• Published 28th Apr 2024
  • 225 Views, 13 Comments

Spike Piece - Rock-Lee

Spike being a pirate searching for one of the most important treasures on the world

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Our Own Doctor?

"Captain... When are we going to reach solid ground?" Spike would say, releasing a frustrated sigh as he leaned against a table in the helm area. "We've been sailing for 3 days."

"Spike. We're doing everything we can to find an island as soon as possible," Rainbow would reply, her tone even more frustrated than Spike's. "Ask something like that one more time and you'll be sleeping with the fishes."

Spike would furrow his brow at Rainbow's response, rolling his eyes, but deciding not to provoke further, he would silently nod and withdraw from the helm area, fervently wishing they would reach solid ground as soon as possible.

Spike would leave that area with a frustrated sigh, pulling the map out of his pocket to head to the room that would generally be shared among all crew members, but since Spike was Rainbow's only crew member, it was like a personal room, sitting down at the desk and pulling out a large book where he had already written almost 10 pages of theories on how to read that map that could lead him to the greatest treasure in the world, the One Piece. As Spike delved into his theories about the map in search of the legendary treasure, the ship continued its journey through the vast ocean. The tension in the air was palpable, with Rainbow Dash and Spike anxious to find solid ground as soon as possible. After several hours of research, Spike would lift his gaze from the book, feeling the tiredness in his eyes. He rubbed his temples with his fingers, trying to clear his mind as he looked at the map spread out on the desk.

"Well Spike, we have solid ground in sight, any news?" Rainbow would ask, entering the room, approaching him with an expectant expression.

Spike would raise his gaze from the map with a mix of surprise and excitement at Rainbow Dash's words. He would quickly stash the book on the desk and rise from his chair, feeling a wave of energy coursing through his body.

"I still have nothing on the map, but finally some solid ground! We need to buy more ingredients if you keep eating like that," Spike would say with a smile, deciding to joke a bit with his captain.

"And you need to learn to behave with your captain if you don't want a beating, kid," Rainbow would say with a mocking smile while tousling Spike's hair. "I'll take us to that island, you get ready for your shopping or whatever you're going to do."

Spike would nod with a smile, grateful for Rainbow Dash's change in tone. "Yes, Captain! I'll be ready for whatever you need when we reach the island."

After maybe another hour of preparations and reaching that island, they disembarked on what seemed to be an abandoned pier on an island with huge trees that not even a giant could match in size.

"...Is this place even inhabited?" Spike would say somewhat confused, discreetly approaching Rainbow with some nervousness.

Rainbow Dash would furrow her brow as she looked around, assessing the surroundings. "Doesn't seem like there's much activity around here," she would comment, observing the abandoned structures and the empty pier. "But that doesn't necessarily mean it's uninhabited. The population could be further inside the island."

"Spike, I want you to stay close," Rainbow Dash would order seriously, looking at her young companion with determination. "We don't know what awaits us here, so it's best not to take unnecessary risks."

Spike would nod, quickly sticking close to Rainbow Dash. "Understood, Captain, heh..."

As they ventured into the thick of the forest, Spike would stay close to Rainbow Dash, feeling a bit nervous about the unknown that awaited them. The island seemed quiet, but they couldn't let their guard down.

As they progressed, they would start to hear sounds coming from the dense vegetation surrounding the path. The crunch of leaves underfoot, the whisper of wind through the trees, and the song of unknown birds created a mysterious and intriguing atmosphere.

"Be careful-" Before Rainbow could finish her sentence, a large black blur would shoot out of the plants, but Rainbow would quickly block a sword strike with her arm, emerging unscathed but releasing a small spark as if two metals collided.

Spike would watch the scene with wide eyes, surprised by the sudden appearance of the attacker. Instinctively, he would position himself behind Rainbow Dash, feeling his heart pounding in his chest as he assessed the situation.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, would show a determined expression on her face as she prepared to face the enemy. "Stay behind me, Spike!" she would order firmly, positioning herself between the attacker and her young companion.

The attacker, a pirate with a wild look and a defiant grin on his face, would step back a bit, assessing Rainbow Dash cautiously. "So you're the captain of this ship, huh?" he would say with a mocking laugh. "Seems you've sailed right into our territory. That's a mistake you won't get away with."

Rainbow Dash would hold her ground, facing the pirate with determination. "We're not here to cause trouble," she would declare firmly. "We're just looking for supplies and we'll continue on our way."

The pirate would laugh, his sword still raised. "I don't care what your reason is for being here! This island is ours and we won't allow intruders," he would threaten, slowly advancing toward Rainbow Dash with the clear intention to attack.

Spike would observe the situation with growing nervousness, feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he prepared to defend himself if necessary. But before the confrontation could escalate even further, an unexpected sound would resonate in the distance.

The sound of a conch horn, followed by fast footsteps and voices shouting in an unknown language. From among the trees would emerge a group of figures, all armed and with determined expressions on their faces.

"Intruders!" one of them would shout, pointing at Rainbow Dash and Spike with fury in their eyes. "We won't allow you to plunder our island!"

Before Rainbow Dash or Spike could react, they would find themselves surrounded by the group of island pirates, their weapons aimed in their direction. The situation was becoming increasingly tense, with the confrontation about to erupt at any moment.

"Spike, stay behind me," Rainbow Dash would order in a low but firm tone, protecting her young companion as she assessed her options.

"Tsk, of course not!" With his voice slightly choked with nerves, Spike would lick his lips before activating the powers of his Devil Fruit, enveloping part of his body in green scales just like in his last fight a long time ago, bringing out his claws for the fight.

"Spike, be careful!" Rainbow would be about to say something about that surprising transformation, but she would quickly have to shoot a burst of light from her right hand to shatter a barrage of bullets heading towards the boy, while unsheathing her sword with her other hand.

The flash of light emanated by Rainbow Dash would deflect the bullets heading towards Spike, protecting him from the surprise attack. Spike's eyes would widen at his captain's display of skill, but he wouldn't have much time to process it, as he would prepare to face the island pirates alongside her.

With his sharp claws and his body covered in green scales, Spike would adopt a defensive stance, ready to face the pirates surrounding them. His heart would pound in his chest, but determination would blaze in his eyes. Rainbow Dash, for her part, would charge forward, her sword gleaming with the light emanating from her hand, launching a slash that a pirate would block before Spike would deliver a blow to his head with his tail, sending him several meters back against a tree.

The pirate knocked down by Spike's blow would fall to the ground with a grunt, momentarily out of action. Rainbow Dash would seize the opportunity to advance further, using her claws to block any potential attacks aimed at her. Two swordsmen would quickly launch simultaneous attacks that would be nearly invisible to the human eye.

With a quick reaction, Spike would step in to protect Rainbow Dash from the swordsmen attempting to attack her. Using his hands and supernatural strength, he would block the blows directed at her, allowing his captain to continue advancing towards the other enemies.

"Thanks, Spike!" Rainbow Dash would exclaim, acknowledging her young companion's timely intervention. "I'll keep moving forward!"

With a determined gesture, Rainbow Dash would press on, trusting Spike to handle the situation behind her. Spike would quickly toss both swordsmen aside, and before they hit the ground, he would lunge towards them with his claws ready to cut their flesh if necessary.

The swordsmen, surprised by Spike's sudden counterattack, would barely have time to react before being tackled by the young fighter, only managing to block those claws; one of the swordsmen would try to take advantage of the situation by using his foot to trip the young pirate. Spike would capitalize on the swordsman's momentum and, in a fluid motion, he would fall backward, taking the pirate with him in a surprising spin. At the last moment, just before crashing to the ground, Spike would twist his body, using the swordsman's force to throw him over himself and send him crashing into a nearby tree, burying the other pirate underneath him against the dry ground.

The swordsman, taken aback by Spike's maneuver, would suddenly find himself thrown into the air and slammed into a nearby tree, rendered incapacitated. At the same time, the other pirate attempting to attack Spike would suddenly find himself buried in the ground, trapped by the young fighter's supernatural strength.

With the two swordsmen neutralized, Spike would quickly rise, ready to face any other challenges that came his way. Rainbow Dash, impressed by Spike's ability to handle the situation, would continue advancing towards the other pirates with determination.

Meanwhile, the remaining pirates, surprised by Spike's quick and effective attacks, would momentarily retreat, cautiously assessing the situation. However, they wouldn't take long to regroup and launch another assault, determined not to be defeated so easily. Several would start to rush towards Spike in an attempt to overwhelm him as a group, but Spike would start to dodge any attack he couldn't block, burying his claws in the flesh of anyone he couldn't defeat without inflicting some lethal injury.

Rainbow wasn't far behind; if Spike had taken out 10 pirates, Rainbow had already taken out 20 and counting. Her sword and beams of light were lethal weapons that took out anyone who approached them. But out of nowhere, Spike would be hit by a cannonball fired by a huge man using a cannon as a handheld weapon. Spike would be shot into a lake connected to the ocean, starting to drown due to the effect of his Devil Fruit, unable to swim.

On the shore, Rainbow Dash would watch horrified, her heart pounding in her chest as she saw her companion in danger. She would be about to go save him, but she would receive a powerful blow to the back of her head that would leave her unconscious on the spot.

After what could have been even days, Rainbow would slowly open her eyes, noticing what seemed to be bandages around her head, hearing some noises, turning slowly to see a wounded Spike being treated by a woman.

This woman wore a white robe with soft pink and green details, complementing her fur and soft... wings? The robe is adorned with small embroideries of flowers and butterflies. Underneath the robe, she wears a cream-colored long-sleeved shirt and loose light green pants. On her head, the woman wears a headband adorned with flowers and leaves, holding her long pale pink mane, while a small soft leather bag hangs from her belt.

"Oh! You're awake!" The woman would say before quickly crawling towards her, or rather towards each other, as they were both lying on the ground. "My name is Fluttershy... I was very worried about you."