• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 2,171 Views, 54 Comments

Perhaps Death - WritingSpirit

The Doctor finds himself stuck in prison, unable to remember anything he had experienced prior to his awakening. With the help of his diary, enchanted with magic, he tries to piece his life back together, not knowing what might await him at the end.

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Her First Journey

1024 AC, ? Month, ? Day, ? h/min/s


Is it...?

Is it morning already...?


They always say it back in the day: another day, another adventure. Ah yes, the wondrous prospect of an adventure; of setting off to see the sights no pony had ever seen before, or set foot on land that only the creatures of nature have the faintest knowledge of. Really, wouldn't you give up an ordinary and boring day for one painted with the striking ardency of a worthwhile journey? I do it all the time-- n-not that I want to brag or anything! No! It's nothing like that at all! Move along now, chaps! Go on, go on!

Alas, these past few... days? Weeks? I don't know... had been constricting on the adventure part of my daily routine, which takes up my everyday life, mostly because... it's pretty obvious, ain't it? I'm stuck in prison! I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but they could've just locked me in my TARDIS and use their hocus-pocus magic to strand me there. Imagine that, my blue police box having more common features to offer than this rotting, 'Canterlot'-styled solitary prison.

I miss it, really.

The infinities that were once in my reach.

Now all I could do is watch them from afar; the many events that I would've played a role in and change them for the better, all the while trying to conjure memories of my life. It seems I move so quickly that I couldn't even bother to look back at my life. Maybe this was why I was here.

A mare once said to me: to let fate decide and destiny run its course. Perhaps fate had been deciding my roles all along and sent me to regions far and wide, old and new, to resolve the situations at hoof. Perhaps fate sent me here in the prison, hopefully for a plausible reason. I had escaped for so long from the grasps of a monotonous life, yet even fate has its other sneaky ideas to the point where I have to admit...maybe, she was right.

Who was the mare, you might ask?

I would want to know as well.

She was the one that I swooned over back when I was still in middle-school; yes, the one that lived just thirty four feet across my window, before moving out and entering my life once again when I bumped into her in Canterlot High. Well, specifically it was in the terrace of the Palace, not Canterlot High itself; you would've had a disparaging crowd laughing with sheer mockery in your face for the rest of your life. It was in her later years when she said that, though I'd rather not pursue that subject now.

All night long, I had been pondering over the possibilities of her name. There were some who came close to an inkling of the absolute truth, though nevertheless I ended up in vain. How could I have forgotten her: the mare of my youthful dreams and the only friend I had in Canterlot High? How?


Was it because I didn't want to remember?
But why wouldn't I want to remember her?

She was my only friend in Canterlot High... so why forget about her?

To forget the only friend I had......


The answer might come to light sooner or later. I just know it.

The next date written in the log: 1005 AC, Second Summer, 13, 13:43:21

Ah, of course. This was a memorable day for me; a day where I finally tell somepony of my origins, and trust the secret to be safe with her. Yes, this was the day where my only friend knew who I was and what my motives were; the time when she realizes the powers that my body has encompassed within. Maybe this is the time too, when I finally figure out who she was. Maybe this time, this disease would finally back off and reveal what I've wanted to hear; to remind myself of a friend long lost. At least then I know of somepony who could aid me and get me out of this jail cell. Perhaps then I could retrace my steps to figure out why I was stuck in jail in the first place and hopefully search for the dentist again.

Well then! Here goes nothing...


1005 AC, Second Summer, 13, 13:43:21

"So you just ran?"

"Yep!" I answered proudly.

The mare -- my friend -- couldn't help but giggle, swallowing her milkshake as she continued: "Well? Did they catch you?"

"Hey, I was a fit runner, alright?" I answered, making her laugh and almost knocking over the milkshake, which would've spilled across the table and soak her books. Really, many ponies think that if somepony has the brains, it would only be fair if he or she doesn't have even an ounce of athleticism in their body, but that's completely untrue, if not stereotypical. If I were some weak pony, I believe I would've already become a couch potato instead of going all around the universe and fighting the foreigners that dare attack our prospering home! "What makes you think that I'm not one for galloping? I'm certain I would've won the Equestrian Nationals with my kind of speed, not that I want to gloat or anything."

"Oh please, Turner," she replied with a smirk. "The Equestrian Nationals is more than just running away from a few bullies that you played pranks on. Plus, they changed their name into the Equestria Games two years ago; my mentor told me all about it!"

"Really?" I responded with a twinkly-eyed surprised, intrigued at their act of change. "Hmph. I still liked their older name more. Gives more of a ring to it."

"You like many old things, Turner. Bow ties, for example--"

"Are cool!"

My interruption was abrupt, defiant and yes, as all of you might agree, a little rude, but really, bow ties are like the one thing that I would never, never, ever, let anypony freely criticize about. It's a fashion understatement, to say the least; if everypony wore bow ties, it would make Equestria a better place. I don't know how, but it just would!

She, however, just rolled her eyes. Typical, really; the last time we had a small debate about bow ties in this exact same diner, it escalated into something more of a tournament which resulted in us getting chased out. She was still in over my head about that, and that I still owed her something for that day. Must be a mare thing.

It's been ten months since we had our first bite here. I could still vividly recall me bumping into her encyclopedias, before bringing her along for a little stop at Daisy's Delights. You wouldn't see it today; the owner's son soon refurbished it and turned it into a donut and coffee shop, though he was smart enough to let the original business remain on the lot right beside it. It was a change that I knew was coming, albeit a change I would love to see.

As of now, Daisy's Delights was still intact and operating, so neither of us had to worry about that. What I find more intriguing was how our friendship had blossomed. Every day, I would be waiting on a bench in the castle grounds for her, and once she was done, both of us soon have lunch together, mostly at Daisy's. Sometimes she would even bring along a few books containing a few things in some subjects that she couldn't quite grasp, to which she would consult my help while we wait for our meals to be served. Now, those were happy memories...

"You seem to know a lot of things, Turner," she remarked after I gave her a little insight of physics. "Why aren't you some sort of famous prodigy or something? You could've moved faster than any of us! Me, even!"

"I personally don't like the sound of it," I admitted. "It seemed like a breach of privacy instead of a shortcut to success, if I were to put in those words."

Both of us laughed, up to the point where you would think we were an item-- wait, did you actually think w-we were...? No, no! Ridiculous! A-Ahem! We were not a couple! Not at all! Yep, just two best friends hanging out who happened to be a colt and a mare here! Nothing wrong with that, eh?


Honestly speaking, the... crush I sort of, er... developed, from her was growing. Yes, I was totally, madly in love with her. In fact, if it were three months ago, on Hearts and Hooves Day, I would've asked her out on a date, but I never had the chance to; I chickened out at the last minute. Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want.

She wasn't one keen on relationships either, saying it's something she'd rather not get engaged in when I asked her about it, though I noticed that she was blushing. At that time, it became a very awkward day for the both of us and we spent the rest of lunch just glancing about the diner and the view outside. Normally, she would be very calm and, at times, a little edgy, but this time she was seeped in nervousness and embarrassment up to the neck!

Maybe... maybe she was in love with me as well?

That's what I thought at that time, being the young fool I was. It might be destined, seeing how our only friends were each other. While I wasn't acquainted with all these ponies at high school, she, on the other hoof, was being tutored privately in the palace ever since she was young (that explained her brief, temporary departure out of my life), alone, by who I have no idea. I asked if she was being home-schooled, though she explained it was nothing like that.

It's slightly depressing, to only have the books to entertain you, yet you could tell she was fascinated by them in some strange morbid way that I couldn't understand. She still enjoyed my company, though I was keen enough to notice that it takes more than daily lunches with her for her to truly feel happy around my company.


"What is it, Turner?"

With a sigh, I placed both my hooves onto her shoulders, making her tense up in discomfort. She's not normally used to me approaching her like this, of course, but this is important. It means everything to me to entrust somepony else on who I really am, and of the powers that I possess that could vastly affect time and space.

"Listen," I began softly. "I haven't been completely honest with you..."

This was it.

This was when I told her everything.

When I mean everything, I do mean everything. I told her about who I really am, about the TARDIS and the sonic and their uses and such. I told her about the things I met in my travels, from the Daleks to the Cyberponies, and how I sometimes get certain accomplices along the way. All the time I was walking, she was nodding quietly, though I could see from her expressions that she thought I was some sort of deranged psychopath. After I was done, I let my hooves go, stifling a nervous smile as I awaited her response. It was a little cute, watching her taking it all in with her little hoof gestures, fitting together whatever I said in her head.

"So lemme get this straight," she began. "You're a... a Time Lord."


"And you can travel through time?"


"And you have a sonic--"

"Screwdriver, yes."

She looked like she was about to say something, though a small giggle came out instead. It soon erupted into a loud laugh, up to the point where the books in her hooves were convulsing with laughter, which earned our table a couple of stares. Suddenly she seemed like the deranged psychopath and not me.

"Th-That was the best story I ever heard!" she exclaimed, wiping her tears of joy away. "Really, you should've told it to somepony more daft! There's no way I would believe that!"

"Well, you would if you come with me."

I wore only a smirk: oh, she does not know what's going to come after her! It's lovely, the triumph of proving somepony wrong; to slam it in their face and announce their mistakes right up towards them... oh, sweet revenge! But of course, ethics come first. Don't ever do that at home, especially the slamming part. Her laugh faltered once she saw my expression, though I could still see her doubting my words. With a sigh and a few bits to pay my bill, I trotted out of the door, all the while letting her follow meekly behind me.

"T-Turner?" she called to me. "Don't you think you should get back? I mean, your class is about to start--"

"We have all the time we need!" I exclaimed joyfully. "Like I said, I am a Time Lord! Time is a toy to me!"

Boy, you should've seen her pout! Puffy, scrunching cheeks worth squeezing right there! Anyways, we took a few turns, unfortunately for her, away from the palace and into one of the alleyways. I could feel her magic (she's a unicorn, I forgot to mention. My apologies.) starting to act up, almost as if I want to... how should I put it... violate her here. Really, whoever who does that might be a pessimist. In the alleyway? Really? I prefer comfort. A-and consensual agreements, yes!

Sure enough, the TARDIS was there, in the shape of a blue, poster-plastered (yet again) police box, gone unnoticed by the many rushing ponies of Canterlot. She was going to be the lucky first to see its 'impossible' interior, as she might put it, the thought of it making my hoof wiggle fervently with glee.

"Come on!" I said, opening the door while tearing the posters off its beautiful sides. "You will be surprised."

With wary hesitation, she followed me in, my face beaming the moment I hear her gasp. There she was, dropping her books onto the floor, gawking at all the mechanics there is to see. Already, I was zooming up the stairs, flipping a few switches and pressing a few buttons while she stood there, unable to believe her eyes.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I-It's... i-i-it's impossible!"

Told you she would say that.

"Who's the daft pony now," I teased, watching as a smile crept up her face, curiosity crashing into her like a tidal wave. In a split second, she was right beside me, trying to absorb the colorfully-lighted buttons and the random 'beeps' and 'boops' they were making. "Try not to touch anything. Just look, while the Doctor works his gizmos."

She could only nod silently, which made me wonder how long does it take to get this all in, with her being a smart mare and all. Flipping a switch, the TARDIS lurched suddenly, sending both of us stumbling forward and gripping the railings in time. With its familiar, signature whir, I could feel my lovely TARDIS dissipating from the alley and into our intended destination; one which I'm sure she would be astounded by.

Soon enough, the sound of silence filled the room, though she was quick to gallop down and excitedly gaze at the window, this time gasping even louder. Slowly I marched next to her, watching as she hopped gleefully on the spot like a little filly about to be rewarded with candy, before opening the door.


She was speechless as she drifted out, my hoof holding one of hers to make sure she doesn't fly away. Her eyes were focused on the colossal, blazing sphere right before her eyes, the intense heat radiating from it already making her sweat a little. Its surface was spewing with red hot lava, launching out into the black void like tendrils, before falling back in. Both of us knew perfectly well what this was, this object we were looking at.

"That's Princess Celestia's sun..." she muttered in disbelief.

"Yep," I answered. "The very same one. The one that we see in the sky."

Of course, it wasn't long before I had to pull her back into the TARDIS, much to our disappointment; hers because of the view, mine because of her happiness. I had never seen her this happy before, not since when I got a miscellaneous collection of books I salvaged from the ancient pony libraries without telling her. What? We would do anything for lov-- I mean, friendship, right?

"It's true..." she quietly said once I finished entering our coordinates back home. "You really are... you're..."

"A Time Lord."

"B-But how did you--?" she began to ask, but I placed a hoof onto her mouth.

"That doesn't matter," I said quietly. "What matters is that this must be kept secret, alright? You can't tell a single soul about all of this without my consent, understand?"

All the mare could do was nod, though eventually she broke out a wide smile. "Of course I wouldn't tell anypony!" she cried gleefully. "It would ruin the magic!"

It wasn't long before we finally returned to that alley, where she was still taking in the incredible, exhilarating sight of our speedy travel. I stepped out right behind her, locking up the TARDIS and turned to her, wanting to remind her something about tomorrow's lunch being at someplace else when she did something totally unexpected. Her hooves were wrapped around me in a tight yet heartwarming hug, her smile widening until the edge of her cheeks. The sight of it was making mine turn a little too red for comfort, and when she let me go, she couldn't help but giggle at the sight of it.

"What's the matter, tomato-head?" she teased. "Never had a hug before?"

"Um... n-not by you, of course!" I stammered. Bad comeback.

"Well, you have ten minutes to get back to class, Mister! Hop to it!"

It wasn't long before we finally set off like any other day, dropping her off again at the Palace hallways. I watched with a sigh as she trotted away, though she turned around at the last second.

"Thanks," she said, wearing a beatific grin. "For everything today, Turner. Oh, and don't worry; your secret's safe with me."

"No problemo!" I replied earnestly, thanking her in my head. "See you tomorrow--"


Turner, you have to remember it! TURNER! DON'T LET THIS CHANCE GO!

Come on, come on, come on, COME ON!!


"No prob!" I replied earnestly, thanking her in my head. "See you tomorrow..." my mind echoed, watching her as she left me once again, to wait anxiously for another chance to see her again tomorrow.

The mare of my dreams.

"Twilight Sparkle......"


Author's Note:

Finally done!

Wasn't keen on typing this in one day, but this chapter was way too engrossing for me to not finish!!
Hope you guys liked it!