• Member Since 20th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Blooming Cherries

A bipedal organism reading and writing about colourful quadrapedal female equines having rambunctious escapades over learning the fundamentals of companionship amongst one another.


Regarding : Igniting the Torch · 6:21pm Sep 8th, 2018

So... I uploaded Chapter 3 at 2:30am after being awake for more than 20 hours. I plan to to rewrite the last sections of chapter 3 and look over it again. Also I need to quicken the pace a bit. 10k words in Chapter 3 and Spike didn't really go far. So what I'm doing now is I'm writing down everything and then figuring out who and what will occur from A to B then C and then work around/with that. Sorry if Chapter 3 wasn't up to quality. Trying to stay up to par with chapter 1, in terms of

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Chapter 3 Is On The Horizon · 4:46am Aug 23rd, 2018

Yes! Chapter 3 is sooooo close to being done guys/gals/equine's of all shapes and sizes. Amazing what can be done when you actually work around the funk instead of waiting it out like I did at the beginning of the year... Because I suck :(
But that all changes soon! Chapter 3 will be uploaded near the end of this month or the beginning of September (Most likely September).
Just keep a look out around the end of the month. Yus! I'm excited!!! :twilightsmile: :heart:


Decisions · 6:16am Aug 16th, 2018

So I'm at a decent stopping point where I can continue on another chapter if I so wish. SO... Shall I cotinue for another 3000 words as I would like to because I'm mostly done... Or release what I have? I'll continue working on it, tweaks and the like, but I really want y'alls opinion.
I'll most likely end it how I want to. But if y'all want it now I feel like I can stop it where it is.

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The Chapter So Far...... · 6:46am Aug 9th, 2018

Sorry. Progress is slow. I went back and edited a bunch of shiz so i'm only at 7100 words for chapter 3. All in all I technically added like 3000 words. Just also deleted a tad bit to redo them. But I actually like them so now all that is left is FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my story will be the one that pierces the highway!!! - *dabs*

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HA! Igniting the Torch stuff · 7:14am Jul 13th, 2018

Okay. I am adding the words and stuff to the thing. Got 6000ish now. Woot. Now I just have to reread it and see if it matched up with how I wrote things in the first chapter so I don't look like an effing dumba**. And also add like a lot more wordage. I'm kicking this procrastination and depression in it's a** friendos!!!! Kinda sorta. More or less work and focus now are my main problems. I haven't been diagnosed but I probable have mild or minor adhd or something.

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Update - Igniting the Torch · 4:25am Jul 2nd, 2018

Okay. So. Sorry it's taking a while. Chapter three is at 5000+ words and I don't plan to finish it up till about maybe 8/9000+ words. I already have so much planned AFTER this chapter.... Unfortunately I'm trying to dig myself out of a hole in the story and speed it up enough without destroying the pace I have set. Wanna get the ball rolling already. I'm working hard on it as we speak. Just.... So many little things. Also kind of doing edits of whole

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Reignition · 7:20am Oct 23rd, 2016

Hey guys. Sorry for those I promised the story to be out soon and not delivered. I am motivated to finish it, But a lot has been happening and I am finally getting on track. Job changes, suicidal friends, etc. It's been rough. I just want to apologize to everypony. I am going to make this chapter good for you guys and I hope to get a good rhythm going again. I wanted to hopefully make friends doing this and maybe write an actual story. Hehe. I need to reignite my passion for this story. I still

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All in Cinders · 10:46pm Apr 1st, 2016

I just got caught up with life, sorry ya'll. I'm now at work on the chapter.


The Fire Might Need To Be Beaten With A Stick · 7:30pm Mar 15th, 2016

....It's been a month. I am so sorry guys. So, I have come up with a system that might make me finish this faster. So. I wanna get to know some good friends and stuff like that. Talk, have fun, get invited to do things and have to deny those things because I'm in Texas and y'all are probably in some other state billions of feet away from my location. I want that to happen. SO. Getting to the point. I wanna make some friends on here and more amongst the brony community or pony fan community. If

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