• Member Since 10th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I am an Eldritch Horror that likes gay horses.


A New Story! · 2:43pm May 1st

Hello there, my lovely followers! I don't even know how many of you see/read these, but I'm making this just in case!

Last night, I posted a new story of mine that I cooked up real quick like.

It's something special. Close to my heart. A story I've been wanting to write for some time.

I'll be releasing the chapters for it in piecemeal, because I need to finish editing them, but I'm overall very happy with how it came out.

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I'm Offically Posting Original Works! · 6:21pm Nov 15th, 2023

Hey y'all! Remember that thing I said I was gonna do a few months ago before I disappeared off the site? Well, I'm happy to announce that it's not just a random implied thing now, it's something you can see for yourself!

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Another update. · 7:42pm Jul 2nd, 2023

Just formally letting you all know that I'm stopping with ponies until further notice. I'm working on original stuff right now, and I may come back to ponies sometime, but not now. I'm currently concerning myself with building my own world and characters and perhaps even laying down the groundwork for a novel, who knows?

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A New Story · 4:20pm Jun 4th, 2023

I took a nice, long break from writing ponies, but I've decided to start working on it again. Breaking my normal habit of posting on Fridays just because this story is so short, but I just felt like writing it so I did. There.

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Formal Apologies · 4:55pm May 7th, 2023

I've been silent for a bit, and I just wanted to address it real quick. In case any of you care, I mean.

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GENTLEMEN, BEHOLD. A NEW ROMCOM! · 4:11pm Apr 7th, 2023

That's right, I did it again. I wrote another story. But this time... IT SHALL BE DIFFERENT. Indeed, today... I HAVE WRITTEN YAOI. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING, DID YOU?

In all fairness, neither did I. BUT IT IS DONE. Come, COME, see it for yourself! And best part of all... IT'S CANON TO MY SCISET FICS TIMELINE. THAT'S RIGHT. Now go and read it. It's cute as fuck.


New story! · 4:14pm Mar 24th, 2023

Well, I'm ending my hiatus with a new short story that I wrote for the SciFi contest. Admittedly, I originally had a completely different story in the works, a much longer one... But that didn't work out. So I quickly threw this one together and I hope you enjoy it anyway! I'm gonna be returning to work on Sunset Precedes the Dark soon, but not immediately. I have a hand injury that is still healing that I got last week, but expect a new update to that... Soon. Probably.


I... Won? · 6:42pm Mar 12th, 2023

So apparently Arias Are Always Performed Alone won that contest I submitted it to.

If you haven't read it yet, I'd recommend you give it a shot. If you already favourited it, then I'll just assume you read it. Maybe you'll figure out why this fic won, because I still haven't.


Big Announcement! · 11:36pm Feb 25th, 2023

Ok so first of all, I posted a new fic yesterday. I forgot to announce that because I was doing other things. Don't know if any of you saw it, but I did. Some of you may have already read it, but whatever. It's called "Arias Are Always Performed Alone." It's a sad little side story that may or may not be canon to my SciSet timeline. It technically fits in just fine, but I'm not sure if I want it to be

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Yay! I've been productive! · 4:59pm Feb 17th, 2023

I'm rather proud of myself this time. I managed to finish this chapter on time while also writing that other, shorter fic last week. I'm getting into a nice groove of things, dare I say. Let's hope I can keep this strong pace. I'm even considering trying commissioned work, if any of you are interested in that. I'm on the fence about it, but if any of y'all are interested in me writing for you, let me know! That being said, I hope y'all enjoy this new chapter of Sunset Precedes the Dawn. The

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