• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2019




After having a conversation with Princess Celestia, Twilight finds out the Princess has never had a special somepony. When the news reaches Rarity's ears, she decides to help by brewing a Love Potion.

Unfortunately, for Rarity, Celestia drank the potion with her sister, Luna.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 259 )

shits gonna do down!!!!!!!!

All aboard the incest train!

Fecal matter is about to impact the rotating mechanical air pusher.

That's from the description alone. Time to read the story!

EDIT: Damn, looks like the fan shattered! DUCK AND COVER, PEOPLE!

That was funny.
Anyway, this is interesting. Fave and Like.

please consider adding this to the group:


if you feel it would fit in :)

:yay: unintentional Lunestia, interesting

I'm not sure if I should be like

or all like

1618482 Jontron rules!

....I got nothin else...

Gonna read this story when I got time. Looks...interesting

Rarity you dumbbutt... guess she didn't hear about the Heart and Hooves incident from her sister.

1618482 Why not both?
*mexican music plays*

princest anyone?:trollestia:

You have my attention

Luna and Celestia. Romance. Rated Teen. Not Mature. Damn.
Ah well, this still seems fun.



the story was literally about a prince and a princess falling for each other

and a kingdom being destroyed

oh rarity

silly pone

Looks good! Gonna have to read it later. But ah...

:unsuresweetie: Typo in the synopsis...

I look forward to this journey.

1618367 Nope. An imminent shietzka storm is gonna go down and hit the fan lieka bau5z.




Liked and fav'd, this is gonna be good... :rainbowdetermined2:

This should so be a fucking clopfic!:pinkiehappy:

This will not end well:facehoof:. You're nuts, insane, beyond help, Keep up the good work and update soon. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

You have my attention. I dare say you won't squander it with this premise.

I had a feeling with Rarity mixing up a love potion Spike would end up getting involved. I was not disappointed. Spike's dragon senses are tingling, and I have a feeling Pinkie's are going off too.

I have to say, Spike being against the love potion is rather refreshing compared to a number of fics where he tries to get Rarity to drink one instead.

Also, it seems like Twilight might have been fishing for that spot in Celestia's heart :raritywink:

1618713 Ah, sorry. Reach should be reaches.


Oh.. .sweet Luna's plot and Celestia's beard.

I think this is going to be great. :pinkiehappy: I mean, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?! :pinkiecrazy:

I feel like Twilight would be sad that she isn't invited though!

We don't have enough princest. Mostly because I enjoy the reaction comments. Some people.

Fav'd and liked. Hope to see more soon, insert more generic praise....

Lol, interesting. Very interesting :moustache:


No. It says "When the news (News is plural, therefore, the verb doesn't go with the S rule)

I hope this ends with the spell being undone and Rarity learning a lesson. Because it it isn't and this turns into a another Princest forecer type story, then I'll be pissed. I just can't see the two together like that, but hey it's just me.:pinkiesick: Will track for now but seriously...that type of stuff is just wrong.

1619329 Oh, I see what you mean. "When the pieces of information reach Rarity's..."
I always considered news to be singular, but I guess it's both.

Still sounds funny to me though. :rainbowlaugh:

There feels like there is a rush of CelestiaXLuna fics all of a sudden.


I really like the idea of this fic and you have a good grasp of scenery description, if there's a flaw it would be in the dialogue i'm sorry to say, none of the characters really sound/read like themselves, I'd recommend going and checking out a few of the incredibly well known fics and seeing how they handle the characters dialogue.
Besides that looking forward to more.

Bincest is still best cest.

Now that I've actually read it....

Ooh...You cut it off at the best part. You sly dog.

This fic needed to be made. Needed. And I am very excited to where this story goes.

You know what they say, incest is wincest.

THis... Can only become great, eagerly awaiting more :twilightsmile:

1619226 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *Hurk* *Grabs chest and dies*
But anyway, that makes so much sense.

1619714 Nope. I have to respectfully disagree with you but hey if that's your thing them more power to you I guess.

Oh my... :applejackconfused:

Well, time to dig in.

Well I know one thing that is practically going to be thrown out the window. Keeping those two apart for an hour. Reason being. How do you keep two all powerful princesses apart when they try to get to each other?

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