankfully, all I had to do was brush the fur back down. A little odd to see fur turn back into scales. But, I'm glad my baby was okay.”

She asked him. “How did that happen?”

He chuckled again as he explained. “My son has a magical dragon fire that can transform things. Every time he sneezes or burps; he almost always sends out a small fire ball.” He chuckled again as he said. “One time he burped and sent a fireball at one of my staplers. It turned it into a pair of dentures that bit Zipp's tail.” Both of them shared a laugh again from the funny story.

Both of them noticed a waitress walking towards them. The mare was an earth pony; she smiled at them as she greeted them. “Welcome to The Crystal Tearoom.” She pulled out a pencil and pad before asking. “What would you both like to drink?”

Hitch smiled and answered. “I'll have some fire tea, cold please.”

As the mare wrote down what Hitch wanted; Primrose wondered what fire tea was. Normally, she would have herself a cup of rose petal white tea, with honey as a sweetener. When the mare turned to ask what she wanted she asked. “Can you tell me what fire tea is?”

The mare nodded and answered. “The fire tea is one of our newest drinks. And, it's become very popular with all ponies. It can be either a light or a dark tea, whichever you prefer, and it is sweetened with cinnamon sugar. We server both hot and cold. I recommend hot, that's the way I like it.”

Primrose nodded and smiled before saying. “Can I also get a cup of fire tea, hot please.”

The waitress nodded and wrote it down; she then walked away leaving the two to themselves. They smiled at each other and for a moment they sat and listened to the ambiance of the tearoom. They listened to the gentle music that played. The way the poet spoke a poem they had worked on for the last few days. The smell of the various teas brewing. It was a lovely place to relax.

Hitch asked her. “Enjoying yourself?”

The question caught her off guard; for a moment she didn't know how to respond. After a few seconds she nodded and smiled sheepishly. A blush spread across her face causing her to hide behind her mane. Hitch noticed this and smiled at her.

He told her. “You don't need to be embarrassed.” He watched as she moved her mane out from in front of her face. He continued. “I'm nervous also. But, I really want to know you better.” She stared at him for a moment before she smiled at him; she moved her mane out from most of her face. Leaving only a little mane covering her right eye. He suggested. “How about we talk about what we like to do in our free time?”

She nodded and replied. “Okay.”

He asked her. “What do you like to do?”

She answered. “I do like to write poetry.” She smiled as she admitted. “But, my favorite thing to do is crochet.”

He questioned. “You crochet?”

She nodded and pointed at the scarf she was wearing. “Made this myself.” He nodded as she asked. “How about you?”

He chuckled as he answered. “I really don't have a hobby.” He explained. “Between my job and my son. I rarely have time for myself.” He chuckled as he admitted. “Not that I don't mind. I love my job. But, I wish I had more time with my son.”

Speaking of his son; she wondered where the little dragon was. She asked him. “Do you have someone baby sitting him?”

He nodded and answered. “Yes, sometimes I have Sunny, or one of the other girls babysit him.” He added. “Thankfully, Izzy was free this afternoon.”

“He may need somepony to babysit him regularly?”

She suggested. “I can babysit Sparky if you want.”

To say Hitch was surprised by her suggestion was an understatement. He tried to deny her. “That won't be.”

She interrupted him. “I don't mind.” She smiled and admitted. “I used to babysit foals back in bridlewood.” That was a lie.

As Hitch thought about it she thought to herself. “This will allow me to bond with his baby. Plus, I may find out a little more about him.”

He eventually nodded and replied. “Okay.” He noticed the waitress coming back with their drinks and said. “Oh, our drinks are here.”

The waitress greeted them again and apologized for the wait. They thanked her and Hitch paid for their drinks. Primrose tried to say she would pay for her own. But, he insisted and paid for both of them. He smiled happily as he took a quick sip of his tea. Primrose was a little hesitant at first; she never had fire tea before. Steam rose from the dark amber colored liquid. She used her magic to levitate the cup to her lips and she herself took a quick sip of the tea. To say the tea was delicious was an understatement. The familiar taste of tea hit her first, followed by the warmth of the cinnamon. The mixture reminded her of cold winter nights in front of her grandmothers fireplace.

She commented. “This is good.”

Hitch smiled and nodded; they continued to enjoy their tea and continued talking with each other. Just as they finished their tea he noticed the time. His break was almost over and would have to start his afternoon patrol of the beach and waterfront area. Both of them walked out of the tea room and said their goodbyes to one another.

Hitch thanked her. “Hey, thanks for joining me, Primrose.”

She smiled and replied. “I should be thanking you.” She giggled a little and said. “You invited me yesterday. “ She saw him smile and saw him turn to leave for the station. Before he could walk away she asked. “Do you need someone to babysit Sparky tomorrow.”

He turned around and looked at her; she surprised him again with her memory. It took Sunny and the others a couple of days to remember his sons' name. Yet, she remembered it from yesterday. He answered. “Just for the afternoon.” He tried to explain. “But.”

She interrupted him again. “I can babysit for you. I don't mind.”

Hitch thought about it for a moment. Normally, he would ask one of the girls or his grandmother to watch over Sparky. But, lately him and the girls had been busy and there was hardly anypony who wanted to babysit a baby dragon. He thought about it a little more. “I don't want to trouble her. But, she is insisting......but, wouldn't it be weird since we just met?”. He pondered the thought for a little while before he nodded his head.

He said. “Okay.” He smiled at her and thanked her. “Thanks.”

She smiled and replied. “You're welcome.” She asked him. “What time will you need me there?”

He answered. “Just before noon.” He explained. “I usually take Sparky with me during the morning patrol. But, during the afternoon is when he needs his nap.”

She nodded and said. “Okay.” She turned to head to back home; as she walked away she waved to him and said. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

He waved back to her and smiled before he got back on his patrol. As he walked he took one more look at her. He couldn't lie; Primrose was both a cute and pretty mare. Not only that she was also really bright. He turned back and continued walking towards the beach. Although, he was only going to see her for a little bit tomorrow. He was a little excited to see her again.