• Member Since 4th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Pippington Britishhooves

Those who can read and write hold the key to knowledge and the process of thought. For some reason, I have chosen to use this gift to write about fictional cartoon ponies instead of important stuff.


Happy Decennary MLP! · 5:17pm Oct 10th, 2020

On Sunday 10th October 2010, the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship of Magic was aired. The target audience was exactly as you'd expect; little children and preteen girls, as well as perhaps any family watching the TV with them. It was, on the surface, nothing out of the ordinary, just another cartoon to entertain children in a format that appealed to their normal sensibilities, make a profit for the production companies and the channel broadcasting it, and to serve as an advert for

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Guess who’s back? Back again. Pippy’s back; tell a friend. · 5:36pm May 15th, 2017

Let me start of by saying to all my followers and the like; I am so sorry I haven't been updating anything recently. I promised to finish a chapter before 1st January 2017, and we are now nearly half way through 2017. I have failed you, and failed myself. The reasons for this are basically that studies are persistently prodding at me, life responsibilities are prodding at me, the former two are teaming up to prod at me, commitments tangentially related to the life-academia alliance have pledged

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The dark sloth rises · 4:05am Dec 4th, 2016

I haven't completed a single story on this site. Hmmm.

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A blog to give hope to those who are assuming that I have died at some point · 3:43am May 7th, 2015

I feel like writing a blog, and this seems as good a time as any. I want to pass along information on my stories for all those who are interested, and general info for those who wish I wasn't such a lazy [insert expletive here]. Therefore, I shall do both, starting with my information on stories and such, and then moving onto other stuff.

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Amnesia: I need characters · 7:04am Nov 23rd, 2014

*Lore intensifies*

So, if you've played either of the Amnesia games, you'll know a bit about the story and how dark its world is. If not, read on to find out. Either way, I'd like to add extras into my adaptation.

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Fan inserts · 2:10am Nov 2nd, 2014

I've noticed that 'Dragonfire' is being received quite well, and I'm very glad, because I have no determined end in sight for it. Seriously, I want it to be the fic I can update indefinitely until there is no more story to tell from it. I'm pleased that people are liking it so much, especially as I haven't revealed even a fraction of what I intended to do with the story and the universe, and I sincerely hope that everyone continues to enjoy it for as long as it goes on.

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