• Member Since 18th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago



Comments ( 17 )

Hey still continuing cursed or gift
By the way great first ch

Well so far pretty good and I’m eager to see how this business proposition with the Merchant works out and what else the MC can get later on. I bet he will get an upgrade from the armor and weapons he uses and eventually settle with either the Imperial Armored Commando armor or Death Trooper armor or Purge Trooper armor (like that Jin-Roh styled one) or a sort of Dark Trooper armor

As always I’m eager to see how this turns out later on and how the MC will change things up from canon. As well see how many locals will side with him and his point of view and ideals and how said ideals will challenge the local ones and the world itself. As well eager to see who will be shipped with the MC and how their relationship will develop and grow and how it starts and ends later on

And I’m sure the armor is the classic Stormtrooper one but is it that or more like the TK Trooper armor from The Bad Batch or even the First Order armor? Yes I know the sequel films suck but the upgraded trooper armor does look great none the less you have to admit

Fuck yeah! A Storm Trooper that can actually hit

As a Star Wars fan, before Disney rolled in, I can’t wait to see where this goes! Also, Stormtroopers never had bad aim to begin with. If I recall back in Episode 4: A New Hope, the Stormtroopers purposely missed their shots to let Luke and the gang get away per Tarkin’s orders. Leia later deduced this fact herself.

(I really hate that Disney has set it up to where all Stormtroopers have naturally bad aim to begin with…)

Agreed and yeah kinda sucks for that one joke. So how long you think the MC will have the standard Stormtrooper armor and blaster until he changes/upgrade it?

Honestly, I have no idea. Probably until the first arc of the story is done, but that’s just me spitballing. Only Connor knows that answer XD

True and yeah maybe that’s when he dose

Can’t wait for the next chapter hopefully it doesn’t take too long this was good

An interesting start.


Part two is ready but it’s on my pc but I don’t got any Wi-Fi to transfer it over, good news is you guys might get two chapters for one.


I been itching for a stormtrooper story but it’s been awhile since I did a isekai/displaced story like this

Well your doing a good job thus far and it has potential

Excellent work as always and yeah this chapter really showed your inner SW nerd with the mentioning of Lucky nickname and picking Alex as the MC’s name. And good choice of when in the p timeline to start this at. I’m liking Cordelia thus far and I’m eager to see more of her and her interactions with the MC, and yeah maybe a good call on her not being a pairing for him. Also I do wonder who this ‘not so well know but spicy character’ you mentioned is. So if not to much trouble plz tell me who it is

And excellent choice of adding our fav cabbage cart guy from Avatar here. Always a classic and never gets old and hope we see him more later on, he would have some beef with RD after this

Nice to see how Alex is set up to get more SW gear later on when he gets enough cash and these contracts should prove to be interesting later on. Thou I do wonder what this droid he saw was, only one that comes to mind with a black and yellow paint job is KX security droid or the Imperial Police droid. If its the former I hope it’s like the one from Rouge One he was awesome

Of course and typical RD just jumps to conclusion and rush's in firsts first and the M6 see the after math and assumed the worst. Really hope someone jumps in to help explain things before it escalates more but I’m not holding my breath. I hope the CMC learns from this and try’s to make it up to Alex later on. And yeah the M6 will get some bashing later on just assuming our TK-777 is connected to the Storm King just cause his class of soldier title

Keep up the great work and hope more chapters come soon when they can

Pretty good, but you need an editor, bad.


I am aware, again I’m not using the device I normally use to write plus I'm using a hotspot to post this from a window document I wrote due to the lack of Wi-Fi in my home.

(It’s kinda hard to use grammarly without internet)

"Terrible shots my ass. Fucking plot armor nonsense," Kicking dirt onto the stump he chuckled. "I can see perfectly out this this thing too don't know why Luke and Rex were making a big deal of this,"

Does no one else realize that they were missing on purpose? For Mos Eisley, they didn't want to risk the plans. For the Death Star, they had placed a tracking device on the Millennium Falcon, so they put on a show to get the heroes' guards down.

Tell me about it but people took the joke of them being bad shots to literal and it stuck around for to long

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