
Viewing 761 - 771 of 771 results

the mlp movie needs profanity · 12:35am Aug 26th, 2015


The Pre-Jinglemas Revival · 10:08pm Dec 21st, 2015

Note to self: don't have the Cap post a teaser when we aren't even ready to be undead yet.

So. Holidays are right around the corner. And we've been busy. Quite busy. Busily busy, one could even say. So now, consequently, we've got a good string of updates for you guys, with only more to come. Consider that our kinda-sorta Jinglemas gift to you, our followers. Gotta promote that love, sharing, and peace on Earth deal, right?

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Next "Iron Horse" Chapter is Delayed · 3:01am Apr 15th, 2017

I'll get right to the point: I found out this morning that my grandfather passed away. He was 89 and on the wane, so it was sudden, but not totally unexpected. I'm holding up all right, but I'm making an emergency flight home to be with the family.

Between that, some work stuff I have to take care of, and all the other stuff involved with this sort of thing, there's no way I'll be able to finish this next Iron Horse chapter. It has been worked on, but it's not there yet.

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State of the Author: December · 4:49am Dec 13th, 2019

That’s right, it’s December, and I’ve managed to get one of these out two months in a row, which is, like, totally a record.

Also, fair warning, some of the pony pictures might not be topical; that’s because I’ve got several tabs open with ones I was gonna use for a story or blog art for said story but at the rate things are going, I’ll’ve replaced my computer before that particular story sees the light of day.

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THERE IS NO GOD NOW (But there's a contest!) · 7:50pm Sep 1st, 2017


[SPOILERS] Future Equestrian Stories Analyzis Firework! - Part 2: "My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria" · 9:04pm Jun 20th, 2019

On Tuesday, Volume 1 of the first, official, english manga for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic got released! I have this volume pre-ordered for months now, ever since Equestria Daily reported about it last year. Unfortunately, I still have to wait for quite some time until I can read it, because Amazon UK only gets it on July 1st for whatever reason (and because I didn't ask my local comic shop if they can order it, because I'm only used to buy the official comics there, so I forgot that

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This is totally a thing now. · 10:01pm May 17th, 2017

If you've bothered to look at Equestria Daily recently, unlike me who pretty much never checks the site, you may have noticed a thing.

I actually got featured on EqD! My first feature! It's here!

Granted, I've submitted my stuff before and been rejected all the other times - again, very good reasons to do so. I'm looking at you, comma errors.

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"Graves Registration," and Taste in Literature · 5:20am Nov 24th, 2022

Joe Haldeman served a tour of duty in the Vietnam War, before he became well known as a science fiction writer.

I'm vacillating between blogging this story as providing examples partway through of the kind of dark humor, even graveyard humor, that sometimes shows up as a coping mechanism in war...

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MECHANIC: February ('cause I couldn't think of a better title) · 2:47am February 8th


Back from the dead! Update talk! · 10:56pm Sep 15th, 2023

Just yesterday, I mentioned a story that I was planning to bring back from the dead. Thanks to a recent burst of productivity and a fast editor, I've been able to do just that. I always go into a story with the intent to finish it, and I'm pleased to bring back another canceled fic. It's a fully-outlined story that I haven't touched since 2017... until yesterday. While the outline for the story already exists (along with the old version of the prelude) in Missing Pages, there will be a

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okay yeah never mind · 9:34pm Oct 25th, 2015

Viewing 761 - 771 of 771 results