• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
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The definition of tolerance is simple: A fair, objective, and permissive attitude towards those whom are different than those around them. So what happens when a portion of the world's populace is changed by a strange anomaly once thought to be benign and harmless? Can the world tolerate more differences, with the mess it already has?

A/N: I know the rating says "Everyone", but it leans more towards Teen for vague sexual references and mild language. Oh, and with the ideas I currently have in story, that is definitely going to change. Probably to Mature.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 400 )

1595752 Awe, well that's a little disappointing.:fluttershysad: Unless I misunderstood the meaning of HiE (Human In Equestria), this is not that. More or less the opposite. Waking up randomly to find yourself equinized.


Your writing as a whole is pretty good, but I would rethink the formatting that you chose. I know that it's correct in every other case, but a lot of people prefer having spaces between paragraphs just because it's easier on the eyes.

From a story-based view... I don't really know what to think of this. Your beginning definitions of sleep and dreaming come across as very pretentious, not to mention completely useless to the plot itself. However, I really, really appreciate the fact that you're taking the time to build a personality for your protagonist. His voice was very distinctive throughout the piece, something quite rare for a lot of HiEs out there. You get an upvote just for that alone.

(Edit; I shouldn't say HiE, I know. Would PoE be better? Probably)

1595803 Oh! Thanks for reminding me about that spacing. Someone else suggested that in a PM about my other story, and I simply forgot. :derpyderp2: Will fix, like right now! :pinkiecrazy:

Honestly, I wasn't sure how to start off. I didn't want to just go "Boom, I'm awake and I feel weird. Oh god pony in mah mirror!" So, I just decided to rant on sleep a bit. At the time it seemed appropriate *shrug*

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback.

Why does everyone assume that downvotes are malicious in nature? Stop enabling bad writing and lying to people. :facehoof:

It's good mate, have a like.:twilightsmile:

I actually enjoy the format being used, but maybe I'm just weird like that, but I eagerly await your next chapter. Interesting set up though.

This is incredibly relevant to my reading interests; my creative side demands a greater intake of this intriguing tale.

Well that was a bit better than I was expecting. This bears a resemblance to the whole PonyEarthVerse stuff going on (you know the Becoming ... ones).

We'll just call it PoE for Ponies on Earth. :rainbowwild:

Another chapter already? You work quickly!:twilightsmile:

1609778 Well, truth be told, I had those chapters written already. This story started off as a way to break "Writer's Block" I was having on my other story. But, a friend of mine read it, liked it, and heavily suggested I submit it. And so, there it is lol.

Unexpectedly, it gained a decent bit of popularity, so I said "to hay with it, I'm postin' another!" :rainbowlaugh:

1595786 I've always wanted to see that concept as a fic. A bit like the TCB universe, but without the misantrophy and hypocrisy.

Well. That was awkward.

I want MOAR!!! Please? This is really good, I like it.

1637261 Happy to oblige. It's been something of a fantasy of mine as well. And I didn't see many similar fics on Fim. Almost all of them are Humans in Equestria, Bronies IE, or Crossover characters IE. And I thought, what if the reverse were true instead?

1638674 Workin on it... :twilightsmile:

1639952 Indeed. :rainbowderp:

1641057 Thanks for the compliment :twilightsmile: more coming, most definitely

This pleases me.

Err, what? This is going to get more awkard, quickly? :trixieshiftleft:

1685544 Yes... *rubs hooves together* soon... soon... :moustache::trollestia:

:rainbowlaugh: Marcus has been a brony all along! :trollestia:

You know what?
I'm gonna tell people about this fic. It has far too few views. That needs to be rectified. ASAP.

1637261 Pardon my ignorance, but "TCB"? Also sorry for replying so late. Been busy lol :pinkiecrazy:

1700092 No problem. TCB stands for The Conversion Bureau, a misanthropic Alternate Universe where ponies pretty much force humans to become one of their kind. I wouldn't recommend it, it is full of plot holes, all canon characters don't act like themselves and humans are most of the time viewed as inferior creatures.

Hmm... interesting concept. I may want to take a few notes... :trixieshiftright:

1700849 No offense to those who read those kind of fics, but I found these things I mentioned above in almost any regular TCB fic (only a handful didn't have those) and that's why I stopped reading them, despite being interested in the basic concept of it. I didn't talk about your story. Yours is much better written, and seemed to me completely unrelated to that universe.

Sorry, I wasn't clear: my comment was not to be taken seriously, and was more akin to sarcasm or irony. I've read a few TCB stories, and found them increasingly hard to take seriously, let alone to read to the end.
Now this story we have here, however, that I might want to look at and see where it's going.

1700918 Yeah, I guessed you were being sarcastic, but I couldn't tell if you where offended or not. To be honest I don't like this story much, the initial phase was much too short and went by too easily without bigger problems, and I dislike the erotical references.

Thanks for the warning. I'm always a little aversive of erotic themes, and now that I've read up to the third chapter, I can imagine where it might head to. I had an inkling of the nature of the TF by the second chapter, though.

Oh, by the way, I wasn't offended at all by your comment :pinkiesmile:.

1701022 Yeah, the scene at the end of the police control showed me this wasn't going in the direction I was hoping, so I stopped after that. Kind of hard to find stories that do, yours is pretty much the sole exception. Unfortunately. :ajbemused:

Well, now that I read the section you mentioned, I can't say it's too risque. It doesn't insinuate this story's MC is destined to experience "bedroom action".
However, may you kindly tell what my story is doing that's an exception from the expected. I want to know what hazard(s) I should try avoiding.

1701185 I didn't say it would be too risque. But this story wasted lots of potential in character development and other things (the "Discovery" part should have been much longer in my opinion) and the character experiences no real difficulties (he was able to take a shower and draw him/herself off in a completely alien body after just a few hours of getting used to it...) and goes for, in my opinion, cheap humour, e. g. more-or-less subtle mentioning of wingboners.
Your story wasn't that rushed, quite on the contrary, every part (especially first six chapters) was full of psychological detail, which is probably the main appeal of the story, the most important reason.
The character also already expected some character development and acted somewhat realistic (i. e. his actions were believable and made sense in context). However, with the last two-three chapters the story seems to dragging quite a bit with nothing really happening. After so many drama-filled chapters it can be nice to have something like that for a contrast, but I really expected the latest chapter to have some kind of turning point, where the story starts to be progressing faster again. All in all, it is still one of my top favourites (#4 to be exact, you can see it on my user page) just try to make a more action-filled chapter next time, maybe like chapter four or six. :twilightsmile:

Oh, yeah, I have to admit that the latest chapter lacked in plot development. Originally, it was much shorter, going to the actual point where the MC talks (either a lie or truth) in just a few thousand words, but the chapter got more and more content until I was forced to split it in two. Rest assured, he can't postpone talking indefinitely, but conversely, Embee isn't about to force him to talk. He has to persuade himself to speak (a lie, or maybe not).

1701813 Thanks for clearing that up. I'm looking forward to that then. :twilightsmile:

Trust me, the next chapter will be a turning point for the story.

I'd just like to make an argument here. They are not all misanthropic wish-fulfillment fantasy-wanks where humanity is forced to convert. Yes, most of them are, I won't even try to deny that. That'd be like trying to argue the moon is made of cheese.
What I am saying is that there are a very small number (and I stress that "very small" part) that manage to avoid the misanthropy (for the most part) and are very solid. It's just that trying to locate these fics amongst the misanthropic "ponies are awesome" fics is a goddamn nightmare.

1701831 1701850 It feels rushed? Hmm. I tried to take it slow, I guess not slow enough. As for the shower, I didn't want to be too descriptive because I felt that going into too much detail on something like that would be boring to readers; and he did have some trouble. Drying off the mane, if I recall correctly, was troublesome. I just felt that going into too much detail would have been detrimental.

For the "slow-ness" I felt that it was important to get certain events out of the way, introductions and stuff. I have more action planned, coming soon.

I don't intend to do any kind of sex scenes. I don't particularly like to read them, much less write them. Although, apparently, vague sexual humor is okay *wink*. The cop scene, I read something somewhat similar in another story, and thought it could be a good tool to use occasionally.

I have that story on my Read-Later, should probably take a hiatus to get some thoughts straight. Thanks for the feedback.

1702527 We wouldn't even have to argue here. It's exactly what I said in my second comment: A handful didn't have these issues, and were actually really good. I've found three that are actually worth the time they take to read, you can find them on my user page. But yeah, it was really not easy to find those.
1702578 There are readers who like a fast pacing with less detail, and there are those who like greatly detailed descriptions of surroundings and of most things the characters do. Also, some ideas go better with that kind of faster pacing, others would benefit from the opposite. I think this idea would fall into the latter, as there is a lot of new, confusing feelings and changes if you wake up in a completely alien body. Also, drying off the mane isn't really that much of a trouble, and if I remember correctly, he got past that in just a few lines. Take a look at Suomibrony's story, then you can see how detailed a story can be. Of course you wouldn't have to be that descriptive, but a bit more detail would be nice. Right now, it even felt a little bland to me, as we don't know much about the characters apart from their outer appearance and some basic backstory.

I... may have glossed over your following posts. Whoops.
Nice to reply to someone without starting a shitstorm for once, though.

1702673 You have? No problem. I wouldn't have wanted to start a time-wasting argument either. :twilightsmile:

You try having a rational discussion with a fanatic anti-clopper who commented on a story that was basically porn-without-plot just to complain about it.
You'd have better luck launching a manned mission to the surface of the sun.

1702797 Yeah, I guess I can see your point. I try to avoid discussions as much as possible, or at least try to remain rational in arguments.

I love this story!

Take ALL of my licks! (Lol) :rainbowwild::rainbowwild::rainbowwild::rainbowwild::rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

I hope the economy is robust enough to withstand 20% (30%?) of the population suddenly turned into ponies? While not as bad as all those people vanishing/dying outright, it'll still be a major shock to the system. Bills and such going unpaid because they can't do their job, the transformed seeking benefits during the "transition" period assuming they even qualify due to the nature of the 'injury', national unemployment shooting to 15% and higher. And of those changed but still capable of work in a diminished capacity, will they be deemed unfit? Sam might have to take a job elsewhere while the news anchor could probably keep going. And what about more important, uh, ponies? Those in the government. I'm assuming a few dozen in the House and Senate got changed. Wonder if the president got ponified? (No one cares about the vice-president tho, heh)

And what about elsewhere in the world? Will ponies be treated the same, better... or far worse? Even if it was just 10% transformed, that's still 700 million ponies to deal with overnight.

p.s. The memory blank is probably a subconscious survival reaction so the new pony doesn't go stark raving mad and try shaving itself to death... as seen earlier.

Remember the mantra Sam: Love and Tolerance... Love and Tolerance...
And try not to buck too many obtuse humans in the nads. :rainbowlaugh:

It's good to see her starting to use those wings, even if it's mainly for slowing a fall. Baby steps there Sam, baby steps. Can't wait to see if she can stand on clouds. That would be so- *squee!*- awesome! :rainbowkiss:

And Sam's mom. I gotta say I was getting all weepy at her reactions. My mom would do exactly the same thing. She would accept me for who I am, or was, or... what I was right now. She's also really good with sewing, knitting, crocheting, and needlework which is a little freaky in coincidence (My toys are a gaming pc, her's is a $3000 Viking sewing machine and a surger thingy)

12%, hmm, that's about 840 million world wide. I figure there's probably a lot who didn't survive that first week and even with horrific levels of casualties that top the World's worst wars or disasters, that's still a half billion the world needs to deal with. This will certainly be a test of how civilized the human race is as a whole as far as racism goes. And if that's not enough to make me weep for my fellow man's inflexibility, there's a specter of xenophobia that could rear it's ugly head. I guess the only saving grace there hasn't been an outright "purge" sparked off (yet) is that the poinies are still people, albeit in a different, er... wrapper? Gods. as if nationality or religion wasn't polarizing enough, now a big fat race card got thrown down on the table.

p.s. You know what, I think it's gonna be ok. If there's one thing I know, it's that people are people. We've survived worse and still bounced back to flourish in the end. Hands, hooves. Two legs, four legs. Black, white, yellow, blue, uh, pink... purple? :twilightsmile:

The transformed in the Arabian world are going to have a hard time... and the Chinese ones will have to avoid being propably eaten. Not to mention Africa...
And WHY are people so idiotic?

Anyway, denver.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw302_1298830294413.png

1768396 Yes, lol, chant that mantra before Sam has an aneurism, for the nads sake!
Well, she actually did hover there for a little bit. The "gliding" down was an afterthought when she exited Marcus's SUV at the mall. I guess I didn't describe it well enough... :facehoof:
As for dem clouds? Soon... soon... :trollestia:
I felt a tender moment was needed. More on the way, along with other stuff.
Yes, I will touch on what's going on with the rest of the world here and there, the good and the bad. Gonna be interesting I can assure. :ajsmug:

1768755 Mebbeh. You'll just have to wait and see. :ajsmug:
Moar!? Yes. :trixieshiftright:

Wow, I kinda want to make a spin off of this now... O_O
I can't wait for more.

1812555 Hehe, go for it if you really want to. I wouldn't mind reading it. :raritystarry:

Really!? O_O
Er, wow, that's so awesome!!! :D
Thank you!!!
And, uh, I was kind of wondering...
Should the spin-off I do be the kind of one where the at some point in time the main characters of both stories meet?
Or do they stay separate.
Just thinking, because it might be interesting.
And off topic, is there a reason why Sam is the only pony that was gender changed or were there others??? :/

1814825 Whether your character(s) meet with mine is up to you.

Honestly, I feel honored that you would want to include my own. And I'm happy that my story has inspired you. :twilightsmile:

Oh, I'm sure Sam wasn't the only one. Morphy did the math with the percentage of world population turned, and it would be like that number of stars equation thing. I think it is like # of stars with # of planets versus % of planets that can support life etcetera. With a result number of that size, it would be highly unlikely that Sam wasn't the only one gender swapped.

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