Art for Fanfiction 5,180 members · 213 stories
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Group Admin

Group Rules!

I'm editing the rules a bit to make them a bit more straightforward to quote as well as separate some individual instances to make them a bit easier to work with. Functionally, though, nothing much has changed: the things that were allowed previously are still allowed now and things that would get you in trouble will still get you in trouble now too.

The previous version of the rules is available here, but until such a time as the rules get updated again this is the most current version. Update date is listed in the thread title.

If you have any questions regarding rules, do let me know below. They may be subject to small edits now and then, in which case I'll update the date in the title. Good luck, folks!

Rule 1: Use Common Sense
This rule exists across a great many groups and will continue to do so until the end of time. Admins will do what they need to to ensure the group runs smoothly. Consider this the obligatory blanket rule for not causing trouble, and remember that if you're ever worried about something, let an admin know. Help us help you.

Rule 2: Do not Spam
Spam can be many things, but in general it is recognisable by being irritating, repeated, and/or off-topic. In order to help keep our users feeds clear of junk, we ask to avoid spamming the group repeatedly. Some examples are included below:

  • Posting the same thread repeatedly in a short time-frame
  • Bumping inactive threads repeatedly
  • Repeatedly replying to an individual user to attract their attention or harass them
  • Posting off-topic content to the group

It's possible that if content is spammed across multiple groups, that may make it be considered spam here. Admins will be lenient where possible, and will in general offer polite warnings before taking further action, but we regardless will take action against spammy content.

Rule 3: Promoting Rules
In this group, you may promote:

  • Your Own Art.
  • Other People’s Art, with credit.
  • Yourself, as an artist.
  • Stories That Have Received Art From This Group, crediting the artist (if the author) or the author (if the artist).
  • Stories Looking to Receive Art From This Group. Convincing artists it would be worthwhile to draw something often requires you to show the subject off, but keep it on the topic of you trying to get art.
  • Art Assets and Tools, such as instructional videos, articles, links to tools and the like.
  • Art-Related Contests.

Posts should be MLP related (although not in the case of art assets and tools). If you want to promote something that isn't on this list or are otherwise unsure, please send a message to an admin and we will give you further instruction regarding whether it is appropriate to post on AFF or not.

Rule 4: Commissioning/Trade Rules
In general, we will not to tell people how to run commissions or mediate in any agreements. That's your job. However, again to help ensure that the group runs smoothly, we will take action in some specific cases.

  • Yes means Yes and No means No: If someone agrees to something, like a trade, then okay. However, if someone says no, then it's no, not ask them again and again and harass them.
  • Do not cheat or steal from other users: This will be treated harshly and you will likely be barred from posting on this group again. It is important to follow through with your agreements, as we simply cannot have people effectively stealing art or money from other users on this group.
  • Unfair practices may get you in trouble. Again, we will not generally get involved in how you run things, but if your way of running things becomes a major problem for the group, it may become necessary for you to run things your way somewhere else.

Rule 5: Do not Plagiarise
Plagiarism is specifically passing off art that is not yours as your own. Give proper credit to artists when promoting or displaying art.

Rule 6: Obey Site Rules
AFF is hosted on and therefore breaking any site rules is not allowed. Please follow the site rules when using AFF. Specifically, AFF is not listed as being nsfw; this means that your posts should be fairly clean. Additionally, nsfw images must not be displayed on the group or linked to directly.

Rule 7: Have Fun
Verbose had rule 7 be to have fun in the previous iteration of the rules. However, unlike Verbose, I can count. : )

Don't worry excessively about breaking a rule; if you're ever uncertain, an admin such as myself will be happy to clear up misunderstandings, and we don't tend to get angry unless someone is being overtly malicious or refuses to learn or listen.

Tagging Rules

You want to... Promote Art? Use [Promotion]!
You want to... Request Art? Use [Request]!
You want to... Commission Art? Use [Commissioning]!
You want to... Discuss Art? Use [Discussion]!
You want to... Display Art? Use [Display]!

If you want to post something that doesn't have a specific tag, don't worry; tagging is helpful but not necessary. You can feel free to message an admin and we'll help you pick a tag that'll help to better advertise your thread as well if needed.

For a more in-depth look at tags, please refer to this post by Verbose Mode.

We can't promote stories that has our own art in it right? Only if we received art from from someone else?

Group Admin

7646227 You can promote your own art, sure. This ain't TWG.

Rule 3: Promoting Rules
In this group, you may promote:

  • Your Own Art.
  • Other People’s Art, with credit.
  • Yourself, as an artist.
  • Stories That Have Received Art From This Group, crediting the artist (if the author) or the author (if the artist).
  • Stories Looking to Receive Art From This Group. Convincing artists it would be worthwhile to draw something often requires you to show the subject off, but keep it on the topic of you trying to get art.
  • Art Assets and Tools, such as instructional videos, articles, links to tools and the like.
  • Art-Related Contests.

Posts should be MLP related (although not in the case of art assets and tools).

My question was whether we were allowed to promote stories that have art from ourselves. Not received from the group.

Group Admin

7646308 If you drew it I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to promote it. I'd personally recommend showing the art separately from the story embed, since the embed function makes the drawing very small, but I see no problem currently with promoting a piece of art that's attached to a story you wrote.


Are we allowed to promote other platforms we use to share our art here? Such as instagram even if they are not focused on pony arts?

Group Admin


Posts should be MLP related (although not in the case of art assets and tools). If you want to promote something that isn't on this list or are otherwise unsure, please send a message to an admin and we will give you further instruction regarding whether it is appropriate to post on AFF or not.

Meaning, if there's no pony on this other platform, it's probably not appropriate to promote that here. However, if an image is hosted elsewhere, there's nothing wrong with linking to that even if it's on another platform. If you're unsure of the specifics, feel free to message me or one of the other admins and we'll help you out.

Just thought I'd mention the front page pictures all look to be dead now...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

7730722 Well, I guess that means it's time to redecorate.

I have a question, am I allowed to use images that I got off the internet and used PowerPoint to make them look the way I want, and put them in my stories? Cuz I’ve been doing that and if I’m not supposed to do that please let me know.

Group Admin

7736642 What you do in your stories really isn't actually AFF's business, but if you're posting art here, on this group, it's important to credit art that was done by the people who made it; if you're using someone's art and just adding a title or some effects or whatever and calling it all your own work, that's not cool. When possible, always credit properly. You might say that the composition or edit is yours, whilst referencing the original perhaps.

When it comes to transformative art, it can get a bit grey at times, but in general if you're using someone else's art, credit it.

You know, just as a suggestion, maybe add [AI] to the list of tags, and require it to be used if the post involves AI art?

--Sweetie Belle

That’s a good idea


I basically figure if it's labeled, people into ai art can go straight for those threads, and people who hate it can treat it as a warning label and avoid them.

--Sweetie Belle

There used to be a pinned thread detailing the dos and don'ts of requesting/commissioning art. I can't find it anymore. I can't recall who wrote it, but it was wonderfully written and kinda hilarious. Would you happen to know what happened to it?

Yes, thatʼs the one. Thank you.

Uh, Hap? The Group Rules image isnʼt working. The sad, rotting Upstream Error is back again.

It's probably on imgur. Every single imgur picture has been giving that error for a week or so on fimfiction, as far as I can tell...

--Sweetie Belle

You reply fast.

Also, I donʼt know whatʼs imgur. But problem understood.

Just happened to look right as you posted.

And's a pretty popular free site for sharing images. It actually stopped working for fimfiction a few years ago, but knighty came up with a workaround that got it working again. Seems like the workaround isn't working any more...

--Sweetie Belle

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