• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2017


I enjoy spending my free time jotting down ideas for new stories, though most of them either go into the trash bin or are left unfinished. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoy the works that I publish.


Fulfill My Brother's Legacy · 3:34pm Aug 7th, 2015

Six months ago today, Nightlock106, my brother. Was found hanging in his room. I posted a blog on here about it along with part of his final wishes. However, there was one last thing unknown to me, until I finally checked through some of his computer files. I saw that he had an unfinished story that he was going to post on here. I know it's not in my place to do this, but...I'm going to finish what my brother started. He may be gone, but his writing still lives on. I know that I may not be as

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Report Nightlock106 · 954 views ·

Straight From The Mind

A Little Bit About Me

Hello everypony, and welcome to my user page. I hope you all have fun looking around and seeing what I do here. I bet you're probably wanting to know a little bit about who I am. Well, sit on down and kick your shoes off, because I'm about to tell you.
I grew up in a small town with very little to do. I lived with my father, grandmother (R.I.P), and my older sister. I usually spent a lot of my time playing with/tormenting my sister. I was a very smart child growing up, mainly because I always loved to help my sister with her homework. When I wasn't doing any of those thing I usually sat in my room watching TV or playing on my N64.
When I was growing up, I had a bit of a rough life. My father was in jail a lot, was constantly harassed by the other kids, and I never really felt like I fit in anywhere. I would tell you more, but I don't really think you'd want to here about it.
I didn't really become a brony until about a year or two after the show started. My friend Blake was the one who got me into the show. It was during our creative writing class at school, and our first assignment was to tell the class a little bit about ourselves. Blake had mentioned the fact that he was a fan of My Little Pony, and I was kind of amazed at first, but I didn't judge. Eventually he talked me into watching a couple of episodes on Netflix at his house, and I've been hooked ever since.
I guess I should also mention that I am a colt-cuddler. You can imagine the shock when my dad found out about that. He kicked me out of the house right after I told him about it. Luckily, I was able to move in with my special somepony.
I guess that's enough about me, I'll let you all get to my stories now. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy!

Comments ( 3 )
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Comment posted by Jezo deleted Oct 3rd, 2020

Keep writing amazing fanfic's where-ever you are

Cipher Splash

goodbye nightlock, not gonna be the same site without ya man
(I use this song for times like this, we will all miss ya Nightlock

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