• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 936 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestrian Rider - Anubis Grimgost

It was just meant to be a normal ride for Damian on his ZX-14r when the clouds began to swirl and lightning struck him.

  • ...

C4 lesson in the dreams

Damian had went to bed after dinner, wishing the nurse a good night.

Upon dozing off, he found himself staring at his bike in the middle of the road just waiting…. No calling for him.

An unknown instinct took over him and he found himself wondering towards the Beautiful bike but then a dark blue winged unicorn appeared next to it.

“Aghh~ um oh Luna! Your name is Luna…. Why am I dreaming of Luna? Sigh* I guess she did nearly get hit by me…. Fuuuck I’m such a moron, yeah Damian! Just speed up when you can’t see shit, because that was a smart move….”

“Um is thou okay?”

“Mhmmmmm adorable up close…. Sigh* But I guess this is the only place I’ll get to ride now, I best make the most of it.”

Luna was in shock blushing at Damian’s bold remark whilst he got on his motorbike and a helmet formed around his head.

“Wait! Sir Damian, we are curious about thy mo-tor-bike. Please could thou share with us the details on how to operate such a thing?”

“Mhmmmmm sigh* sure…. I guess it could be fun but how are you going to use the clutch and brakes let alone the shifter with hooves? And we’ll need another bike…. One that’s lest powerful.”

Luna lit up her horn and the current bike Damian was thinking about appeared, before him and luna was a Yamaha R125 in a striking blue.

Damian chuckled upon seeing the L plate on the back, it reminded him of when he had just got on the road with his first bike.

Luna glanced at him but couldn’t make out his expression thanks to his helmet, it was an odd helmet, nothing like anything she had ever seen. It was similar to the one he had upon his arrival but didn’t have the scratches or scrapes that his real one had.

“Mhmmmm I still don’t have a clue how you’re going to shift and break, let alone accelerate…. But I guess this is a dream, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Does it not? We see but if thy’s concern is only of our ability to use these leavers, then it shan’t matter.”

“Mhmmm if you say so.” Damian’s tone taunting.

“Thy dare taunt us? The princess of the night.” A smile threatened to creep on to her muzzle.

“Then prove it your highness.” He turned the key and the little 125cc bike came alive with a quiet rumble, this made Luna Jump a little but she let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that Damian hadn’t noticed.

“Okay, see this.” He pointed at the right grip. “This is your throttle, it’s responsible for the bike’s acceleration.”

“We understand.”

“And these are the two brakes, the front brake and back brake.” He pointed to the right leaver and right pedal by the foot peg. “So If you put your two hooves here and hold on.”

“We see, okay like this?” Damian took her hoofs and Luna grabbed the grips, she allowed the bike to take her weight. Damian then walked away about 12 feet and turned around.

But she had a light blush that went unseen be the helmeted drake.

“So now I want you to walk towards me and just before you get close, start pulling the front brake gently. Do not pull hard.”

“Okay we’ll start now.” Luna began to walk the bike forward until she started to get closer to Damian, she began to pull the front brakes and the bike began to get harder to push.

Damian was impressed with the fine controls she had with hooves but hadn’t figured out how she was able to pull the brake leaver.

Then Luna felt Damian waking up, she went to thank him but failed to before the dream collapsed.

she woke up and felt disappointed that the dream didn’t last longer, it was nice to have some creature not be afraid of her.

She couldn’t describe the feeling she felt when Damian placed her hoofs on the motorbike. Even if it was just in a Dream, it still felt nice, no warm…. Maybe comforting?


She honestly didn’t know what it was but she liked it and Damian did not fear her, she thought about it and realised that he probably didn’t even know what she had done. After all he claims to not be of this world and if his dreams are to say anything about his claims, Luna would have to agree.

The princess of the night began to get ready by taking herself to her private bath and getting washed up in a warm pink bubble bath. She found herself far more relaxed than usual and took extra care to scrub every inch of her body.

Once out of the bath Luna immediately got to work with drying herself off, although she didn’t trust the modern tools normally, this time was different for what ever reason. She tried her best to use the coat-dryer properly but found herself confused with how to even turn it on.

“Arghhh! Blasted thing, how dare thy mock us with thou complex instructions!”


She threw it in a fit of frustration, furiously dashing the magical device across the marble floor.

“There was nothing wrong about the normal method, we’ll just use magic.” And she proceeded to dry herself with a magical breeze of warm air that cascaded across her entire body.

Luna then pranced out of her room and past the two guards, guarding her door and down the hall. She had a sneaking suspicion that she forgot something important but brushed the notion away to the side.

She was now outside her sisters door and about to knock before said sister frantically opened the door with a worried and dishevelled look on her muzzle.

“Luna! Oh dear sister!” Celestia pulled the now startled dark blue Alicorn into a feathery embrace before she could react. “Oh dear lulu I was worried sick, are you okay? Is anything wrong?”

“Oh of course sister, we are fine but why is thou…. Are You worried?”

“You haven’t lowered the moon, it’s 4 minutes late.”

“Oh…. OH! We are most terribly sorry sister, we must of forgot to.”

“Forgot? But how? If something is plaguing your mind lulu, please tell me.”

“No Tia, nothing is plaguing us. In fact I’m actually in a splendid mood this morning.”

“Really? I guess you look less…. Um…. Down? Than usual….”

“We are glad you’ve noticed.”

“Heheheheh, you actually used modern Equestrian sister and without forcing yourself to no less.”

“Sigh* oh shush Tia…. So will the elements be joining us for breakfast?”

“Yes but after you lower the moon.”

“Oh sorry, we are on it.” After lowering the moon below the horizon and allowing her sister to raise the sun, both Alicorn sisters made their way towards the royal dining hall where the elements of harmony were awaiting.

“Princess Celestia! We were getting worried, the sun didn’t rise on time and you’re never late.”

“Well Twilight I’m sorry for worrying you, all of you but I can assure that it was just a one off occurrence.”

“Cough* yes, it was just an accident…. We just forgot to lower our moon….”

“Oh that’s great, I thought that Nightmare Moon was back….” The hall fell silent with an air of awkwardness.

This was broken by Celestia. “Well she didn’t and won’t be any time soon but enough of that, let’s eat.”

“Yes let’s….” Luna second her sister and they went over to their respective seats.

Whilst this was happening, Damian found himself being levitated into the wash room for a morning bath.

“Look I’d appreciate if you at least kept me covered please!” He whined out.

“Oh hush you, stop being such a little foal about it. You honestly have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not ashamed! I just have modesty, so please give me something to cover my privates with.”

“Sigh* will you stop crying about it?”


“Argh fine, here take this….”

“Thank you…. And I thought you were a professional? And where’s nurse Redcross?”

“She’s got the day off but you're the first patient I’ve dealt with that is so adamant about covering yourself, us ponies don’t see the need for it.”

“I want nurse Redcross, she didn’t mind me covering myself….”

“Sigh* well you only have to deal with me for one day, can you do that.”

“What choice do I actually have….” Damian muttered out under his breath.

“Look okay, mister Damian I’ve been asked to get you cleaned up so doctor Doodle can check on how you’re doing.”

“Okay so let’s just get this over with now, it’s embarrassing having someone scrub me down.”

“It’s somepony.”

“I’m not a pony.”

“But it’s still somepony.”

“Fine….” The unicorn mare with a green coat and Silver mane with turquoise strips in it, lowered Damian into the warm bubble bath.

Roughly 20 minutes later Damian was bought to the MIR room to get some scans, there he was met by the doctor that apparently performed life saving surgery on him.

Apparently he was in the emergency room for 18 hours which he was apparently awake but not aware for 3 of them.

Damian’s claws gripped the hospital bed as he was levitated onto a cold surface. “Ok Mr Damian, please stay as still as you possibly can and allow me to get a full picture of your body’s condition.”

“Ummm okay…. This won’t hurt, will it doctor Doodle?”

“Oh don’t be silly, of course it won’t…. Too much.”

“What!!” Doodle pushed a large button and the machine began to hum as it began to light up, the sound got louder and louder and Damian was breathing heavier and heavier as this progressed.

The MIR machine began to make a knocking sound and Damian clamped his eyes closed and prayed that it didn’t explode.

“Umm? Is it meant to make that noise?” With the fear obvious in his voice.

“Please try to relax, this is completely normal I can assure you sir.”

At this point Damian was on the edge of hyperventilating from the panic that set in, he felt like throwing up but held out on letting it up. The doctor could see this and decided to hit the emergency stop, almost immediately after the machine turned off the drake curled up and began to shake violently chocking on his breath.

Doctor Doodle and a few nurses rush to help but they had very little luck at reaching him with words.

“Damian! Damian! Can you hear me, try to focus on me. Come on I know you can do this, just focus on my voice please.”

Damian was heaving himself ragged and looked everywhere but at the stallion, he was trying to say something but choked on his words.

He was levitated and gently placed upon the hospital bed, then the nurses attempted to try and comfort him. He seems to respond to one of them but this was just eye contact.

Doctor Doodle wondered what happened. Yes the machine was loud but he didn’t see how that set him off…. And this was one of the more unsettling panic attacks he had seen, so why?

Why did Damian react so badly to the MRI machine?

If anything good came from this was that he got his scans but he thought that it wasn’t worth the drake’s panicked state.

Thankfully the nurses were slowly calming him down and he was regaining control of the shaking.

“Sigh* take him back to his room please, he needs to relax after all of this and nurse Butterscotch stay with him.”

“Um okay doctor, I won’t fail you.” The cream coloured mare with a butter yellow mane nodded excitedly, this was due to her eagerness and lack of patiences to attend to.

“Good because the princesses have requested the best possible care for Damian here, so no hiccups please.”

“Understood sir.”

“Okay now go and take him with you.”

She did just that with the help of a few others whilst Dr Doodle got to sorting out his scans and writing up a report to take to Princess Celestia regarding Damian’s panic attack.

But he believed that there was more to this than meets the eye, it could have been just a panic attack. A really violent one but Dr Doodle had a hunch that something else was in play here and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

He feared that Damian wasn’t out of the clear yet and all the possible causes of this violent attack ran through his mind, Doctor Doodle began to book him for multiple check up and examinations.

Once he finished filling out the request, the Dr decided to person hoof the report and requests over to princess Celestia in hopes of bypassing the ever so time consuming process it normally takes.