• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Greetings and bienvenue, I am Michael Ravencroft. Writer and artist. From the obscure, to the known, from Comics, to Tokusatsu, nothing eludes my creative eyes. Hark the Raven.


This story is a sequel to War in Equestria: The Tale of Bright Blade

(WARNING SPOILERS! This is the sequel to my first story, found here - War in Equestria: The Tale of Bright Blade It is recommended that you read that first in order to understand what is going on in this story! Thank you and enjoy!)

Many years have passed since the War of Darkness and peace has reigned throughout Equestria. The Mane Six are all off living their dreams or raisng families of their own. Yep everything is perfect...until it all comes crashing down.

The evil that corrupted the once noble and heroic Star Prince Arion is slowly making its way towards their world, the Knights of Harmony will have to dawn their armor once more and unlock the hidden powers of their Elements if they wish to repel the coming threat! But little do they know, part of that evil has already arrived! The End of Days for Equestria have begun!

The Envoy Cometh...!

See profile page for chapter status and release dates!

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 83 )

allow me to be the first to say good job and i look forward to more stories like your last

not to bad sir not bad at all a good pick up as compared to the slight mystery in the previous story i like this

The carnage of war. It feeds my hunger, the fear of death and what will be lost.... delicious.

wait i was not sure when this story would come back up ^^ WOOT

Wooo must read will be back to comment in 10-15

I approve but am now curius as to how many swords dinky can control at once also yes yes yes yes yes this update has been waited for and i am extremely impressed

More! Something is wrong with Bright Blade...


I can't wait to see Clay's part!

2129406 Glad you're liking it so far! :twilightsmile:

2127003 For the time being she can only control up to three. And try not to rape the like button :ajsmug:

2126691 Yes and sorry for the long wait, but greatness cannot be rushed! :trollestia:

Well that's it for now, just so you know it's a slow build up, but well worth it! I'll keep trucking those chaps as long as you guys keep reading them! :pinkiehappy:

Liked: Check

Faved: Check

Read latest update: check.

Waiting for moar!: Check!


yay a zecora chapter is coming and not a day to soon after that prolog or was it the epilog with the mysterious i think it was a deer or something like that maybe i will gain some insight as to what the reason for her constant rhyming and what she gained for such a price

2164136 Maybe...but the mystery of Zecora and Faerden is bigger than just this one story....:trixieshiftright::pinkiecrazy:

2164567why must you rob me of sleep now i will lose even more curse you and your fantastic story telling also bravo on the lead up and not just having BB go nuts every chapter i like this slow descent into madness most people think it just happens over night and never see it as a gradual progression but you sir have done a wonderful job capturing the essence of madness and i cant wait to lose sleep to my speculation of later chapters

2142952just read this and i wont make a promise im not sure i can keep

Well i was going to sleep finaly my insomnia was quiet then i saw this well fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Sleep i knew of this once long ago in a time when ponies didint invade my internet and dreams twas a dark time but now all is bindingly bright and happy ...well happier ...ok not as dark ... What it's my mind i cant help if it lives at night and sleeps in the day also it talks in its sleep quite loud actually

2169876 :rainbowlaugh: My plan to keep all from sleeping is working, soon the epic battles will arrive and cause many endless nights of zero sleep for you and EVERYPONY!!!:pinkiecrazy:

you fiend your working for the envoy aren't you

2180762 WORKING FOR THEM!!!? I am the god of my fics, all that is or ever will be, exists by my hands! The fates of the characters, the villians, everything!!!!:flutterrage:

So no I am not working for them. lol :pinkiehappy:

:trollestia:you mad bro the ghost seems to be affecting you

well now its cannon there is a ssj pony ant the remix of one of my favorite DBZ soundtracks did little to help my views on this chapter (hope youi see the sarcasm in that) that was a good fight but then again i have come to expect that of you. and i would think that with all these crazy things going on ex. luna disappearing and reappearing exhausted, all these outbreaks that celestia would of sent the elements to the bearers or they would of summoned them on there own witch i recall them doing previuosly. and spirit of war humm interesting now that im caught up here i shall start criticising this story as you proly expect me to do :P. as that is my job you know. i give this chapter 9/10 over all fight scene 10/10 description of powers 10/10, villan 8/10 (eh something about him dosent sit right with me but i cant place it) but what really brought down my rateing would be the others i mean even without there armor i think twi could have done more especially with trixie and the Valkyries at her side but thats just me.
over all wonderful chapter as normal i expect more post haste and as is normal this story gets to few views but the OP alicorn OC proly does that for stories like this hehe but luckally i like those kind of charicters for they always make for intresting fights hence my love for DBZ i mean look at Goku hehe ok ok ok LITTLE RANK OVER gosh next chapter NAO!

2222454 I think this the lengthiest review you've done for my fics. I like :pinkiehappy:

Now then, the reason for Twilight's, Trixie's, and the Valkyries' limited fight time, is because I'm building up to an even greater show of power from the Mane 6. They will each get their chance to show off their badass powers soon. And the power of their Elements is linked via the soul, but, unless they actually are wearing the armor, they can't use their power for long. Which is why when they do connect to their Elements it's only for a short period of time, less the be completely drained. Also, you're right to wonder about Polemos...:trixieshiftright:

Hope that answers some of what you covered in your review! Next chapter will be up tomorrow! :twilightsmile:

I am shooting rainbows out of every orafice thanks now on to the next chapter

:pinkiesmile:its alright like the pacing action then rest then pinkie then mystery just one question where are you getting all of these cliffs that i keep hanging from do you just have a warehouse full of cliffs or do you get them from a store or do you just find them and feel the need to throw me over them

2232011 denver.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw8357-mlp_cliffhanger.jpg

When you get cliffhanged by other stories, you just feel like spreading the love! HA AHA HA HA HA HA HAHA!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

:P well not so much a cliffhanger if i have a really good idea of what comes next hurm how could i possiably know that ........ i wonder

ok first off holy shit your alive havent seen you on skype or anything bro 0.o

but i guess i should read this to eh hehe well might as well reread the story cause i kinda forget what happened recently. :P away

Yay its out now to read

2654720 hopefully you stay back bro :F
oh and since your back now


P.S to help in your writing laugh at this

you ass right as im looking for something else to read you do this :P damnit bro skype me cause im gonna read the shit out of this and we shall discuss it !
and cause everyone hates it and i never get it first (NOW SKYPE BRO)

and right after i finished wings for a pony -.- man you and your timeing.....

This is so awsome now the only question is warning this will contain spoilers for wings for a pony
Will Germane have to fight Spike for raritys affection and if so will it be the onesided asskicking fiasco i expect it to be

2773394 Sharky my friend, I do believe that you are forgetting one tiny detail. Rarity and Spike *SPOILER BLOCK* which means that *SPOILER BLOCK*, in conclusion rest assured that the happy couple is *SPOILER BLOCK*

Aren't I just terrible ;p

Like button broke again their sendin someone out to fix it tomorrow

Yay dinky showed up and kicked flank also loving how you are playing up the clay relationship and mergeing it into the story it feels natural and thats from someone who read both storys

2837294 Believe me, I had to confer with Brawney Hooves (aka Lonely Shadow) to make sure I did his character justice, and so far I've hit the nail on the head every time. :pinkiehappy:

:yay:woooooooo even with the cliff hanger you still bring on the awsome:rainbowdetermined2:

2867209 Nice to know even my cliffhangers are awesome

Just kidding :rainbowlaugh:
And thank you for liking my story :twilightsmile:

You are continueing to hold my intrest keep up the good work:pinkiehappy:

I'm Calling the police your robing me of sleep:ajsleepy:

Another brilliant chapter! keep it up.:eeyup:

This was me through the entire story reenacted by ponies

Im starting to think you like keeping me awake

dont worry he does it to all of us :)


figured it out? bitch plz i knew it all along :P

DINKY FTW! just saying

3039994thanks but i already have one its trying to steal my dinner

Great now i have to wait another week :raritycry::raritydespair::raritycry::raritydespair:why must you make me suffer
On a side not bravo you pulled off a perfect misunderstanding also brain damage for the win:derpytongue2:
Now i shall wait for the ponies to be :coolphoto:fabulous

Baa haaa ahaa ahaahahahaaahahaahah:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:congrats sir you made me laugh threw most of this chapter i absolutely love how your playing up this rivalry between rarity and glamor and thats one sign that its working i can remember her name from the top of my head the wonderful battles of the upper crust seem like they will be just as brutal as the battles in the war of darkness if not more so and i also am enjoying the back and forth between twilight and bright blade that brings me to my next point i think i know something but will ask you in a message to keep this comment spoiler free till later stay classy sandiago :raritywink:

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